Use multiple units of measure when synchronizing items and resources to Dynamics 365 Sales


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Enabled for Public preview General availability
Users, automatically Sep 1, 2021 Oct 1, 2021

Business value

Businesses often track inventory for items in one unit of measure, such as pieces, but due to different market needs they may sell the items in several different units of measure, such as boxes or containers. Integration between Business Central and Microsoft Dynamics 365 Sales now allows these services to exchange information about items in multiple units of measure.

Feature details

When you enable the Feature Update: Multiple Units of Measure Synchronization with Dynamics 365 Sales feature in Feature Management, Business Central will create unit groups for items and resources through the data update process.

You can now view two new integration table mappings for Item Units of Measure (ITEM-UOM) and Resource Units Of Measure (RESOURCE-UOM).

Shows new Item and Resource Unit of Measure mappings in Integration Table Mappings page.

Item or resource unit groups automatically generate sets of units of measure for items and resources that match the units in Dynamics 365 Sales. On the Item Unit Group List or Resource Unit Group List pages, you can view coupled unit groups by choosing the Unit Group action, you can synchronize unit group data by using the Synchronize action, and couple or delete unit groups by choosing Coupling, Set up coupling or Delete coupling.

Shows new Item Unit Group List page.

From the Item Units of Measure and Resource Units of Measure pages, for each units of measure in a unit group, you can now view the coupled unit by choosing the Unit action, use the Synchronize action to synchronize unit data, or couple or delete a coupling by choosing Coupling, Set up coupling or Delete coupling.

Shows new Unit, Synchronize, Synchronization Log, and Coupling actions on Item Units of Measure page.


You need to enable Feature Update: Multiple Units of Measure Synchronization with Dynamics 365 Sales in Feature Management to use this capability.

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See also

Synchronization Rules (docs)