Unified Service Desk Configurations

Best Practices Analyzer analyzes the Unified Service Desk configurations that you make in Microsoft Dataverse.

Internal WPF Hosting Type

Best Practices Analyzer checks for Internal WPF hosting type hosted controls that you configure in Unified Service Desk and displays a warning when one or more Internal WPF hosting type hosted controls are configured.

We recommend that you move the Hosting Type of all the hosted controls of component type CRM Page or Standard Web Application from Internal WPF to IE Process.


For all the hosted controls of component type CRM Page or Standard Web Application, we recommend that you move the hosting type from Internal WPF to IE Process.

  1. Sign in to the Dynamics 365 instance.
  2. Go to Settings > Unified Service Desk > Hosted Controls.
  3. Select the applicable hosted controls from the list.
    You can change the hosting type for only CRM Page and Standard Web Application hosted controls.
  4. In the Hosting Type list, select IE Process.
  5. Select Save.

Actions Calls in PageLoadComplete Event

Best Practices Analyzer checks and displays a warning message when you associate any action calls with the PageLoadComplete event.

Action calls that are associated with the PageLoadComplete event occur several times per page load when an iFrame or frame is used on the CRM entity forms.

Unified Service Desk works best when PageLoadComplete is replaced with a BrowserDocumentComplete or DataReady event if you're using this event for CRM entity forms.


Replace the PageLoadComplete event with a BrowserDocumentComplete event or DataReady event if you're using it for CRM entity forms.


The DataReady event is available for use in Unified Service Desk 3.0 or later.

Actions Calls with Events

Best Practices Analyzer checks and displays a warning when you associate 10 or more action calls with the events listed in the following table.

Event Description
DesktopReady A DesktopReady event occurs on startup after all the desktop initialization are complete and the connections to the server are established.
SessionNew A SessionNew event occurs when a new session is created.
SessionActivated A SessionActivated event occurs when a new session is activated.
SessionDeactivated A SessionDeactivated event occurs when a new session is deactivated.
SessionClosed A SessionClosed event occurs when a session is closed.

Unified Service Desk works best when you associate 10 or fewer actions with any event.


Best Practices Analyzer recommends optimizing to associate 10 or fewers action calls with DesktopReady, SessionNew SessionActivated, SessionDeactivated, and SessionClosed events.

Number of Navigation Rules

Best Practices Analyzer checks for the number of navigation rules that you configure in Unified Service Desk and displays a warning message when the value is more than 50.

Unified Service Desk works best when 50 or fewer navigation rules are configured.


Best Practices Analyzer recommends optimizing the number of navigation rules in the range between 0 and 50.

Show Script Errors (ShowScriptErrors)

Best Practices Analyzer checks for the ShowScriptErrors value and displays a warning message when the value is set to true.

When you enable Show Script Errors, you often see pop-up error messages.

To work without interruption, you can set the ShowScriptErrors value to false.


Set ShowScriptErrors to false:

  1. Sign in to the Dynamics 365 instance.
  2. Go to Settings > Unified Service Desk > Options
  3. In the list of options, select ShowScriptErrors.
  4. In the Value field, select false.
  5. Select Save.

More information: Manage Options for Unified Service Desk

Client Caching

Best Practices Analyzer checks for the client caching option and displays a warning message when the field is blank.

You can use client caching to reduce the amount of bandwidth required during Unified Service Desk startup.


Enable client caching:

  1. Sign in to the Dynamics 365 instance.
  2. Go to Settings > Unified Service Desk > Options
  3. To create a new option, select New on the command bar.
  4. For the new option, select ClientCacheVersionNumber in the Name box, and then type an alphanumeric number in the Value box.
    The alphanumeric value is used as the cache key for Unified Service Desk. The alphanumeric value can be of any value but unique for each time you change.
  5. Select Save.


When an agent launches the Unified Service Desk client again, client caching isn't used. However, it doesn't delete or refresh the client cache store for the agent. When you remove the DisableCaching key for the agent, the agent returns to using the previously stored client cache store.

More information: Enable client caching

Maximum Number of Sessions (maxNumberOfSessions)

Best Practices Analyzer checks for the maxNumberOfSessions option and displays a warning message or an error message in accordance with the following table.

Severity maxNumberOfSessions
Error 0
Error More than 5
Warning 4 or 5

maxNumberOfSessions indicates the maximum number of simultaneous sessions that each user can open using Unified Service Desk.

Unified Service Desk works best when the maxNumberOfSessions value is more than 0 and less than or equal to 3.


Set the maxNumberOfSessions value to less than or equal to 3

  1. Sign in to the Dynamics 365 instance.
  2. Go to Settings > Unified Service Desk > Options
  3. In the list of options, select maxNumberOfSessions.
  4. In the Value field, type 3.
  5. Select Save.

More information: Manage Options for Unified Service Desk

Help Improve Unified Service Desk (HelpImproveUSD)

Best Practices Analyzer checks for HelpImproveUSD User Interface Integration (UII) option and displays a warning message when the value is set to false.

By using the Help Improve Unified Service Desk program, organization-wide agents can send improvement program information to Microsoft. To enable the program, activate (set to true) the HelpImproveUSD option.


Set HelpImproveUSD to true:

  1. Sign in to the Dynamics 365 instance.
  2. Go to Settings > Unified Service Desk > Options
  3. To create a new option, select New on the command bar.
  4. On the New Option page, select HelpImproveUSD in the Global Options list.
  5. In the Value field, select true.
  6. Select Save.

More information: Enable client caching

Internet Explorer Pooling (InternetExplorerPooling)

Best Practices Analyzer checks for the InternetExplorerPooling UII option and displays a warning message when the value is set to false.

Internet Explorer Pooling enhances performance of CRM entity page loading in Unified Service Desk.
Unified Service Desk works best when the InternetExplorerPooling option is set to true. You must configure the InternetExplorerPooling option to set it to true.


Set the InternetExplorerPooling option to true:

  1. Sign in to the Dynamics 365 instance.
  2. Go to Settings > Unified Service Desk > Options
  3. On the Active UII Options page, select New.
  4. In the Global Option field, select Others.
  5. In the Name field, enter InternetExplorerPooling.
  6. In the Value field, select true.
  7. Select Save.

More information: Enable Internet Explorer pooling

Activity Tracking Enabled

Best Practices Analyzer checks for the Activity Tracking Enabled option and displays a warning message when the option is disabled.

By using Activity Tracking Enabled options, you can track all the events for audit and diagnostic purposes.


Enable the Activity Tracking Enabled option:

  1. Sign in to the Dynamics 365 instance.
  2. Go to Settings > Unified Service Desk > Audit & Diagnostics Settings
  3. In the Audit Settings section, select the Activity Tracking Enabled check box.
  4. Select Save.

More information: Auditing

Diagnostic Tracking Enabled

Best Practices Analyzer checks for the Diagnostic Tracking Enabled option and displays a warning message when the option is disabled. By using Diagnostic Tracking Enabled, you can record operational events and errors in the Unified Service Desk log files.


Enable the Diagnostic Tracking Enabled option:

  1. Sign in to the Dynamics 365 instance.
  2. Go to Settings > Unified Service Desk > Audit & Diagnostics Settings
  3. In the Diagnostic Settings section, select the Diagnostic Tracking Enabled check box.
  4. Select Save.

More information: Diagnostics

Enable Exit Monitoring

Best Practices Analyzer checks for the Enable Exit Monitoring option and displays a warning message when the option is disabled.

Enable Exit Monitoring collects diagnostics logs and exit logs in the event of an exception in the Unified Service Desk client.


Enable the Enable Exit Monitoring option:

  1. Sign in to the Dynamics 365 instance.
  2. Go to Settings > Unified Service Desk > Audit & Diagnostics Settings
  3. In the Diagnostic Settings section, select the Enable Exit Monitoring check box.
  4. Select Save.

More information: Diagnostics

Enable Crash Dump Generation

Best Practices Analyzer checks for the Enable Crash Dump Generation option and displays a warning message when the option is disabled.

By using Enable Crash Dump Generation, you can collect dump files during a fatal exception of Unified Service Desk.


Enable the Enable Crash Dump Generation option:

  1. Sign in to the Dynamics 365 instance.
  2. Go to Settings > Unified Service Desk > Audit & Diagnostics Settings
  3. In the Diagnostic Settings section, select the Enable Crash Dump Generation check box.
  4. Select Save.

More information: Diagnostics

Internet Explorer Webpage Recovery (IEWebPageRecovery)

Best Practices Analyzer checks for the IEWebPageRecovery UII option and displays an error message when the option is set to false.

IEWebPageRecovery is an UII option that a system administrator can modify. The option helps recover unresponsive Internet Explorer webpages. Unified Service Desk works best when the IEWebPageRecovery option is set to true.


Set the IEWebPageRecovery option to true.

  1. Sign in to the Dynamics 365 instance.
  2. Go to Settings > Unified Service Desk > Options
  3. In the list of options, select IEWebPageRecovery.
  4. In the Value field, select true.
  5. Specify Save.

More information: Manage Options for Unified Service Desk

Process Termination Threshold (ProcessTerminationThreshold)

Best Practices Analyzer checks for the ProcessTerminationThreshold UII option and displays an error message when the value is set to 0.

ProcessTerminationThreshold indicates the timeout period for the duration (in milliseconds) that the Unified Service Desk monitoring process (usdmp.exe) waits before terminating an unresponsive Internet Explorer process, which also causes Unified Service Desk to become unresponsive. Unified Service Desk works best when ProcessTerminationThreshold option is set between the range 0 and 30000.


Set the ProcessTerminationThreshold value between the range 0 and 30000:

  1. Sign in to the Dynamics 365 instance.
  2. Go to Settings > Unified Service Desk > Options
  3. In the list of options, select ProcessTerminationThreshold.
  4. In the Value field, type a value between 0 and 30000.
  5. Select Save.

More information: Manage Options for Unified Service Desk

See also

Analyze best practices in Unified Service Desk

Download and install Best Practices Analyzer

Read Best Practices Analyzer report

List of rule categories and parameters

System configurations

Internet Explorer settings