Migrate from EA Balance Summary API

EA customers who were previously using the Enterprise Reporting consumption.azure.com API to get their balance summary need to migrate to a replacement Azure Resource Manager API. Instructions to do this are outlined below along with any contract differences between the old API and the new API.


On May 1, 2024, Azure Enterprise Reporting APIs will be retired. Migrate to Microsoft Cost Management APIs before then.

Assign permissions to an SPN to call the API

Before calling the API, you need to configure a Service Principal with the correct permission. You use the service principal to call the API. For more information, see Assign permissions to ACM APIs.

Call the Balance Summary API

Use the following request URIs when calling the new Balance Summary API. Your enrollment number should be used as the billingAccountId.

Supported requests

Get for Enrollment


Response body changes

Old response body:

  "id": "enrollments/100/billingperiods/201507/balancesummaries",
  "billingPeriodId": 201507,
  "currencyCode": "USD",
  "beginningBalance": 0,
  "endingBalance": 1.1,
  "newPurchases": 1,
  "adjustments": 1.1,
  "utilized": 1.1,
  "serviceOverage": 1,
  "chargesBilledSeparately": 1,
  "totalOverage": 1,
  "totalUsage": 1.1,
  "azureMarketplaceServiceCharges": 1,
  "newPurchasesDetails": [
      "name": "",
      "value": 1
  "adjustmentDetails": [
      "name": "Promo Credit",
      "value": 1.1
      "name": "SIE Credit",
      "value": 1

New response body:

The same data is now available in the properties field of the new API response. There might be minor changes to the spelling on some of the field names.

  "id": "/providers/Microsoft.Billing/billingAccounts/123456/providers/Microsoft.Billing/billingPeriods/201702/providers/Microsoft.Consumption/balances/balanceId1",
  "name": "balanceId1",
  "type": "Microsoft.Consumption/balances",
  "properties": {
    "currency": "USD  ",
    "beginningBalance": 3396469.19,
    "endingBalance": 2922371.02,
    "newPurchases": 0,
    "adjustments": 0,
    "utilized": 474098.17,
    "serviceOverage": 0,
    "chargesBilledSeparately": 0,
    "totalOverage": 0,
    "totalUsage": 474098.17,
    "azureMarketplaceServiceCharges": 609.82,
    "billingFrequency": "Month",
    "priceHidden": false,
    "newPurchasesDetails": [
        "name": "Promo Purchase",
        "value": 1
    "adjustmentDetails": [
        "name": "Promo Credit",
        "value": 1.1
        "name": "SIE Credit",
        "value": 1

Next steps