PlayFabMultiplayer.OnLobbyMemberAddedHandler delegate

Handler for when a local PlayFab entity was added to lobby as a member.

public delegate void OnLobbyMemberAddedHandler(Lobby lobby, PFEntityKey member);
parameter description
lobby The lobby involved with the operation.
member The PlayFab entity which is now a member of the lobby.


OnLobbyMemberAdded event fires anytime any member is added to the lobby (remote or local). OnAddMemberCompleted event only fires when you invoke AddMember which allows you to add additional members to the lobby. The first local member was the one who created the lobby, it will fire the OnLobbyCreateAndJoinCompleted event. If the local member is using JoinLobby, it will fire the OnLobbyJoinCompleted event. If the local member is using JoinArrangedLobby, it will fire the OnLobbyJoinArrangedLobbyCompleted event.

See Also