Released version 3.18105


Version 3.18105 for Power Apps Studio and Power Apps Mobile is now available in all regions. This article describes the updates, including the new features, and the fixes to existing functionality, which are included in this update. This version was first made available in preview on October 30, 2018, and completed worldwide rollout on November 1, 2018.

Reporting Services Reports will be available on Unified Interface

Use reports to manage your business, analyze the state of progress, or simply view a line-item level summary of data. You can manage your SSRS reports and run entity-level reports from any record or grid.

Fixes and improvements

  • Chart: Pie chart control crashes during rendering - After drilling down on the Pie Charts, the user starts to navigate back and faces a Black screen.
  • Collections: Display Names are not refreshed correctly when using collection data source populated thorough connected datasource - Refresh connected data source is not updating metadata types correctly in collections.
  • Combo box: Combo box drop-down list closes while scrolling through the list - Add a combo box control, go to the Preview mode and open drop-down list. While using the mouse to scroll through the combo box items, the combo box drop-down list closes.
  • Data Panel: "No match found" message should be displayed for invalid search - When you perform an invalid search in the Data panel, there is no message to indicate that no results were found.
  • Data Panel: Search function doesn't work after switching the New connection and My connections list in Data Panel - Search function doesn't work after switching the New connection and My connections list in Data Panel, while the search text still persists in the search box.
  • Layout Dropdown: Selected layout value doesn't get reflected on selecting the fields under gallery from data panel - The issue manifests itself when a gallery is on the canvas and the data panel is open. The layout dropdown will not show the correct selected layout and no longer work if any child of the gallery is selected.