Enable NoImplicitWith feature by default


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Enabled for Public preview General availability
Admins, makers, marketers, or analysts, automatically Sep 1, 2022 Oct 1, 2022

Business value

In Business Central 2020 release 2 we added support for explicit WITH code statements and recommended using this instead of the legacy implicit WITH code statements, which can lead to issues with clashing identities. To promote the use of the explicit WITH statement, we have now updated the AL:Go template for new AL projects in Visual Studio Code to enable explicit WITH statements by default.

Feature details

When you start a new AL project in Visual Studio Code using the AL:Go template, the implicit WITH code statements will now be switched off by default to encourage using explicit WITH statements going forward. This is done by adding the NoImplicitWith option to the features property in the generated app.json file.

To read more about implicit and explicit WITH code statements, see Deprecating Explicit and Implicit With Statements.

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See also

Deprecating Explicit and Implicit With Statements (docs)