EPolicyAction Enumeration

Describes the policy actions the host can set for operations described by EClrOperation and failures described by EClrFailure.


typedef enum {  
} EPolicyAction;  


Member Description
eAbortThread Specifies that the common language runtime (CLR) should abort the thread gracefully. A graceful abort includes attempts to run all finally blocks, any catch blocks related to thread aborts, and finalizers.
eDisableRuntime Specifies that the CLR should enter a disabled state. No further managed code can be executed in the affected process, and threads are blocked from entering the CLR.
eExitProcess Specifies that the CLR should attempt a graceful exit of the process, including running finalizers and performing cleanup and logging operations.
eFastExitProcess Specifies that the CLR should exit the process immediately, without running finalizers or performing cleanup and logging operations. However, notification is sent to the debugger.
eNoAction Specifies that no action should be taken.
eRudeAbortThread Specifies that the CLR should perform a rude thread abort. Only those catch and finally blocks marked with MustRunInClientContextAttribute are executed.
eRudeExitProcess Specifies that the CLR should exit the process without running finalizers or logging operations.
eRudeUnloadAppDomain Specifies that the CLR should perform a rude unload of the AppDomain. Only finalizers marked with MustRunInClientContextAttribute are executed. Similarly, all threads with this AppDomain in their stack receive a ThreadAbortException, but only those catch and finally blocks marked with MustRunInClientContextAttribute are executed.
eThrowException Specifies that an exception appropriate to the condition, such as out-of-memory, buffer overflow, and so forth, should be thrown.
eUnloadAppDomain Specifies that the AppDomain should be unloaded. The CLR attempts to run finalizers.


The host sets policy actions by calling methods of the ICLRPolicyManager interface. For information about rude and graceful aborts, see the EClrOperation enumeration.


Platforms: See System Requirements.

Header: MSCorEE.h

Library: MSCorEE.dll

.NET Framework Versions: Available since 2.0

See also