Developing your application


Versions of the Microsoft Rights Management Service SDK released prior to March 2020 are deprecated; applications using earlier versions must be updated to use the March 2020 release. For full details, see the deprecation notice.

No further enhancements are planned for the Microsoft Rights Management Service SDK. We strongly recommend adoption of the Microsoft Information Protection SDK for classification, labeling, and protection services.

In this example you are going to build a simple console application that interacts with the Azure Information Protection service (AIP). It will take as input the path of a document to protect, then protect it with an ad-hoc policy or an Azure template. The application will then apply the correct policies according to the inputs, creating a information protected document. The sample code you will be using is Azure IP test application and is on Github.

Sample app prerequisites

  • Operating System: Windows 10, Windows 8, Windows 7, Windows Server 2008, Windows Server 2008 R2, or Windows Server 2012
  • Programming Language: C# (.NET Framework 3.0 and above)
  • Development environment: Visual Studio 2015 (and later)

Setting up your Azure Configuration

Getting Azure set up for this app requires you to create a Tenant ID, a Symmetric Key, and an Application Principal ID.

Azure AD Tenant configuration

To configure the Azure AD environment for Azure Information Protection, follow the guidance in Activating the protection service from Azure Information Protection.

Once the service is activated you will need PowerShell components for the next steps. Follow Administering protection from Azure Information Protection by using PowerShell to accomplish this.

Getting your Tenant ID

  • As an administrator, run PowerShell.
  • Import the RMS module: Import-Module AIPService
  • Connect to the service with the assigned user credentials: Connect-AipService –Verbose
  • Ensure RMS is enabled: enable-aipservice
  • Get your tenant ID by running: Get-AipServiceConfiguration

Record the BPOSId (tenant ID) value. You will need it in future steps.

Example output Get-AadrmConfiguration cmdlet output

  • Disconnect from the service: Disconnect-AipServiceService

Create a service Principal

Follow these steps to create a Service Principal:

A service principal is credentials configured globally for access control that allow a service to authenticate with Microsoft Azure AD and to protect information using Microsoft Azure AD Rights Management

  • As an administrator, run PowerShell
  • Import the Microsoft Azure AD module using: Import-Module MSOnline
  • Connect to your online service with the assigned user credentials: Connect-MsolService
  • Create a new service principal by running: New-MsolServicePrincipal
  • Provide a name for your service principal

    Record the symmetric key and application principal id for future use.

Example output NewMsolServicePrincipal cmdlet output

  • Add your application principal id, symmetric key, and tenant ID to the application’s App.config file.

Example App.config file Example App.config file

  • The ClientID and RedirectUri will be available to you from when you registered your application in Azure. For more information on how to register your application in Azure and to acquire a ClientID and RedirectUri see, Configure Azure RMS for ADAL authentication.

Design summary

The following diagram depicts an architecture and process flow for the app you're creating, steps outlined below. design summary

  1. The user inputs:
    • The path of the file to be protected
    • Selects a template or creates an ad-hoc policy
  2. The application requests authentication with AIP.
  3. AIP confirms authentication
  4. The application requests templates from the AIP.
  5. AIP returns pre-defined templates.
  6. The application locates the specified file with given location.
  7. The application applies the AIP protection policy to the file.

How the code works

In the sample, Azure IP Test, the solution begins up with the file Iprotect.cs. This is a C# console application and, like with any other AIP enabled application, you begin with loading the MSIPC.dll as shown in the main() method.

//Loads MSIPC.dll

Load the parameters needed to connect to Azure

//Loads credentials for the service principal from App.Config
SymmetricKeyCredential symmetricKeyCred = new SymmetricKeyCredential();
symmetricKeyCred.AppPrincipalId = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["AppPrincipalId"];
symmetricKeyCred.Base64Key = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["Base64Key"];
symmetricKeyCred.BposTenantId = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["BposTenantId"];

When you provide the file path in the console application, the application checks if the document is already encrypted. The method is of the SafeFileApiNativeMethods class.

var checkEncryptionStatus = SafeFileApiNativeMethods.IpcfIsFileEncrypted(filePath);

If the document is not encrypted, then it proceeds to encrypt the document with the selection provided on the prompt.

if (!checkEncryptionStatus.ToString().ToLower().Contains(alreadyEncrypted))
  if (method == EncryptionMethod1)
    //Encrypt a file via AIP template
    ProtectWithTemplate(symmetricKeyCred, filePath);

  else if (method == EncryptionMethod2)
    //Encrypt a file using ad-hoc policy
    ProtectWithAdHocPolicy(symmetricKeyCred, filePath);

The protect with template option proceeds to get the template list from the server and provides the user the option to select.

If you did not Modify templates then you will get default templates from AIP

public static void ProtectWithTemplate(SymmetricKeyCredential symmetricKeyCredential, string filePath)
  // Gets the available templates for this tenant
  Collection<TemplateInfo> templates = SafeNativeMethods.IpcGetTemplateList(null, false, true,
      false, true, null, null, symmetricKeyCredential);

  //Requests tenant template to use for encryption
  Console.WriteLine("Please select the template you would like to use to encrypt the file.");

  //Outputs templates available for selection
  int counter = 0;
  for (int i = 0; i < templates.Count; i++)
    Console.WriteLine(counter + ". " + templates.ElementAt(i).Name + "\n" +

  //Parses template selection
  string input = Console.ReadLine();
  int templateSelection;
  bool parseResult = Int32.TryParse(input, out templateSelection);

  //Returns error if no template selection is entered
  if (parseResult)
    //Ensures template value entered is valid
    if (0 < templateSelection && templateSelection <= counter)
      templateSelection -= templateSelection;

      // Encrypts the file using the selected template
      TemplateInfo selectedTemplateInfo = templates.ElementAt(templateSelection);

      string encryptedFilePath = SafeFileApiNativeMethods.IpcfEncryptFile(filePath,
          SafeFileApiNativeMethods.EncryptFlags.IPCF_EF_FLAG_KEY_NO_PERSIST, true, false, true, null,

If you select ad-hoc policy, the user of the application has to provide emails of the people that would have rights. In this section the license is created using the IpcCreateLicenseFromScratch() method and applying the new policy on the template.

if (issuerDisplayName.Trim() != "")
  // Gets the available issuers of rights policy templates.
  // The available issuers is a list of RMS servers that this user has already contacted.
    Collection<TemplateIssuer> templateIssuers = SafeNativeMethods.IpcGetTemplateIssuerList(
                                                    false, true, null, symmetricKeyCredential);

    // Creates the policy and associates the chosen user rights with it
    SafeInformationProtectionLicenseHandle handle = SafeNativeMethods.IpcCreateLicenseFromScratch(
    SafeNativeMethods.IpcSetLicenseOwner(handle, owner);
    SafeNativeMethods.IpcSetLicenseUserRightsList(handle, userRights);
    SafeNativeMethods.IpcSetLicenseDescriptor(handle, new TemplateInfo(null, CultureInfo.CurrentCulture,

    //Encrypts the file using the ad hoc policy
    string encryptedFilePath = SafeFileApiNativeMethods.IpcfEncryptFile(

User interaction example

Once you get everything built and executing, the outputs of the application should look like the following:

  1. You are prompted to select an encryption method. app output - step 1

  2. You are asked to provide the path to the file to be protected. app output - step 2

  3. You are prompted to enter a license owner’s email (this owner must have Global Administrator privileges on the Azure AD Tenant). app output - step 3

  4. You enter email addresses of users who will have rights to access the file (emails must be separated by spaces). app output - step 4

  5. You select from a list of rights to be given to the authorized users. app output - step 5

  6. Finally, you enter some policy metadata: policy name, description, and issuer (Azure AD Tenant) display name app output - step 6