Get All Public Data Sources

Use the following URL to get a list of all data sources that are public. This includes data sources owned and managed by Microsoft and any data source that was created with a Bing Maps Key and made public using the Make a Data Source Public API.

Supported HTTP Methods



This URL supports the following response formats.

  • JSON: application/json

  • XML: application/xml

URL Templates

Get a list of all public data sources.$GetPublicDataSourceList?$format=format&key=anyBingMapsKey  

Template Parameters

Parameter names and values are not case-sensitive except for the key parameter value.

Parameter Description Values
format Type of output response. One of the following values:

- atom
- json


EXAMPLE: Get all publicly available data sources.

URL with XML Response

HYPERLINK "$GetPublicDataSourceList?$format=atom&key="$GetPublicDataSourceList?$format=atom&key=anyBingMapsKey  
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>  
<app:service xmlns:app="" xmlns:atom="" xmlns:bsi="">  
  <bsi:copyright>© 2013 Microsoft and its suppliers.  This API and any results cannot be used or accessed without Microsoft's express written permission.</bsi:copyright>  
  <app:workspace bsi:uploaded="2012-07-16T07:42:30Z" bsi:updated="2012-07-16T07:46:05Z" bsi:isPublic="true">  
    <atom:disclaimer>This data source is not owned by Microsoft. All changes made to this data source are made by the data source owner and are not the responsibility of Microsoft.</atom:disclaimer>  
    <app:collection app:href="https:// /REST/v1/data/20181f26d9e94987cdf9496133d4f23/MyPublicDataSource/CoffeeShops">  
  <app:workspace bsi:uploaded="2013-09-13T05:55:01Z" bsi:updated="2013-09-13T06:04:48Z" bsi:isPublic="true">  
    <atom:disclaimer>This data source is owned and managed by Microsoft.</atom:disclaimer>  
    <app:collection app:href="">  

URL with JSON Response

  "d": {  
    "Copyright": "\u00a9 2013 Microsoft and its suppliers.  This API and any results cannot be used or accessed without Microsoft's express written permission.",  
    "DataSources": [  
        "Name": "FourthCoffeeSample",  
        "Disclaimer": "This data source is not owned by Microsoft. All changes made to this data source are made by the data source owner and are not the responsibility of Microsoft.",  
        "IsPublic": true,  
        "Uploaded": "Mon, 16 Jul 2012 07:42:30 GMT",  
        "Updated": "Mon, 16 Jul 2012 07:46:05 GMT",  
        "EntitySets": [  
        "Name": "NavteqNA",  
        "Disclaimer": "This data source is owned and managed by Microsoft.",  
        "IsPublic": true,  
        "Uploaded": "Fri, 13 Sep 2013 05:55:01 GMT",  
        "Updated": "Fri, 13 Sep 2013 06:04:48 GMT",  
        "EntitySets": [  