ListBindingHelper.GetListItemType Method


Returns the type of an item contained in a list or collection.



Returns the data type of the items in the specified list.

GetListItemType(Object, String)

Returns the data type of the items in the specified data source.


Returns the data type of the items in the specified list.

 static Type ^ GetListItemType(System::Object ^ list);
public static Type GetListItemType (object list);
public static Type? GetListItemType (object? list);
static member GetListItemType : obj -> Type
Public Shared Function GetListItemType (list As Object) As Type



The list to be examined for type information.


The Type of the items contained in the list.


If the list parameter is not a list or array, the type returned will be that of the list parameter itself.

Applies to

GetListItemType(Object, String)

Returns the data type of the items in the specified data source.

 static Type ^ GetListItemType(System::Object ^ dataSource, System::String ^ dataMember);
public static Type GetListItemType (object dataSource, string dataMember);
public static Type? GetListItemType (object? dataSource, string? dataMember);
public static Type GetListItemType (object? dataSource, string? dataMember);
static member GetListItemType : obj * string -> Type
Public Shared Function GetListItemType (dataSource As Object, dataMember As String) As Type



The data source to examine for items.


The optional name of the property on the data source that is to be used as the data member. This can be null.


For complex data binding, the Type of the items represented by the dataMember in the data source; otherwise, the Type of the item in the list itself.


This version of the GetListItemType method is used to determine the type of items used in complex or simple data-binding schemes. This static method may be useful in determining whether a proposed data-binding scheme is appropriate before attempting it.

If dataSource is null, the property descriptors cannot be found for the list items of the specified data member, or the property descriptor for the list item is an ICustomTypeDescriptor, then this method returns the type of the Object class.

If dataMember is null or empty, then this method returns the Type of the items in the data source, if it is a list; otherwise, this method returns the Type of the data source itself.

Applies to