notificationTemplateBrandingOptions enum type

Namespace: microsoft.graph

Note: The Microsoft Graph API for Intune requires an active Intune license for the tenant.

Branding Options for the Message Template. Branding is defined in the Intune Admin Console.


Member Value Description
none 0 Indicates that no branding options are set in the message template.
includeCompanyLogo 1 Indicates to include company logo in the message template.
includeCompanyName 2 Indicates to include company name in the message template.
includeContactInformation 4 Indicates to include contact information in the message template.
includeCompanyPortalLink 8 Indicates to include company portal website link in the message template.
includeDeviceDetails 16 Indicates to include device details in the message template.
unknownFutureValue 32 Evolvable enumeration sentinel value. Do not use.