
This is a summary of new features delivered with the Beta 10 release of CNTK V.2.0.

New Examples and Tutorials

Python API

The following updates are introduced to Python API:

  • Operators can now be implemented in pure Python by means of UserFunctions, cf. here

    • The API is still experimental and subject to change.
  • Plotting the CNTK graph Plotting a CNTK graph is now as easy as calling

    cntk.graph.plot(node, 'node.png').

    Prerequisites are that the Python module pydot_ng is installed (via pip) and that GraphViz has been installed from and its executable is in the system's path.

  • API support for object detection using Fast R-CNN was added

  • Tensorboard Event Generation

    • Initial support for generating Tensorboard events from the ProgressPrinter class was added, cf. here

Bug fixes

  • Speed up TimesNodeBase for sparse by avoiding unroll. This improves speed of CrossEntropyWithSoftmax and ClassificationError for sparse labels. The language understanding example ( got four times faster now.

CNTK Evaluation library. NuGet package

A new set of NuGet Packages is provided with this Release.

IMPORTANT! In Visual Studio Manage NuGet Packages Window change the default option Stable Only to Include Prerelease. After selecting the appropriate NuGet package to install, use the version selector on the right to explicitly select package version 2.0.0-beta10.