CodeList Database (Node Property of All Schemas)


Use the CodeList Database property to specify the full path of the Microsoft Access database used for code lists. This database allows for easier configuration of enumerations associated with type derivations by restriction, especially when the enumeration choices are in the form of codes that are not particularly intuitive.

Applies to Nodes of Type




Allowed Values

Legal, full path file names that identify Microsoft Access database files.

Default Value


XSD Persistence

As the value of the codelist_database attribute of the schema/annotation/appinfo/schemaInfo element.


You can examine and set this property in the Visual Studio Properties window when you select the Schema node in BizTalk Editor.


The CodeList and CodeList Database properties are used at design time only and are persisted in the XSD as corresponding settings for the Enumeration property. At run time, all values are verified against the Enumeration property only.

To make use of the appropriate database table in the Access database identified by this property, you must use the CodeList property associated with Field Element and Field Attribute nodes.

For conceptual information about working with code lists in BizTalk Editor, see Code List Management.

See Also

Node Properties of All Schemas