Integrate Azure SignalR Service with Service Connector

This article shows supported authentication methods and clients, and shows sample code you can use to connect Azure SignalR Service to other cloud services using Service Connector. This article also shows default environment variable name and value (or Spring Boot configuration) that you get when you create the service connection.

Supported compute services

Service Connector can be used to connect the following compute services to Azure SignalR Service:

  • Azure App Service
  • Azure Functions
  • Azure Container Apps

Supported authentication types and client types

The table below shows which combinations of authentication methods and clients are supported for connecting your compute service to Azure SignalR Service using Service Connector. A “Yes” indicates that the combination is supported, while a “No” indicates that it is not supported.

Client type System-assigned managed identity User-assigned managed identity Secret / connection string Service principal
.NET Yes Yes Yes Yes
None Yes Yes Yes Yes

This table indicates that all combinations of client types and authentication methods in the table are supported. Other client types are not supported to connect to Azure SignalR Service using Service Connector.

Default environment variable names or application properties

Use environment variable names listed below to connect compute services to Azure SignalR Service. For each example below, replace the placeholder texts <SignalR-name>, <access-key>, <client-ID>, <tenant-ID>, and <client-secret> with your own SignalR name, access key, client ID, tenant ID and client secret. For more information about naming conventions, check the Service Connector internals article.

System-assigned Managed Identity

Default environment variable name Description Example value
AZURE_SIGNALR_CONNECTIONSTRING SignalR Service connection string with Managed Identity Endpoint=https://<SignalR-name>;AuthType=aad;<client-ID>;Version=1.0;

Sample code

Refer to the steps and code below to connect to Azure SignalR Service using a system-assigned managed identity.

  1. Install dependencies.

    dotnet add package Microsoft.Azure.SignalR
  2. Get the connection string from the environment variables added by Service Connector.

    var builder = WebApplication.CreateBuilder(args);
    var connectionString = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("AZURE_SIGNALR_CONNECTIONSTRING");
    var app = builder.Build();

User-assigned Managed Identity

Default environment variable name Description Example value
AZURE_SIGNALR_CONNECTIONSTRING SignalR Service connection string with Managed Identity Endpoint=https://<SignalR-name>;AuthType=aad;client-id=<client-id>;Version=1.0;

Sample code

Refer to the steps and code below to connect to Azure SignalR Service using a user-assigned managed identity.

  1. Install dependencies.

    dotnet add package Microsoft.Azure.SignalR
  2. Get the connection string from the environment variables added by Service Connector.

    var builder = WebApplication.CreateBuilder(args);
    var connectionString = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("AZURE_SIGNALR_CONNECTIONSTRING");
    var app = builder.Build();

Connection string

Default environment variable name Description Example value
AZURE_SIGNALR_CONNECTIONSTRING SignalR Service connection string Endpoint=https://<SignalR-name>;AccessKey=<access-key>;Version=1.0;

Sample code

Refer to the steps and code below to connect to Azure SignalR Service using a connection string.

  1. Install dependencies.

    dotnet add package Microsoft.Azure.SignalR
  2. Get the connection string from the environment variables added by Service Connector.

    var builder = WebApplication.CreateBuilder(args);
    var connectionString = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("AZURE_SIGNALR_CONNECTIONSTRING");
    var app = builder.Build();

Service Principal

Default environment variable name Description Example value
AZURE_SIGNALR_CONNECTIONSTRING SignalR Service connection string with Service Principal Endpoint=https://<SignalR-name>;AuthType=aad;ClientId=<client-ID>;ClientSecret=<client-secret>;TenantId=<tenant-ID>;Version=1.0;

Sample code

Refer to the steps and code below to connect to Azure SignalR Service using a service principal.

  1. Install dependencies.

    dotnet add package Microsoft.Azure.SignalR
  2. Get the connection string from the environment variables added by Service Connector.

    var builder = WebApplication.CreateBuilder(args);
    var connectionString = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("AZURE_SIGNALR_CONNECTIONSTRING");
    var app = builder.Build();

Next steps