Set up vCenter on your Private Cloud for VMware vRealize Automation

You can set up a VMware vCenter server on your CloudSimple Private Cloud as an endpoint for VMware vRealize Automation.

Before you begin

Complete these tasks before configuring the vCenter server:

Attribute Value Permission
Datastore Allocate Space
Browse Datastore
Datastore Cluster Configure a Datastore Cluster
Folder Create Folder
Delete Folder
Global Manage Custom Attributes
Set Custom Attribute
Network Assign Network
Permissions Modify Permissions
Resource Assign VM to Resource Pool
Migrate Powered Off Virtual Machine
Migrate Powered On Virtual Machine
Virtual Machine Inventory Create from existing
Create New
Virtual Machine Interaction Configure CD Media
Console Interaction
Device Connection
Power Off
Power On
Tools Install
Virtual Machine Configuration Add Existing Disk
Add New Disk
Add or Remove
Remove Disk
Change CPU Count
Change Resource
Extend Virtual Disk
Disk Change Tracking
Modify Device Settings
Set Annotation (version 5.0 and later)
Swapfile Placement
Provisioning Customize
Clone Template
Clone Virtual Machine
Deploy Template
Read Customization Specs
Virtual Machine State Create Snapshot
Remove Snapshot
Revert to Snapshot

Install vRealize Automation in your on-premises environment

  1. Sign in to the vRealize Automation IaaS server appliance as the IaaS administrator that CloudSimple Support created for you.
  2. Deploy a vSphere Agent for the vRealize Automation endpoint.
    1. Go to https://vra-url:5480/installer, where vra-url is the URL that you use to access the vRealize Automation administration UI.

    2. Click the IaaS Installer to download the installer.
      The naming convention for the installer file is setup_vra-url@5480.exe.

    3. Run the installer. On the Welcome screen, click Next.

    4. Accept the EULA and click Next.

    5. Provide the sign-in information, click Accept Certificate, and then click Next. vRA credentials

    6. Select Custom Install and Proxy Agents and click Next. vRA install type

    7. Enter the IaaS server sign-in information and click Next. If you are using Active Directory, enter the username in domain\user format. Otherwise, use user@domain format. vRA login info

    8. For the proxy settings, enter vSphere for Agent type. Enter a name for the agent.

    9. Enter the IaaS server FQDN in the Manager Service Host and the Model Manager Web Service Host fields. Click Test to test the connection for each of the FQDN values. If the test fails, modify your DNS settings so that the IaaS server hostname is resolved.

    10. Enter a name for vCenter server endpoint for the Private Cloud. Record the name for use later in the configuration process.

      vRA install proxy

    11. Click Next.

    12. Click Install.

Configure the vSphere agent

  1. Go to https://vra-url/vcac and sign in as ConfigurationAdmin.
  2. Select Infrastructure > Endpoints > Endpoints.
  3. Select New > Virtual > vSphere.
  4. Enter the vSphere endpoint name that you specified in the previous procedure.
  5. For Address, enter the Private Cloud vCenter Server URL in the format https://vcenter-fqdn/sdk, where vcenter-fqdn is the name of the vCenter server.
  6. Enter the credentials for the vRealize Automation IaaS administrative user that CloudSimple Support created for you.
  7. Click Test Connection to validate the user credentials. If the test fails, verify the URL, account information, and endpoint name and test again.
  8. After a successful test, click OK to create the vSphere endpoint. vRA endpoint config access

Verify the endpoint name

To identify the correct vCenter server endpoint name, do the following:

  1. Open a command prompt on the IaaS appliance.
  2. Change directory to C:\Program Files (x86)\VMware\vCAC\Agents\agent-name, where agent-name is the name you assigned to the vCenter server endpoint.
  3. Run the following command.
..\..\Server\DynamicOps.Vrm.VRMencrypt.exe VRMAgent.exe.config get

The output is similar to the following. The value of the managementEndpointName field is the endpoint name.

managementEndpointName: cslab1pc3-vc
doDeletes: true