Microsoft Dynamics 365 Sales - version 9.0.21023.10001

Update package Version number
Service Update 106 for Microsoft Dynamics 365 Sales version 9.0.21023.10001 (or higher) 9.0.21023.10001

To determine whether your organization had this update applied, check your Microsoft Dynamics 365 version number. Click the gear icon in the upper-right corner, and then click About.

An (*) at the end of a fix statement denotes that this repair item was incorporated into multiple service update releases.

Service Update 106 resolves the following issues:

Repaired Functionality

The following list details issues whose resolutions repair items in Dynamics that are not functioning.

Enterprise Sales

  • Disabled embed setting and show proper message that Collaboration solution isn't installed on your organization. Ask admin to install it.
  • AdminSetting: Made Basic integration and EmbedCollab integration independent.
  • Localiztions.
  • Displaying entity display name in description and button text.
  • Seller views a message when there are no results in product search.
  • Add support for showing product related attributes on the grid and hiding other related attributes.
  • If a search result is not part of initially loaded products list, then it's price per unit formatted value is not shown.
  • Additional attributes not shown on the grid for exclusive recently used products


The following list details issues whose resolutions repair items in Dynamics that are not as per Accessibility standards.

Enterprise Sales

  • Keyboard focus is not staying on "Enhanced email for timeline" toggle button after performing action on it.
  • Keyboard focus is given for Non-Interactive content "Productivity tools".

Return to the all version availability page.

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