Create visuals on the fly


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[> [!NOTE] > These release notes describe functionality that may not have been released yet. To see when this functionality is planned to release, please review What’s new and planned for business intelligence. Delivery timelines and projected functionality may change or may not ship (see Microsoft policy).

The ability to create objects on the fly is highly desirable for scenarios like the following:

  • Provide users with authoring capabilities by giving them a short wizard to generate a new visual.
  • A survey platform that presents a visual with each question where each type of question has its own visual, but the survey platform owners don't know in advance which questions each survey will include; therefore, the visuals need to be created dynamically per survey.
  • An IoT software-as-a-service app providing root-cause analysis for a machine problem based on an algorithm that visualizes the results with analytics, but it depends on the type of output the algorithm returns.
  • Bot scenarios where visuals are created dynamically according to the interactions with users.