Tutorial: Clean up your standalone cluster

Service Fabric standalone clusters offer you the option to choose your own environment to host Service Fabric. In this tutorial series, you'll create a standalone cluster hosted on AWS or Azure and deploy an application to it.

This tutorial is part four of a series. This part of the tutorial shows you how to delete the AWS or Azure resources that you created to host your Service Fabric cluster.

In this article, you'll learn to:

  • Remove a Service Fabric cluster
  • Delete your AWS or Azure resources

Remove a Service Fabric cluster

  1. RDP into the VM that you used to installed Service Fabric.
  2. Open PowerShell.
  3. Change the directory to the extracted folder from the second tutorial.
  4. Run the following command to remove the Service Fabric cluster:
.\RemoveServiceFabricCluster.ps1 -ClusterConfigFilePath .\ClusterConfig.Unsecure.MultiMachine.json
  1. Enter Y when prompted. If it was successful, your output will look like the following (with your own IP addresses):
Best Practices Analyzer completed successfully.
Removing configuration from machine
Removing configuration from machine
Removing configuration from machine
Configuration removed from machine
Configuration removed from machine
Configuration removed from machine
The cluster is successfully removed.

Delete AWS resources

  1. Sign in to your AWS Account.
  2. Go to the EC2 Console.
  3. Select the three nodes that you created in part one of the tutorial.
  4. Select Actions > Instance State > Terminate.

Delete Azure resources

  1. Sign in to the Azure portal.
  2. Go to the Virtual Machines section.
  3. Select check boxes for the three nodes that you created in part one of the tutorial.
  4. Select Delete.

Next steps

In this tutorial, you learned how to delete the resources you created in previous steps.

  • Clean up your resources