IVsCredential Interface


Represents a credential for sign-in purposes.

public interface class IVsCredential : Microsoft::VisualStudio::Shell::Connected::CredentialStorage::IVsCredentialKey
public interface class IVsCredential : Microsoft::VisualStudio::Shell::Connected::CredentialStorage::IVsCredentialKey
__interface IVsCredential : Microsoft::VisualStudio::Shell::Connected::CredentialStorage::IVsCredentialKey
public interface IVsCredential : Microsoft.VisualStudio.Shell.Connected.CredentialStorage.IVsCredentialKey
type IVsCredential = interface
    interface IVsCredentialKey
Public Interface IVsCredential
Implements IVsCredentialKey



Gets or sets the feature name. Feature names are case-sensitive.

(Inherited from IVsCredentialKey)

Gets or sets the credential resource name or URI. Resources are case-insensitive.

(Inherited from IVsCredentialKey)

Gets or sets the last token value.


The type of the credential. This can be any app-specific value, but is intended to convey the authentication type. Therefore some examples might be: "Federated", "OAuth", "Windows", "Basic", "ServiceIdentity", "S2S". The type is case-insensitive.

(Inherited from IVsCredentialKey)

Gets or sets the credential user name, user ID, or any app-specific unique value. The user name is case-insensitive.

(Inherited from IVsCredentialKey)



Gets a property related to the credential out of storage. The name cannot be null or empty, or whitespace. If the property cannot be found or the underlying credential has been deleted null will be returned. Property names are case insensitive


Gets the token value (secret) for this credential. If the underlying credential has been deleted, TokenValue is an empty string, and false is returned.

SetProperty(String, String)

Se s a property related to the credential in storage. To remove a property, you must remove the token itself from storage. The name cannot be null or empty, or whitespace. The value cannot be null. If the underlying credential could not be found, false is returned. Setting the same name again will overwrite the property. Property names are case-insensitive


Sets the token value (secret) for this credential. If the underlying credential has already been deleted it gets re-added with the new token value. The token cannot be null or empty, or whitespace.

Applies to