Understanding the local configuration file (C# agent)

The Defender for IoT security agent uses configurations from a local configuration file.

The security agent reads the configuration file once, when the agent starts running. Configurations found in the local configuration file contain both authentication configuration and other agent related configurations.

The C# security agent uses multiple configuration files:

  • General.config - Agent related configurations.
  • Authentication.config - Authentication related configuration (including authentication details).
  • SecurityIotInterface.config - IoT related configurations.

The configuration files contain the default configuration. Authentication configuration is populated during agent installation and changes to the configuration file are made when the agent is restarted.

Configuration file location

For Linux:

  • Operating system configuration files are located in /var/ASCIoTAgent.

For Windows:

  • Operating system configuration files are located within the directory of the security agent.

General.config configurations

Configuration Name Possible values Details
agentId GUID Agent unique identifier
readRemoteConfigurationTimeout TimeSpan Time period for fetching remote configuration from IoT Hub. If the agent can't fetch the configuration within the specified time, the operation will time out.
schedulerInterval TimeSpan Internal scheduler interval.
producerInterval TimeSpan Event producer worker interval.
consumerInterval TimeSpan Event consumer worker interval.
highPriorityQueueSizePercentage 0 < number < 1 The portion of total cache dedicated for high priority messages.
logLevel "Off", "Fatal", "Error", "Warning", "Information", "Debug" Log messages equal and above this severity are logged to debug console (Syslog in Linux).
fileLogLevel "Off", "Fatal", "Error", "Warning", "Information", "Debug" Log messages equal and above this severity are logged to file (Syslog in Linux).
diagnosticVerbosityLevel "None", "Some", "All", Verbosity level of diagnostic events. None - diagnostic events are not sent. Some - Only diagnostic events with high importance are sent. All - all logs are also sent as diagnostic events.
logFilePath Path to file If fileLogLevel > Off, logs are written to this file.
defaultEventPriority "High", "Low", "Off" Default event priority.

General.config example

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
  <add key="agentId" value="da00006c-dae9-4273-9abc-bcb7b7b4a987" />
  <add key="readRemoteConfigurationTimeout" value="00:00:30" />
  <add key="schedulerInterval" value="00:00:01" />
  <add key="producerInterval" value="00:02:00" />
  <add key="consumerInterval" value="00:02:00" />
  <add key="highPriorityQueueSizePercentage" value="0.5" />
  <add key="logLevel" value="Information" />
  <add key="fileLogLevel" value="Off"/>
  <add key="diagnosticVerbosityLevel" value="Some" />
  <add key="logFilePath" value="IotAgentLog.log" />
  <add key="defaultEventPriority" value="Low"/>


Configuration name Possible values Details
moduleName string Name of the Defender-IoT-micro-agent identity. This name must correspond to the module identity name in the device.
deviceId string ID of the device (as registered in Azure IoT Hub).
schedulerInterval TimeSpan string Internal scheduler interval.
gatewayHostname string Host name of the Azure Iot Hub. Usually <my-hub>.azure-devices.net
filePath string - path to file Path to the file that contains the authentication secret.
type "SymmetricKey", "SelfSignedCertificate" The user secret for authentication. Choose SymmetricKey if the user secret is a Symmetric key, choose self-signed certificate if the secret is a self-signed certificate.
identity "DPS", "Module", "Device" Authentication identity - DPS if authentication is made through DPS, Module if authentication is made using module credentials, or device if authentication is made using device credentials.
certificateLocationKind "LocalFile", "Store" LocalFile if the certificate is stored in a file, store if the certificate is located in a certificate store.
idScope string ID scope of DPS
registrationId string DPS device registration ID.

Authentication.config example

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
  <add key="moduleName" value="azureiotsecurity"/>
  <add key="deviceId" value="d1"/>
  <add key="gatewayHostname" value=""/>
  <add key="filePath" value="c:\p-dps-d1.pfx"/>
  <add key="type" value="SelfSignedCertificate" />                     <!-- SymmetricKey, SelfSignedCertificate-->
  <add key="identity" value="DPS" />                 <!-- Device, Module, DPS -->
  <add key="certificateLocationKind" value="LocalFile" />  <!-- LocalFile, Store -->
  <add key="idScope" value="0ne0005335B"/>
  <add key="registrationId" value="d1"/>


Configuration Name Possible values Details
transportType "Ampq" "Mqtt" IoT Hub transport type.

SecurityIotInterface.config example

  <add key="facadeType"  value="Microsoft.Azure.Security.IoT.Agent.Common.SecurityIoTHubInterface, Security.Common" />
  <add key="transportType" value="Amqp"/>

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