windowsFirewallRule resource type

Namespace: microsoft.graph

Important: Microsoft Graph APIs under the /beta version are subject to change; production use is not supported.

Note: The Microsoft Graph API for Intune requires an active Intune license for the tenant.

A rule controlling traffic through the Windows Firewall.


Property Type Description
displayName String The display name of the rule. Does not need to be unique.
description String The description of the rule.
packageFamilyName String The package family name of a Microsoft Store application that's affected by the firewall rule.
filePath String The full file path of an app that's affected by the firewall rule.
serviceName String The name used in cases when a service, not an application, is sending or receiving traffic.
protocol Int32 0-255 number representing the IP protocol (TCP = 6, UDP = 17). If not specified, the default is All. Valid values 0 to 255
localPortRanges String collection List of local port ranges. For example, "100-120", "200", "300-320". If not specified, the default is All.
remotePortRanges String collection List of remote port ranges. For example, "100-120", "200", "300-320". If not specified, the default is All.
localAddressRanges String collection List of local addresses covered by the rule. Default is any address. Valid tokens include:
  • "*" indicates any local address. If present, this must be the only token included.
  • A subnet can be specified using either the subnet mask or network prefix notation. If neither a subnet mask nor a network prefix is specified, the subnet mask defaults to
  • A valid IPv6 address.
  • An IPv4 address range in the format of "start address - end address" with no spaces included.
  • An IPv6 address range in the format of "start address - end address" with no spaces included.
remoteAddressRanges String collection List of tokens specifying the remote addresses covered by the rule. Tokens are case insensitive. Default is any address. Valid tokens include:
  • "*" indicates any remote address. If present, this must be the only token included.
  • "Defaultgateway"
  • "DHCP"
  • "DNS"
  • "WINS"
  • "Intranet" (supported on Windows versions 1809+)
  • "RmtIntranet" (supported on Windows versions 1809+)
  • "Internet" (supported on Windows versions 1809+)
  • "Ply2Renders" (supported on Windows versions 1809+)
  • "LocalSubnet" indicates any local address on the local subnet.
  • A subnet can be specified using either the subnet mask or network prefix notation. If neither a subnet mask nor a network prefix is specified, the subnet mask defaults to
  • A valid IPv6 address.
  • An IPv4 address range in the format of "start address - end address" with no spaces included.
  • An IPv6 address range in the format of "start address - end address" with no spaces included.
profileTypes windowsFirewallRuleNetworkProfileTypes Specifies the profiles to which the rule belongs. If not specified, the default is All. Possible values are: notConfigured, domain, private, public.
action stateManagementSetting The action the rule enforces. If not specified, the default is Allowed. Possible values are: notConfigured, blocked, allowed.
trafficDirection windowsFirewallRuleTrafficDirectionType The traffic direction that the rule is enabled for. If not specified, the default is Out. Possible values are: notConfigured, out, in.
interfaceTypes windowsFirewallRuleInterfaceTypes The interface types of the rule. Possible values are: notConfigured, remoteAccess, wireless, lan.
edgeTraversal stateManagementSetting Indicates whether edge traversal is enabled or disabled for this rule. The EdgeTraversal setting indicates that specific inbound traffic is allowed to tunnel through NATs and other edge devices using the Teredo tunneling technology. In order for this setting to work correctly, the application or service with the inbound firewall rule needs to support IPv6. The primary application of this setting allows listeners on the host to be globally addressable through a Teredo IPv6 address. New rules have the EdgeTraversal property disabled by default. Possible values are: notConfigured, blocked, allowed.
localUserAuthorizations String Specifies the list of authorized local users for the app container. This is a string in Security Descriptor Definition Language (SDDL) format.



JSON Representation

Here is a JSON representation of the resource.

  "@odata.type": "#microsoft.graph.windowsFirewallRule",
  "displayName": "String",
  "description": "String",
  "packageFamilyName": "String",
  "filePath": "String",
  "serviceName": "String",
  "protocol": 1024,
  "localPortRanges": [
  "remotePortRanges": [
  "localAddressRanges": [
  "remoteAddressRanges": [
  "profileTypes": "String",
  "action": "String",
  "trafficDirection": "String",
  "interfaceTypes": "String",
  "edgeTraversal": "String",
  "localUserAuthorizations": "String"