Can't remove mailbox permissions in Office 365 dedicated/ITAR


In Microsoft Office 365 dedicated/ITAR, you try to remove mailbox permissions from a mailbox by using the Remove-ADPermission or Remove-MailboxPermission cmdlet in Remote PowerShell. When you do this, you receive an error message that states that the access control entry cannot be removed.

For example, you try to use the following cmdlet to remove mailbox permissions:

Remove-MailboxPermission -Identity MailboxAccount -User UserAccount -AccessRights FullAccess -Confirm:$false

When you run the cmdlet, you receive the following error message:


Can't remove the access control entry on the object "User" for the user account because the ACE doesn't exist on the object.


This behavior is by design for Office 365 dedicated/ITAR customers in the legacy environment and for customers who run Microsoft Exchange Server 2016 in an Exchange resource forest design.


To work around this behavior, use the new BypassMasterAccountSid parameter when you remove permissions by using the Remove-ADPermission or Remove-MailboxPermission cmdlet.

For example, run the following cmdlet:

Remove-MailboxPermission -Identity MailboxAccount -User UserAccount -AccessRights FullAccess -Confirm:$false –BypassMasterAccountSid