RouteLeg Object

Represents a leg of a route. A route leg is the part of the route between two stop waypoints.

Name Type Description
endTime Date The end time of the route leg. This property only applies when the routeMode of the DirectionsRequestOptions is set to transit.
endWaypointLocation Location The location of the last waypoint of this leg.
itineraryItems DirectionsStep[] The directions steps associated with this route leg.
originalRouteIndex number The index of the route to which this route leg belongs.
startTime Date The start time of the route leg. This property only applies when the routeMode of the DirectionsRequestOptions is set to transit.
startWaypointLocation Location The location of the first waypoint of this route leg.
subLegs RouteSubLeg[] The sub legs of this route leg. A sub leg of a route is the part of the route between a stop point and a via point or between two via points.
summary RouteSummary The summary which describes this route leg.