remoteAction enum type

Namespace: microsoft.graph

Important: Microsoft Graph APIs under the /beta version are subject to change; production use is not supported.

Note: The Microsoft Graph API for Intune requires an active Intune license for the tenant.

Remote actions Intune supports.


Member Value Description
unknown 0 Indicate user initiates an unknown action.
factoryReset 1 Indicate user initiates an action to factory reset a device.
removeCompanyData 2 Indicate user initiates an action to remove company data from a device.
resetPasscode 3 Indicate user initiates an action to remove the passcode of an iOS device, or reset the passcode of Android / Windows device.
remoteLock 4 Indicate user initiates an action to remote lock a device.
enableLostMode 5 Indicate user initiates an action to enable lost mode on a supervised iOS device.
disableLostMode 6 Indicate user initiates an action to disable lost mode on a supervised iOS device.
locateDevice 7 Indicate user initiates an action to locate a supervised iOS device.
rebootNow 8 Indicate user initiates an action to reboot the device.
recoverPasscode 9 Indicate user initiates an action to reset the pin for passport for work on windows phone device.
cleanWindowsDevice 10 Indicate user initiates an action to clean up windows device.
logoutSharedAppleDeviceActiveUser 11 Indicate user initiates an action to log out current user on shared apple device.
quickScan 12 Indicate user initiates an action to run quick scan on device.
fullScan 13 Indicate user initiates an action to run full scan on device.
windowsDefenderUpdateSignatures 14 Indicate user initiates an action to update malware signatures on device.
factoryResetKeepEnrollmentData 15 Indicate user initiates an action remote wipe device with keeping enrollment data.
updateDeviceAccount 16 Indicate user initiates an action to update account on device.
automaticRedeployment 17 Indicate user initiates an action to automatic redeploy the device
shutDown 18 Indicate user initiates an action to shut down the device.
rotateBitLockerKeys 19 Indicate user initiates an action to Rotate BitLockerKeys on the device.
rotateFileVaultKey 20 Indicate user initiates an action to Rotate FileVaultKey on mac.
getFileVaultKey 21 Indicate user initiates an action to Get FileVaultKey on mac.
setDeviceName 22 Indicate user initiates an action to Set Device Name on the device.
activateDeviceEsim 23 Indicate user initiates an action to Activate eSIM on the device.
deprovision 24 Indicate user initiates an action to deprovision the device.
disable 25 Indicate user initiates an action to disable the device.
reenable 26 Indicate user initiates an action to reenable the device.
moveDeviceToOrganizationalUnit 27 Indicate user initiates an action to move the device to a new organizational unit.
initiateMobileDeviceManagementKeyRecovery 28 Add device action of InitiateMobileDeviceManagementKeyRecovery
initiateOnDemandProactiveRemediation 29 Add device action of InitiateOnDemandProactiveRemediation
rotateLocalAdminPassword 32 Add device action of RotateLocalAdminPassword
unknownFutureValue 33 Evolvable enumeration sentinel value. Do not use.
launchRemoteHelp 34 Add device action of Remote Help Launch
revokeAppleVppLicenses 35 Revoke all Apple Vpp licenses for a device
removeDeviceFirmwareConfigurationInterfaceManagement 36 Indicate IT Admin initiates an action to remove devices from Device Firmware Configuration Interface management
pauseConfigurationRefresh 37 Indicates an action has been initiated to pause configuration refresh for the device.
initiateDeviceAttestation 38 Indicates remote device action to intiate Mobile Device Management (MDM) attestation if device is capable for it.
changeAssignments 39 Indicates remote device action to override assignments for a Device.
delete 40 Indicates remote device action to delete a device from Intune portal.