ILSSerializer.Write(INode, ILSOutput) Method


Serialize the specified node as described above in the general description of the LSSerializer interface.

[Android.Runtime.Register("write", "(Lorg/w3c/dom/Node;Lorg/w3c/dom/ls/LSOutput;)Z", "GetWrite_Lorg_w3c_dom_Node_Lorg_w3c_dom_ls_LSOutput_Handler:Org.W3c.Dom.LS.ILSSerializerInvoker, Mono.Android, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null")]
public bool Write (Org.W3c.Dom.INode? nodeArg, Org.W3c.Dom.LS.ILSOutput? destination);
[<Android.Runtime.Register("write", "(Lorg/w3c/dom/Node;Lorg/w3c/dom/ls/LSOutput;)Z", "GetWrite_Lorg_w3c_dom_Node_Lorg_w3c_dom_ls_LSOutput_Handler:Org.W3c.Dom.LS.ILSSerializerInvoker, Mono.Android, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null")>]
abstract member Write : Org.W3c.Dom.INode * Org.W3c.Dom.LS.ILSOutput -> bool



The node to serialize.


The destination for the serialized DOM.


Returns true if node was successfully serialized. Return false in case the normal processing stopped but the implementation kept serializing the document; the result of the serialization being implementation dependent then.



Serialize the specified node as described above in the general description of the LSSerializer interface. The output is written to the supplied LSOutput. <br> When writing to a LSOutput, the encoding is found by looking at the encoding information that is reachable through the LSOutput and the item to be written (or its owner document) in this order: <ol> <li> LSOutput.encoding, </li> <li> Document.inputEncoding, </li> <li> Document.xmlEncoding. </li> </ol> <br> If no encoding is reachable through the above properties, a default encoding of "UTF-8" will be used. If the specified encoding is not supported an "unsupported-encoding" fatal error is raised. <br> If no output is specified in the LSOutput, a "no-output-specified" fatal error is raised. <br> The implementation is responsible of associating the appropriate media type with the serialized data. <br> When writing to a HTTP URI, a HTTP PUT is performed. When writing to other types of URIs, the mechanism for writing the data to the URI is implementation dependent.

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