ObjectStateManager.ChangeObjectState(Object, EntityState) Method


Changes state of the ObjectStateEntry for a specific object to the specified entityState.

 System::Data::Objects::ObjectStateEntry ^ ChangeObjectState(System::Object ^ entity, System::Data::EntityState entityState);
public System.Data.Objects.ObjectStateEntry ChangeObjectState (object entity, System.Data.EntityState entityState);
member this.ChangeObjectState : obj * System.Data.EntityState -> System.Data.Objects.ObjectStateEntry
Public Function ChangeObjectState (entity As Object, entityState As EntityState) As ObjectStateEntry



The object for which the state must be changed.


The new state of the object.


The ObjectStateEntry for the supplied entity.


When entity is null.

When the object is not detached and does not have an entry in the state manager.


When you try to change the state to Detached from any other EntityState


When state is not a valid EntityState value.


Calling the ChangeObjectState method to change the state of an object to Deleted does not cause related objects in a constrained relationship to be deleted.

Changing the state of an object does not affect related objects in the object graph.

When you change the EntityState of an entity object entry to Modified, all the properties of the object are marked as modified, regardless of the current or original values.

When the EntityState of an entity object entry is changed to Added, Deleted, or Detached, the relationship entries for the object are also updated.

Applies to