Settle a postdated check for a vendor

Settle a postdated check issued to a vendor when the bank has cleared the check transaction after the check has been overdue and cleared by the bank.

Complete the following procedures before you start this one.

  1. Set up postdated checks

  2. Register and post a postdated check for a vendor

The role of this procedure is Treasurer. This procedure uses the USMF demo company.

  1. Go to Accounts payable > Payments > Vendor postdated checks.
  2. Click Settle.
  3. Click Settle clearing entries.
    • Settle the vendor account for the check transaction.
  4. Close the page.
  5. Go to General ledger > Journal entries > General journals.
  6. In the Show field, select All.
  7. Select or clear the Show user-created only check box.
  8. In the list, mark the selected row.
  9. Click Lines.
  10. Click Voucher.
  11. Close the page.