Assembly.LoadFile Method


Loads the contents of an assembly file.



Loads the contents of an assembly file on the specified path.

LoadFile(String, Evidence)

Loads an assembly given its path, loading the assembly using the supplied evidence.



Loads the contents of an assembly file on the specified path.

 static System::Reflection::Assembly ^ LoadFile(System::String ^ path);
public static System.Reflection.Assembly LoadFile (string path);
static member LoadFile : string -> System.Reflection.Assembly
Public Shared Function LoadFile (path As String) As Assembly



The fully qualified path of the file to load.


The loaded assembly.


The path argument is not an absolute path.

The path parameter is null.

A file that was found could not be loaded.


The ability to execute code in remote assemblies is disabled. See <loadFromRemoteSources>.

The path parameter is an empty string ("") or does not exist.

path is not a valid assembly for the currently loaded runtime.


Use the LoadFile method to load and examine assemblies that have the same identity, but are located in different paths. LoadFile does not load files into the load-from context, and does not resolve dependencies using the load path, as the LoadFrom method does. LoadFile is useful in this limited scenario because LoadFrom cannot be used to load assemblies that have the same identities but different paths; it will load only the first such assembly.

Starting with .NET Framework 4, if path specifies an assembly in a remote location, assembly loading is disabled by default, and the LoadFile method throws a FileLoadException. To enable execution of code loaded from remote locations, you can use the <loadFromRemoteSources> configuration element.

Applies to

LoadFile(String, Evidence)


This method is obsolete and will be removed in a future release of the .NET Framework. Please use an overload of LoadFile which does not take an Evidence parameter. See for more information.

Loads an assembly given its path, loading the assembly using the supplied evidence.

 static System::Reflection::Assembly ^ LoadFile(System::String ^ path, System::Security::Policy::Evidence ^ securityEvidence);
public static System.Reflection.Assembly LoadFile (string path, System.Security.Policy.Evidence securityEvidence);
[System.Obsolete("This method is obsolete and will be removed in a future release of the .NET Framework. Please use an overload of LoadFile which does not take an Evidence parameter. See for more information.")]
public static System.Reflection.Assembly LoadFile (string path, System.Security.Policy.Evidence securityEvidence);
static member LoadFile : string * System.Security.Policy.Evidence -> System.Reflection.Assembly
[<System.Obsolete("This method is obsolete and will be removed in a future release of the .NET Framework. Please use an overload of LoadFile which does not take an Evidence parameter. See for more information.")>]
static member LoadFile : string * System.Security.Policy.Evidence -> System.Reflection.Assembly
Public Shared Function LoadFile (path As String, securityEvidence As Evidence) As Assembly



The fully qualified path of the assembly file.


Evidence for loading the assembly.


The loaded assembly.



The path argument is not an absolute path.

The path parameter is null.

The path parameter is an empty string ("") or does not exist.

A file that was found could not be loaded.


The ability to execute code in remote assemblies is disabled. See <loadFromRemoteSources>.

path is not a valid assembly for the currently loaded runtime.

securityEvidence is not null. By default, legacy CAS policy is not enabled in the .NET Framework 4; when it is not enabled, securityEvidence must be null.


Use the LoadFile method to load and examine assemblies that have the same identity, but are located in different paths. LoadFile does not load files into the LoadFrom context, and does not resolve dependencies using the load path, as the LoadFrom method does. LoadFile is useful in this limited scenario because LoadFrom cannot be used to load assemblies that have the same identities but different paths; it will load only the first such assembly.

Starting with .NET Framework 4, if path specifies an assembly in a remote location, assembly loading is disabled by default, and the LoadFile method throws a FileLoadException. To enable execution of code loaded from remote locations, you can use the <loadFromRemoteSources> configuration element.

Applies to