Azure Boards - Sprint 147 Update


Show work item status in #ID mentions

In order to enhance the work item mentioning experience, we’ve added more information when you link a work item using #ID. You will now see in the discussion section the status of the work item you linked in addition to the ID, title, and work item type.

Show work item status.

This experience can also be used in Wiki pages as described here, as well as in pull request comments. For more details, see the documentation on using #ID to link to work items here.

Next steps


These features will roll out over the next two to three weeks.

Head over to Azure DevOps and take a look.

How to provide feedback

We would love to hear what you think about these features. Use the feedback menu to report a problem or provide a suggestion.

Make a suggestion

You can also get advice and your questions answered by the community on Stack Overflow.


Alex Mullans