BillingAccountsOperationsExtensions Class


Extension methods for BillingAccountsOperations.

public static class BillingAccountsOperationsExtensions
type BillingAccountsOperationsExtensions = class
Public Module BillingAccountsOperationsExtensions


BeginUpdate(IBillingAccountsOperations, String, BillingAccountUpdateRequest)

Updates the properties of a billing account. Currently, displayName and address can be updated. The operation is supported only for billing accounts with agreement type Microsoft Customer Agreement.

BeginUpdateAsync(IBillingAccountsOperations, String, BillingAccountUpdateRequest, CancellationToken)

Updates the properties of a billing account. Currently, displayName and address can be updated. The operation is supported only for billing accounts with agreement type Microsoft Customer Agreement.

Get(IBillingAccountsOperations, String, String)

Gets a billing account by its ID.

GetAsync(IBillingAccountsOperations, String, String, CancellationToken)

Gets a billing account by its ID.

List(IBillingAccountsOperations, String)

Lists the billing accounts that a user has access to.

ListAsync(IBillingAccountsOperations, String, CancellationToken)

Lists the billing accounts that a user has access to.

ListInvoiceSectionsByCreateSubscriptionPermission(IBillingAccountsOperations, String)

Lists the invoice sections for which the user has permission to create Azure subscriptions. The operation is supported only for billing accounts with agreement type Microsoft Customer Agreement.

ListInvoiceSectionsByCreateSubscriptionPermissionAsync(IBillingAccountsOperations, String, CancellationToken)

Lists the invoice sections for which the user has permission to create Azure subscriptions. The operation is supported only for billing accounts with agreement type Microsoft Customer Agreement.

ListInvoiceSectionsByCreateSubscriptionPermissionNext(IBillingAccountsOperations, String)

Lists the invoice sections for which the user has permission to create Azure subscriptions. The operation is supported only for billing accounts with agreement type Microsoft Customer Agreement.

ListInvoiceSectionsByCreateSubscriptionPermissionNextAsync(IBillingAccountsOperations, String, CancellationToken)

Lists the invoice sections for which the user has permission to create Azure subscriptions. The operation is supported only for billing accounts with agreement type Microsoft Customer Agreement.

ListNext(IBillingAccountsOperations, String)

Lists the billing accounts that a user has access to.

ListNextAsync(IBillingAccountsOperations, String, CancellationToken)

Lists the billing accounts that a user has access to.

Update(IBillingAccountsOperations, String, BillingAccountUpdateRequest)

Updates the properties of a billing account. Currently, displayName and address can be updated. The operation is supported only for billing accounts with agreement type Microsoft Customer Agreement.

UpdateAsync(IBillingAccountsOperations, String, BillingAccountUpdateRequest, CancellationToken)

Updates the properties of a billing account. Currently, displayName and address can be updated. The operation is supported only for billing accounts with agreement type Microsoft Customer Agreement.

Applies to