virtualEndpoint resource type

Namespace: microsoft.graph


APIs under the /beta version in Microsoft Graph are subject to change. Use of these APIs in production applications is not supported. To determine whether an API is available in v1.0, use the Version selector.


The cloudPcSharedUseServicePlan resource is deprecated and stopped returning data on October 8, 2023. Existing apps that use this feature with the cloudPcSharedUseServicePlan should be updated.

Represents a container for APIs to manage Cloud PCs.

Use the Cloud PC API to provision and manage virtual desktops for employees in an organization, or along with the Intune API to manage physical and virtual endpoints.

Inherits from entity.


Method Return type Description
Get effective permissions String collection View the effective permissions of the currently authenticated user.
List cloudPCs cloudPC collection List properties and relationships of the cloudPC objects.
List deviceImages cloudPcDeviceImage collection List the properties and relationships of cloudPcDeviceImage objects.
List galleryImages cloudPcGalleryImage collection List the properties and relationships of cloudPcGalleryImage objects.
Create cloudPcDeviceImage cloudPcDeviceImage Create a new cloudPcDeviceImage object.
List onPremisesConnections cloudPcOnPremisesConnection collection List properties and relationships of the cloudPcOnPremisesConnection objects.
Create cloudPcOnPremisesConnection cloudPcOnPremisesConnection Create a new cloudPcOnPremisesConnection object.
List provisioningPolicies cloudPcProvisioningPolicy collection List properties and relationships of the cloudPcProvisioningPolicy objects.
Create cloudPcProvisioningPolicy cloudPcProvisioningPolicy Create a new cloudPcProvisioningPolicy object.
List userSettings cloudPcUserSetting collection Get the cloudPcUserSetting resources from the userSettings navigation property.
Create cloudPcUserSetting cloudPcUserSetting Create a new cloudPcUserSetting object.
List auditEvents cloudPcAuditEvent collection List properties and relationships of the cloudPcAuditEvent objects.
List supportedRegions cloudPcSupportedRegion collection List properties and relationships of the cloudPcSupportedRegion objects.
List servicePlans cloudPcServicePlan collection List properties and relationships of the cloudPcServicePlan objects.
List snapshots cloudPcSnapshot collection Get a list of cloudPcSnapshot objects and their properties.
List externalPartnerSettings cloudPcExternalPartnerSetting collection Get a list of the cloudPcExternalPartnerSetting objects and their properties.
Create cloudPcExternalPartnerSetting cloudPcExternalPartnerSetting Create a new cloudPcExternalPartnerSetting object.
List frontLintServicePlans cloudPcFrontLineServicePlan collection Get a list of the cloudPcFrontLineServicePlan objects and their properties.
List sharedUseServicePlans (deprecated) cloudPcSharedUseServicePlan collection List properties and relationships of the cloudPcSharedUseServicePlan objects.
List bulkActions cloudPcBulkAction collection Get a list of the cloudPcBulkAction objects and their properties.
Create cloudPcBulkAction cloudPcBulkAction Create a new cloudPcBulkAction object.


Property Type Description
id String The unique identifier for the virtual endpoint. Read-only. Inherited from entity.


Relationship Type Description
auditEvents cloudPcAuditEvent collection Cloud PC audit event.
bulkActions cloudPcBulkAction collection Bulk actions applied to a Cloud PC.
cloudPCs cloudPC collection Cloud managed virtual desktops.
crossCloudGovernmentOrganizationMapping cloudPcCrossCloudGovernmentOrganizationMapping Cloud PC organization mapping between public and US Government Community Cloud (GCC) organizations.
deviceImages cloudPcDeviceImage collection The image resource on Cloud PC.
externalPartnerSettings cloudPcExternalPartnerSetting collection The external partner settings on a Cloud PC.
frontLineServicePlans cloudPcFrontLineServicePlan collection Front-line service plans for a Cloud PC.
galleryImages cloudPcGalleryImage collection The gallery image resource on Cloud PC.
onPremisesConnections cloudPcOnPremisesConnection collection A defined collection of Azure resource information that can be used to establish on-premises network connectivity for Cloud PCs.
organizationSettings cloudPcOrganizationSettings The Cloud PC organization settings for a tenant.
provisioningPolicies cloudPcProvisioningPolicy collection Cloud PC provisioning policy.
reports cloudPcReports Cloud PC related reports.
servicePlans cloudPcServicePlan collection Cloud PC service plans.
snapshots cloudPcSnapshot collection Cloud PC snapshots.
supportedRegions cloudPcSupportedRegion collection Cloud PC supported regions.
userSettings cloudPcUserSetting collection Cloud PC user settings.
sharedUseServicePlans (deprecated) cloudPcSharedUseServicePlan collection Cloud PC shared-use service plans. The sharedUseServicePlans relationship is deprecated and stopped returning data on October 8, 2023. Going forward, use the frontLineServicePlans relationship.

JSON representation

The following JSON representation shows the resource type.

  "@odata.type": "#microsoft.graph.virtualEndpoint",
  "id": "String (identifier)"