Deploy OpenShift Container Platform 3.11 in Azure

Applies to: ✔️ Linux VMs ✔️ Flexible scale sets

You can use one of several methods to deploy OpenShift Container Platform 3.11 in Azure:

For all options, a Red Hat subscription is required. During the deployment, the Red Hat Enterprise Linux instance is registered to the Red Hat subscription and attached to the Pool ID that contains the entitlements for OpenShift Container Platform. Make sure you have a valid Red Hat Subscription Manager (RHSM) username, password, and Pool ID. You can use an Activation Key, Org ID, and Pool ID. You can verify this information by signing in to

Deploy using the OpenShift Container Platform Resource Manager 3.11 template

Private Clusters

Deploying private OpenShift clusters requires more than just not having a public IP associated to the master load balancer (web console) or to the infra load balancer (router). A private cluster generally uses a custom DNS server (not the default Azure DNS), a custom domain name (such as, and pre-defined virtual network(s). For private clusters, you need to configure your virtual network with all the appropriate subnets and DNS server settings in advance. Then use existingMasterSubnetReference, existingInfraSubnetReference, existingCnsSubnetReference, and existingNodeSubnetReference to specify the existing subnet for use by the cluster.

If private master is selected (masterClusterType=private), a static private IP needs to be specified for masterPrivateClusterIp. This IP will be assigned to the front end of the master load balancer. The IP must be within the CIDR for the master subnet and not in use. masterClusterDnsType must be set to "custom" and the master DNS name must be provided for masterClusterDns. The DNS name must map to the static Private IP and will be used to access the console on the master nodes.

If private router is selected (routerClusterType=private), a static private IP needs to be specified for routerPrivateClusterIp. This IP will be assigned to the front end of the infra load balancer. The IP must be within the CIDR for the infra subnet and not in use. routingSubDomainType must be set to "custom" and the wildcard DNS name for routing must be provided for routingSubDomain.

If private masters and private router are selected, the custom domain name must also be entered for domainName

After successful deployment, the Bastion Node is the only node with a public IP that you can ssh into. Even if the master nodes are configured for public access, they aren't exposed for ssh access.

To deploy using the Resource Manager template, you use a parameters file to supply the input parameters. To further customize the deployment, fork the GitHub repo and change the appropriate items.

Some common customization options include, but aren't limited to:

  • Bastion VM size (variable in azuredeploy.json)
  • Naming conventions (variables in azuredeploy.json)
  • OpenShift cluster specifics, modified via hosts file (

Configure the parameters file

The OpenShift Container Platform template has multiple branches available for different versions of OpenShift Container Platform. Based on your needs, you can deploy directly from the repo or you can fork the repo and make custom changes to the templates or scripts before deploying.

Use the appId value from the service principal you created earlier for the aadClientId parameter.

The following example shows a parameters file named azuredeploy.parameters.json with all the required inputs.

	"$schema": "",
	"contentVersion": "",
	"parameters": {
		"_artifactsLocation": {
			"value": ""
		"location": {
			"value": "eastus"
		"masterVmSize": {
			"value": "Standard_E2s_v3"
		"infraVmSize": {
			"value": "Standard_D4s_v3"
		"nodeVmSize": {
			"value": "Standard_D4s_v3"
		"cnsVmSize": {
			"value": "Standard_E4s_v3"
		"osImageType": {
			"value": "defaultgallery"
		"marketplaceOsImage": {
			"value": {
				"publisher": "RedHat",
				"offer": "RHEL",
				"sku": "7-RAW",
				"version": "latest"
		"storageKind": {
			"value": "changeme"
		"openshiftClusterPrefix": {
			"value": "changeme"
		"minorVersion": {
			"value": "69"
		"masterInstanceCount": {
			"value": 3
		"infraInstanceCount": {
			"value": 3
		"nodeInstanceCount": {
			"value": 3
		"cnsInstanceCount": {
			"value": 3
		"osDiskSize": {
			"value": 64
		"dataDiskSize": {
			"value": 64
		"cnsGlusterDiskSize": {
			"value": 128
		"adminUsername": {
			"value": "changeme"
		"enableMetrics": {
			"value": "false"
		"enableLogging": {
			"value": "false"
		"enableCNS": {
			"value": "false"
		"rhsmUsernameOrOrgId": {
			"value": "changeme"
		"rhsmPoolId": {
			"value": "changeme"
		"rhsmBrokerPoolId": {
			"value": "changeme"
		"sshPublicKey": {
			"value": "GEN-SSH-PUB-KEY"
		"keyVaultSubscriptionId": {
			"value": "255a325e-8276-4ada-af8f-33af5658eb34"
		"keyVaultResourceGroup": {
			"value": "changeme"
		"keyVaultName": {
			"value": "changeme"
		"enableAzure": {
			"value": "true"
		"aadClientId": {
			"value": "changeme"
		"domainName": {
			"value": ""
		"masterClusterDnsType": {
			"value": "default"
		"masterClusterDns": {
			"value": ""
		"routingSubDomainType": {
			"value": "nipio"
		"routingSubDomain": {
			"value": ""
		"virtualNetworkNewOrExisting": {
			"value": "new"
		"virtualNetworkName": {
			"value": "changeme"
		"addressPrefixes": {
			"value": ""
		"masterSubnetName": {
			"value": "changeme"
		"masterSubnetPrefix": {
			"value": ""
		"infraSubnetName": {
			"value": "changeme"
		"infraSubnetPrefix": {
			"value": ""
		"nodeSubnetName": {
			"value": "changeme"
		"nodeSubnetPrefix": {
			"value": ""
		"existingMasterSubnetReference": {
			"value": "/subscriptions/abc686f6-963b-4e64-bff4-99dc369ab1cd/resourceGroups/vnetresourcegroup/providers/Microsoft.Network/virtualNetworks/openshiftvnet/subnets/mastersubnet"
		"existingInfraSubnetReference": {
			"value": "/subscriptions/abc686f6-963b-4e64-bff4-99dc369ab1cd/resourceGroups/vnetresourcegroup/providers/Microsoft.Network/virtualNetworks/openshiftvnet/subnets/infrasubnet"
		"existingCnsSubnetReference": {
			"value": "/subscriptions/abc686f6-963b-4e64-bff4-99dc369ab1cd/resourceGroups/vnetresourcegroup/providers/Microsoft.Network/virtualNetworks/openshiftvnet/subnets/cnssubnet"
		"existingNodeSubnetReference": {
			"value": "/subscriptions/abc686f6-963b-4e64-bff4-99dc369ab1cd/resourceGroups/vnetresourcegroup/providers/Microsoft.Network/virtualNetworks/openshiftvnet/subnets/nodesubnet"
		"masterClusterType": {
			"value": "public"
		"masterPrivateClusterIp": {
			"value": ""
		"routerClusterType": {
			"value": "public"
		"routerPrivateClusterIp": {
			"value": ""
		"routingCertType": {
			"value": "selfsigned"
		"masterCertType": {
			"value": "selfsigned"

Replace the parameters with your specific information.

Different releases may have different parameters so verify the necessary parameters for the branch you use.

azuredeploy.Parameters.json file explained

Property Description Valid Options Default Value
_artifactsLocation URL for artifacts (json, scripts, etc.)
location Azure region to deploy resources to
masterVmSize Size of the Master VM. Select from one of the allowed VM sizes listed in the azuredeploy.json file Standard_E2s_v3
infraVmSize Size of the Infra VM. Select from one of the allowed VM sizes listed in the azuredeploy.json file Standard_D4s_v3
nodeVmSize Size of the App Node VM. Select from one of the allowed VM sizes listed in the azuredeploy.json file Standard_D4s_v3
cnsVmSize Size of the Container Native Storage (CNS) Node VM. Select from one of the allowed VM sizes listed in the azuredeploy.json file Standard_E4s_v3
osImageType The RHEL image to use. defaultgallery: On-Demand; marketplace: third-party image defaultgallery
marketplaceOsImage If osImageType is marketplace, then enter the appropriate values for 'publisher', 'offer', 'sku', 'version' of the marketplace offer. This parameter is an object type
storageKind The type of storage to be used managed
openshiftClusterPrefix Cluster Prefix used to configure hostnames for all nodes. Between 1 and 20 characters mycluster
minoVersion The minor version of OpenShift Container Platform 3.11 to deploy 69
masterInstanceCount Number of Masters nodes to deploy 1, 3, 5 3
infraInstanceCount Number of infra nodes to deploy 1, 2, 3 3
nodeInstanceCount Number of Nodes to deploy 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30 2
cnsInstanceCount Number of CNS nodes to deploy 3, 4 3
osDiskSize Size of OS disk for the VM (in GB) 64, 128, 256, 512, 1024, 2048 64
dataDiskSize Size of data disk to attach to nodes for Docker volume (in GB) 32, 64, 128, 256, 512, 1024, 2048 64
cnsGlusterDiskSize Size of data disk to attach to CNS nodes for use by glusterfs (in GB 32, 64, 128, 256, 512, 1024, 2048 128
adminUsername Admin username for both OS (VM) login and initial OpenShift user ocpadmin
enableMetrics Enable Metrics. Metrics require more resources so select proper size for Infra VM true
enableLogging Enable Logging. elasticsearch pod requires 8 GB RAM so select proper size for Infra VM true
enableCNS Enable Container Native Storage true
rhsmUsernameOrOrgId Red Hat Subscription Manager Username or Organization ID
rhsmPoolId The Red Hat Subscription Manager Pool ID that contains your OpenShift entitlements for compute nodes
rhsmBrokerPoolId The Red Hat Subscription Manager Pool ID that contains your OpenShift entitlements for masters and infra nodes. If you don't have different pool IDs, enter same pool ID as 'rhsmPoolId'
sshPublicKey Copy your SSH Public Key here
keyVaultSubscriptionId The Subscription ID of the subscription that contains the Key Vault
keyVaultResourceGroup The name of the Resource Group that contains the Key Vault
keyVaultName The name of the Key Vault you created
enableAzure Enable Azure Cloud Provider true
aadClientId Azure Active Directory Client ID also known as Application ID for Service Principal
domainName Name of the custom domain name to use (if applicable). Set to "none" if not deploying fully private cluster none
masterClusterDnsType Domain type for OpenShift web console. 'default' will use DNS label of master infra public IP. 'custom' allows you to define your own name default
masterClusterDns The custom DNS name to use to access the OpenShift web console if you selected 'custom' for masterClusterDnsType
routingSubDomainType If set to nipio, routingSubDomain will use Use 'custom' if you have your own domain that you want to use for routing nipio
routingSubDomain The wildcard DNS name you want to use for routing if you selected 'custom' for routingSubDomainType
virtualNetworkNewOrExisting Select whether to use an existing Virtual Network or create a new Virtual Network existing
virtualNetworkResourceGroupName Name of the Resource Group for the new Virtual Network if you selected 'new' for virtualNetworkNewOrExisting resourceGroup().name
virtualNetworkName The name of the new Virtual Network to create if you selected 'new' for virtualNetworkNewOrExisting openshiftvnet
addressPrefixes Address prefix of the new virtual network
masterSubnetName The name of the master subnet mastersubnet
masterSubnetPrefix CIDR used for the master subnet - needs to be a subset of the addressPrefix
infraSubnetName The name of the infra subnet infrasubnet
infraSubnetPrefix CIDR used for the infra subnet - needs to be a subset of the addressPrefix
nodeSubnetName The name of the node subnet nodesubnet
nodeSubnetPrefix CIDR used for the node subnet - needs to be a subset of the addressPrefix
existingMasterSubnetReference Full reference to existing subnet for master nodes. Not needed if creating new vNet / Subnet
existingInfraSubnetReference Full reference to existing subnet for infra nodes. Not needed if creating new vNet / Subnet
existingCnsSubnetReference Full reference to existing subnet for CNS nodes. Not needed if creating new vNet / Subnet
existingNodeSubnetReference Full reference to existing subnet for compute nodes. Not needed if creating new vNet / Subnet
masterClusterType Specify whether the cluster uses private or public master nodes. If private is chosen, the master nodes won't be exposed to the Internet via a public IP. Instead, it will use the private IP specified in the masterPrivateClusterIp public
masterPrivateClusterIp If private master nodes are selected, then a private IP address must be specified for use by the internal load balancer for master nodes. This static IP must be within the CIDR block for the master subnet and not already in use. If public master nodes are selected, this value won't be used but must still be specified
routerClusterType Specify whether the cluster uses private or public infra nodes. If private is chosen, the infra nodes won't be exposed to the Internet via a public IP. Instead, it will use the private IP specified in the routerPrivateClusterIp public
routerPrivateClusterIp If private infra nodes are selected, then a private IP address must be specified for use by the internal load balancer for infra nodes. This static IP must be within the CIDR block for the infra subnet and not already in use. If public infra nodes are selected, this value won't be used but must still be specified
routingCertType Use custom certificate for routing domain or the default self-signed certificate - follow instructions in Custom Certificates section selfsigned
masterCertType Use custom certificate for master domain or the default self-signed certificate - follow instructions in Custom Certificates section selfsigned

Deploy using Azure CLI


The following command requires Azure CLI 2.0.8 or later. You can verify the CLI version with the az --version command. To update the CLI version, see Install Azure CLI.

The following example deploys the OpenShift cluster and all related resources into a resource group named openshiftrg, with a deployment name of myOpenShiftCluster. The template is referenced directly from the GitHub repo, and a local parameters file named azuredeploy.parameters.json file is used.

az deployment group create -g openshiftrg --name myOpenShiftCluster \
      --template-uri \
      --parameters @./azuredeploy.parameters.json

The deployment takes at least 60 minutes to complete, based on the total number of nodes deployed and options configured. The Bastion DNS FQDN and URL of the OpenShift console prints to the terminal when the deployment finishes.

  "Bastion DNS FQDN": "",
  "OpenShift Console URL": ""

If you don't want to tie up the command line waiting for the deployment to complete, add --no-wait as one of the options for the group deployment. The output from the deployment can be retrieved from the Azure portal in the deployment section for the resource group.

Connect to the OpenShift cluster

When the deployment finishes, retrieve the connection from the output section of the deployment. Connect to the OpenShift console with your browser by using the OpenShift Console URL. You can also SSH to the Bastion host. Following is an example where the admin username is clusteradmin and the bastion public IP DNS FQDN is

$ ssh

Clean up resources

Use the az group delete command to remove the resource group, OpenShift cluster, and all related resources when they're no longer needed.

az group delete --name openshiftrg

Next steps