Error Enum


The possible errors from the error register

This enumeration supports a bitwise combination of its member values.

public enum Error
type Error = 
Public Enum Error


HeaterCurrentFault 16

The Heater current in the CCS811 is not in range

HeaterVoltageFault 32

The Heater voltage is not being applied correctly

MaximumSensorResistanceReached 8

The sensor resistance measurement has reached or exceeded the maximum range

MeasurementModeInvalid 4

The CCS811 received an I²C request to write an unsupported mode to MEAS_MODE

NoError 0

No error

ReadRegisterInvalid 2

The CCS811 received an I²C read request to a mailbox ID that is invalid

WriteRegisterInvalid 1

The CCS811 received an I²C write request addressed to this station but with invalid register address ID

Applies to