Changelog for Microsoft Graph (Archive)

This article contains archived changelog entries for Microsoft Graph. For current changes, see the Microsoft Graph Changelog.

September 2020


Change type Version Description
Addition v1.0 Added the transactionId property to the event entity.

Change notifications

Change type Version Description
Addition v1.0 Added chatMessage to the resources supported for change notifications.

Cloud communications

Change type Version Description
Addition beta Added the lobbyBypassSettings, isEntryExitAnnounced, and allowedPresenters property to the onlineMeeting entity.
Addition beta Added support for application permissions to the onlineMeeting entity and associated methods.
Addition beta Added delete method to the participant entity.
Addition v1.0 Added delete method to the participant entity.

Devices and apps | Cloud printing

Change type Version Description
Addition beta Added the Download printDocument binary file method to download the binary file data associated with a document.
Addition beta Added support for $expand=documents and $filter=createdBy/userPrincipalName query parameters in the List printJobs method.

Devices and apps | Corporate management

Change type Version Description
Addition v1.0 Added new entities:
Addition v1.0 Added new complex types:
Addition v1.0 Added new enum types:
Change v1.0 Changed the following properties on the windows10EndpointProtectionConfiguration entity:
firewallBlockStatefulFTP from required to optional
firewallMergeKeyingModuleSettings from required to optional
Addition beta Added new entities:
Addition beta Added new complex types:
Addition beta Added new enum types:
Addition beta Added the getAvailableExtensionProperties action
Addition beta Added the getObjectsById action
Addition beta Added the revokeLicenses action on vppToken
Addition beta Added the getSuggestedEnrollmentLimit function on deviceManagement
Deletion beta Removed the revokeLicenses action on vppToken
Addition beta Added the requiredPasswordComplexity property to the androidCompliancePolicy entity
Addition beta Added the personalProfileAppsAllowInstallFromUnknownSources, personalProfileCameraBlocked, personalProfileScreenCaptureBlocked, workProfilePasswordExpirationDays, workProfilePasswordMinimumLength, workProfilePasswordMinimumNumericCharacters, workProfilePasswordMinimumNonLetterCharacters, workProfilePasswordMinimumLetterCharacters, workProfilePasswordMinimumLowerCaseCharacters, workProfilePasswordMinimumUpperCaseCharacters, workProfilePasswordMinimumSymbolCharacters, workProfilePasswordPreviousPasswordCountToBlock, workProfilePasswordSignInFailureCountBeforeFactoryReset and workProfilePasswordRequiredType properties to the androidDeviceOwnerGeneralDeviceConfiguration entity
Addition beta Added the targetedMobileApps and microsoftTunnelSiteId properties to the androidDeviceOwnerVpnConfiguration entity
Addition beta Added the requiredPasswordComplexity property to the androidGeneralDeviceConfiguration entity
Addition beta Added the biometricAuthenticationBlocked and requiredAndroidSafetyNetEvaluationType properties to the androidManagedAppProtection entity
Addition beta Added the targetedMobileApps and microsoftTunnelSiteId properties to the androidWorkProfileVpnConfiguration entity
Addition beta Added the excludedDomains and disableOnDemandUserOverride properties to the appleVpnConfiguration entity
Addition beta Added the biometricAuthenticationBlocked and requiredAndroidSafetyNetEvaluationType properties to the defaultManagedAppProtection entity
Addition beta Added the windowsHomeSkuRestriction property to the deviceEnrollmentPlatformRestrictionsConfiguration entity
Addition beta Added the admxSettingDefinitionId property to the groupPolicySettingMapping entity
Addition beta Added the disableClientTelemetry property to the intuneBrandingProfile entity
Addition beta Added the perAppVPNProfileId property to the iosEasEmailProfileConfiguration entity
Addition beta Added the appClipsBlocked property to the iosGeneralDeviceConfiguration entity
Addition beta Added the mtuSizeInBytes property to the iosikEv2VpnConfiguration entity
Addition beta Added the microsoftTunnelSiteId property to the iosVpnConfiguration entity
Addition beta Added the disableMacAddressRandomization property to the iosWiFiConfiguration entity
Addition beta Added the updateDelayPolicy property to the macOSGeneralDeviceConfiguration entity
Addition beta Added the skuNumber and managementFeatures properties to the managedDevice entity
Addition beta Added the supersedingAppCount and supersededAppCount properties to the mobileApp entity
Addition beta Added the targetType property to the mobileAppRelationship entity
Addition beta Added the appHangCount, activeDeviceCount, appDisplayName, appUsageDuration, appCrashCount and meanTimeToFailureInMinutes properties to the userExperienceAnalyticsAppHealthApplicationPerformance entity
Deletion beta Removed the activeDevices, allOrgsHealthScore, allOrgsMeanTimeToFailure, appFriendlyName, meanTimeToFailure, memaTimeGenerated, tenantId, totalAppCrashes, totalAppHangs and totalAppUsageDuration properties from the userExperienceAnalyticsAppHealthApplicationPerformance entity
Addition beta Added the restartStopCode and restartFaultBucket properties to the userExperienceAnalyticsDeviceStartupHistory entity
Deletion beta Removed the installLanguage property from the win32LobApp entity
Addition beta Added the firewallIPSecExemptionsNone property to the windows10EndpointProtectionConfiguration entity
Change beta Changed the following properties on the windows10EndpointProtectionConfiguration entity:
firewallBlockStatefulFTP from required to optional
firewallMergeKeyingModuleSettings from required to optional
Addition beta Added the userExperienceAnalyticsAppHealthApplicationPerformanceByAppVersion, userExperienceAnalyticsAppHealthApplicationPerformanceByOSVersion, userExperienceAnalyticsAppHealthDevicePerformance, userExperienceAnalyticsAppHealthDeviceModelPerformance, userExperienceAnalyticsAppHealthOSVersionPerformance, userExperienceAnalyticsAppHealthOverview, userExperienceAnalyticsAppHealthDevicePerformanceDetails, microsoftTunnelConfigurations and microsoftTunnelSites navigation properties to the deviceManagement entity
Addition beta Added the rebootAnalyticsMetrics navigation property to the userExperienceAnalyticsBaseline entity
Addition beta Added the aospUserlessCount property to the deviceOperatingSystemSummary complex type
Addition beta Added the customCantSeePrivacyMessage, customCanSeePrivacyMessage and disableClientTelemetry properties to the intuneBrand complex type
Addition beta Added the sourceType property to the settingSource complex type
Addition beta Added the activeMalwareDetectionCount and distinctActiveMalwareCount properties to the windowsMalwareCategoryCount complex type
Addition beta Added the netMotionMobility member to the androidWorkProfileVpnConnectionType enum type
Addition beta Added the cloudPC member to the deviceManagementTemplateType enum type
Addition beta Added the size4096 member to the keySize enum type
Addition beta Added the longPowerButtonPress and bootError members to the userExperienceAnalyticsOperatingSystemRestartCategory enum type
Addition beta Added the windowsUpdates member to the windowsHealthMonitoringScope enum type
Deletion beta Removed the userExperienceAnalytics member from the windowsHealthMonitoringScope enum type

Identity and access

Change type Version Description
Addition beta Added the schedule property to accessPackageAssignment and accessPackageAssignmentRequest in entitlement management.
Addition beta Added the bitlockerRecoveryKey resource type.
Addition beta Added the volumeType enumeration type.
Addition beta Added the directorySizeQuota complex type to the organization entity.

Identity and access | Directory management

Change type Version Description
Addition v1.0 Introduced the administrative units API. Administrative units allow organizations to subdivide their Azure Active Directory, and delegate administrative duties to those subdivisions. Subdivisions can represent regions, departments, cost centers, and so on and can now be managed through the Microsoft Graph API.

Identity and access | Identity and sign-in

Change type Version Description
Addition beta Added the continuousAccessEvaluationPolicy resource type.
Addition beta Added the permissionGrantPolicyIdsAssignedToDefaultUserRole property to the authorizationPolicy resource.


Change type Version Description
Addition Beta and v1.0 Added the outlookM365 and outlook2019 properties to the getEmailAppUsageVersionsUserCounts entity.
Change type Version Description
Addition beta Added the state property to the externalConnection resource.
Addition beta Added the externalGroup resource.
Addition beta Added the externalGroupMember resource.
Addition beta Search more types in OneDrive and SharePoint: drive, list, listItem, and site. See more details here.
Addition beta Identify selected properties to return in search results.
Addition beta Sort search results from OneDrive and SharePoint by specifying sortProperties in a searchRequest resource.
Addition beta Refine results using aggregations for OneDrive and SharePoint by specifying aggregations and aggregationFilters in a searchRequest resource.
Addition beta Query external data across more than one connection.
Change beta Some properties in the request and response have been renamed and are deprecated. See more details about the deprecation.


Change type Version Description
Addition Beta and v1.0 Added lastEditedDateTime property to the chatMessage resource.
Change Beta and v1.0 Changed lastModifiedDateTime property in the chatMessage resource to represent the time the entity was last touched. It will always be set and never have a null value
Addition beta Added the createdDateTime property to the channel and team resources.
Addition beta and v1.0 Added the Update chatMessage method to the chatMessage resource.
Addition v1.0 Added the List members, Add members, and Remove members methods.

Identity and access | Identity and sign-in


Change type Version Description
Change beta and v1.0 Updated the mail property on the user entity to be writeable.

August 2020


Change type Version Description
Addition Beta Added the passwordSingleSignOnSettings property to the servicePrincipal resource.


Change type Version Description
Addition beta Added the cancelledOccurrences, exceptionOccurrences, and occurrenceId properties to the event entity.

Change notifications

Change type Version Description
Addition v1.0 Change tracking through delta queries is available for Microsoft Graph for US Government.
Deletion Beta Removed the includeProperties property from the subscription entity and the property is replaced by the includeResourceData property.
Addition Beta Added the ability to get change notifications delivered via Event Hubs.

Cloud communications

Change type Version Description
Addition v1.0 Added the cancelMediaProcessing API to the call entity.
Addition beta and v1.0 Added the transcription property to the call entity.

Devices and apps | Cloud printing

Change type Version Description
Addition beta Added new delegated permissions:
  • Printer.Create
  • Printer.FullControl.All
  • Printer.Read.All
  • Printer.ReadWrite.All
  • PrinterShare.Read.All
  • PrinterShare.ReadWrite.All
  • PrintJob.Read
  • PrintJob.Read.All
  • PrintJob.ReadBasic
  • PrintJob.ReadBasic.All
  • PrintJob.ReadWrite
  • PrintJob.ReadWrite.All
  • PrintJob.ReadWriteBasic
  • PrintJob.ReadWriteBasic.All
Addition beta Added new app-only permissions:
  • Printer.Read.All
  • Printer.ReadWrite.All
  • PrintJob.Manage.All
  • PrintJob.Read.All
  • PrintJob.ReadBasic.All
  • PrintJob.ReadWrite.All
  • PrintJob.ReadWriteBasic.All
  • PrintTaskDefinition.ReadWrite.All
Change beta Added new permission requirements to:
Change beta Added the allowAllUsers property to the printerShare resource.

Devices and apps | Corporate management

Change type Version Description
Addition beta Added new entities:
Addition beta Added new complex types:
Addition beta Added new enum types:
Addition beta Added the syncLicenseCounts?view=graph-rest-beta) action on vppToken collection
Addition beta Added the importOffice365DeviceConfigurationPolicies action on deviceManagementTemplate collection
Addition beta Added the passwordBlockFaceUnlock, passwordBlockIrisUnlock, workProfilePasswordBlockFaceUnlock and workProfilePasswordBlockIrisUnlock properties to the androidForWorkGeneralDeviceConfiguration entity
Addition beta Added the passwordBlockFaceUnlock, passwordBlockIrisUnlock, workProfilePasswordBlockFaceUnlock and workProfilePasswordBlockIrisUnlock properties to the androidWorkProfileGeneralDeviceConfiguration entity
Addition beta Added the providerType property to the appleVpnConfiguration entity
Addition beta Added the customCanSeePrivacyMessage and customCantSeePrivacyMessage properties to the intuneBrandingProfile entity
Deletion beta Removed the providerType property from the iosVpnConfiguration entity
Addition beta Added the onboardingRequestExpiryDateTime property to the remoteAssistancePartner entity
Addition beta Added the blueScreenCount, restartCount, averageBlueScreens and averageRestarts properties to the userExperienceAnalyticsDevicePerformance entity
Addition beta Added the restartCategory property to the userExperienceAnalyticsDeviceStartupHistory entity
Deletion beta Removed the category property from the windowsDeviceMalwareState entity
Addition beta Added the requireCryptographicBinding, performServerValidation and disableUserPromptForServerValidation properties to the windowsWifiEnterpriseEAPConfiguration entity
Addition beta Added the userExperienceAnalyticsMetricHistory, userExperienceAnalyticsAppHealthApplicationPerformance, microsoftTunnelConfigurations and microsoftTunnelSites navigation properties to the deviceManagement entity
Addition beta Added the deviceMalwareStates navigation property to the windowsMalwareInformation entity
Deletion beta Removed the windowsDevicesProtectionState navigation property from the windowsMalwareInformation entity
Addition beta Added the remoteTenantId and remoteUserId properties to the auditActor complex type
Addition beta Added the totalComanagedCount property to the comanagedDevicesSummary complex type
Addition beta Added the batterySerialNumber, batteryHealthPercentage and batteryChargeCycles properties to the hardwareInformation complex type
Addition beta Added the bundleIdAccessControlList property to the iosAzureAdSingleSignOnExtension complex type
Addition beta Added the totalMalwareCount, totalDistinctMalwareCount and malwareSeveritySummary properties to the windowsMalwareOverview complex type
Addition beta Added the malwareDetectionCount and distinctMalwareCount properties to the windowsMalwareStateCount complex type
Addition beta Added the netMotionMobility member to the appleVpnConnectionType enum type
Addition beta Added the cloudPC member to the deviceType enum type
Addition beta Added the mdmClientCrashed, timeout, updateError and updateScanFailed members to the iosUpdatesInstallStatus enum type
Addition beta Added the iosAppStoreUpdateFailedToInstall, vppAppHasUpdateAvailable, userRejectedUpdate, managedAppNoLongerPresent, userRejectedInstall and userIsNotLoggedIntoAppStore members to the resultantAppStateDetail enum type

Identity and access

Change type Version Description
Addition beta Added the following properties to Terms of Use agreement:
  • isPerDeviceAcceptanceRequired
  • termsExpiration
  • userReacceptRequiredFrequency
Addition beta Added a new resource type to Terms of Use agreement:
Addition beta Added connectedOrganization internal and external sponsors to entitlement management.
Addition beta Added the inheritsPermissionsFrom property to the unifiedRoleDefinition resource.
Addition beta Added the connectedOrganizationState enumeration type and the state property to the connectedOrganization resource.
Change beta Renamed requestorSettings allowed value from "AllExistingConnectedOrganizationSubjects" to "AllConfiguredConnectedOrganizationSubjects"
Addition beta Added the following properties to the authorizationPolicy resource type:
  • defaultUserRolePermissions
  • allowedToUseSSPR
  • allowedToSignUpEmailBasedSubscriptions
  • allowEmailVerifiedUsersToJoinOrganization

Identity and access | Identity and sign-in

Change type Version Description
Addition beta Added the b2cIdentityUserFlow entity for managing user flows in an Azure Active Directory B2C tenant.
Addition beta Added the b2xIdentityUserFlow entity for managing self-service sign-up user flows in an Azure Active Directory tenant.

People and workplace intelligence | Profile

Change type Version Description
Addition Beta Added the following new relationships to the profile API with associated entities and methods:

Reports | Microsoft 365 usage reports

Change type Version Description
Addition beta Added the getM365AppUserDetail method.
Addition beta Added the getM365AppUserCounts method.
Addition beta Added the getM365AppPlatformUserCounts method.


Change type Version Description
Addition beta Added the contentBytes property to the chatMessageHostedContent resource.
Addition beta Added the contentType property to the chatMessageHostedContent resource.
Addition beta Added support for sending inline images to the chatMessage resource.
Addition beta Added the isMembershipLimitedToOwners property to the team resource.
Addition beta and v1.0 Added the publishingState property to the teamsAppDefinition resource.
Addition beta and v1.0 Added AppCatalog.Submit delegated permission to:
Addition beta and v1.0 Added support for the requiresReview query parameter to:
Addition v1.0 Added support for creating a team directly (without first creating a group), which also enables creating class teams.
Addition v1.0 Added the members navigation property to the team resource type, enabling members to be added with increased reliability and lower latency.

To-do tasks

Change type Version Description
Addition beta Introduced the To Do API. Added the todoTask, todoTaskList, and linkedResource resources, and CRUD operations.
Change beta Deprecated the Outlook tasks API, including outlookTask, outlookTaskFolder, outlookTaskGroup, and related operations and methods.

July 2020


Change type Version Description
Addition v1.0 Added the allowNewTimeProposals property to the event and eventMessageRequest entities.
Addition v1.0 Added the proposedNewTime optional parameter to the tentativelyAccept and decline methods of event.
Addition v1.0 Added the eventMessageResponse entity that is based on eventMessage, and in addition, includes the proposedNewTime and responseType properties.
Addition v1.0 Added the proposedNewTime property to the attendee complex type.

Change notifications

Change type Version Description
Removal beta and v1.0 Removed the erroneously introduced sequenceNumber property from the changeNotification type.
Addition beta Adds presence to the resources supported for change notifications.

Cloud communications

Change type Version Description
Addition beta Added the Update onlineMeeting operation for meeting updates.
Addition beta The presence resource now supports change notifications.

Cloud communications | Call records

Adding PSTN and Direct Routing call reports to Microsoft Graph (beta).

Change type Version Description
Addition beta Added APIs to get PSTN call report and get a Direct Routing report.
Addition beta Added new entities:
  • pstnCallLogRow
  • directRoutingLogRow.
  • Compliance | eDiscovery

    Change type Version Description
    Addition beta Introduced the compliance eDiscovery API, including the ediscoveryCase, reviewSet, and reviewSetQuery, and operations.

    Devices and apps | Cloud printing

    Change type Version Description
    Change beta The Update printer method now supports application permissions and IPP encoding.
    Addition beta The following permission scopes have been added:
    • Printer.ReadWrite.All
    • PrintJob.ReadBasic.All
    • PrintJob.Read.All
    • PrintJob.ReadWriteBasic.All
    • PrintJob.ReadWrite.All
    See the permissions reference for details.
    Addition beta Added the following resources to the Universal Print API:
    Change beta Get printJob now supports application permissions, and $expand=tasks.
    Addition beta Added the Redirect printJob method.
    Addition beta Added the following methods related to printTaskDefinition:
    Addition beta Added the following methods related to printTaskTrigger:

    Devices and apps | Corporate management

    Change type Version Description
    Addition beta Added new entities:
    Addition beta Added new complex types:
    Addition beta Added new enum types:
    Addition beta Added the createDeviceLogCollectionRequest action on managedDevice
    Addition beta Added the createDownloadUrl action on deviceLogCollectionResponse
    Deletion beta Removed the following entities:
    Addition beta Added the enrollmentMode property to the androidDeviceOwnerEnrollmentProfile entity
    Addition beta Added the microsoftLauncherCustomWallpaperEnabled, microsoftLauncherCustomWallpaperImageUrl, microsoftLauncherCustomWallpaperAllowUserModification, microsoftLauncherFeedEnabled, microsoftLauncherFeedAllowUserModification, microsoftLauncherDockPresenceConfiguration, microsoftLauncherDockPresenceAllowUserModification, microsoftLauncherSearchBarPlacementConfiguration, kioskModeShowDeviceInfo, kioskModeManagedSettingsEntryDisabled, kioskModeDebugMenuEasyAccessEnabled, kioskModeShowAppNotificationBadge, kioskModeScreenOrientation, kioskModeIconSize, kioskModeFolderIcon and kioskModeWifiAllowedSsids properties to the androidDeviceOwnerGeneralDeviceConfiguration entity
    Addition beta Added the proxyServer, targetedPackageIds, alwaysOn and alwaysOnLockdown properties to the androidDeviceOwnerVpnConfiguration entity
    Addition beta Added the proxyServer, targetedPackageIds, alwaysOn and alwaysOnLockdown properties to the androidWorkProfileVpnConfiguration entity
    Change beta Changed the following properties on the deviceAndAppManagementAssignmentFilter entity:
    rule from optional to required
    Addition beta Added the targetedMobileApps property to the iosVpnConfiguration entity
    Addition beta Added the minimumSupportedWindowsRelease property to the win32LobApp entity
    Addition beta Added the roleScopeTagIds property to the windowsFeatureUpdateProfile entity
    Addition beta Added the microsoftTunnelConfigurations and microsoftTunnelSites navigation properties to the deviceManagement entity
    Addition beta Added the logCollectionRequests navigation property to the managedDevice entity
    Addition beta Added the enableLogCollection property to the deviceManagementSettings complex type
    Addition beta Added the androidCorporateWorkProfileCount property to the deviceOperatingSystemSummary complex type
    Addition beta Added the pendingQuickScanDeviceCount property to the deviceProtectionOverview complex type
    Addition beta Added the microsoftTunnel member to the androidVpnConnectionType enum type
    Addition beta Added the microsoftTunnel member to the androidWorkProfileVpnConnectionType enum type
    Addition beta Added the microsoftTunnel member to the appleVpnConnectionType enum type
    Addition beta Added the disable member to the deviceGuardLocalSystemAuthorityCredentialGuardType enum type
    Addition beta Added the deviceConfigurationForOffice365 member to the deviceManagementTemplateType enum type
    Addition beta Added the azureAD member to the vpnAuthenticationMethod enum type
    Addition beta Added the derivedCredential member to the windows10VpnAuthenticationMethod enum type


    Change type Version Description
    Addition beta Added new expirationDate property to the educationSynchronizationProfile resource.
    Add beta Added new externalSourceDetail property to educationSchool, educationClass, educationUser resources

    Extensions | Schema extensions

    Change type Version Description
    Addition v1.0 The schema extensions feature is now generally available in Microsoft Cloud for US Government.

    Identity and access

    Change type Version Description
    Addition v1.0 Added the getAvailableExtensionProperties method to the directoryObject resource.
    Addition beta Added the settings navigation property to the organization entity.
    Addition beta Added the organizationSettings entity.
    Addition beta and v1.0 Added the following operations to devices:
    Delete registered owner
    Delete registered user
    Addition v1.0 Added the assignedlabels, expirationDateTime, membershipRule, membershipRuleProcessingState, preferredLanguage, and theme properties to the group entity.
    Addition beta Added the infoCatalogs property to the group entity and the user entity.
    Addition beta Added the id property to the synchronizationSchema entity.
    Addition beta Added the acquireAccessToken method to the synchronization resource
    Addition beta Added the entitlementManagementSettings entity.
    Addition v1.0 Added the identitySecurityDefaultsEnforcementPolicy API, which represents Azure Active Directory security defaults policy.
    Addition v1.0 Added delta query capability to servicePrincipal.
    Addition beta Added the connectedOrganization to entitlement management.
    Addition v1.0 Added delta query capability for oauth2PermissionGrant.
    Addition v1.0 Added delta query capability for oauth2PermissionGrant.
    Addition beta Added update operations to the entitlement management access package, access package catalog and access package assignment policy
    Addition Beta Added new property isAssignableToRole to group.

    Identity and access | Identity and sign-in

    Change type Version Description
    Addition beta Added the userRiskLevels property to the conditionalaccessconditionset entity.
    Addition beta Added the passwordChange grant control to the conditionalaccessgrantcontrols entity.
    Addition v1.0 Added new entity types:
    Addition v1.0 Added new complex types:
    Addition v1.0 Added the namedLocation API, which represents named locations in Azure AD conditional access.
    Addition beta Added the openIDConnectProvider complex type, availableprovidertypes method and claimsMapping property.
    Change beta Updated the identityProvider entity and the create, list, get, update, delete and post operations to include OpenID Connect Provider.
    Addition v1.0 Added the namedLocation API, which represents named locations in Azure AD conditional access.

    People and workplace intelligence | Insights

    Change type Version Description
    Addition beta Added the itemInsights navigation property to the organizationSettings entity.
    Addition beta Added the itemInsightsSettings entity and the following operations:
    Get itemInsightSettings
    Update itemInsightSettings

    People and workplace intelligence | Profile

    Change type Version Description
    Addition beta Added the profileCardProperties navigation property to the organizationSettings entity.
    Addition beta Added the profileCardProperty entity and the following operations:

    Sites and lists | Taxonomy

    Change type Version Description
    Addition beta Introduced the taxonomy API, including the, termStore.term, termStore.set, and termStore.relation resources and associated methods.


    Change type Version Description
    Addition beta, v1.0 Added new permissions TeamsAppInstallation.ReadForTeam, TeamsAppInstallation.ReadWriteForTeam, TeamsAppInstallation.ReadForTeam.All, TeamsAppInstallation.ReadWriteForTeam.All.
    Addition beta Added delegated permissions support for notifications for channel and chat messages.

    Workbooks and charts

    Change type Version Description
    Addition beta and v1.0 Added the workbookOperation relationship to the workbook entity.
    Addition beta and v1.0 Added the Get workbookOperation method to the workbookOperation entity

    June 2020


    Change type Version Description
    Addition beta The delta function supports a more scenario to get incremental changes (new, updated, or removed) of events in a user calendar without necessarily being bounded by a date range.

    Change notifications

    Change type Version Description
    Addition v1.0 Added the changeNotification, changeNotificationCollection, and resourceData resources to the change notification API.

    Cloud communications

    Change type Version Description
    Addition v1.0 Added the onlineMeeting: createOrGet method.
    Addition v1.0 Added an optional externalId property.
    Addition beta Added a more path to the Get presence API.
    Addition v1.0 Added an optional Accept-Language header for online meetings.

    Devices and apps | Cloud printing

    Change type Version Description
    Addition beta Added the printMargin complex type.
    Change beta Renamed enum types:
    • printPresentationDirection -> printMultipageLayout
    • printDuplexConfiguration -> printDuplexMode
    • printColorConfiguration -> printColorMode
    • documentConfiguration -> configuration
    Change beta Renamed printFinishing enum values:
    • edgeStitch -> stitchEdge
    • edgeStitchLeft -> stitchLeftEdge
    • edgeStitchTop -> stitchTopEdge
    • edgeStitchRight -> stitchRightEdge
    • edgeStitchBottom -> stitchBottomEdge
    Change beta Renamed properties on the integerRange complex type:
    • minimum -> start
    • maximum -> end
    Change beta Renamed properties on the printDocument entity type:
    • name -> displayName
    • mimeType -> contentType
    • sizeInBytes -> size
    • documentConfiguration -> configuration
    Change beta Renamed properties on the printerCapabilities complex type:
    • supportedDocumentMimeTypes -> contentTypes
    • supportedPrintQualities -> qualities
    • supportedDuplexConfigurations -> duplexModes
    • supportedCopiesPerJob -> copiesPerJob
    • supportedFinishings -> finishings
    • supportedMediaColors -> mediaColors
    • supportedMediaTypes -> mediaTypes
    • supportedMediaSizes -> mediaSizes
    • supportedPagesPerSheet -> pagesPerSheet
    • supportedOrientations -> orientations
    • supportedOutputBins -> outputBins
    • supportedPresentationDirections -> multipageLayouts
    • supportedColorConfigurations -> colorModes
    Addition beta Added properties to the printerCapabilities complex type:
    • feedDirections
    • isPageRangeSupported
    • dpis
    • queueBufferSizeInBytes
    • inputBins
    • topMargins
    • bottomMargins
    • rightMargins
    • leftMargins
    • collation
    • scalings
    Change beta Renamed properties on the printerDefaults complex type:
    • documentMimeType -> contentType
    • pdfFitToPage -> fitPdfToPage
    • presentationDirection -> multipageLayout
    • printColorConfiguration -> colorMode
    • printQuality -> quality
    • duplexConfiguration -> duplexMode
    Addition beta Added properties to the printerDefaults complex type:
    • dpi
    • scaling
    Change beta Changed the type of the pageRanges property on the printerDocumentConfiguration complex type from printPageRange to integerRange
    Change beta Renamed properties on the printerDocumentConfiguration complex type:
    • printQuality -> quality
    • printResolutionInDpi -> dpi
    • duplexConfiguration -> duplexMode
    • colorConfiguration -> colorMode
    Addition beta Added properties to the printerDocumentConfiguration complex type:
    • inputBin
    • outputBin
    • mediaSize
    • margin
    • mediaType
    • finishings
    • pagesPerSheet
    • multipageLayout
    • collate
    • scaling
    Change beta The Update printer method now supports application permissions and IPP encoding.
    Addition beta Added support for $expand=documents in the List jobs method.
    Addition beta Added the create action bound to the printer entity to enable registration of printers via Microsoft Graph.
    Addition beta Added new entity types:
    Addition beta Added new complex types:

    Devices and apps | Corporate management

    Change type Version Description
    Addition beta Added new entities:
    Addition beta Added new complex types:
    Addition beta Added new enum types:
    Addition beta Added the validateComplianceScript action on deviceCompliancePolicy collection
    Addition beta Added the enableUnlicensedAdminstrators action on deviceManagement
    Addition beta Added the assign action on deviceComplianceScript
    Addition beta Added the getReportFilters action on deviceManagementReports
    Addition beta Added the getComanagedDevicesSummary function on deviceManagement
    Addition beta Added the getComanagementEligibleDevicesSummary function on deviceManagement
    Change beta Changed the following properties on the androidDeviceOwnerCertificateProfileBase entity:
    subjectNameFormat from required to optional
    Addition beta Added the microsoftLauncherCustomWallpaperEnabled, microsoftLauncherCustomWallpaperImageUrl, microsoftLauncherCustomWallpaperAllowUserModification, microsoftLauncherFeedEnabled, microsoftLauncherFeedAllowUserModification, microsoftLauncherDockPresenceConfiguration, microsoftLauncherDockPresenceAllowUserModification, microsoftLauncherSearchBarPlacementConfiguration and microsoftLauncherSearchBarPlacementAllowUserModification properties to the androidDeviceOwnerGeneralDeviceConfiguration entity
    Addition beta Added the customDialerAppPackageId and customDialerAppDisplayName properties to the androidManagedAppProtection entity
    Addition beta Added the customDialerAppProtocol, customDialerAppPackageId and customDialerAppDisplayName properties to the defaultManagedAppProtection entity
    Addition beta Added the unlicensedAdminstratorsEnabled and userExperienceAnalyticsSettings properties to the deviceManagement entity
    Addition beta Added the metadata property to the deviceManagementCachedReportConfiguration entity
    Addition beta Added the sharedDeviceBlockTemporarySessions property to the iosGeneralDeviceConfiguration entity
    Addition beta Added the customDialerAppProtocol property to the iosManagedAppProtection entity
    Addition beta Added the contentCachingEnabled, contentCachingType, contentCachingMaxSizeBytes, contentCachingDataPath, contentCachingDisableConnectionSharing, contentCachingForceConnectionSharing, contentCachingClientPolicy, contentCachingClientListenRanges, contentCachingPeerPolicy, contentCachingPeerListenRanges, contentCachingPeerFilterRanges, contentCachingParentSelectionPolicy, contentCachingParents, contentCachingLogClientIdentities, contentCachingPublicRanges, contentCachingBlockDeletion, contentCachingShowAlerts, contentCachingKeepAwake and contentCachingPort properties to the macOSDeviceFeaturesConfiguration entity
    Addition beta Added the dialerRestrictionLevel property to the managedAppProtection entity
    Addition beta Added the rules property to the win32LobApp entity
    Addition beta Added the deviceCompliancePolicyScript property to the windows10CompliancePolicy entity
    Addition beta Added the cryptographySuite property to the windows10VpnConfiguration entity
    Addition beta Added the assignmentFilters, deviceComplianceScripts, comanagedDevices and comanagementEligibleDevices navigation properties to the deviceManagement entity
    Addition beta Added the rootCertificatesForServerValidation navigation property to the macOSEnterpriseWiFiConfiguration entity
    Addition beta Added the certificateRevokeStatusLastChangeDateTime property to the managedAllDeviceCertificateState entity
    Addition beta Added the deviceAndAppManagementAssignmentFilterId and deviceAndAppManagementAssignmentFilterType properties to the deviceAndAppManagementAssignmentTarget complex type
    Addition beta Added the Bing property to the excludedApps complex type
    Addition beta Added the errorCode property to the resetPasscodeActionResult complex type
    Addition beta Added the androidnGMS member to the deviceType enum type
    Addition beta Added the includeCompanyPortalLink member to the notificationTemplateBrandingOptions enum type
    Addition beta Added the aes192 and **aes192Gcm** members to the vpnEncryptionAlgorithmType enum type
    Addition beta Added the md5 member to the vpnIntegrityAlgorithmType enum type
    Addition beta Added the duplicateLocationId member to the vppTokenState enum type
    Addition beta Added new entities:
    Addition beta Added new complex types:
    Addition beta Added the complianceManagementPartners navigation property to the deviceManagement entity


    Change type Version Description
    Change Beta The educationTeacher externalId property is now returned when using delegated permissions.
    Change Beta The educationStudent externalId property is now returned when using delegated permissions.
    Change Beta Added lms to the list of possible values for educationExternalSource.


    Change type Version Description
    Addition v1.0 Added the pendingOperations and pendingContentUpdate resources. The pendingOperations resource applies to the driveItem resource.
    Addition v1.0 Added the restore action to the driveItem resource.
    Addition v1.0 Added the orientation property to the photo resource.
    Addition v1.0 Added the sha256Hash property to the hashes resource.
    Addition v1.0 Added the deferCommit parameter to the createUploadSession action.
    Addition v1.0 Added the storagePlanInformation resource. The storagePlanInformation resource applies to the quota resource.
    Addition v1.0 Added the fileSize property to the driveItemUploadableProperties resource.
    Addition v1.0 Added the name property to the contentTypeInfo resource.

    Identity and access

    Change type Version Description
    Addition v1.0 Added the claimsMappingPolicies relationship to the servicePrincipal resource.
    Addition v1.0 Added the homeRealmDiscoveryPolicies relationship to the servicePrincipal resource.
    Addition v1.0 Added the tokenIssuancePolicies relationship to the servicePrincipal resource.
    Addition v1.0 Added the tokenLifetimePolicies relationship to the servicePrincipal resource.
    Addition v1.0 Added the resourceBehaviorOptions and resourceProvisioningOptions properties to the group entity.
    Deletion beta Removed the isGuest property from the riskyUser resource.
    Addition beta Added the connector entity and the following actions:
    Get connector
    List memberOf
    List connectors
    Add connector to connectorGroup
    Addition beta Added the connectorGroup entity and the following actions:
    Get connectorGroup
    Assign an application
    List applications
    List connectorGroups
    Add connector
    List connectors
    Create connectorGroup
    Update connectorGroup
    Delete connectorGroup
    Addition beta Added the onPremisesPublishing entity.
    Addition beta Added the onPremisesPublishingSingleSignOn entity.
    Addition beta Added verifiedCustomDomainCertificatesMetadata entity.
    Addition beta Added the kerberosSignOnSettings entity.
    Change beta Changed in the onPremisesAgent, onPremisesAgentGroup, and publishedResource entity the publishingType value from appProxy to applicationProxy.
    Addition beta Added the isEnabled property to the onPremisesPublishingProfile entity.
    Addition beta Added connector and connectorGroup as navigation property to the OnPremisesPublishingProfile entity.
    Addition beta Added the onPremisesPublishing property to [application](/graph/api/resources/application?view=graph-rest-beta entity.
    Addition beta Added the OnPremisesPublishing property to Update Application.
    Addition beta Added new resources authenticationFlowsPolicy and selfServiceSignUpAuthenticationFlowConfiguration and get and update operations.
    Addition beta, v1.0 Added support for application permissions to the List conversations, Get conversation, List conversation threads, Get conversation thread, and List threads APIs.
    Addition v1.0 Promoted the riskyUsers API and the riskDetection API to the v1.0 endpoint.
    Addition beta Added the synchronizationJobApplicationParameters resource type
    Addition beta Added the synchronizationJobSubject resource type
    Addition beta Added the provisionOnDemand method to the synchronizationJob resource


    Change type Version Description
    Addition beta Added the aliases, isRefinable, and labels properties to the property entity.
    Changed beta The maximum number of properties on a schema entity has been increased to 128.
    Addition beta Added the get externalItem operation.


    Change type Version Description
    Addition beta and v1.0 Added the following properties to the alert entity: incidentIds, securityResources - resource, resourceType,networkConnection - sourceLocation, destinationLocation.

    Sites and lists

    Change type Version Description
    Addition v1.0 Added the geolocationColumn resource. The geolocationColumn resource applies to the columnDefinition resource.


    Change type Version Description
    Addition beta, v1.0 Added new delegated permissions AppCatalog.Read.All, ChatMessage.Send, Teams.Create, TeamsAppInstallation.ReadForUser, TeamsAppInstallation.ReadWriteForUser, TeamsAppInstallation.ReadWriteSelfForUser.
    Addition beta, v1.0 Added new application permissions Teams.Create, TeamsAppInstallation.ReadForUser.All, TeamsAppInstallation.ReadWriteForUser.All, TeamsAppInstallation.ReadWriteSelfForUser.All.
    Addition beta, v1.0 Added support for getting the filesFolder of a channel.
    Addition beta, v1.0 Added primaryChannel navigation property to team resource type.
    Addition beta Added members navigation property to team resource type, enabling members to be added with increased reliability and lower latency.


    Change type Version Description
    Addition beta Added the regionalAndLanguageSettings entity.
    Addition beta Added the regionalFormatOverrides complex type.
    Addition beta Added the regionalAndLanguageSettings-get function on the regionalAndLanguageSettings resource.
    Addition beta Added the regionalAndLanguageSettings-update function on the regionalAndLanguageSettings resource.
    Change beta Added the regionalAndLanguageSettings relationship to the userSettings resource.
    Change beta Updated User resource with clarification between mailboxSettings and regionalAndLanguageSettings.
    Addition Beta Added the new userPurpose property to mailboxSettings. See userPurpose resource type for information on the supported use cases.
    Addition Beta Added new userPurpose complex type.

    Devices and apps | Cloud printing

    Change type Version Description
    Addition beta Added new delegated permissions:
    • Printer.Create
    • Printer.FullControl.All
    • Printer.Read.All
    • Printer.ReadWrite.All
    • PrinterShare.Read.All
    • PrinterShare.ReadWrite.All
    • PrintJob.Read
    • PrintJob.Read.All
    • PrintJob.ReadBasic
    • PrintJob.ReadBasic.All
    • PrintJob.ReadWrite
    • PrintJob.ReadWrite.All
    • PrintJob.ReadWriteBasic
    • PrintJob.ReadWriteBasic.All
    Addition beta Added new app only permissions:
    • Printer.Read.All
    • Printer.ReadWrite.All
    • PrintJob.Manage.All
    • PrintJob.Read.All
    • PrintJob.ReadBasic.All
    • PrintJob.ReadWrite.All
    • PrintJob.ReadWriteBasic.All
    • PrintTaskDefinition.ReadWrite.All

    May 2020


    Change type Version Description
    Addition v1.0 Places API available in v1. Added the place, room, roomList resources and their methods to provide rich details for locations in apps.

    Change notifications

    Change type Version Description
    Addition beta Added the changeNotification, changeNotificationCollection, and changeNotificationEncryptedContent resources for the change notification API.
    Addition v1.0 Added support for subscription in Microsoft Cloud for US Government.

    Cloud communications | Call records

    Added new APIs and resources for subscribing to and retrieving call records from your organization to v1.0. Added a new List Sessions API, more Wi-Fi band enum values, and a more service role enum value in beta.

    Change type Version Description
    Addition v1.0 Added Get callRecord API.
    Addition v1.0 Added new entities:
  • callRecord
  • session
  • segment
  • Addition v1.0 Added new complex types:
  • endpoint
  • participantEndpoint
  • serviceEndpoint
  • userAgent
  • serviceUserAgent
  • clientUserAgent
  • userfeedback
  • feedbackTokenSet
  • media
  • mediaStream
  • networkInfo
  • deviceInfo
  • failureInfo
  • Addition v1.0 Added support for webhook subscriptions to call records.
    Change v1.0 Added frequency60GHz and unknownFutureValue to the microsoft.graph.callRecords.wifiBand enum.
    Change v1.0 Added voicemail to the microsoft.graph.callRecords.serviceRole enum.
    Addition v1.0 Added the List sessions API.

    Devices and apps | Cloud printing

    Change type Version Description
    Change beta Changed the type of the shares navigation property to printerShare collection on the printer entity.
    Change beta Deprecated the name property on the printerShare entity.
    Change beta Deprecated the name and acceptingJobs properties on the printer entity.
    Change beta Deprecated the printerShares navigation property on the print entity.
    Soon, URL paths such as "/print/printerShares/*" will stop working. Use "/print/shares/*" instead.
    Change beta Deprecated the registeredBy property on the printer entity.
    Addition beta Added the shared navigation property on the print entity.
    Addition beta Added displayName and isAcceptingJobs properties to the printer entity.
    Addition beta Added properties to the printerShare entity:
    • manufacturer
    • model
    • isAcceptingJobs
    • defaults
    • capabilities
    • location
    • status
    • jobs

    Devices and apps | Corporate management

    Change type Version Description
    Addition beta Added new entities:
    Addition beta Added new complex types:
    Addition beta Added new enum types:
    Addition beta Added the validateXml action on mobileApp collection
    Addition beta Added the createCopy action on deviceManagementIntent
    Deletion beta Removed the following entities:
    Deletion beta Removed the following complex types:
    Deletion beta Removed the following enum types:
    Addition beta Added the microsoftLauncherConfigurationEnabled and enrollmentProfile properties to the androidDeviceOwnerGeneralDeviceConfiguration entity
    Addition beta Added the roleScopeTagIds property to the deviceEnrollmentConfiguration entity
    Addition beta Added the detectionScriptParameters and remediationScriptParameters properties to the deviceHealthScript entity
    Change beta Changed the type of the following properties on the deviceHealthScriptAssignment entity:
    runSchedule from runSchedule to deviceHealthScriptRunSchedule
    Addition beta Added the templateSubtype property to the deviceManagementTemplate entity
    Addition beta Added the systemExtensionsBlockOverride, systemExtensionsAllowedTeamIdentifiers, systemExtensionsAllowed and systemExtensionsAllowedTypes properties to the macOSExtensionsConfiguration entity
    Addition beta Added the privacyAccessControls property to the macOSGeneralDeviceConfiguration entity
    Addition beta Added the joinType and skuFamily properties to the managedDevice entity
    Addition beta Added the rootCertificateForClientValidation navigation property to the windowsWifiEnterpriseEAPConfiguration entity
    Addition beta Added the operatingSystemProductType property to the hardwareInformation complex type
    Addition beta Added the roleScopeTagIds property to the retireScheduledManagedDevice complex type
    Addition beta Added the notConfigured member to the configurationUsage enum type
    Addition beta Added the androidEnterpriseDedicatedDevice, androidEnterpriseFullyManaged and androidEnterpriseCorporateWorkProfile members to the deviceEnrollmentType enum type
    Addition beta Added the syncDevice member to the managedDeviceRemoteAction enum type
    Addition v1.0 Added new enum types:
    Addition v1.0 Added the customBrowserPackageId and customBrowserDisplayName properties to the androidManagedAppProtection entity
    Addition v1.0 Added the customBrowserProtocol property to the iosManagedAppProtection entity
    Addition v1.0 Added the managedBrowser property to the managedAppProtection entity


    Change type Version Description
    Addition beta Added the evaluateDynamicMembership action on group. Also added these supporting resource types:
    Addition beta Added the resourceBehaviorOptions and resourceProvisioningOptions properties to the group entity.
    Addition v1.0 Added the onPremisesDomainName, onPremisesNetBiosName and onPremisesSamAccountName properties to the group entity.
    Addition v1.0 Added support for subscription to the group resource in Microsoft Cloud China operated by 21Vianet.

    Identity and access

    Change type Version Description
    Addition beta Added the riskEventType property to the riskDetection and riskyUserHistoryItem resources. Use this property instead of the riskType property to retrieve the type of Identity Protection risk detections.
    Change beta Updated the clientAppTypes property in conditionalaccessconditionset to replace modern with mobileAppsAndDesktopClients. Removed easUnsupported and added exchangeActiveSync, which includes Exchange ActiveSync supported and unsupported platforms.
    Addition v1.0 Added Facebook to the identityProvider resource as a more supported scenario.
    Addition beta Added Application.Read.All and Application.ReadWrite.All permissions to application-list
    Added support for $count, $search, and $filter query parameters to:

    Added examples for using OData cast to:
    Addition v1.0 Added new entity type: servicePrincipal.
    Addition v1.0 Added new entity type: appRoleAssignment.
    Addition beta, v1.0 Added app-only and delegated permissions AppRoleAssignment.ReadWrite.All.
    Addition beta Added delegated permission EntitlementManagement.Read.All.
    Addition beta Added the authorizationPolicy resource type, which controls authorization settings in Azure AD.


    Change type Version Description
    Addition v1.0 Added support for sending channel messages and channel message replies.
    Addition beta Added the azureADAppId property to teamsAppDefinition.
    Addition beta Added permissions for resource-specific consent.

    Teamwork | Shifts

    Change type Version Description
    Addition v1.0 Introduced the Shifts APIs, including shift, workforce integration, and associated methods.


    Change type Version Description
    Addition v1.0 Added the externalUserState and externalUserStateChangeDateTime properties to the user resource.
    Addition v1.0 Added support for subscription to the user resource in Microsoft Cloud China operated by 21Vianet.

    April 2020


    Change type Version Description
    Addition v1.0 Added new entity calendarPermission.
    Addition v1.0 Added get, update and delete APIs to manage calendarPermission resources on calendar.
    Addition v1.0 Added new complex type onlineMeetingInfo.
    Addition v1.0 Added the isOnlineMeeting, onlineMeetingProvider and onlineMeeting properties to the event entity. isOnlineMeeting and onlineMeetingProvider are optional parameters to the create and update methods of event.
    Addition v1.0 Added the defaultOnlineMeetingProviders and allowedOnlineMeetingProviders properties to the calendar entity.
    Addition v1.0 Added the isTallyingResponses property to the calendar entity.
    Addition v1.0 Added the isRemovable property to the calendar entity.
    Addition v1.0 Added the delegateMeetingMessageDeliveryOptions property to the mailboxSettings entity.
    Addition Beta and v1.0 Support for file attachments up to 150 MB for an event instance.
    Addition beta Added pagination support for the places API.

    Devices and apps | Cloud printing

    Change type Version Description
    Addition beta Added allowedGroups and allowedUsers properties to the printerShare entity.
    Addition beta Added the printIdentity and printUserIdentity resource types.

    Devices and apps | Corporate management

    Change type Version Description
    Addition beta Added new entities:
    Addition beta Added new complex types:
    Addition beta Added new enum types:
    Addition beta Added the addLanguageFiles action on groupPolicyUploadedDefinitionFile
    Addition beta Added the removeLanguageFiles action on groupPolicyUploadedDefinitionFile
    Addition beta Added the updateLanguageFiles action on groupPolicyUploadedDefinitionFile
    Addition beta Added the uploadNewVersion action on groupPolicyUploadedDefinitionFile
    Addition beta Added the remove action on groupPolicyUploadedDefinitionFile
    Addition beta Added the getPolicyNonComplianceSummaryReport action on deviceManagementReports
    Addition beta Added the getRemediationHistory function on deviceHealthScript
    Deletion beta Removed the following entities:
    Addition beta Added the profileApplicability property to the androidForWorkMobileAppConfiguration entity
    Addition beta Added the appTracks property to the androidManagedStoreApp entity
    Addition beta Added the profileApplicability property to the androidManagedStoreAppConfiguration entity
    Addition beta Added the groupPolicyObjectId, ouDistinguishedName, createdDateTime and lastModifiedDateTime properties to the groupPolicyObjectFile entity
    Addition beta Added the specificationVersion property to the managedDevice entity
    Addition beta Added the derivedCredentialSettings navigation property to the androidDeviceOwnerEnterpriseWiFiConfiguration entity
    Addition beta Added the derivedCredentialSettings navigation property to the androidDeviceOwnerVpnConfiguration entity
    Addition beta Added the userExperienceAnalyticsScoreHistory and groupPolicyUploadedDefinitionFiles navigation properties to the deviceManagement entity
    Deletion beta Removed the userExperienceAnalyticsStartupScoreHistory navigation property from the deviceManagement entity
    Addition beta Added the settingInstanceId property to the deviceCompliancePolicySettingState complex type
    Addition beta Added the settingInstanceId property to the deviceConfigurationSettingState complex type
    Addition beta Added the enableSharedDeviceMode and configurations properties to the iosAzureAdSingleSignOnExtension complex type
    Addition beta Added the settingInstanceId property to the managedDeviceMobileAppConfigurationSettingState complex type
    Addition beta Added the azureAdJoinUsingAzureVmExtension member to the deviceEnrollmentType enum type
    Addition beta Added the windows10XProfile member to the policyPlatformType enum type


    Change type Version Description
    Addition v1.0 Added the check in and check out actions on the driveItem resource.
    Change type Version Description
    :-------------- :------------ :---------------------------------------
    Addition v1.0 Added the expirationDateTime, password, and message properties on the createLink action on a driveItem resource.
    Addition v1.0 Added the preventsDownload property on the sharingLink resource.
    Addition v1.0 Added the permission property on the sharedDriveItem resource.
    Addition v1.0 Added the expirationDateTime, hasPassword, and grantedToIdentities properties on the permission resource.
    Addition v1.0 Added the expirationDateTime, and password properties on the invite action on a driveItem resource.

    Identity and access

    Change type Version Description
    Addition beta Added unifiedRoleAssignmentMultiple, rbacApplicationMultiple, and appScope and the following actions:
  • List unifiedRoleAssignmentMultiple
  • Get unifiedRoleAssignmentMultiple
  • Create unifiedRoleAssignmentMultiple
  • Update unifiedRoleAssignmentMultiple
  • Delete unifiedRoleAssignmentMultiple
  • .
    Addition v1.0 Added support for delta queries for application.
    Addition beta Added support for delta queries for administrative unit.
    Addition beta Added support for delta queries for oAuth2PermissionGrant.
    Addition v1.0 Typed policy resources are grouped under the policies URL segment and the update adds five typed policy resources:
  • activityBasedTimeoutPolicies
  • claimsMappingPolicies
  • homeRealmDiscoveryPolicies
  • tokenLifetimePolicies and
  • tokenIssuancePolicies
  • Addition v1.0 Added activityBasedTimeoutPolicy resource type, which controls automatic sign out for web sessions after a period of inactivity, for applications that support activity-based timeout functionality.
    Addition v1.0 Added the claimsMappingPolicy resource type, which controls the claims mapping for WS-Fed, SAML, OAuth 2.0, and OpenID Connect protocols, for tokens issued to a specific application.
    Addition v1.0 Added the homeRealmDiscoveryPolicy resource type, which controls Azure Active Directory authentication behavior for federated users, in particular for autoacceleration and user authentication restrictions in federated domains.
    Addition v1.0 Added the tokenLifetimePolicy resource type, which controls the lifetime duration of access tokens used to access protected resources.
    Addition v1.0 Added the tokenIssuancePolicy resource type. The type controls the characteristics of SAML tokens issued by Azure AD and allows you to set the signing algorithm, signing options, or SAML token version to be used to issue the SAML token.
    Addition beta Added the authenticationMethod, passwordAuthenticationMethod, and phoneAuthenticationMethod resources and associated methods.
    Addition beta Added the createdByAppId property to the group entity.


    Change type Version Description
    Addition V1.0 Adding file attachments up to 150 MB to a message instance.
    Addition V1.0 The attachmentItem complex type, createUploadSession action for the attachment entity, and the attachmentType enumeration.
    Changed V1.0 Extended the existing uploadSession entity that has been used by driveItem to apply to attachment as well.

    Reports | Identity and access reports

    Change type Version Description
    Addition beta Added a new resource type relyingPartyDetailedSummary and the resource type supports listing the relying parties configured in Active Directory Federation Services.

    Reports | Microsoft 365 usage reports

    Change type Version Description
    Addition Beta Added the Meeting Created and Meeting Interacted properties to the getEmailActivityCounts API CSV entity.
    Addition Beta Added the Meeting Created and Meeting Interacted properties to the getEmailActivityUserCounts API CSV entity.
    Addition Beta Added the Meeting Created and Meeting Interacted properties to the getEmailActivityuserDetail API CSV entity.

    Sites and lists

    Change type Version Description
    Addition beta Added the followedSites navigation property to the user entity to list the sites followed by the signed-in user.
    Addition v1.0 Added the followedSites navigation property to the user entity to list the sites followed by the signed-in user.
    Addition v1.0 Added the dataLocatonCode property on the siteCollection resource.
    Addition v1.0 Added the tenantId property on the sharepointIds resource.

    March 2020


    Change type Version Description
    Addition Beta Added the calendarGroupId property to the calendar entity.
    Addition Beta Added the isDraft property to the event entity.

    Cloud communications | Call

    Change type Version Description
    Addition v1.0 Added new property initiator to the recordingInfo complex type.
    Addition v1.0 Added new complex types:
    Addition v1.0 Added new property recordingInfo to the participant entity.
    Addition v1.0 Added new property recordingStatus to the recordingInfo complex type.
    Addition v1.0 Added new action updateRecordingStatus to the call entity.
    Addition v1.0 Added new property endpointType to the participantInfo complex type.
    Addition v1.0 Added new property countryCode to the participantInfo complex type.
    Addition v1.0 Added new property incomingContext to the call entity.
    Addition v1.0 Added new property sourceParticipantId to the incomingContext complex type.
    Addition v1.0 Added new property observedParticipantId to the incomingContext complex type.
    Addition v1.0 Added new property onBehalfOf to the incomingContext complex type.
    Addition v1.0 Added new property transferor to the incomingContext complex type.
    Addition v1.0 Added new property CallRoutes to the call entity.
    Addition v1.0 Added new property final to the callRoute complex type.
    Addition v1.0 Added new property original to the callRoute complex type.
    Addition v1.0 Added new property routingType to the callRoute complex type.
    Addition Beta and v1.0 Added the logTeleconferenceDeviceQuality function on the call collection.
    Addition Beta and v1.0 Added the callChainId property to the call entity.
    Addition Beta and v1.0 Added new complex types:

    Cloud communications | Online meeting

    Change type Version Description
    Addition beta Added the onlineMeeting: createOrGet method.
    Addition beta Added an optional externalId property to onlineMeeting.
    Addition beta Added an optional Accept-Language header for online meetings.

    Devices and apps | Corporate management

    Change type Version Description
    Addition beta Added the executionFrequency, retryCount and blockExecutionNotifications properties to the deviceShellScript entity.
    Addition beta Added new entities:
    Addition beta Added new complex types:
    Addition beta Added new enum types:
    Addition beta Added the generateApplePushNotificationCertificateSigningRequest action on applePushNotificationCertificate
    Addition beta Added the generateEncryptionPublicKey action on depOnboardingSetting
    Addition beta Added the getSettingNonComplianceReport action on deviceManagementReports
    Addition beta Added the getRemediationSummary function on deviceHealthScript collection
    Deletion beta Removed the following complex types:
    Deletion beta Removed the createMigrationReport action on groupPolicyMigrationReport collection
    Deletion beta Removed the groupPolicyObjectFiles property from the deviceManagement entity
    Addition beta Added the deviceId property to the deviceManagementAutopilotEvent entity
    Addition beta Added the groupPolicyCategoryId property to the groupPolicyDefinition entity
    Addition beta Added the intuneSettingDefinitionId property to the groupPolicySettingMapping entity
    Addition beta Added the fileVaultHidePersonalRecoveryKey, advancedThreatProtectionRealTime, advancedThreatProtectionCloudDelivered, advancedThreatProtectionAutomaticSampleSubmission, advancedThreatProtectionDiagnosticDataCollection, advancedThreatProtectionExcludedFolders, advancedThreatProtectionExcludedFiles, advancedThreatProtectionExcludedExtensions and advancedThreatProtectionExcludedProcesses properties to the macOSEndpointProtectionConfiguration entity
    Addition beta Added the directorySizeQuota property to the organization entity
    Addition beta Added the defenderAllowScanArchiveFiles, defenderAllowBehaviorMonitoring, defenderAllowCloudProtection, defenderAllowScanRemovableDrivesDuringFullScan, defenderAllowScanDownloads, defenderAllowIntrusionPreventionSystem, defenderAllowOnAccessProtection, defenderAllowRealTimeMonitoring, defenderAllowScanNetworkFiles, defenderAllowScanScriptsLoadedInInternetExplorer, defenderAllowEndUserAccess and defenderSignatureUpdateIntervalInHours properties to the windows10EndpointProtectionConfiguration entity
    Change beta Changed the following properties on the windows10EndpointProtectionConfiguration entity:
    defenderBlockEndUserAccess from required to optional
    defenderCheckForSignaturesBeforeRunningScan from required to optional
    defenderCloudBlockLevel from required to optional
    defenderDisableBehaviorMonitoring from required to optional
    defenderDisableCatchupFullScan from required to optional
    defenderDisableCatchupQuickScan from required to optional
    defenderDisableCloudProtection from required to optional
    defenderDisableIntrusionPreventionSystem from required to optional
    defenderDisableOnAccessProtection from required to optional
    defenderDisableRealTimeMonitoring from required to optional
    defenderDisableScanArchiveFiles from required to optional
    defenderDisableScanDownloads from required to optional
    defenderDisableScanNetworkFiles from required to optional
    defenderDisableScanRemovableDrivesDuringFullScan from required to optional
    defenderDisableScanScriptsLoadedInInternetExplorer from required to optional
    defenderEnableLowCpuPriority from required to optional
    defenderEnableScanIncomingMail from required to optional
    defenderEnableScanMappedNetworkDrivesDuringFullScan from required to optional
    defenderPotentiallyUnwantedAppAction from required to optional
    defenderScanDirection from required to optional
    defenderScanType from required to optional
    defenderScheduledScanDay from required to optional
    defenderSubmitSamplesConsentType from required to optional
    Addition beta Added the findMyFiles, activateAppsWithVoice and configureTimeZone properties to the windows10GeneralConfiguration entity
    Addition beta Added the groupPolicyCategories navigation property to the deviceManagement entity
    Addition beta Added the policyStatusDetails navigation property to the deviceManagementAutopilotEvent entity
    Addition beta Added the category navigation property to the groupPolicyDefinition entity
    Addition beta Added the isBlocked property to the configurationManagerClientInformation complex type
    Addition beta Added the ignoreDevicesForUnsupportedSettingsEnabled property to the deviceManagementSettings complex type
    Addition beta Added the deliveryOptimizationPriority property to the win32LobAppAssignmentSettings complex type
    Addition beta Added the deviceOsHigherThanDesiredOsVersion member to the iosUpdatesInstallStatus enum type.


    Change type Version Description
    Addition beta and v1.0 Added image and video properties on the remoteItem resource. These properties allow you to retrieve media type thumbnails when combined with an expand function.
    Addition v1.0 Added the grant action to the permission entity.
    Addition v1.0 Added the following navigation property to the drive entity.
    Addition v1.0 Added the follow action on driveItem.
    Addition v1.0 Added the unfollow action on driveItem.

    Identity and access

    Change type Version Description
    Addition beta and v1.0 Added the authenticationRequirement property and the riskEventTypes_v2 property to the sign-in entity.
    Addition beta and v1.0 Added support for delta queries for orgContact.
    Addition v1.0 Added new user permission User.ManageIdentities.All.
    Addition beta Added the PrivilegedAccess.Read.AzureResources application permission for Privileged Identity Management - Azure resources.
    Addition beta Added the AuditLog.Read.All permission for listing the sign-in activity of a user.
    Addition beta Added the identitySecurityDefaultsEnforcementPolicy API, which represents Azure Active Directory security defaults policy.
    Addition beta Added support for the $top and $skiptoken filters to support pagination on the List provisioningObjectSummary method.

    Identity and access | Identity and sign-in

    Change type Version Description
    Change beta Updated the conditional access APIs to use the /identity/ segment; for example, /beta/identity/conditionalAccess/policies.
    Addition beta Added the devices property to the conditionalaccessconditionset entity.

    Reports | Microsoft 365 usage reports

    Change type Version Description
    Change beta and v1.0 For delegated permissions to allow apps to read Microsoft 365 service usage reports on behalf of a user, added Teams Service Administrator and Teams Communications Administrator as accepted user roles. For more information, see Authorization for APIs to read Microsoft 365 usage reports.
    Addition Beta Added networkDisplayName property to the yammerGroupsActivityDetail entity.


    Change type Version Description
    Change beta The externalFile resource is deprecated.
    Change beta The externalItem resource now supports updating the content and properties properties.
    Change beta Operations on externalItem resources now return a Retry-After header when they're throttled.

    Sites and lists

    Change type Version Description
    Addition v1.0 Added the followSite navigation property to the user entity.
    Addition v1.0 Added the unfollowSite navigation property to the user entity.
    Addition v1.0 Added the subscriptions navigation property to the list entity.


    Change type Version Description
    Addition Beta Added new property supportedEntities to workforce integration entity.
    Addition v1.0 Added new entity teamwork.
    Addition Beta Added support for ChannelMessage.Read.All to APIs for reading chatMessages in channels.

    Devices and apps | Cloud printing

    Added new APIs and resources for managing and printing to printers by using the Universal Print service.

    Change type Version Description
    Addition beta Added the archivedPrintJob entity.
    Addition beta Added the deviceHealth complex type.
    Addition beta Added the integerRange complex type.
    Addition beta Added the print entity.
    Addition beta Added the printConnector entity.
    Addition beta Added the printDocument entity.
    Addition beta Added the printer entity.
    Addition beta Added the printerCapabilities complex type.
    Addition beta Added the printerDefaults complex type.
    Addition beta Added the printerDocumentConfiguration complex type.
    Addition beta Added the printerLocation complex type.
    Addition beta Added the printerShare entity.
    Addition beta Added the printerStatus complex type.
    Addition beta Added the printJob entity.
    Addition beta Added the printJobStatus complex type.
    Addition beta Added the printPageRange complex type.
    Addition beta Added the printService entity.
    Addition beta Added the printServiceEndpoint entity.
    Addition beta Added the printSettings complex type.
    Addition beta Added the printUsageSummaryByPrinter entity.
    Addition beta Added the printUsageSummaryByUser entity.

    February 2020

    Cloud communications | Call

    Change type Version Description
    Addition beta Added the initiator property to the recordingInfo complex type.

    Cloud communications | Call records

    Added new APIs and resources for subscribing to and retrieving call records from your organization.

    Change type Version Description
    Addition beta Added Get callRecord API.
    Addition beta Added new entities:
  • callRecord
  • session
  • segment
  • Addition beta Added new complex types:
  • endpoint
  • participantEndpoint
  • serviceEndpoint
  • userAgent
  • serviceUserAgent
  • clientUserAgent
  • user feedback
  • feedbackTokenSet
  • media
  • mediaStream
  • networkInfo
  • deviceInfo
  • failureInfo
  • Addition beta Added support for webhook subscriptions to call records.

    Devices and apps | Corporate management

    Change type Version Description
    Addition beta Added new entities:
    Addition beta Added new complex types:
    Addition beta Added new enum types:
    Addition beta Added the updateGlobalScript action on deviceHealthScript
    Addition beta Added the getGlobalScriptHighestAvailableVersion action on deviceHealthScript
    Addition beta Added the enableGlobalScripts action on deviceHealthScript collection
    Addition beta Added the getManagedDevicesWithFailedOrPendingApps function on user
    Addition beta Added the areGlobalScriptsAvailable function on deviceHealthScript collection
    Deletion beta Removed the following enum types:
    Addition beta Added the certificateSerialNumber property to the applePushNotificationCertificate entity
    Addition beta Added the isGlobalScript and highestAvailableVersion properties to the deviceHealthScript entity
    Addition beta Added the hasRequiredSetting property to the deviceManagementSettingCategory entity
    Addition beta Added the sendDeviceOwnershipChangePushNotification, enrollmentAvailability and roleScopeTagIds properties to the intuneBrandingProfile entity
    Addition beta Added the updateScheduleType and customUpdateTimeWindows properties to the iosUpdateConfiguration entity
    Addition beta Added the appActionIfUnableToAuthenticateUser property to the managedAppProtection entity
    Addition beta Added the userPrincipalName property to the termsAndConditionsAcceptanceStatus entity
    Addition beta Added the responsiveDesktopTimeInMs property to the userExperienceAnalyticsDevicePerformance entity
    Addition beta Added the responsiveDesktopTimeInMs property to the userExperienceAnalyticsDeviceStartupHistory entity
    Addition beta Added the installLanguage property to the win32LobApp entity
    Addition beta Added the displayLanguageLocale property to the windowsMicrosoftEdgeApp entity
    Addition beta Added the userExperienceAnalyticsDeviceStartupProcesses, userExperienceAnalyticsDeviceStartupProcessPerformance and userExperienceAnalyticsStartupScoreHistory navigation properties to the deviceManagement entity
    Addition beta Added the unsupportedGroupPolicyExtensions navigation property to the groupPolicyMigrationReport entity
    Addition beta Added the configMgrDeviceCount property to the deviceOperatingSystemSummary complex type
    Addition beta Added the roleScopeTagIds, sendDeviceOwnershipChangePushNotification and enrollmentAvailability properties to the intuneBrand complex type
    Addition beta Added the troubleshootingErrorDetails property to the mobileAppTroubleshootingHistoryItem complex type
    Addition beta Added the xTec member to the deviceManagementDerivedCredentialIssuer enum type
    Addition beta Added the windows10x member to the deviceType enum type
    Addition beta Added the windowsManagementCloudApi member to the managementAgentType enum type


    Change type Version Description
    Addition v1.0 Added the group: assignLicense API, which can be used to assign license to a group.

    Identity and access

    Change type Version Description
    Addition beta and v1.0 Added the latestSupportedTlsVersion property to the subscription entity. Specifies the latest TLS version that the notification endpoint supports. Allows subscribers to use a deprecated version of TLS for a limited period. For details, see Microsoft Graph subscriptions - deprecating TLS 1.0 and 1.1.
    Change beta Updated the existing policies collection with a policies URL segment. Typed policy resources are now grouped under the policies segment as described in this blog post and the update adds four typed policy resources:
  • activityBasedTimeoutPolicies
  • claimsMappingPolicies
  • homeRealmDiscoveryPolicies and
  • tokenLifetimePolicies
  • Addition beta Added activityBasedTimeoutPolicy resource type controls automatic sign out for web sessions after a period of inactivity, for applications that support activity-based timeout functionality.
    Addition beta Added the claimsMappingPolicy resource type, which controls the claims mapping for WS-Fed, SAML, OAuth 2.0, and OpenID Connect protocols, for tokens issued to a specific application.
    Addition beta Added the homeRealmDiscoveryPolicy resource type, which controls Azure Active Directory authentication behavior for federated users, in particular for autoacceleration and user authentication restrictions in federated domains.
    Addition beta Added the tokenLifetimePolicy resource type, which controls the lifetime duration of access tokens used to access protected resources.
    Addition beta Added the tokenIssuancePolicy resource type. The type controls the characteristics of SAML tokens issued by Azure AD and allows you to set the signing algorithm, signing options, or SAML token version to be used to issue the SAML token.
    Addition beta Added the error property to the quarantineStatus resource type.
    Change beta Updated the accessPackageAssignmentPolicy with more properties for requestor, approval and review settings.
    Addition beta and v1.0 Added application-level and delegated Policy.ReadWrite.ApplicationConfiguration permission for read and write operations on application configuration policies.


    Change type Version Description
    Addition v1.0 Added create, get and list APIs to manage threatAssessmentRequest resources.


    Change type Version Description
    Addition Beta Added notifications for all channel messages in tenant and all chat messages in tenant.
    Addition Beta Added the swapShiftsChangeRequest: decline method to the swapShiftsChangeRequest resource.


    Change type Version Description
    Addition v1.0 Added the user: reprocessLicenseAssignment API, which can be used to reprocess all group-based license assignments for the user.

    January 2020

    Devices and apps | Corporate management

    Change type Version Description
    Addition beta Added new entities:
    Addition beta Added new complex types:
    Addition beta Added new enum types:
    Addition beta Added the wipeAndBlockManagedApps action on user
    Addition beta Added the unblockManagedApps action on user
    Addition beta Added the assign action on deviceShellScript
    Addition beta Added the getManagedAppBlockedUsers function on user collection
    Addition beta Added the isManagedAppUserBlocked function on user
    Addition beta Added the proxySettings and proxyAutomaticConfigurationUrl properties to the androidWorkProfileEnterpriseWiFiConfiguration entity
    Addition beta Added the placeholderText property to the deviceManagementSettingDefinition entity
    Addition beta Added the iosSingleSignOnExtension property to the iosDeviceFeaturesConfiguration entity
    Addition beta Added the kioskModeAppType property to the iosGeneralDeviceConfiguration entity
    Addition beta Added the alwaysOnConfiguration and enableAlwaysOnConfiguration properties to the iosikEv2VpnConfiguration entity
    Change beta Changed the following properties on the iosUpdateConfiguration entity:
    utcTimeOffsetInMinutes from required to optional
    Addition beta Added the macOSSingleSignOnExtension property to the macOSDeviceFeaturesConfiguration entity
    Addition beta Added the settingStates property to the managedDeviceMobileAppConfigurationState entity
    Addition beta Added the blockedManufacturers property to the deviceEnrollmentPlatformRestriction complex type
    Addition beta Added the realm, domains, blockAutomaticLogin, cacheName, credentialBundleIdAccessControlList, domainRealms, isDefaultRealm, passwordBlockModification, passwordExpirationDays, passwordExpirationNotificationDays, userPrincipalName, passwordRequireActiveDirectoryComplexity, passwordPreviousPasswordBlockCount, passwordMinimumLength, passwordMinimumAgeDays, passwordRequirementsDescription, requireUserPresence, activeDirectorySiteCode, passwordEnableLocalSync, blockActiveDirectorySiteAutoDiscovery and passwordChangeUrl properties to the iosKerberosSingleSignOnExtension complex type
    Addition beta Added the realm, domains, blockAutomaticLogin, cacheName, credentialBundleIdAccessControlList, domainRealms, isDefaultRealm, passwordBlockModification, passwordExpirationDays, passwordExpirationNotificationDays, userPrincipalName, passwordRequireActiveDirectoryComplexity, passwordPreviousPasswordBlockCount, passwordMinimumLength, passwordMinimumAgeDays, passwordRequirementsDescription, requireUserPresence, activeDirectorySiteCode, passwordEnableLocalSync, blockActiveDirectorySiteAutoDiscovery and passwordChangeUrl properties to the macOSKerberosSingleSignOnExtension complex type
    Addition beta Added the alwaysOn member to the appleVpnConnectionType enum type
    Addition beta Added the deviceCompliance member to the deviceManagementTemplateType enum type
    Addition beta Added the holoLens member to the windowsAutopilotDeviceType enum type

    Identity and access

    Change type Version Description
    Change beta Updated the existing policies collection with a policies URL segment. Typed policy resources are now grouped under the policies segment as described in this blog post and the update adds four typed policy resources:
  • activityBasedTimeoutPolicies
  • claimsMappingPolicies
  • homeRealmDiscoveryPolicies and
  • tokenLifetimePolicies
  • Addition beta Added activityBasedTimeoutPolicy resource type controls automatic sign out for web sessions after a period of inactivity, for applications that support activity-based timeout functionality.
    Addition beta claimsMappingPolicy resource type controls the claims mapping for WS-Fed, SAML, OAuth 2.0, and OpenID Connect protocols, for tokens issued to a specific application.
    Addition beta homeRealmDiscoveryPolicy resource type controls Azure Active Directory authentication behavior for federated users, in particular for autoacceleration and user authentication restrictions in federated domains.
    Addition beta tokenLifetimePolicy resource type controls the lifetime duration of access tokens used to access protected resources.
    Addition beta Added the servicePrincipal property to List provisioningObjectSummary.


    Change type Version Description
    Change beta and v1.0 The Update alert method now updates the comments field with the following values only:
    Closed in IPC, Closed in MCAS.


    Change type Version Description
    Addition v1.0 Added the identities property to the user resource and the property represents the set of identities (like local accounts and social accounts) that this user can use to sign in with.

    December 2019

    Change notifications

    Change type Version Description
    Addition beta Added support for subscribing to notifications that include resource data. Currently supported resources are chatMessage resources in Microsoft Teams channels and chats. Subscribing apps have to implement more authorization and decryption code to benefit from this feature. For more information, see Set up change notifications for chat messages, including message properties (preview).

    Cloud communications

    Introduced presence in beta and added cloud communications APIs to v1.0.

    Change type Version Description
    Addition beta Add the presence resource and associated methods, and introduced the Presence. Read and Presence.Read.All permissions.
    Addition v1.0 Added the following APIs: create call, call answer, call reject, call get, call delete, call mute, call-unmute, call change screen sharing role, call transfer, call redirect, Play a prompt, Record Response, Subscribe to the, list participants, invite participants, get participants, mute participants, create online meeting, get online meeting, and call keep alive.
    Addition v1.0 Added the following resources: call, participant, and onlineMeeting.
    Change Beta Renamed IVR API Record to recordResponse.
    Change Beta Removed onlineMeeting object properties isCanceled, canceledDateTime, and entryExitAnnouncement. Renamed property joinUrl to joinWebUrl.
    Addition Beta & v1.0 Added the delete onlineMeeting operation.

    Devices and apps | Corporate management

    Change type Version Description
    Addition beta Added new entities:
    Addition beta Added new complex types:
    Addition beta Added new enum types:
    Addition beta Added the getDevicesScheduledToRetire action on deviceCompliancePolicy collection
    Addition beta Added the setScheduledRetireState action on deviceCompliancePolicy collection
    Addition beta Added the wipe action on managedDevice
    Deletion beta Removed the wipe action on managedDevice
    Addition beta Added the advancedThreatProtectionRequiredSecurityLevel and securityBlockDeviceAdministratorManagedDevices properties to the androidCompliancePolicy entity
    Addition beta Added the advancedThreatProtectionRequiredSecurityLevel property to the androidDeviceOwnerCompliancePolicy entity
    Addition beta Added the certificateCredentialConfigurationDisabled property to the androidDeviceOwnerGeneralDeviceConfiguration entity
    Addition beta Added the allowedAndroidDeviceModels and appActionIfAndroidDeviceModelNotAllowed properties to the androidManagedAppProtection entity
    Addition beta Added the advancedThreatProtectionRequiredSecurityLevel property to the androidWorkProfileCompliancePolicy entity
    Addition beta Added the subjectNameFormatString, certificateStore and customSubjectAlternativeNames properties to the androidWorkProfilePkcsCertificateProfile entity
    Addition beta Added the allowedAndroidDeviceModels and appActionIfAndroidDeviceModelNotAllowed properties to the defaultManagedAppProtection entity
    Addition beta Added the issueRemediatedCumulativeDeviceCount property to the deviceHealthScriptRunSummary entity
    Addition beta Added the mdmSupportedState property to the groupPolicySettingMapping entity
    Addition beta Added the subjectNameFormatString, certificateStore and customSubjectAlternativeNames properties to the iosPkcsCertificateProfile entity
    Addition beta Added the channel property to the macOSMicrosoftEdgeApp entity
    Addition beta Added the blockDataIngestionIntoOrganizationDocuments and allowedDataIngestionLocations properties to the managedAppProtection entity
    Addition beta Added the physicalMemoryInBytes and processorArchitecture properties to the managedDevice entity
    Addition beta Added the isFeatureUpdate and operatingSystemVersion properties to the userExperienceAnalyticsDeviceStartupHistory entity
    Addition beta Added the defenderDisableScanArchiveFiles, defenderDisableBehaviorMonitoring, defenderDisableCloudProtection, defenderEnableScanIncomingMail, defenderEnableScanMappedNetworkDrivesDuringFullScan, defenderDisableScanRemovableDrivesDuringFullScan, defenderDisableScanDownloads, defenderDisableIntrusionPreventionSystem, defenderDisableOnAccessProtection, defenderDisableRealTimeMonitoring, defenderDisableScanNetworkFiles, defenderDisableScanScriptsLoadedInInternetExplorer, defenderBlockEndUserAccess, defenderScanMaxCpuPercentage, defenderCheckForSignaturesBeforeRunningScan, defenderCloudBlockLevel, defenderCloudExtendedTimeoutInSeconds, defenderDaysBeforeDeletingQuarantinedMalware, defenderDisableCatchupFullScan, defenderDisableCatchupQuickScan, defenderEnableLowCpuPriority, defenderFileExtensionsToExclude, defenderFilesAndFoldersToExclude, defenderProcessesToExclude, defenderPotentiallyUnwantedAppAction, defenderScanDirection, defenderScanType, defenderScheduledQuickScanTime, defenderScheduledScanDay, defenderScheduledScanTime, defenderSubmitSamplesConsentType and defenderDetectedMalwareActions properties to the windows10EndpointProtectionConfiguration entity
    Addition beta Added the uninstallBuiltInApps property to the windows10GeneralConfiguration entity
    Addition beta Added the subjectNameFormatString, certificateStore and customSubjectAlternativeNames properties to the windows10PkcsCertificateProfile entity
    Addition beta Added the deviceShellScripts navigation property to the deviceManagement entity
    Addition beta Added the passwordChangeUrl property to the kerberosSingleSignOnExtension complex type
    Addition beta Added the securityOptions, userRightsAssignment, auditSetting and windowsFirewallSettings members to the groupPolicySettingType enum type
    Addition beta Added the contentDownloaded member to the resultantAppStateDetail enum type


    Change type Version Description
    Addition v1.0 Added the classSettings property to the team resource to allow callers to get settings specific to a team of type Class.


    Change type Version Description
    Addition Beta Added the hideFromAddressLists and hideFromOutlookClients properties to the group entity, to control the visibility of a group in the Outlook UI.

    Identity and access

    Change type Version Description
    Change beta Updated the behavior of the appRoleAssignments and appRoleAssignedTo relationships on servicePrincipal to return the roles as documented. appRoleAssignments returns app roles granted to the service principal and appRoleAssignedTo returns principals granted app roles to the service principal.
    Addition beta Added the new entity type accessPackageResourceRequest.
    Addition beta, v1.0 Added support for returning a limited amount of information when your application doesn't have access to some of the types in a response's collection. For more information, see Limited information returned for inaccessible member objects.


    Change type Version Description
    Addition beta Added create, get and list APIs to manage threatAssessmentRequest resources.
    Addition beta Added optional request header, User-Agent, to evaluate application, evaluate classification, evaluate removal, extract label, list label, and get label.

    Microsoft Graph Toolkit

    Introduced version 1.1 of the Microsoft Graph Toolkit.

    Change type Version Description
    Addition NA Added the mgt-get component.
    Addition NA Added Proxy provider.
    Addition NA Added the inherit-details attribute to the person card component.
    Addition NA Added the selectedPeople property to the people picker component.
    Addition NA Added the loading and error templates to the people picker component.
    Addition NA Added the task and task-details templates to the tasks component.
    Addition NA Added the isNewTaskVisible property to the tasks component.
    Addition NA Added the group-id attribute to the tasks component.
    Addition NA Added the taskFilter property to the tasks component.
    Addition NA Added the eventClick event to the agenda component.
    Addition NA Added the person-card attribute to the people component.
    Addition NA Added the user-ids attribute to the people component.
    Fixes NA Bug fixes and improvements.

    People and workplace intelligence | Insights

    Change type Version Description
    Addition v1.0 Insights API is available in v1.0. This includes the officeGraphInsights, trending, usedInsight, and sharedInsight resources, and related types and methods. See Why integrate with document-based insights? for more information.

    Reports | Microsoft 365 usage reports

    Change type Version Description
    Change beta and v1.0 For delegated permissions to allow apps to read Microsoft 365 service usage reports on behalf of a user, the tenant administrator must have assigned the user an Azure AD limited administrator role. For more information, see Authorization for APIs to read Microsoft 365 usage reports.


    Change type Version Description
    Addition Beta Added notifications for new and edited channel messages, and new and edited chat messages.
    Addition Beta Added the [hiftpreferencessources/shiftpreferences?view=graph-rest-beta&preserve-view=true) resource and associated methods.
    Addition Beta Added new relationship shiftPreferences to userSettings entity.
    Change Beta Updated the application permissions required to perform read and write operations for shifts resources, including schedule, schedulingGroup, shift, timeOff, timeOffReason, timeOffRequest, swapShiftChangeRequest, and openShiftChangeRequest.

    November 2019

    Calendar | Place

    Change type Version Description
    Addition Beta Added the ability to update a room or room list.

    Cloud communications | Call

    Change type Version Description
    Change Beta Changed return type for mute and mute participant methods from commsOperation to muteParticipantOperation.
    Change Beta Changed return type for unmute method from commsOperation to unmuteParticipantOperation.
    Addition Beta Added the keepAlive action to the call entity.

    Cloud Communications | Recording

    Change type Version Description
    Addition beta Added new action updateRecordingStatus to call entity.
    Addition beta Added new complex type incomingContext.
    Addition beta Added new property incomingContext to call entity.
    Addition beta Added new property endpointType to participantInfo complex type.
    Addition beta Added new property endpointType to invitationParticipantInfo complex type.
    Addition beta Added new property recordingStatus to recordingInfo complex type.
    Deletion beta Removed property status from recordingInfo complex type.
    Deletion beta Removed inheritance of participantInfo from invitationParticipantInfo complex type.

    Devices and apps | Corporate management

    Change type Version Description
    Addition beta Added new entities:
    Addition beta Added new complex types:
    Addition beta Added new enum types:
    Addition beta Added the updateDeviceProperties action on windowsAutopilotDeviceIdentity
    Addition beta Added the updateDefinitionValues action on groupPolicyConfiguration
    Addition beta Added the getPolicyNonComplianceMetadata action on deviceManagementReports
    Deletion beta Removed the following complex types:
    Deletion beta Removed the getDeviceNoncomplianceReports action on deviceManagementReports
    Deletion beta Removed the getPolicyNoncomplianceReports action on deviceManagementReports
    Change beta Changed the following properties on the androidDeviceOwnerCertificateProfileBase entity:
    subjectAlternativeNameType from required to optional
    Addition beta Added the googleAccountsBlocked property to the androidDeviceOwnerGeneralDeviceConfiguration entity
    Addition beta Added the keyboardsRestricted and approvedKeyboards properties to the androidManagedAppProtection entity
    Addition beta Added the thirdPartyKeyboardsBlocked property to the defaultManagedAppProtection entity
    Addition beta Added the roleScopeTagIds property to the deviceCategory entity
    Deletion beta Removed the orderBy property from the deviceManagementExportJob entity
    Addition beta Added the groupsRequiringPartnerEnrollment property to the deviceManagementPartner entity
    Addition beta Added the roleScopeTagIds property to the groupPolicyConfiguration entity
    Addition beta Added the companyPortalBlockedActions, showAzureADEnterpriseApps and showOfficeWebApps properties to the intuneBrandingProfile entity
    Addition beta Added the easServices and easServicesUserOverrideEnabled properties to the iosEasEmailProfileConfiguration entity
    Deletion beta Removed the siriDisableServerLogging property from the iosGeneralDeviceConfiguration entity
    Addition beta Added the thirdPartyKeyboardsBlocked property to the iosManagedAppProtection entity
    Addition beta Added the managedBrowser property to the managedAppProtection entity
    Addition beta Added the ethernetMacAddress property to the managedDevice entity
    Addition beta Added the displayName property to the windowsAutopilotDeviceIdentity entity
    Addition beta Added the managedDeviceCertificateStates navigation property to the androidWorkProfilePkcsCertificateProfile entity
    Change beta Changed the type of the following properties on the deviceHealthScript entity:
    assignments from deviceManagementScriptAssignment collection to deviceHealthScriptAssignment collection
    Addition beta Added the complianceManagementPartners navigation property to the deviceManagement entity
    Addition beta Added the userRoleScopeTags property to the auditActor complex type
    Deletion beta Removed the scopeTags property from the auditActor complex type
    Change beta Changed the following properties on the credentialSingleSignOnExtension complex type:
    teamIdentifier from required to optional
    Addition beta Added the companyPortalBlockedActions, showAzureADEnterpriseApps and showOfficeWebApps properties to the intuneBrand complex type


    Change type Version Description
    Addition beta Added the classSettings property to the team resource to allow callers to get settings specific to a team of type Class.

    Identity and access

    Change type Version Description
    Addition v1.0 Added new entity type: application.
    Addition v1.0 Added new delegated permissions Application.Read.All, Application.ReadWrite.All.
    Addition v1.0 Added new application permission Application.Read.All.
    Addition v1.0 Added new delegated and application permissions GroupMember.Read.All and GroupMember.ReadWrite.All to get and update the group resource.
    Addition v1.0 Added new application permission Group.Create to create the group resource.
    Addition beta and v1.0 Added the creationType property to the user resource.
    Addition v1.0 Added the checkMemberObjects operation for the device resource.
    Addition v1.0 Added the checkMemberObjects operation for the group resource.
    Addition v1.0 Added the checkMemberObjects operation for the user resource.

    Identity and access | Identity and sign-in

    Change type Version Description
    Addition beta Added application-level Policy.Read.All permission for read operations in both conditional access policies and named locations.
    Addition beta Added support for report-only state: enabledForReportingButNotEnforced.
    Change beta Updated the permissions required to perform write operations for both conditional access policies and named locations.


    Change type Version Description
    Addition beta Added new delegated and application permissions ThreatAssessment.ReadWrite.All and ThreatAssessment.Read.All to Read and write threat assessment requests


    Change type Version Description
    Addition v1.0 Added the conversationIndex property to message and its derived type eventMessage.
    Addition Beta Added support for the Mail.ReadBasic delegated permission and Mail.ReadBasic.All application permission to create, get, update, and delete subscriptions for change notifications on message.
    Addition v1.0 Added support for the Mail.ReadBasic delegated permission and Mail.ReadBasic.All application permission to:
    - List messages
    - Get message
    - List mail folders
    - Get mail folder
    - List child folders
    - List messages in folder
    - Get message delta
    - Get mail folder delta
    - Create, get, update, and delete subscriptions for change notifications on message

    People and workplace intelligence

    Change type Version Description
    Addition Beta Added the profile API and associated methods.


    Microsoft Search is now exposing a way to search and index data in Microsoft Graph.

    Change type Version Description
    Addition beta Added the Microsoft Search API that constitutes querying and indexing capabilities.
    Addition beta Added the query action.
    Addition beta Added the searchRequest, searchQuery, searchQueryString,searchResponse, searchHitsContainer, and searchHit complex types.
    Addition beta Added the externalConnection, schema, externalItem, and externalFile entities, and methods exposed by these entities.


    Change type Version Description
    Addition Beta Added the open shift, openshiftChangeRequest, swapShiftChangeRequest, and timeoffrequest resources and associated methods.
    Addition Beta Added the timeClockEnabled, openShiftsEnabled, swapShiftsRequestsEnabled, offerShiftRequestsEnabled, timeOffRequestsEnabled properties to the schedule resource.
    Addition Beta Added a more route to retrieve a driveItem using a team and channel ID, get driveItem.

    October 2019


    Change type Version Description
    Addition Beta Added the allowNewTimeProposals property to the event and eventMessageRequest entities.
    Addition Beta Added the proposedNewTime optional parameter to the tentativelyAccept and decline methods of event.
    Addition Beta Added the eventMessageResponse entity that is based on eventMessage, and in addition, includes the proposedNewTime and responseType properties.
    Addition Beta Added the proposedNewTime property to the attendee complex type.

    Identity and access

    Change type Version Description
    Addition beta and v1.0 Added the securityIdentifier property to the group resource.
    Addition beta and v1.0 Added the mdmAppId property to the device resource.
    Addition Beta Added the manufacturer and model properties to the device entity.
    Addition v1.0 Added new entity certificateBasedAuthConfiguration.
    Addition v1.0 Added new complex type certificateAuthority.
    Addition v1.0 Added new relationship for certificateBasedAuthConfiguration on the organization resource. This enables certificate-based authentication in Azure Active Directory.
    Addition Beta Added new entity calendarPermission.
    Addition Beta Added get, update and delete APIs to manage calendarPermission resources on calendar.
    Addition Beta Added new complex type onlineMeetingInfo.
    Addition Beta Added the isOnlineMeeting, onlineMeetingProvider and onlineMeeting properties to the event entity. isOnlineMeeting and onlineMeetingProvider are optional parameters to the create and update methods of event.
    Addition Beta Added the defaultOnlineMeetingProviders and allowedOnlineMeetingProviders properties to the calendar entity.
    Addition Beta Added the isTallyingResponses property to the calendar entity.
    Addition Beta Added the isRemovable property to the calendar entity.
    Addition Beta Added the delegateMeetingMessageDeliveryOptions property to the mailboxSettings entity.

    Devices and apps | Corporate management

    Change type Version Description
    Addition beta Added new entities:
    Addition beta Added new complex types:
    Addition beta Added new enum types:
    Addition beta Added the approveApps action on androidManagedStoreAccountEnterpriseSettings
    Addition beta Added the executeAction action on managedDevice collection
    Addition beta Added the assign action on deviceHealthScript
    Addition beta Added the createMigrationReport action on groupPolicyMigrationReport collection
    Addition beta Added the getDeviceNoncomplianceReports action on deviceManagementReports
    Addition beta Added the getPolicyNoncomplianceReports action on deviceManagementReports
    Addition beta Added the getDeviceNonComplianceReport action on deviceManagementReports
    Addition beta Added the getPolicyNonComplianceReport action on deviceManagementReports
    Addition beta Added the getHistoricalReport action on deviceManagementReports
    Addition beta Added the getCachedReport action on deviceManagementReports
    Addition beta Added the assign action on windowsDefenderApplicationControlSupplementalPolicy
    Addition beta Added the summarizeDevicePerformanceDevices function on userExperienceAnalyticsDevicePerformance collection
    Addition beta Added the summarizeDeviceRegressionPerformance function on userExperienceAnalyticsRegressionSummary
    Deletion beta Removed the following complex types:
    Deletion beta Removed the following enum types:
    Deletion beta Removed the executeAction action on managedDevice collection
    Addition beta Added the globalProxy property to the androidDeviceOwnerGeneralDeviceConfiguration entity
    Addition beta Added the workProfileBlockPersonalAppInstallsFromUnknownSources property to the androidForWorkGeneralDeviceConfiguration entity
    Addition beta Added the minimumRequiredCompanyPortalVersion, minimumWarningCompanyPortalVersion and minimumWipeCompanyPortalVersion properties to the androidManagedAppProtection entity
    Addition beta Added the workProfileBlockPersonalAppInstallsFromUnknownSources property to the androidWorkProfileGeneralDeviceConfiguration entity
    Addition beta Added the remediation property to the appVulnerabilityTask entity
    Addition beta Added the minimumRequiredCompanyPortalVersion, minimumWarningCompanyPortalVersion and minimumWipeCompanyPortalVersion properties to the defaultManagedAppProtection entity
    Addition beta Added the configurationWebUrl property to the depEnrollmentBaseProfile entity
    Addition beta Added the source and sourceId properties to the deviceCompliancePolicyAssignment entity
    Addition beta Added the publisher, version, displayName, description, detectionScriptContent, createdDateTime, lastModifiedDateTime, runAsAccount, enforceSignatureCheck, runAs32Bit and roleScopeTagIds properties to the deviceHealthScript entity
    Deletion beta Removed the complianceRule property from the deviceHealthScript entity
    Addition beta Added the groupPolicyObjectFiles property to the deviceManagement entity
    Deletion beta Removed the runSchedule property from the deviceManagementScript entity
    Deletion beta Removed the lastSyncDateTime, preRemediationDetectionScriptOutput, remediationScriptError and postRemediationDetectionScriptOutput properties from the deviceManagementScriptDeviceState entity
    Deletion beta Removed the compliantDeviceCount, notCompliantDeviceCount and pendingDeviceCount properties from the deviceManagementScriptRunSummary entity
    Addition beta Added the platformType property to the deviceManagementTemplate entity
    Addition beta Added the source and sourceId properties to the enrollmentConfigurationAssignment entity
    Addition beta Added the mdmAppId and securityIdentifier properties to the group entity
    Addition beta Added the isDeleted property to the importedAppleDeviceIdentity entity
    Addition beta Added the filesNetworkDriveAccessBlocked, filesUsbDriveAccessBlocked and wifiPowerOnForced properties to the iosGeneralDeviceConfiguration entity
    Deletion beta Removed the wiFiBlockPowerModification property from the iosGeneralDeviceConfiguration entity
    Addition beta Added the previousPinBlockCount, maximumAllowedDeviceThreatLevel and mobileThreatDefenseRemediationAction properties to the managedAppProtection entity
    Addition beta Added the source and sourceId properties to the mobileAppAssignment entity
    Addition beta Added the androidMobileApplicationManagementEnabled and iosMobileApplicationManagementEnabled properties to the mobileThreatDefenseConnector entity
    Change beta Changed the following properties on the windows10GeneralConfiguration entity:
    energySaverOnBatteryThresholdPercentage from required to optional
    energySaverPluggedInThresholdPercentage from required to optional
    Addition beta Added the source and sourceId properties to the windowsAutopilotDeploymentProfileAssignment entity
    Addition beta Added the filesFolder navigation property to the channel entity
    Addition beta Added the wdacSupplementalPolicies navigation property to the deviceAppManagement entity
    Addition beta Added the assignments, runSummary and deviceRunStates navigation properties to the deviceHealthScript entity
    Addition beta Added the deviceHealthScripts, userExperienceAnalyticsDevicePerformance, userExperienceAnalyticsRegressionSummary, userExperienceAnalyticsDeviceStartupHistory, groupPolicyMigrationReports and reports navigation properties to the deviceManagement entity
    Addition beta Added the singleSignOnExtensionPkinitCertificate navigation property to the iosDeviceFeaturesConfiguration entity
    Addition beta Added the singleSignOnExtensionPkinitCertificate navigation property to the macOSDeviceFeaturesConfiguration entity
    Addition beta Added the scopeTags property to the auditActor complex type
    Addition beta Added the androidDedicatedCount, androidDeviceAdminCount, androidFullyManagedCount and androidWorkProfileCount properties to the deviceOperatingSystemSummary complex type
    Addition beta Added the restartSettings and installTimeSettings properties to the win32LobAppAssignmentSettings complex type
    Addition beta Added the deviceRestartBehavior property to the win32LobAppInstallExperience complex type
    Addition beta Added the customPassword member to the androidDeviceOwnerRequiredPasswordType enum type
    Deletion beta Removed the appleUserEnrollmentWithAzureAD member from the deviceEnrollmentType enum type
    Addition beta Added the microsoftEdgeSecurityBaseline and microsoftOffice365ProPlusSecurityBaseline members to the deviceManagementTemplateType enum type
    Addition beta Added the setDeviceName member to the managedDeviceRemoteAction enum type
    Addition beta Added the scriptError and notApplicable members to the runState enum type
    Deletion beta Removed the error member from the runState enum type
    Addition beta Added the userExperienceAnalytics member to the windowsHealthMonitoringScope enum type


    Change type Version Description
    Deletion beta Removed previously announced deprecated properties grade and feedback from educationSubmission. Access grades and feedback only through educationOutcome.


    Change type Version Description
    Addition Beta Added the hideFromAddressLists and hideFromOutlookClients properties to the group entity, to control the visibility of a group in the Outlook user interface.
    Addition Beta Added the assignLicense method, which can be used to add or remove licenses on users in a group.

    Identity and access

    Change type Version Description
    Addition Beta Added new entities:
    Addition Beta Added the alternateSignInName, ServicePrincipalId, ServicePrincipalName, and authenticationProcessingDetails properties to the sign in resource.
    Deletion Beta Moved the reference to mfaDetail from sign-in to authenticationDetail.
    Addition Beta Added the signInActivity property to the user resource.
    Addition Beta Added a new entity type: Trustframeworkkeyset
    Addition Beta Added new entity type: Identityuserflow
    Addition Beta Added new entitlement management resources.
    Addition Beta Added removePassword method to the application resource.
    Addition Beta Added addIns property to the application.
    Addition Beta Added addPassword and removePassword methods to the service principal resource.
    Addition Beta and v1.0 Added the onPremisesDomainName, onPremisesNetBiosName, and onPremisesSamAccountName properties to the group entity.
    Addition Beta and v1.0 Added the securityIdentifier property to the group resource.
    Addition Beta and v1.0 Added the mdmAppId property to the device resource.
    Addition Beta and v1.0 Added the manufacturer and model properties to the device entity.
    Addition v1.0 Added new orgContact resource. The organization manages the contacts and is different from personal contacts
    Addition v1.0 Added new physicalOfficeAddress resource.
    Addition v1.0 Added new entity certificateBasedAuthConfiguration.
    Addition v1.0 Added new complex type certificateAuthority.
    Addition v1.0 Added new relationship for certificateBasedAuthConfiguration on the organization resource. This enables certificate-based authentication in Azure Active Directory.

    Identity and access | Identity and sign-in

    Change type Version Description
    Addition Beta Added new entity types:
    Addition Beta Added new complex types:
    Addition Beta Added the namedLocation API, which represents named locations in Azure AD conditional access.


    Change type Version Description
    Change beta Changed detectedSensitiveContent entity name to classificationResult.
    Deletion beta Removed displayName, uniqueCount, and matches properties from classificationResult.
    Change beta Changed id to sensitiveTypeId properties of classificationResult.
    Change beta Changed confidence to confidenceLevel property of classificationResult.
    Addition beta Added count property to classificationResult/.
    Deletion beta Removed actionSource property from labelingOptions.
    Deletion beta Removed auditInfo entity.
    Change beta Changed protectByDoNotForwardAction to protectDoNotForwardAction.
    Addition beta Added alignment property to addContentHeaderAction.
    Change beta Changed labelId property to label in recommendLabelAction.
    Change beta Changed classificationIds property to responsibleSensitivityTypeIds in recommendLabelAction.
    Addition beta Added actionSource property to recommendLabelAction.
    Change beta Changed labelId property to label in applyLabelAction.
    Change beta Changed classificationIds property to responsibleSensitivityTypeIds in applyLabelAction.
    Addition beta Added actionSource property to applyLabelAction.
    Change beta Change contentFormat enum value file to default.
    Deletion beta Removed mandatory value from actionSource enum.
    Change beta Removed actionSource enum value policyDefault to default.
    Deletion beta Removed auditMetadataKey.
    Change beta Change applyLabel API to evaluateApplication.
    Change beta Change applyLabelFromClassification API to evaluateClassificationResults.
    Change beta Change removeLabel API to evaluateRemoval.
    Deletion beta Removed auditInfo from extractLabel.


    Change type Version Description
    Addition Beta Adding file attachments up to 150 MB to a message instance.
    Addition Beta The attachmentItem complex type, createUploadSession action for the attachment entity, and the attachmentType enumeration.
    Changed Beta Extended the existing uploadSession entity that is used by driveItem to apply to attachment as well.


    Change type Version Description
    Addition Beta Added the Create and send notifications API to enable targeting users without managing the on-behalf-of tokens.
    Addition Beta Introduced the targetPolicy property on the notification resource to enable web endpoints to be targeted via webpush.
    Addition Beta Added the fallbackPolicy property on the notification resource to enable guaranteed delivery on iOS for high-priority notifications.


    Change type Version Description
    Addition Beta Added the Get team photo and Update team photo methods.
    Addition Beta Reading images in messages now support application permissions.


    Change type Version Description
    Addition v1.0 Added the new lastPasswordChangeDateTime property to the user resource.
    Addition beta Added the user: reprocessLicenseAssignment API, which can be used to reprocess all group-based license assignments for the user.
    Addition V1.0 The dateFormat and timeFormat properties to the mailboxSettings resource. The properties represent the user's preferred date and time formats.

    September 2019

    Calendar, mail, groups

    Change type Version Description
    Addition v1.0 Added the capability to get the raw contents of a file or item attachment to an event, message, or group post.

    Devices and apps | Corporate management

    Change type Version Description
    Addition beta Added new entities:
    Addition beta Added new complex types:
    Addition beta Added new enum types:
    Addition beta Added the update action on policySet
    Addition beta Added the hasPayloadLinks action on mobileApp collection
    Addition beta Added the hasPayloadLinks action on targetedManagedAppConfiguration collection
    Addition beta Added the hasPayloadLinks action on iosManagedAppProtection collection
    Addition beta Added the hasPayloadLinks action on androidManagedAppProtection collection
    Addition beta Added the hasPayloadLinks action on macManagedAppProtection collection
    Addition beta Added the hasPayloadLinks action on mdmWindowsInformationProtectionPolicy collection
    Addition beta Added the hasPayloadLinks action on iosLobAppProvisioningConfiguration collection
    Addition beta Added the getPolicySets action on policySet collection
    Addition beta Added the hasPayloadLinks action on deviceManagementScript collection
    Addition beta Added the hasPayloadLinks action on deviceConfiguration collection
    Addition beta Added the hasPayloadLinks action on deviceCompliancePolicy collection
    Addition beta Added the hasPayloadLinks action on windowsAutopilotDeploymentProfile collection
    Addition beta Added the hasPayloadLinks action on deviceEnrollmentConfiguration collection
    Addition beta Added the triggerConfigurationManagerAction action on managedDevice
    Addition beta Added the setPriority action on appleUserInitiatedEnrollmentProfile
    Addition beta Added the assign action on windowsFeatureUpdateProfile
    Addition beta Added the getExpiringVppTokenCount function on depOnboardingSetting collection
    Addition beta Added the deviceThreatProtectionEnabled, deviceThreatProtectionRequiredSecurityLevel, securityRequireSafetyNetAttestationBasicIntegrity and securityRequireSafetyNetAttestationCertifiedDevice properties to the androidDeviceOwnerCompliancePolicy entity
    Addition beta Added the workProfileAllowWidgets property to the androidForWorkGeneralDeviceConfiguration entity
    Addition beta Added the isPrivate and isSystemApp properties to the androidManagedStoreApp entity
    Addition beta Added the workProfileAllowWidgets property to the androidWorkProfileGeneralDeviceConfiguration entity
    Addition beta Added the screenTimeScreenDisabled property to the depEnrollmentBaseProfile entity
    Addition beta Added the appearanceScreenDisabled, expressLanguageScreenDisabled, preferredLanguageScreenDisabled, deviceToDeviceMigrationDisabled and welcomeScreenDisabled properties to the depIOSEnrollmentProfile entity
    Deletion beta Removed the screenTimeScreenDisabled property from the depIOSEnrollmentProfile entity
    Addition beta Added the source and sourceId properties to the deviceConfigurationAssignment entity
    Deletion beta Removed the runRemediationScript property from the deviceHealthScript entity
    Addition beta Added the singleSignOnExtension property to the iosDeviceFeaturesConfiguration entity
    Addition beta Added the kioskModeEnableVoiceControl and kioskModeAllowVoiceControlModification properties to the iosGeneralDeviceConfiguration entity
    Addition beta Added the associatedDomains and singleSignOnExtension properties to the macOSDeviceFeaturesConfiguration entity
    Addition beta Added the source and sourceId properties to the targetedManagedAppPolicyAssignment entity
    Addition beta Added the roleScopeTagIds property to the termsAndConditions entity
    Addition beta Added the isBuiltIn and createdDateTime properties to the userExperienceAnalyticsBaseline entity
    Deletion beta Removed the overallScore and overallRegressionThreshold properties from the userExperienceAnalyticsBaseline entity
    Deletion beta Removed the displayName and overallScore properties from the userExperienceAnalyticsCategory entity
    Deletion beta Removed the displayName property from the userExperienceAnalyticsMetric entity
    Deletion beta Removed the overallScore, deviceBootPerformanceOverallScore and bestPracticesOverallScore properties from the userExperienceAnalyticsOverview entity
    Addition beta Added the attackSurfaceReductionRules and bitLockerRecoveryPasswordRotation properties to the windows10EndpointProtectionConfiguration entity
    Addition beta Added the trackInstallProgressForAutopilotOnly and disableUserStatusTrackingAfterFirstUser properties to the windows10EnrollmentCompletionPageConfiguration entity
    Addition beta Added the policySets navigation property to the deviceAppManagement entity
    Addition beta Added the appleUserInitiatedEnrollmentProfiles, autopilotEvents and windowsFeatureUpdateProfiles navigation properties to the deviceManagement entity
    Addition beta Added the value property to the insightValueDouble complex type
    Addition beta Added the value property to the insightValueInt complex type
    Addition beta Added the v13_0 property to the iosMinimumOperatingSystem complex type
    Addition beta Added the v10_14 and v10_15 properties to the macOSMinimumOperatingSystem complex type
    Addition beta Added the values and severity properties to the userExperienceAnalyticsInsight complex type
    Deletion beta Removed the value property from the userExperienceAnalyticsInsight complex type
    Addition beta Added the appleUserEnrollment, appleUserEnrollmentWithServiceAccount and appleUserEnrollmentWithAzureAD members to the deviceEnrollmentType enum type
    Addition beta Added the securityTemplate member to the deviceManagementTemplateType enum type
    Addition beta Added the rebootNow member to the managedDeviceRemoteAction enum type
    Addition beta Added the rotateBitLockerKeys member to the remoteAction enum type
    Addition Beta Added application permissions support for write operations: DeviceManagementConfiguration.ReadWrite.All, DeviceManagementApps.ReadWrite.All, DeviceManagementManagedDevices.ReadWrite.All, DeviceManagementRBAC.ReadWrite.All, DeviceManagementServiceConfig.ReadWrite.All
    Addition v1.0 Added the v13_0 property to the iosMinimumOperatingSystem complex type.


    Change type Version Description
    Addition beta Added new property closeDateTime to educationAssignment.
    Change beta Changed property names mkcd to projectId and url to hostWebUrl in educationMakeCodeResource resource.

    Cloud communications | Online meeting

    Change type Version Description
    Addition Beta Added /communications/* APIs for all calls and online meetings. The /app path is deprecated. Going forward, use the /communications path.
    Removal Beta Deprecated the /app path.
    Deletion Beta Removed the properties createdDateTime and lastActionDateTime from the commsOperation resource.
    Deletion Beta Removed the property meetingType from the onlineMeeting resource.
    Addition Beta Added the property isBroadcast to the onlineMeeting resource.
    Change Beta Renamed the resource property to resourceUrl on the commsNotification resource.
    Change Beta Changed the type of the code and subCode properties from string to Int32 on the resultInfo resource.
    Change Beta Renamed the subcode property to subCode on the resultInfo resource.


    Change type Version Description
    Addition Beta Added the pendingOperations and pendingContentUpdate resources. The pendingOperations resource applies to the driveItem resource.
    Addition Beta Added the restore action to the driveItem resource.
    Addition Beta Added the orientation property to the photo resource.
    Addition Beta Added the sha256Hash property to the hashes resource.

    Identity and access

    Change type Version Description
    Addition Beta Added the objectIdentity resource that represents an identity used to sign in to a user account.
    Addition Beta Added synchronizationJobSettings property to the synchronizationJob resource.
    Addition Beta Added new possible values for the reason property in the synchronizationQuarantine resource.
    Addition Beta Added the capability to manage password single sign-on credentials on the servicePrincipal object.


    Change type Version Description
    Addition v1.0 Added the capability to get the MIME content of a message.


    Change type Version Description
    Addition beta Added the primaryChannel property to the team resource.
    Addition beta Added the allowCreatePrivateChannels property to the teamMemberSettings resource.


    Change type Version Description
    Addition Beta Added the identities property to the user resource. This property represents the set of identities that this user can use to sign in with.
    Addition v1.0 Added the translateExchangeIds method.
    Addition Beta The dateFormat and timeFormat properties to the mailboxSettings resource. The properties represent the user's preferred date and time formats.

    August 2019

    Devices and apps | Corporate management

    Change type Version Description
    Addition beta Added new entities:
    Addition beta Added new complex types:
    Addition beta Added new enum types:
    Addition beta Added the enableAndroidDeviceAdministratorEnrollment action on deviceManagement
    Addition beta Added the executeAction action on managedDevice collection
    Addition beta Added the sendCustomNotificationToCompanyPortal action on managedDevice
    Deletion beta Removed the executeAction action on managedDevice collection
    Addition beta Added the roleScopeTagIds property to the androidDeviceOwnerEnrollmentProfile entity
    Deletion beta Removed the scopeTags property from the androidDeviceOwnerEnrollmentProfile entity
    Addition beta Added the kioskModeScreenSaverConfigurationEnabled, kioskModeScreenSaverImageUrl, kioskModeScreenSaverDisplayTimeInSeconds, kioskModeScreenSaverStartDelayInSeconds, kioskModeScreenSaverDetectMediaDisabled, kioskModeVirtualHomeButtonType, kioskModeFlashlightConfigurationEnabled and kioskModeMediaVolumeConfigurationEnabled properties to the androidDeviceOwnerGeneralDeviceConfiguration entity
    Addition beta Added the lastSyncDateTime, preRemediationDetectionScriptOutput, remediationScriptError and postRemediationDetectionScriptOutput properties to the deviceManagementScriptDeviceState entity
    Addition beta Added the compliantDeviceCount, notCompliantDeviceCount and pendingDeviceCount properties to the deviceManagementScriptRunSummary entity
    Addition beta Added the isRemoveDeviceDisabled and isFactoryResetDisabled properties to the intuneBrandingProfile entity
    Addition beta Added the continuousPathKeyboardBlocked, findMyDeviceInFindMyAppBlocked, findMyFriendsInFindMyAppBlocked, wiFiBlockPowerModification and iTunesBlocked properties to the iosGeneralDeviceConfiguration entity
    Addition beta Added the iCloudBlockActivityContinuation property to the macOSGeneralDeviceConfiguration entity
    Addition beta Added the configurationManagerClientInformation property to the managedDevice entity
    Addition beta Added the managedDeviceId property to the remoteActionAudit entity
    Addition beta Added the isBuiltIn property to the roleScopeTag entity
    Deletion beta Removed the userRightsRegisterProcessAsService property from the windows10EndpointProtectionConfiguration entity
    Addition beta Added the energySaverOnBatteryThresholdPercentage, energySaverPluggedInThresholdPercentage, powerLidCloseActionOnBattery, powerLidCloseActionPluggedIn, powerButtonActionOnBattery, powerButtonActionPluggedIn, powerSleepButtonActionOnBattery, powerSleepButtonActionPluggedIn, powerHybridSleepOnBattery and powerHybridSleepPluggedIn properties to the windows10GeneralConfiguration entity
    Addition beta Added the deadlineForFeatureUpdatesInDays, deadlineForQualityUpdatesInDays, deadlineGracePeriodInDays and postponeRebootUntilAfterDeadline properties to the windowsUpdateForBusinessConfiguration entity
    Addition beta Added the userExperienceAnalyticsOverview, userExperienceAnalyticsBaselines and userExperienceAnalyticsCategories navigation properties to the deviceManagement entity
    Deletion beta Removed the healthSummary navigation property from the windowsManagementApp entity
    Addition beta Added the shareUserExperienceAnalyticsData property to the adminConsent complex type
    Addition beta Added the osBuildNumber property to the hardwareInformation complex type
    Addition beta Added the isRemoveDeviceDisabled and isFactoryResetDisabled properties to the intuneBrand complex type
    Addition beta Added the uninstallOnDeviceRemoval property to the iosLobAppAssignmentSettings complex type
    Addition beta Added the uninstallOnDeviceRemoval property to the iosStoreAppAssignmentSettings complex type
    Addition beta Added the uninstallOnDeviceRemoval property to the iosVppAppAssignmentSettings complex type
    Addition beta Added the customTextNotification member to the managedDeviceRemoteAction enum type
    Addition beta Added the setDeviceName member to the remoteAction enum type
    Addition beta Added the error and pending members to the runState enum type
    Addition beta Added the noScheduledScan member to the weeklySchedule enum type
    Addition beta Added the derivedCredentials navigation property to the deviceManagement entity


    Change type Version Description
    Addition beta Added new property grade to educationClass.
    Addition beta Added the new educationRubric resource.
    Addition beta Added APIs to manage educationRubric resources on educationUser and educationAssignment.
    Addition beta Added the new educationOutcome resource.
    Addition beta Added APIs to manage educationOutcome resources on educationSubmission.
    Addition beta Added the new educationMakeCodeResource resource.
    Addition beta Added new property grade to educationClass.


    Change type Version Description
    Addition Beta Added the unfollow action on driveItem

    Identity and access

    Change type Version Description
    Change Beta Changed the List provisioningObjectSummary namespace.
    Addition Beta Added the roleManagement resource that provides access to role definitions and role assignments surfaced from role-based access control providers.
    Addition Beta Added the unifiedRoleDefinition resource that represents a collection of permissions listing the operations that can be performed.
    Addition Beta Added the unifiedRoleAssignment resource that grants access to resources.
    Addition Beta Added these operations to support the unifiedRoleDefinition resource:
    Addition Beta Added these operations to support the unifiedRoleAssignment resource:
    Addition Beta Added the List accessReviews operation.
    Addition Beta Added the checkMemberObjects operation for the device resource.
    Addition Beta Added the checkMemberObjects operation for the directoryObject resource.
    Addition Beta Added the checkMemberObjects operation for the directoryRole resource.
    Addition Beta Added the checkMemberObjects operation for the group resource.
    Addition Beta Added the checkMemberObjects operation for the servicePrincipal resource.
    Addition Beta Added the checkMemberObjects operation for the user resource.
    Addition Beta Added delegated and application permissions for reading organizational contacts: OrgContact.Read.All
    Addition beta Added new entity certificateBasedAuthConfiguration.
    Addition beta Added new complex type certificateAuthority.
    Addition beta Added new relationship for certificateBasedAuthConfiguration on the organization resource. This enables certificate-based authentication in Azure Active Directory


    Change type Version Description
    Addition v1.0 Added the deletedItemCount and deletedItemSizeInBytes property to the mailboxUsageDetail entity.
    Addition v1.0 Added the groupId property to the office365GroupsActivityDetail entity.
    Addition v1.0 Added the ownerPrincipalName property to the oneDriveUsageAccountDetail entity.
    Addition v1.0 Added the ownerPrincipalName property to the sharePointSiteUsageDetail entity.
    Addition v1.0 Added the office365Active and office365Inactive properties to the office365ServicesUserCounts entity.

    People and workplace intelligence

    Change type Version Description
    Addition Beta Introduced the new workplace intelligence analytics API. The API enables you to get analytics about how users spend their time on various activities during and outside of working hours, including calls, chats (instant messages), emails, focus work, and meetings.
    Addition Beta Introduced the new workplace intelligence settings API that represents the current required settings for a user to use the analytics API.
    Addition Beta Introduced the new activityStatistics resource type and the following new resource types that are derived from it: callActivityStatistics, chatActivityStatistics,emailActivityStatistics, focusActivityStatistics, and meetingActivityStatistics.

    Tasks and plans

    Change type Version Description
    Addition Beta Added the priority property to the plannerTask entity.


    Change type Version Description
    Addition Beta Added the ability to pull incremental messages from channels with the channel messages delta query API.
    Addition Beta Added the ability to add members to a private channel.
    Addition Beta Added the ability to remove members from a private channel.
    Addition Beta Added the ability to update a member's role in a private channel.
    Addition Beta Added the membershipType property to the channel resource to show if a particular channel is private or standard.

    July 2019

    Calendar | Place

    Debut of the places API, which provides rich details for locations in apps.

    Change type Version Description
    Addition Beta Added the room list resource
    Addition Beta Added the room resource
    Addition Beta Added the place resource
    Addition Beta Added delegated and application permissions for the places API: Place.Read.All

    Devices and apps | Corporate management

    Change type Version Description
    Addition beta Added new entities:
    Addition beta Added new complex types:
    Addition beta Added new enum types:
    Addition beta Added the getRoleScopeTagsById action on roleScopeTag collection
    Addition beta Added the createInstance action on deviceManagementTemplate
    Addition beta Added the hasCustomRoleScopeTag function on roleScopeTag collection
    Deletion beta Removed the createInstance action on deviceManagementTemplate
    Deletion beta Removed the autopilotDeviceStream function on importedWindowsAutopilotDeviceIdentityUpload
    Addition beta Added the scopeTags property to the androidDeviceOwnerEnrollmentProfile entity
    Addition beta Added the nestedSchemaItems property to the androidManagedStoreAppConfigurationSchema entity
    Addition beta Added the groupTag property to the importedWindowsAutopilotDeviceIdentity entity
    Addition beta Added the fileVaultStates property to the managedDeviceEncryptionState entity
    Addition beta Added the userRightsDenyLocalLogOn and windowsDefenderTamperProtection properties to the windows10EndpointProtectionConfiguration entity
    Addition beta Added the localGuestAccountName and assessmentAppUserModelId properties to the windows10SecureAssessmentConfiguration entity
    Addition beta Added the cacheServerHostNames, cacheServerForegroundDownloadFallbackToHttpDelayInSeconds and cacheServerBackgroundDownloadFallbackToHttpDelayInSeconds properties to the windowsDeliveryOptimizationConfiguration entity
    Addition beta Added the windowsKioskForceUpdateSchedule property to the windowsKioskConfiguration entity
    Addition beta Added the deviceConfigurationsAllManagedDeviceCertificateStates navigation property to the deviceManagement entity
    Deletion beta Removed the importedWindowsAutopilotDeviceIdentityUploads navigation property from the deviceManagement entity
    Addition beta Added the deviceUpdateStates navigation property to the windowsUpdateForBusinessConfiguration entity
    Addition beta Added the index and parentIndex properties to the androidManagedStoreAppConfigurationSchemaItem complex type
    Addition beta Added the androidDeviceAdministratorEnrollmentEnabled property to the deviceManagementSettings complex type
    Addition beta Added the edgeTraversal property to the windowsFirewallRule complex type
    Addition beta Added the localGuestAccount member to the secureAssessmentAccountType enum type
    Addition beta Added the empty and clientCertificateSubjectName members to the vpnLocalIdentifier enum type
    Addition beta Added the revision property to the groupPolicyDefinitionFile entity
    Addition beta Added the valuePrefix property to the groupPolicyPresentationListBox entity


    Change type Version Description
    Addition beta Added the expirationDatetime and password properties to the createLink action.

    Identity and access

    Change type Version Description
    Addition v1.0 Added new delegated and application permissions Organization.Read.All and Organization.ReadWrite.All to get and update the organization API resource and get the subcribedSku resource.
    Addition Beta Added new delegated and application permissions Organization.Read.All and Organization.ReadWrite.All to get and update the organization API resource and get the subcribedSku resource.
    Addition v1.0 Added the group:validateProperties function and directory object:validateProperties function on groups, which validates that a Microsoft 365 group's display name or mail nickname complies with naming policies.
    Addition Beta Added 'version', 'discoveryDateTime', 'discoverabilities' properties to resource type directoryDefinition.
    Addition Beta Added the directoryDefinition: discover method.
    Addition Beta Added new delegated and application permissions AdministrativeUnit.Read.All and AdministrativeUnit.ReadWrite.All to get and update the administrative unit API resource.
    Addition v1.0 Added new delegated and application permissions RoleManagement.Read.Directory and RoleManagement.ReadWrite.Directory to get and update the directory role API resource and get the directory role template API resource.
    Addition Beta Added new application permission AccessReview.ReadWrite.Membership to get, create, update and delete in the access reviews API.
    Addition Beta Added new resource type featureRolloutPolicy to the directory resource. Feature rollout policy helps tenant administrators to pilot features to specific groups before enabling them for entire organization.


    Change type Version Description
    Addition beta Added support for the Mail.ReadBasic.All application permission in mailFolder API: list mail folders, get a mail folder, list child folders and list messages in a mail folder. Also added Mail.ReadBasic.All support in delta query for message and delta query for mailFolder.


    Change type Version Description
    Addition beta Added the subscriptions navigation property to the list entity.


    Change type Version Description
    Addition Beta Added deletedItemCount property to the mailboxUsageDetail entity.
    Addition Beta Added deletedItemSizeInBytes property to the mailboxUsageDetail entity.
    Addition Beta Added groupId property to the office365GroupsActivityDetail entity.


    Change type Version Description
    Addition beta Added support for application permissions to List channel messages, Get channel message, List replies to a message, and Get a reply to a message.
    Addition beta Added support for application permissions to List messages in a chat and Get message in chat.
    Addition beta Added the installedApps property to the chat resource.
    Addition beta Added navigation binding for chats property of the user resource.
    Addition beta Added the teamwork resource.
    Addition beta Added the userTeamwork resource.
    Addition beta Added new methods to the user resource enabling the following methods with personal apps for users:
    List apps installed for user
    Install app for user
    Uninstall app for user
    Upgrade app installed for user

    Cloud communications

    Change type Version Description
    Addition Beta Added mediaState property to call resource
    Change Beta Renamed recordResourceLocation property in recordOperation resource to recordingLocation
    Change Beta Renamed recordResourceAccessToken property in recordOperation resource to recordingAccessToken
    Addition Beta Added capabilities property to onlineMeeting resource
    Addition Beta Added videoTeleconferenceId property to onlineMeeting resource
    Addition Beta Added producers property to meetingParticipants resource
    Addition Beta Added contributors property to meetingParticipants resource

    June 2019

    Devices and apps | Corporate management

    Change type Version Description
    Addition beta Added new entities:
    Addition beta Added new complex types:
    Addition beta Added new enum types:
    Addition beta Added the updateStatus action on deviceAppManagementTask
    Addition beta Added the assign action on roleScopeTag
    Addition beta Added the compare function on deviceManagementTemplate
    Addition beta Added the compare function on deviceManagementIntent
    Deletion beta Removed the following enum types:
    Addition beta Added the deviceManagementApplicabilityRuleOsEdition, deviceManagementApplicabilityRuleOsVersion and deviceManagementApplicabilityRuleDeviceMode properties to the deviceConfiguration entity
    Addition beta Added the securityKeyForSignIn property to the deviceEnrollmentWindowsHelloForBusinessConfiguration entity
    Addition beta Added the roleScopeTagIds property to the deviceManagementIntent entity
    Addition beta Added the templateType and publishedDateTime properties to the deviceManagementTemplate entity
    Addition beta Added the customPrivacyMessage property to the intuneBrandingProfile entity
    Addition beta Added the fileVaultEnabled, fileVaultSelectedRecoveryKeyTypes, fileVaultInstitutionalRecoveryKeyCertificate, fileVaultInstitutionalRecoveryKeyCertificateFileName, fileVaultPersonalRecoveryKeyHelpMessage, fileVaultAllowDeferralUntilSignOut, fileVaultNumberOfTimesUserCanIgnore, fileVaultDisablePromptAtSignOut and fileVaultPersonalRecoveryKeyRotationInMonths properties to the macOSEndpointProtectionConfiguration entity
    Addition beta Added the notificationRestriction property to the managedAppProtection entity
    Change beta Changed the type of the following properties on the mobileAppDependency entity:
    dependencyType from mobileAppDependecyType to mobileAppDependencyType
    Addition beta Added the deviceGuardSecureBootWithDMA property to the windows10EndpointProtectionConfiguration entity
    Addition beta Added the smartScreenAppInstallControl and lockScreenActivateAppsWithVoice properties to the windows10GeneralConfiguration entity
    Addition beta Added the deviceAppManagementTasks navigation property to the deviceAppManagement entity
    Addition beta Added the domainJoinConnectors navigation property to the deviceManagement entity
    Addition beta Added the assignments navigation property to the roleScopeTag entity
    Addition beta Added the isReadOnly property to the omaSettingInteger complex type
    Addition beta Added the v10_1809 and v10_1903 properties to the windowsMinimumOperatingSystem complex type
    Addition beta Added the wpa2Enterprise member to the androidWiFiSecurityType enum type
    Addition beta Added the ikEv2 member to the appleVpnConnectionType enum type
    Addition beta Added the rotateFileVaultKey and getFileVaultKey members to the remoteAction enum type
    Addition beta Added the sharedSecret member to the vpnAuthenticationMethod enum type
    Addition beta Added the windows10Home, windows10HomeChina, windows10HomeN, windows10HomeSingleLanguage, windows10Mobile, windows10IoTCore and windows10IoTCoreCommercial members to the windows10EditionType enum type

    Identity and access

    Change type Version Description
    Addition beta Added the riskDetection API, which represents risk detections in Azure AD Identity Protection.
    Addition Beta Introduced the new resource type applicationTemplate. This resource type supports instantiate, list and get applications from the Azure AD application gallery.
    Addition beta Added new resources:
    Addition beta Added the List provisioningObjectSummary operation
    Addition v1.0 Added the signInSessionsValidFromDateTime property on the user resource.
    Addition v1.0 Added the revokeSignInSessions action on the user resource.


    Change type Version Description
    Addition beta Added support for the Mail.ReadBasic permission in mailFolder API: list mail folders, get a mail folder, list child folders and list messages in a mail folder. Also added Mail.ReadBasic support in delta query for message and delta query for mailFolder.

    Reports | Identity and access reports

    Change type Version Description
    Addition beta Added new reports for retrieving user registration and usage information:

    Sites and lists

    Change type Version Description
    Addition Beta Added the followSite navigation property to the user entity set
    Addition Beta Added the unfollowSite navigation property to the user entity set


    Change type Version Description
    Addition beta Added the teamDiscoverySettings resource and associated methods.


    Change type Version Description
    Addition Beta Added the lastPasswordChangeDateTime property to the user entity.

    May 2019

    Calendar, mail, personal contacts

    Change type Version Description
    Addition v1.0 and beta Added the capability for administrators to limit app access to only specific mailboxes, even when an app has application permissions to mail, mailbox settings, calendars, or contacts. For more information, see Scoping application permissions to specific Exchange Online mailboxes.

    Devices and apps | Corporate management

    Change type Version Description
    Addition beta Added new entities:
    Addition beta Added new enum types:
    Addition beta Added the executeAction action on managedDevice collection
    Addition beta Added the rotateFileVaultKey action on managedDevice
    Addition beta Added the migrateToTemplate action on deviceManagementIntent
    Addition beta Added the getFileVaultKey function on managedDevice
    Deletion beta Removed the following enum types:
    Deletion beta Removed the executeAction action on managedDevice collection
    Addition beta Added the usernameFormatString, passwordFormatString and preSharedKey properties to the androidEnterpriseWiFiConfiguration entity
    Addition beta Added the customBrowserPackageId and customBrowserDisplayName properties to the androidManagedAppProtection entity
    Addition beta Added the customBrowserProtocol, customBrowserPackageId and customBrowserDisplayName properties to the defaultManagedAppProtection entity
    Deletion beta Removed the thirdPartyKeyboardsBlocked property from the defaultManagedAppProtection entity
    Change beta Changed the following properties on the deviceManagementAbstractComplexSettingInstance entity:
    implementationId from required to optional
    Addition beta Added the versionInfo, isDeprecated and intentCount properties to the deviceManagementTemplate entity
    Addition beta Added the assignedUserPrincipalName property to the importedWindowsAutopilotDeviceIdentity entity
    Addition beta Added the signingCertificateType and encryptionCertificateType properties to the iosEasEmailProfileConfiguration entity
    Addition beta Added the usernameFormatString and passwordFormatString properties to the iosEnterpriseWiFiConfiguration entity
    Addition beta Added the kioskModeBlockAutoLock, kioskModeBlockRingerSwitch, kioskModeBlockScreenRotation, kioskModeBlockSleepButton, kioskModeBlockTouchscreen, cellularBlockPersonalHotspotModification and siriDisableServerLogging properties to the iosGeneralDeviceConfiguration entity
    Addition beta Added the customBrowserProtocol property to the iosManagedAppProtection entity
    Deletion beta Removed the thirdPartyKeyboardsBlocked property from the iosManagedAppProtection entity
    Addition beta Added the iCloudBlockPhotoLibrary, screenCaptureBlocked, classroomAppBlockRemoteScreenObservation, classroomAppForceUnpromptedScreenObservation, classroomForceAutomaticallyJoinClasses, classroomForceRequestPermissionToLeaveClasses and classroomForceUnpromptedAppAndDeviceLock properties to the macOSGeneralDeviceConfiguration entity
    Addition beta Added the retireAfterDateTime property to the managedDevice entity
    Change beta Changed the type of the following properties on the mobileAppDependency entity:
    dependencyType from mobileAppDependecyType to mobileAppDependencyType
    Addition beta Added the tpmRequired property to the windows10CompliancePolicy entity
    Addition beta Added the roleScopeTagIds property to the windowsAutopilotDeploymentProfile entity
    Addition beta Added the configDeviceHealthMonitoringCustomScope property to the windowsHealthMonitoringConfiguration entity
    Addition beta Added the migratableTo navigation property to the deviceManagementTemplate entity
    Addition beta Added the derivedCredentialSettings navigation property to the iosEasEmailProfileConfiguration entity
    Addition beta Added the derivedCredentialSettings navigation property to the iosEnterpriseWiFiConfiguration entity
    Addition beta Added the derivedCredentialSettings navigation property to the iosVpnConfiguration entity
    Addition beta Added the categoryDeviceStateSummaries navigation property to the securityBaselineTemplate entity
    Addition beta Added the wpaEnterprise member to the androidDeviceOwnerWiFiSecurityType enum type
    Addition beta Added the unknown member to the devicePlatformType enum type
    Addition beta Added the derivedCredential member to the easAuthenticationMethod enum type
    Addition beta Added the wipe member to the managedDeviceRemoteAction enum type
    Change beta Changed the type of the following properties on the managedDeviceRemoteAction enum type:
    fullScan from 2 to 3
    quickScan from 3 to 4
    signatureUpdate from 4 to 5
    Addition beta Added the derivedCredential member to the vpnAuthenticationMethod enum type
    Addition beta Added the derivedCredential member to the wiFiAuthenticationMethod enum type


    Change type Version Description
    Addition Beta Added the bundle complex type
    Addition Beta Added the album complex type
    Addition Beta Added the bundles navigation property to the drive entity
    Addition Beta Added the bundle property to the driveItem entity
    Addition Beta Added the grant action to the permission entity


    Change type Version Description
    Addition beta Added taughtClasses to educationUser.
    Addition beta Added educationCourse to educationClass.
    Addition beta Added delta support to educationUser.
    Addition beta Added delta to educationSchool.
    Addition beta Added delta to educationClass.
    Addition beta Added faculty option to educationUserRole enumeration.


    Change type Version Description
    Addition beta Added assignedlabels property to the group entity. This property represents the list of sensitivity label pairs (label ID, label name) associated with a group.

    Identity and access | Identity and sign-in

    Change type Version Description
    Addition Beta Added the riskyUserHistoryItem entity.
    Addition Beta Added the list history operation.


    Change type Version Description
    Addition v1.0 Added the mailSearchFolder entity, which is derived from and supports the methods of the mailFolder entity.

    Reports | Microsoft 365 usage reports

    Change type Version Description
    Addition Beta Added ownerPrincipalName property to the oneDriveUsageAccountDetail entity.
    Addition Beta Added ownerPrincipalName property to the sharePointSiteUsageDetail entity.


    Change type Version Description
    Addition v1.0 Added the Secure Score APIs to the security API, including the following resources and operations:
    secureScore (and related entities)
    List secureScores
    List secureScoreControlProfiles
    Update secureScoreControlProfile


    Change type Version Description
    Addition Beta Added urgent property to the chatMessageImportance enum.
    Addition Beta Added hostedContents navigation property to the chatMessage entity.
    Addition Beta Added chatMessageHostedContent entity to represent content hosted by Microsoft Teams associated with a chatMessage.

    April 2019

    Change notifications

    Change type Version Description
    Addition beta Added two types of lifecycle notifications, subscriptionRemoved and missed, available for Outlook resources. Subscribing apps can take appropriate actions to mitigate notification interruptions. For more information, see Reduce missing subscriptions and notifications for Outlook resources (preview).

    Devices and apps | Corporate management

    Change type Version Description
    Addition beta Added new entities:




    Addition beta Added new complex types:







    Addition beta Added new enum types:



    Addition beta Added the updateRelationships
    action on mobileApp
    Addition beta Added the import action on importedWindowsAutopilotDeviceIdentity
    Addition beta Added the getRelatedAppStates
    function on mobileApp
    Addition beta Added the kioskModeBluetoothConfigurationEnabled, kioskModeWiFiConfigurationEnabled, passwordMinimumLetterCharacters, passwordMinimumLowerCaseCharacters, passwordMinimumNonLetterCharacters, passwordMinimumNumericCharacters, passwordMinimumSymbolCharacters, passwordMinimumUpperCaseCharacters and playStoreMode properties to the androidDeviceOwnerGeneralDeviceConfiguration
    Addition beta Added the subjectAlternativeNameType property to the androidForWorkCertificateProfileBase
    Deletion beta Removed the subjectAlternativeNameType property from the androidForWorkPkcsCertificateProfile
    Deletion beta Removed the subjectAlternativeNameType property from the androidForWorkScepCertificateProfile
    Addition beta Added the subjectAlternativeNameType property to the androidWorkProfileCertificateProfileBase
    Deletion beta Removed the subjectAlternativeNameType property from the androidWorkProfilePkcsCertificateProfile
    Deletion beta Removed the subjectAlternativeNameType property from the androidWorkProfileScepCertificateProfile
    Addition beta Added the deviceNameTemplate property to the depEnrollmentBaseProfile
    Addition beta Added the importId property to the importedWindowsAutopilotDeviceIdentity
    Addition beta Added the autoLaunchItems, adminShowHostInfo, loginWindowText, authorizedUsersListHidden, authorizedUsersListHideLocalUsers, authorizedUsersListHideMobileAccounts, authorizedUsersListIncludeNetworkUsers, authorizedUsersListHideAdminUsers, authorizedUsersListShowOtherManagedUsers, shutDownDisabled, restartDisabled, sleepDisabled, consoleAccessDisabled, shutDownDisabledWhileLoggedIn, restartDisabledWhileLoggedIn, powerOffDisabledWhileLoggedIn, logOutDisabledWhileLoggedIn and screenLockDisableImmediate properties to the macOSDeviceFeaturesConfiguration
    Addition beta Added the dependentAppCount property to the mobileApp
    Addition beta Added the requirementRules property to the win32LobApp
    Deletion beta Removed the tpmRequired property from the windows10CompliancePolicy
    Addition beta Added the groupTag property to the windowsAutopilotDeviceIdentity
    Addition beta Added the users navigation property to the managedDevice
    Addition beta Added the relationships navigation property to the mobileApp
    Addition beta Added the customPrivacyMessage property to the intuneBrand
    complex type
    Addition beta Added the dependencyFailedToInstall, dependencyWithRequirementsNotMet, dependencyPendingReboot, dependencyWithAutoInstallDisabled, autoInstallDisabled, installingDependencies, powerShellScriptRequirementNotMet, registryRequirementNotMet and fileSystemRequirementNotMet members to the resultantAppStateDetail
    enum type
    Addition beta Added the doesNotExist member to the win32LobAppFileSystemDetectionType
    enum type

    Devices and apps | Corporate management

    Change type Version Description
    Addition beta Added new entities:
    Addition beta Added new complex types:
    Addition beta Added new enum types:
    Addition beta Added the createInstance action on deviceManagementTemplate
    Addition beta Added the updateSettings action on deviceManagementIntent
    Addition beta Added the assign action on deviceManagementIntent
    Addition beta Added the intents, settingDefinitions, templates and categories navigation properties to the deviceManagement entity
    Addition beta Added the securityBaselineStates navigation property to the managedDevice entity

    Sites and lists

    Change type Version Description
    Addition v1.0 Added the analytics property to the driveItem entity.
    Addition v1.0 Added the analytics property to the site entity.
    Addition v1.0 Added the analytics property to the listItem entity.
    Addition v1.0 Added the getActivitiesByInterval function on the driveItem entity.
    Addition v1.0 Added the getActivitiesByInterval function on the site entity.
    Addition v1.0 Added the getActivitiesByInterval function on the listItem entity.
    Addition v1.0 Added the itemAnalytics entity.
    Addition v1.0 Added the itemActivityStat entity.
    Addition v1.0 Added the itemActionStat complex type.
    Addition v1.0 Added the accessAction complex type.
    Addition v1.0 Added the incompleteData complex type.
    Addition v1.0 Added the access property to the itemActivity complex type.
    Addition v1.0 Added the location property to the itemActivity complex type.

    Identity and access

    Change type Version Description
    Addition v1.0 Introduced the new audit logs APIs for Azure AD providing activity logs for directory management tasks through directoryAudit and sign-in activity through sign-ins.
    Addition beta Added new application permissions for access reviews APIs: AccessReview.Read.All, ProgramControl.Read.All and ProgramControl.ReadWrite.All. For details, see the access reviews API reference.
    Addition beta Add the signInSessionsValidFromDateTime property on the user resource. This is a rename of the refreshTokensValidFromDateTime properties, but both properties are supported to allow clients to migrate smoothly. In the next couple months the old property, refreshTokensValidFromDateTime will be removed.
    Addition beta Add the revokeSignInSessions action on the user resource. This is a rename of the invalidateAllRefreshTokens action, but both service actions are supported to allow clients to migrate smoothly. In the next couple months the old service action, invalidateAllRefreshTokens will be removed.
    Addition Beta Introduced a new resource type trustFrameworkPolicy to support Azure Active Directory B2C. This resource type supports create, list, get, update, and delete operations.


    Change type Version Description
    Addition Beta Added support for a new Mail.ReadBasic (preview) permission for List Messages and Get Message.
    Addition Beta Added the capability to get the MIME content of a message.
    Addition Beta Added the capability to get the raw contents of a file or item attachment to an event, message, Outlook task, or group post.


    Change type Version Description
    Addition v1.0 Added support for application permissions to the installedApps resource.
    Addition v1.0 Added the email and webUrl properties to channel.
    Addition beta Added the chat resources and associated methods.
    Addition beta Added APIs to read images in messages.
    Addition beta Added the conversation member resources and associated methods.

    March 2019


    Change type Version Description
    Addition v1.0 Added the getSchedule action, and the freeBusyError, scheduleInformation, and scheduleItem complex types. The types support getting the free/busy, availability information for users, distribution lists, and resources for a given period of time.
    Change Beta Rolled back the type changes related to findMeetingTimes documented in February 2019. The specific changes are listed in the following rows.
    Change Beta Changed the data type of the following parameters of findMeetingTimes:
    attendees: from attendeeDataModel back to attendeeBase
    locationConstraint: from locationConstraints back to locationConstraint
    timeConstraint: from findMeetingTimesTimeConstraints back to timeConstraint
    Change Beta Changed the return type of findMeetingTimes from findMeetingTimesResponse back to meetingTimeSuggestionsResult
    Change Beta Changed the base type of locationConstraintItem from locationDataModel back to location
    Change Beta Changed the data types of the following properties of meetingTimeSuggestion:
    attendeeAvailability: from collection of attendeeAvailabilityDataModel back to collection of attendeeAvailability
    locations: from collection of locationDataModel back to collection of location
    meetingTimeSlot: from meetingTimeSlotDataModel back to timeSlot
    organizerAvailability: from availabilityStatus back to freeBusyStatus
    Deletion Beta Complex types:
    Deletion Beta Enumerations:
    Addition Beta Restored the following complex types:

    Devices and apps | Corporate management

    Change type Version Description
    Addition beta Added new entities:
    Addition beta Added new complex types:
    Addition beta Added new enum types:
    Addition beta Added the searchExistingIdentities action on importedDeviceIdentity collection
    Addition beta Added the assignResourceAccountToDevice action on windowsAutopilotDeviceIdentity
    Addition beta Added the unassignResourceAccountFromDevice action on windowsAutopilotDeviceIdentity
    Deletion beta Removed the following enum types:
    Addition beta Added the requiredAndroidSafetyNetDeviceAttestationType, appActionIfAndroidSafetyNetDeviceAttestationFailed, requiredAndroidSafetyNetAppsVerificationType and appActionIfAndroidSafetyNetAppsVerificationFailed properties to the androidManagedAppProtection entity
    Addition beta Added the supportsOemConfig property to the androidManagedStoreApp entity
    Addition beta Added the appSupportsOemConfig property to the androidManagedStoreAppConfiguration entity
    Addition beta Added the requiredAndroidSafetyNetDeviceAttestationType, appActionIfAndroidSafetyNetDeviceAttestationFailed, requiredAndroidSafetyNetAppsVerificationType and appActionIfAndroidSafetyNetAppsVerificationFailed properties to the defaultManagedAppProtection entity
    Addition beta Added the iCloudStorageDisabled and chooseYourLockScreenDisabled properties to the depMacOSEnrollmentProfile entity
    Addition beta Added the roleScopeTagIds property to the iosLobAppProvisioningConfiguration entity
    Addition beta Added the allowedOutboundClipboardSharingExceptionLength property to the managedAppProtection entity
    Addition beta Added the fastFirstSignIn property to the sharedPCConfiguration entity
    Addition beta Added the tpmRequired property to the windows10CompliancePolicy entity
    Addition beta Added the firewallRules property to the windows10EndpointProtectionConfiguration entity
    Addition beta Added the authenticationWebSignIn, privacyDisableLaunchExperience and appManagementPackageFamilyNamesToLaunchAfterLogOn properties to the windows10GeneralConfiguration entity
    Deletion beta Removed the defenderScheduleScanDay property from the windows10GeneralConfiguration entity
    Addition beta Added the deviceType property to the windowsAutopilotDeploymentProfile entity
    Addition beta Added the resourceName, skuNumber, systemFamily, azureActiveDirectoryDeviceId and managedDeviceId properties to the windowsAutopilotDeviceIdentity entity
    Deletion beta Removed the edgeKioskResetAfterIdleTimeInMinutes property from the windowsKioskConfiguration entity
    Addition beta Added the userWindowsUpdateScanAccess and updateNotificationLevel properties to the windowsUpdateForBusinessConfiguration entity
    Addition beta Added the teams property to the excludedApps complex type
    Addition beta Added the autoLaunch property to the windowsKioskAppBase complex type
    Addition beta Added the allowAccessToDownloadsFolder property to the windowsKioskMultipleApps complex type
    Addition beta Added the lowSecurityBiometric member to the androidDeviceOwnerRequiredPasswordType enum type
    Addition beta Added the androidBootloaderUnlocked and androidFactoryRomModified members to the managedAppFlaggedReason enum type


    Change type Version Description
    Addition beta Add the new educationCategory resource.
    Addition beta Add APIs to manage educationCategory resources on educationClass and educationAssignment.
    Addition beta Add the new educationFormResource resource.
    Addition beta Add the recipients property on the educationAssignmentIndividualRecipient resource.


    Change type Version Description
    Addition v1.0 Added the subscriptions navigation property to the driveItem entity
    Addition Beta Added the expirationDateTime property to the driveItem_invite DateTimeOffset type.
    Addition Beta Added the password property to the driveItem_invite string type.


    Change type Version Description
    Addition Beta Added financials APIs for Dynamics 365 Business Central. For details, see the Financials API reference.

    Identity and access

    Change type Version Description
    Addition v1.0 Add the passwordNotificationWindowInDays and passwordValidityPeriodInDays properties on the domain resource.
    Addition beta and v1.0 Add the complianceExpirationDateTime, profileType and systemLabels properties on the device resource.
    Addition beta and v1.0 Add the isResourceAccount property on the user resource.

    Identity and access | Identity and sign-in

    Change type Version Description
    Addition beta Introduced Confirm riskyUsers compromised method, which allows admins to confirm users as compromised in Azure AD Identity Protection.
    Addition beta Introduced Dismiss riskyUsers method, which allows admins to dismiss users marked as risky in Azure AD Identity Protection.
    Addition beta Introduced isProcessing property to the riskyUser resource.


    Change type Version Description
    Removal beta Removed the deleted property from chatMessage. Use deletedDateTime instead.
    Addition beta Added the schedule, schedulingGroup, shift, timeOffReason and timeOff resources and associated methods.

    February 2019


    Change type Version Description
    Change Beta Changed the data type of the following parameters of findMeetingTimes:
    attendees: from attendeeBase to attendeeDataModel
    locationConstraint: from locationConstraint to locationConstraints
    timeConstraint: from timeConstraint to findMeetingTimesTimeConstraints
    Change Beta Changed the return type of findMeetingTimes from meetingTimeSuggestionsResult to findMeetingTimesResponse
    Change Beta Changed the response payload of findMeetingTimes to exclude the type of each attendee that identifies whether the attendee is required, optional, or is a resource
    Change Beta Changed the base type of locationConstraintItem from location to locationDataModel
    Change Beta Changed the data types of the following properties of meetingTimeSuggestion:
    attendeeAvailability: from collection of attendeeAvailability to collection of attendeeAvailabilityDataModel
    locations: from collection of location to collection of locationDataModel
    meetingTimeSlot: from timeSlot to meetingTimeSlotDataModel
    organizerAvailability: from freeBusyStatus to availabilityStatus
    Addition Beta New complex types:
    Addition Beta New enumerations:
    Addition Beta Added the order property to meetingTimeSuggestion
    Deletion Beta Removed the following complex types:

    Devices and apps | Corporate management

    Change type Version Description
    Addition beta Added new entities:
    Addition beta Added new complex types:
    Addition beta Added new enum types:
    Addition beta Added the roleScopeTagIds property to the depOnboardingSetting entity
    Addition beta Added the autoFillForceAuthentication, cellularBlockPlanModification, classroomForceAutomaticallyJoinClasses, classroomForceUnpromptedAppAndDeviceLock, esimBlockModification, proximityBlockSetupToNewDevice, softwareUpdatesEnforcedDelayInDays and softwareUpdatesForceDelayed properties to the iosGeneralDeviceConfiguration entity
    Addition beta Added the softwareUpdatesEnforcedDelayInDays, softwareUpdatesForceDelayed and contentCachingBlocked properties to the macOSGeneralDeviceConfiguration entity
    Addition beta Added the licensingType property to the microsoftStoreForBusinessApp entity
    Addition beta Added the defenderSecurityCenterDisableClearTpmUI, defenderSecurityCenterDisableNotificationAreaUI, defenderSecurityCenterDisableVulnerableTpmFirmwareUpdateUI, defenderAdobeReaderLaunchChildProcess and defenderOfficeCommunicationAppsLaunchChildProcess properties to the windows10EndpointProtectionConfiguration entity
    Addition beta Added the edgeKioskModeRestriction, edgeKioskResetAfterIdleTimeInMinutes, defenderScheduleScanEnableLowCpuPriority, defenderDisableCatchupQuickScan, defenderDisableCatchupFullScan and edgeBlockSearchEngineCustomization properties to the windows10GeneralConfiguration entity
    Addition beta Added the enableWhiteGlove property to the windowsAutopilotDeploymentProfile entity
    Addition beta Added the restrictPeerSelectionBy, groupIdSource, bandwidthMode, backgroundDownloadFromHttpDelayInSeconds, foregroundDownloadFromHttpDelayInSeconds, minimumRamAllowedToPeerInGigabytes, minimumDiskSizeAllowedToPeerInGigabytes, minimumFileSizeToCacheInMegabytes, minimumBatteryPercentageAllowedToUpload, modifyCacheLocation, maximumCacheAgeInDays, maximumCacheSize and vpnPeerCaching properties to the windowsDeliveryOptimizationConfiguration entity
    Addition beta Added the lastCheckInDateTime property to the windowsInformationProtectionWipeAction entity
    Addition beta Added the managedDeviceEncryptionStates navigation property to the deviceManagement entity
    Addition beta Added the endpointProtection and officeApps properties to the configurationManagerClientEnabledFeatures complex type
    Addition beta Added the productName and publisher properties to the win32LobAppMsiInformation complex type
    Addition beta Added the warn member to the managedAppRemediationAction enum type


    Change type Version Description
    Addition beta Introduced new relatedContacts property on educationUser.
    Addition v1.0 Introduced new relatedContacts property on educationUser.


    Change type Version Description
    Addition Beta Added the expirationDateTime property to the driveItem_invite DateTimeOffset type.
    Addition Beta Added the password property to the [driveItem_invite/graph/api/resources/driveitem) string type.

    Identity and access

    Change type Version Description
    Addition v1.0 Added new resource type directoryObjectPartnerReference.
    Addition beta and v1.0 Add the createdDateTime property on organization.
    Change beta and v1.0 Updated the companyName property on the user resource to be writeable.
    Change beta The targetResource type now includes properties previously available to derived types that are no longer supported.
    Deletion beta The following derived types are no longer supported and are removed: targetResourceDevice, targetResourceDirectory, targetResourceGroup, targetResourcePolicy, targetResourceRole, targetResourceServicePrincipal, targetResourceUser, and targetResourceOther.
    Addition beta Add the passwordNotificationWindowInDays and passwordValidityPeriodInDays properties on the domain resource.


    Change type Version Description
    Addition beta and v1.0 Added the getNotebookFromWebUrl method.


    Change type Version Description
    Addition Beta Added the threat intelligence (TI) indicator APIs to the security API, including the following resources and operations:
    tiindicator (and related entities)
    Get tiIndicator
    Create tiIndicator
    List tiIndicators
    Update tiIndicator
    Delete tiIndicator
    Addition Beta Added the security action APIs to the security API, including the following resources and operations:
    securityAction (and related entities)
    Get securityAction
    Create securityAction
    List securityAction
    Cancel securityAction
    Addition Beta Introduced new complex type historyStates collection to alert.
    Added updateAlerts functionality to update multiple alerts in one request.


    Change type Version Description
    Addition beta and v1.0 Added the internalId property to the team resource.
    Addition beta and v1.0 Added support for configuring Word, Excel, PowerPoint, PDF, and document library tabs.
    Addition beta Introduced the Send a message to a channel API.
    Addition beta Introduced the Reply to a message in a channel API.
    Deletion beta Removed the POST /teams/{id}/channels/{id}/chatThreads API. Use Create a message in a channel instead.
    Addition beta Added support for application permissions to the installedApps resource.

    January 2019

    Devices and apps | Corporate management

    Change type Version Description
    Addition beta Added new entities:
    Addition beta Added new complex types:
    Addition beta Added new enum types:
    Addition beta Added the createDownloadUrl action on appLogCollectionRequest
    Deletion beta Removed the following entities:
    Addition beta Added the passwordSignInFailureCountBeforeFactoryReset property to the androidCompliancePolicy entity
    Addition beta Added the passwordSignInFailureCountBeforeFactoryReset property to the androidForWorkCompliancePolicy entity
    Addition beta Added the passwordSignInFailureCountBeforeFactoryReset property to the androidWorkProfileCompliancePolicy entity
    Deletion beta Removed the defaultProfileDisplayName property from the depOnboardingSetting entity
    Addition beta Added the runAs32Bit property to the deviceManagementScript entity
    Addition beta Added the troubleshootingErrorDetails, eventName and additionalInformation properties to the deviceManagementTroubleshootingEvent entity
    Change beta Changed the following properties on the macOSCertificateProfileBase entity:
    subjectAlternativeNameType from required to optional
    Addition beta Added the certificateStore and customSubjectAlternativeNames properties to the macOSScepCertificateProfile entity
    Addition beta Added the officeConfigurationXml property to the officeSuiteApp entity
    Addition beta Added the createdDateTime property to the organization entity
    Addition beta Added the bitLockerAllowStandardUserEncryption property to the windows10EndpointProtectionConfiguration entity
    Deletion beta Removed the localSecurityOptionsEnableAdministratorAccount, localSecurityOptionsEnableGuestAccount and lanManagerWorkstationEnableInsecureGuestLogons properties from the windows10EndpointProtectionConfiguration entity
    Addition beta Added the useSecurityKeyForSignin property to the windowsIdentityProtectionConfiguration entity
    Addition beta Added the mobileAppTroubleshootingEvents navigation property to the deviceManagement entity
    Addition beta Added the appLogCollectionRequests navigation property to the mobileAppTroubleshootingEvent entity

    Identity and access

    Change type Version Description
    Addition v1.0 To support configuring an identity provider in an Azure AD B2C tenant, introduced new resource type identityProvider entity and the create, list, get, update, and delete operations.

    Identity and access

    Change type Version Description
    Addition v1.0 Added new method transitiveMembers on groups. This method returns a flat list of members including nested members.
    Addition v1.0 Added new method transitiveMemberOf on users, groups and devices.
    Addition v1.0 Added new properties to users: employeeId, faxNumber, onPremisesDistinguishedName, showInAddressList and otherMails.
    Addition v1.0 Added the forceChangePasswordNextSignInWithMfa property to the passwordProfile complex type.
    Addition v1.0 Added the licenseAssignmentStates property to the User entity for Group Based Licensing.
    Addition v1.0 Added the licenseAssignmentState resource for Group Based Licensing.
    Addition v1.0 Added the assignedLicenses, licenseProcessingState and hasMembersWithLicenseErrors properties and membersWithLicenseErrors relationship to Group entity for Group Based Licensing.
    Addition beta Added the createdDateTime property to the user resource.


    Change type Version Description
    Addition Beta Added the office365Active and office365Inactive properties to the office365ServicesUserCounts entity.


    Change type Version Description
    Addition beta Added educationStandard, educationClass, educationProfessionalLearningCommunity, educationStaff, and unknownFutureValue to the teamSpecialization enum.

    December 2018

    Identity and access | Identity and sign-in

    Change type Version Description
    Addition v1.0 Added new entity dataPolicyOperation. This represents a submitted data policy operation for tracking purposes.
    Addition v1.0 Added the exportPersonalData action on users. This action submits a data policy operation request to export personal data stored by Microsoft for a user.
    Addition v1.0 Added method dataPolicyOperations. This retrieves properties of the dataPolicyOperation object.

    Identity and access

    Change type Version Description
    Addition beta Added new property expirationDateTime to groups for group expiration.
    Addition beta Added new resource type directoryObjectPartnerReference.
    Addition beta Added the createdDateTime property to the organization resource.
    Addition v1.0 Added method memberOf to get a devices direct membership. This method was added for getting the list of memberships including nested memberships.
    Change Beta Restructured the organizational contacts resource. The physical address properties (city, country, postalCode, streetAddress, and state) and officeLocation are now in an addresses collection (of new physicalOfficeAddress resource type), and mobilePhone, businessPhones and faxNumber are now in a phones collection. companyName and imAddresses are added

    Identity and access | Governance

    Change type Version Description
    Addition beta Added property registeredRoot to the governanceResource entity.
    Change beta Renamed property onboardDateTime of the governanceResource entity to registeredDateTime.
    Addition beta Added new action register resource.
    Removal beta Removed the isPermanent property on governanceRoleAssignment entity.
    Removal beta Removed the roleAssignmentStartDateTime property on governanceRoleAssignmentRequest entity.
    Removal beta Removed the roleAssignmentEndDateTime property on governanceRoleAssignmentRequest entity.


    Change type Version Description
    Addition Beta Introduced new complex type complianceInformation.
    Addition Beta Introduced new complex type certificationControl.


    Change type Version Description
    Addition beta Introduced new resource type teamsTemplate.
    Addition beta Introduced new resource type teamSpecialization.
    Addition beta Added the isFavoriteByDefault, email, and webUrl properties to channel.
    Addition beta Added the displayName property to team.
    Addition beta Added the description property to team.
    Addition beta Added the classification property to team.
    Addition beta Added the specialization property to team.
    Addition beta Added the visibility property to team.
    Addition beta Added the template property to team.
    Addition beta Added the owners collection to team.
    Addition beta Introduced new enum member unknownFutureValue to teamVisibilityType.
    Addition beta Introduced new enum member unknownFutureValue to giphyRatingType.
    Addition beta Introduced new enum member unknownFutureValue to teamsAsyncOperationType.
    Addition beta Introduced new enum member unknownFutureValue to teamsAsyncOperationStatus.
    Addition beta Introduced new enum member unknownFutureValue to teamsAppDistributionMethod.
    Addition beta Introduced new resource /teamsTemplates.
    Addition v1.0 Added admin permissions support to team, channel, and tab operations.

    November 2018

    Identity and access | Identity and sign-in

    Change type Version Description
    Addition beta Added new progress property to dataPolicyOperation. This specifies the progress of an operation.

    Identity and access

    Change type Version Description
    Addition v1.0 Added the forceDelete action to domains.
    Addition beta Added new method transitiveMembers on groups. This method returns a flat list of members including nested members.
    Addition beta Added new method transitiveMemberOf on users, groups, devices and service principals.
    Addition beta Added method memberOf to get a devices direct membership. This met for getting the list of memberships including nested memberships.
    Addition beta Added new properties to users: faxNumber, onPremisesDistinguishedName, and otherMails.
    Addition beta Added the forceChangePasswordNextSignInWithMfa property to the passwordProfile complex type.
    Addition beta Added the 'externalUserState' and 'externalUserStateChangeDateTime' properties to the user object.


    Change type Version Description
    Addition Beta version in Microsoft Graph China operated by 21Vianet Added the following APIs:


    Change type Version Description
    Addition v1.0 Introduced new resource type team.
    Addition v1.0 Introduced new resource type channel.
    Addition v1.0 Introduced new resource type teamsApp.
    Addition v1.0 Introduced new resource type teamsAppDefinition.
    Addition v1.0 Introduced new resource type teamsAppInstallation.
    Addition v1.0 Introduced new resource type teamsAsyncOperation.
    Addition v1.0 Introduced new complex type teamGuestSettings.
    Addition v1.0 Introduced new complex type teamMemberSettings.
    Addition v1.0 Introduced new complex type teamMessagingSettings.
    Addition v1.0 Introduced new complex type teamFunSettings.
    Addition v1.0 Introduced new action Clone team.
    Addition v1.0 Introduced new action Archive team.
    Addition v1.0 Introduced new action Unarchive team.
    Addition Beta Added application permissions support to clone team.
    Addition beta Introduced /teams/{id}/installedApps, which replaces /teams/{id}/apps with some differences in payload.
    Addition beta Introduced /appCatalogs/teamsApps/{id}/appDefinition, which replaces the version property on /appCatalogs/teamsApps/{id}.
    Change beta Renamed the type of /appCatalogs/teamsApps from teamsCatalogApp to teamsApp.
    Change beta Renamed the type of the distributionMethod property on /appCatalogs/teamsApps from teamsCatalogAppDistributionMethod to teamsAppDistributionMethod
    Removal beta teamsCatalogAppDistributionMethod was renamed to teamsAppDistributionMethod
    Addition beta Introduced /teams/{id}/installedApps, which replaces /teams/{id}/apps with some differences in payload.
    Addition beta Added the displayName property to teamsTab
    Addition beta Added the messageId property to teamsTab
    Addition beta Added the teamsApp property to teamsTab
    Addition beta Introduced new resource type teamsAppInstallation.
    Addition beta Introduced new resource type teamsApp.
    Addition beta Introduced new resource type teamsAppDefinition.
    Addition beta Introduced new enum member hiddenMembership to teamVisibilityType.
    Addition beta Introduced new enum member createTeam to teamsAsyncOperationType.
    Addition beta Introduced new enum member teamsAppDistributionMethod.
    Addition beta Introduced new upgrade app action under /teams/{id}/installedApps.

    October 2018

    Devices and apps | Corporate management

    Change type Version Description
    Addition v1.0 Added the tenantLockdownRequireNetworkDuringOutOfBoxExperience property to the windows10GeneralConfiguration entity
    Addition v1.0 Added the v12_0 property to the iosMinimumOperatingSystem complex type
    Addition beta Added the lastReportAggregationDateTime property to the deviceManagement entity
    Addition beta Added new entities:
    Addition beta Added new complex types:
    Addition beta Added new enum types:
    Addition beta Added the enableLegacyPcManagement action on deviceManagement
    Addition beta Added the extendFeatureUpdatesPause action on windowsUpdateForBusinessConfiguration
    Addition beta Added the extendQualityUpdatesPause action on windowsUpdateForBusinessConfiguration
    Addition beta Added the unassignUserFromDevice action on windowsAutopilotDeviceIdentity
    Addition beta Added the getAssignedRoleIdsForLoggedInUser function on deviceManagement
    Addition beta Added the getManagedDevicesWithAppFailures function on user
    Addition beta Added the managedDeviceEnrollmentAbandonmentSummary function on reportRoot
    Addition beta Added the managedDeviceEnrollmentAbandonmentDetails function on reportRoot
    Deletion beta Removed the subjectAlternativeNameType property from the androidForWorkCertificateProfileBase entity
    Addition beta Added the subjectAlternativeNameType property to the androidForWorkPkcsCertificateProfile entity
    Addition beta Added the certificateStore, customSubjectAlternativeNames and subjectAlternativeNameType properties to the androidForWorkScepCertificateProfile entity
    Deletion beta Removed the subjectAlternativeNameType property from the androidWorkProfileCertificateProfileBase entity
    Addition beta Added the subjectAlternativeNameType property to the androidWorkProfilePkcsCertificateProfile entity
    Addition beta Added the certificateStore, customSubjectAlternativeNames and subjectAlternativeNameType properties to the androidWorkProfileScepCertificateProfile entity
    Addition beta Added the legacyPcManangementEnabled property to the deviceManagement entity
    Deletion beta Removed the pinRequiredOnLaunchInsteadOfBiometric property from the managedAppProtection entity
    Addition beta Added the roleScopeTagIds property to the managedDeviceMobileAppConfiguration entity
    Addition beta Added the applicationGuardEnabledOptions property to the windows10EndpointProtectionConfiguration entity
    Addition beta Added the selectedMobileAppIds property to the windows10EnrollmentCompletionPageConfiguration entity
    Addition beta Added the engagedRestartDeadlineInDays, engagedRestartSnoozeScheduleInDays, engagedRestartTransitionScheduleInDays, autoRestartNotificationDismissal, scheduleRestartWarningInHours and scheduleImminentRestartWarningInMinutes properties to the windowsUpdateForBusinessConfiguration entity
    Addition beta Added the preSharedKey and meteredConnectionLimit properties to the windowsWifiConfiguration entity
    Addition beta Added the intuneBrandingProfiles navigation property to the deviceManagement entity
    Addition beta Added the v6_0, v7_0, v7_1, v8_0, v8_1 and v9_0 properties to the androidMinimumOperatingSystem complex type
    Addition beta Added the v12_0 property to the iosMinimumOperatingSystem complex type
    Deletion beta Removed the runAsLoggedOnUser property from the win32LobAppPowerShellScriptDetection complex type
    Addition beta Added the lastUpdateDateTime property to the osVersionCount complex type
    Addition beta Added the lastUpdateDateTime property to the windowsMalwareCategoryCount complex type
    Addition beta Added the lastUpdateDateTime property to the windowsMalwareExecutionStateCount complex type
    Addition beta Added the lastUpdateDateTime property to the windowsMalwareNameCount complex type
    Addition beta Added the lastUpdateDateTime property to the windowsMalwareStateCount complex type


    Change type Version Description
    Change beta Renamed the property conditionalAccessPolicies to appliedConditionalAccessPolicy.
    Addition beta Introduced more risk properties in the sign in API, including riskDetail, riskLevelAggregated, riskLevelDuringSignIn, riskEventTypes, and riskState.
    Addition beta Introduced more sign-in properties in the nin, including authenticationProcessingDetails, originalRequestID, isInteractive, tokenIssuerName, tokenIssuerType, correlationId, and processingTimeinMilliseconds.
    Removal beta Removed the property isRisky.

    Identity and access

    Change type Version Description
    Addition beta Added new method transitiveMembers on groups. This method returns a flat list of members including nested members.
    Addition beta Added new method transitiveMemberOf on users, groups, devices and service principals.
    Addition beta Added method memberOf to get a devices direct membership. This method was added for getting the list of memberships including nested memberships.
    Addition beta Added new properties to users: faxNumber, onPremisesDistinguishedName, and otherMails.
    Addition Beta Added the licenseAssignmentStates property to the User entity for Group Based Licensing.
    Addition Beta Added the licenseAssignmentState resource for Group Based Licensing.
    Addition Beta Added the assignedLicenses, licenseProcessingState, hasMembersWithLicenseErrors and membersWithLicenseErrors properties to Group entity for Group Based Licensing.

    Identity and access | Identity and sign-in

    Change type Version Description
    Addition beta Introduced riskyUsers API, which represents Azure AD users who are at risk, as detected by Azure AD Identity Protection.

    Identity and access | Governance

    Change type Version Description
    Change beta Change the privileged approval entity.
    Addition beta Added the privilegedroleassignmentrequest entity, and following methods and actions:
    Addition beta Added Update for privilegedRoleSettings
    Removal beta Deprecated the Self Activate Role Assignment

    Personal contacts

    Change type Version Description
    Removal v1.0 This is a correction to the documentation: removed the flag property from the contact entity article. The property was never made available in the contact entity.


    Change type Version Description
    Addition v1.0 Added the Site ID property to getSharePointSiteUsageDetail.


    Change type Version Description
    Addition beta Added application permissions support to archive team and unarchive team APIs.

    Identity and access

    Change type Version Description
    Addition Beta Added delta query capability for directoryObject
    Addition v1.0 Added delta function for directoryRole to support change tracking using delta query.


    Change type Version Description
    Change v1.0 and beta Alternative behavior to return changed properties only in JSON response for users.


    Change type Version Description
    Change v1.0 and beta Alternative behavior to return changed properties only in JSON response for groups.

    September 2018

    Cloud communications

    Change type Version Description
    Change Beta The application resource was updated to add a calls collection.
    Change Beta The operation resource was updated to support long-running calls and meetings APIs.
    Addition Beta Added the call resource for managing audio/video calls (initially, in Microsoft Teams), including APIs for creating calls, retrieving a call, deleting (hanging up) a call, answering a call, rejecting a call, redirecting a call, and transferring a call. We've also added APIs to support IVR scenarios: playing a prompt, recording a call, cancel media processing, and subscribing to touch tone notifications.
    Addition Beta Added the participant resource and APIs for managing the participants in audio/video calls and meetings, including retrieving a participant object, configuring the audio mixer for a participant, muting one or all of the participants, retrieving a list of the participants in a call/meeting, and inviting participants to a call/meeting.
    Addition Beta Added APIs for applications to manage and participate in calls and meetings, including the ability to share content, mute and unmute itself, and update the metadata associated with a call.
    Addition Beta Added the audio routing group resource and APIs for managing private audio routes between participants in a multiparty conversation, including creating audio routing groups, retrieving a list of them, and updating and deleting them.
    Addition Beta Added the online meeting resource and APIs for managing Microsoft Teams online meetings. Initially, there's only one API for online meetings, to retrieve an online meeting object. A related resource for the audio conference information associated with a meeting (for example, dial-in URL, passcodes, and phone numbers) was also added.
    Addition Beta Many of the calls and meetings APIs take time to complete, so resources for these long-running operations were added: calling-specific operations, playing audio prompts, and recording.

    Data access

    Change type Version Description
    Addition Not applicable Introduced the ability to access Microsoft 365 data in bulk. For details, see Microsoft Graph data connect (preview).

    Devices and apps | Corporate management

    Change type Version Description
    Addition v1.0 Added the assign action on managedDeviceMobileAppConfiguration
    Addition beta Added new entities:
    Addition beta Added new complex types:
    Addition beta Added the assign action on officeClientConfiguration
    Addition beta Added the updatePrioritie action on officeClientConfiguration collection
    Addition beta Added new entities:
    Addition beta Added new complex types:
    Addition beta Added new enum types:
    Addition beta Added the overrideComplianceState action on managedDevice
    Addition beta Added the getTargetedUsersAndDevices action on deviceConfiguration collection
    Addition beta Added the autopilotDeviceStream function on importedWindowsAutopilotDeviceIdentityUpload
    Addition beta Added the restrictedApps property to the androidCompliancePolicy entity
    Addition beta Added the tokenCreationDateTime property to the androidDeviceOwnerEnrollmentProfile entity
    Deletion beta Removed the restrictedApps property from the androidForWorkCompliancePolicy entity
    Deletion beta Removed the restrictedApps property from the androidWorkProfileCompliancePolicy entity
    Change beta Changed the following properties on the appleVpnConfiguration entity:
    enablePerApp from required to optional
    Addition beta Added the disableProtectionOfManagedOutboundOpenInData and protectInboundDataFromUnknownSources properties to the defaultManagedAppProtection entity
    Addition beta Added the microsoftStoreForBusinessPortalSelection property to the deviceAppManagement entity
    Addition beta Added the passcodeMinutesOfInactivityBeforeScreenTimeout property to the iosCompliancePolicy entity
    Addition beta Added the useOAuth property to the iosEasEmailProfileConfiguration entity
    Addition beta Added the kioskModeBlockVolumeButtons, classroomForceRequestPermissionToLeaveClasses, keychainBlockCloudSync, pkiBlockOTAUpdates, privacyForceLimitAdTracking, enterpriseBookBlockBackup, enterpriseBookBlockMetadataSync, airPrintBlocked, airPrintBlockCredentialsStorage, airPrintForceTrustedTLS, airPrintBlockiBeaconDiscovery, blockSystemAppRemoval and vpnBlockCreation properties to the iosGeneralDeviceConfiguration entity
    Addition beta Added the disableProtectionOfManagedOutboundOpenInData and protectInboundDataFromUnknownSources properties to the iosManagedAppProtection entity
    Addition beta Added the gatekeeperAllowedAppSource property to the macOSCompliancePolicy entity
    Addition beta Added the keychainBlockCloudSync, airPrintBlocked, airPrintForceTrustedTLS and airPrintBlockiBeaconDiscovery properties to the macOSGeneralDeviceConfiguration entity
    Addition beta Added the deviceModel and deviceManufacturer properties to the managedAppRegistration entity
    Addition beta Added the enabledForScopeValidation property to the resourceOperation entity
    Addition beta Added the claimTokenManagementFromExternalMdm property to the vppToken entity
    Addition beta Added the windows10AppsForceUpdateSchedule property to the windows10GeneralConfiguration entity
    Addition beta Added the deploymentProfileAssignmentDetailedStatus property to the windowsAutopilotDeviceIdentity entity
    Addition beta Added the deviceConfigurationConflictSummary and importedWindowsAutopilotDeviceIdentityUploads navigation properties to the deviceManagement entity
    Addition beta Added the intendedDeploymentProfile navigation property to the windowsAutopilotDeviceIdentity entity
    Addition beta Added the startLayoutTileSize and name properties to the windowsKioskAppBase complex type
    Addition beta Added the desktopApplicationId and desktopApplicationLinkPath properties to the windowsKioskDesktopApp complex type
    Deletion beta Removed the name property from the windowsKioskDesktopApp complex type
    Addition beta Added the disallowDesktopApps property to the windowsKioskMultipleApps complex type
    Change beta Changed the following properties on the windowsKioskMultipleApps complex type:
    startMenuLayoutXml from required to optional
    Addition beta Added the v10_1607, v10_1703, v10_1709 and v10_1803 properties to the windowsMinimumOperatingSystem complex type
    Addition beta Added the paloAltoGlobalProtect member to the androidWorkProfileVpnConnectionType enum type
    Addition beta Added the remoteLock member to the deviceComplianceActionType enum type


    Change type Version Description
    Addition Beta Added the deferCommit argument to the createUploadSession action on driveItem
    Addition Beta Added the storagePlanInformation complex type
    Addition Beta Added the storagePlanInformation property to the quota complex type
    Addition Beta Added the following navigation property to the drive entity
    Addition Beta Added the follow action on driveItem
    Addition Beta Added the hasPassword property to the permission entity
    Addition Beta Added the preventsDownload property to the sharingLink complex type
    Addition Beta Added the permission navigation property to the sharedDriveItem entity
    Addition Beta Added the geolocation property to the columnDefinition entity
    Addition Beta Added the geolocationColumn complex type
    Addition Beta Added the analytics property to the driveItem entity
    Addition Beta Added the analytics property to the site entity
    Addition Beta Added the analytics property to the listItem entity
    Addition Beta Added the getActivitiesByInterval function on the driveItem entity
    Addition Beta Added the getActivitiesByInterval function on the site entity
    Addition Beta Added the getActivitiesByInterval function on the listItem entity
    Addition Beta Added the itemAnalytics entity
    Addition Beta Added the itemActivityStat entity
    Addition Beta Added the itemActionStat complex type
    Addition Beta Added the accessAction complex type
    Addition Beta Added the incompleteData complex type
    Addition Beta Added the access property to the itemActivity complex type
    Addition Beta Added the location property to the itemActivity complex type
    Addition v1.0 Added the preview action on the driveItem entity
    Addition v1.0 Added the itemPreviewInfo complex type


    Change type Version Description
    Addition Beta Added financials APIs for Dynamics 365 Business Central. For details, see the Financials API reference


    Change type Version Description
    Addition v1.0 and beta The internetMessageHeaders property of the message entity is now writeable on message creation.

    User notifications

    Change type Version Description
    Addition Beta Added the notification resource type.
    Addition Beta Added the Create and publish notification API.


    Change type Version Description
    Addition Beta Added the Secure Score APIs to the security API, including the following resources and operations:
    secureScores (and related entities)
    List secureScores
    List secureScoreControlProfiles
    Update secureScoreControlProfiles
    Addition Beta Introduced new complex type secureScoreControlStateUpdate


    Change type Version Description
    Addition beta Added API for Tabs.
    Addition beta Added API for publishing apps for your organization.
    Addition beta Added application permissions support to GET /teams/{id}.
    Addition beta Added application permissions support to GET /teams/{id}/channels.
    Addition beta Added application permissions support to GET /teams/{id}/channels/{id}.
    Addition beta Added application permissions support to PUT /groups/{id}/team.
    Addition beta Added application permissions support to PATCH /teams/{id}.
    Addition beta Added application permissions support to Create channel, Update channel, and Delete channel.
    Deletion beta Removed isBlocks and installedState properties from teamsApp.
    Change beta The context property on teamsApp has been renamed to distributionMethod.

    August 2018


    Change type Version Description
    Addition Beta Added the getSchedule action, and the freeBusyError, scheduleInformation, and scheduleItem complex types to support getting the free/busy, availability information for users, distribution lists, and resources for a given period of time.

    Devices and apps | Corporate management

    Change type Version Description
    Addition v1.0 Added new entities:
    Addition v1.0 Added new enum types:
    Addition v1.0 Added the managedDeviceEnrollmentFailureDetails function on reportRoot
    Addition v1.0 Added the managedDeviceEnrollmentTopFailures function on reportRoot
    Addition v1.0 Added the kioskModeBuiltInAppId property to the iosGeneralDeviceConfiguration entity
    Addition v1.0 Added the notAssigned member to the complianceStatus enum type
    Addition v1.0 Added the pushNotification member to the deviceComplianceActionType enum type
    Addition v1.0 Added the userAbandonment member to the deviceEnrollmentFailureReason enum type
    Addition v1.0 Added the compromised and misconfigured members to the managedDevicePartnerReportedHealthState enum type
    Addition v1.0 Added the assignedToExternalMDM member to the vppTokenState enum type
    Addition beta Added new entities:
    Addition beta Added new complex types:
    Addition beta Added new enum types:
    Addition beta Added the uploadDepToken action on depOnboardingSetting
    Addition beta Added the syncWithAppleDeviceEnrollmentProgram action on depOnboardingSetting
    Addition beta Added the setDefaultProfile action on enrollmentProfile
    Addition beta Added the importAppleDeviceIdentityList action on importedAppleDeviceIdentity collection
    Addition beta Added the updateDeviceProfileAssignment action on enrollmentProfile
    Addition beta Added the shareForSchoolDataSyncService action on depOnboardingSetting
    Addition beta Added the unshareForSchoolDataSyncService action on depOnboardingSetting
    Addition beta Added the assignUserToDevice action on windowsAutopilotDeviceIdentity
    Addition beta Added the getRoleScopeTagsByResource function on deviceManagement
    Addition beta Added the getRoleScopeTagsByIds function on deviceManagement
    Addition beta Added the getEncryptionPublicKey function on depOnboardingSetting
    Addition beta Added the exportMobileConfig function on enrollmentProfile
    Addition beta Added the autopilotDeviceStream function on importedWindowsAutopilotDeviceIdentityUpload
    Deletion beta Removed the uploadDepToken collection
    Deletion beta Removed the syncWithAppleDeviceEnrollmentProgram action on depOnboardingSetting collection
    Deletion beta Removed the getEncryptionPublicKey function on depOnboardingSetting collection
    Addition beta Added the restrictedApps property to the androidForWorkCompliancePolicy entity
    Addition beta Added the vpnAlwaysOnPackageIdentifier and vpnEnableAlwaysOnLockdownMode properties to the androidForWorkGeneralDeviceConfiguration entity
    Deletion beta Removed the packageName property from the androidForWorkMobileAppConfiguration entity
    Addition beta Added the restrictedApps property to the androidWorkProfileCompliancePolicy entity
    Addition beta Added the vpnAlwaysOnPackageIdentifier and vpnEnableAlwaysOnLockdownMode properties to the androidWorkProfileGeneralDeviceConfiguration entity
    Addition beta Added the optInToDeviceIdSharing property to the appleVpnConfiguration entity
    Addition beta Added the tokenType, tokenName, syncedDeviceCount, defaultProfileDisplayName and dataSharingConsentGranted properties to the depOnboardingSetting entity
    Addition beta Added the roleScopeTagIds property to the deviceCompliancePolicy entity
    Addition beta Added the roleScopeTagIds and supportsScopeTags properties to the deviceConfiguration entity
    Addition beta Added the windowsMalwareOverview property to the deviceManagement entity
    Change beta Changed the following properties on the iosCertificateProfileBase entity:
    subjectAlternativeNameType from required to optional
    Addition beta Added the restrictedApps property to the iosCompliancePolicy entity
    Addition beta Added the certificateStore and customSubjectAlternativeNames properties to the iosScepCertificateProfile entity
    Addition beta Added the enforcedSoftwareUpdateDelayInDays property to the iosUpdateConfiguration entity
    Addition beta Added the providerType, userDomain, strictEnforcement, cloudName and excludeList properties to the iosVpnConfiguration entity
    Addition beta Added the safariBlockAutofill, cameraBlocked, iTunesBlockMusicService, spotlightBlockInternetResults, keyboardBlockDictation, definitionLookupBlocked, appleWatchBlockAutoUnlock, iTunesBlockFileSharing, iCloudBlockDocumentSync, iCloudBlockMail, iCloudBlockAddressBook, iCloudBlockCalendar, iCloudBlockReminders, iCloudBlockBookmarks, iCloudBlockNotes, airDropBlocked, passwordBlockModification and passwordBlockFingerprintUnlock properties to the macOSGeneralDeviceConfiguration entity
    Addition beta Added the roleScopeTagIds, windowsActiveMalwareCount, windowsRemediatedMalwareCount, notes and configurationManagerClientHealthState properties to the managedDevice entity
    Addition beta Added the installStateDetail property to the mobileAppInstallStatus entity
    Addition beta Added the roleScopeTagIds property to the notificationMessageTemplate entity
    Addition beta Added the targetVersion and updateVersion properties to the officeSuiteApp entity
    Addition beta Added the resource property to the resourceOperation entity
    Addition beta Added the localStorage, setPowerPolicies and signInOnResume properties to the sharedPCConfiguration entity
    Addition beta Added the configurationManagerComplianceRequired property to the windows10CompliancePolicy entity
    Addition beta Added the userRightsAccessCredentialManagerAsTrustedCaller, userRightsAllowAccessFromNetwork, userRightsBlockAccessFromNetwork, userRightsActAsPartOfTheOperatingSystem, userRightsLocalLogOn, userRightsBackupData, userRightsChangeSystemTime, userRightsCreateGlobalObjects, userRightsCreatePageFile, userRightsCreatePermanentSharedObjects, userRightsCreateSymbolicLinks, userRightsCreateToken, userRightsDebugPrograms, userRightsRemoteDesktopServicesLogOn, userRightsDelegation, userRightsGenerateSecurityAudits, userRightsImpersonateClient, userRightsIncreaseSchedulingPriority, userRightsLoadUnloadDrivers, userRightsLockMemory, userRightsManageAuditingAndSecurityLogs, userRightsManageVolumes, userRightsModifyFirmwareEnvironment, userRightsModifyObjectLabels, userRightsProfileSingleProcess, userRightsRemoteShutdown, userRightsRestoreData, userRightsTakeOwnership, userRightsRegisterProcessAsService, localSecurityOptionsMinimumSessionSecurityForNtlmSspBasedClients, localSecurityOptionsMinimumSessionSecurityForNtlmSspBasedServers, lanManagerAuthenticationLevel and lanManagerWorkstationEnableInsecureGuestLogons properties to the windows10EndpointProtectionConfiguration entity
    Addition beta Added the passwordMinimumAgeInDays, tenantLockdownRequireNetworkDuringOutOfBoxExperience and dataProtectionBlockDirectMemoryAccess properties to the windows10GeneralConfiguration entity
    Addition beta Added the extendedKeyUsages property to the windows10PkcsCertificateProfile entity
    Addition beta Added the enableDnsRegistration and dnsSuffixes properties to the windows10VpnConfiguration entity
    Addition beta Added the customSubjectAlternativeNames property to the windows81CertificateProfileBase entity
    Addition beta Added the extractHardwareHash and deviceNameTemplate properties to the windowsAutopilotDeploymentProfile entity
    Addition beta Added the addressableUserName and userPrincipalName properties to the windowsAutopilotDeviceIdentity entity
    Addition beta Added the threatState property to the windowsDeviceMalwareState entity
    Addition beta Added the qualityUpdatesPauseStartDateTime, featureUpdatesPauseStartDateTime, featureUpdatesRollbackWindowInDays, qualityUpdatesWillBeRolledBack, featureUpdatesWillBeRolledBack, qualityUpdatesRollbackStartDateTime and featureUpdatesRollbackStartDateTime properties to the windowsUpdateForBusinessConfiguration entity
    Addition beta Added the trustedServerCertificateNames property to the windowsWifiEnterpriseEAPConfiguration entity
    Addition beta Added the defaultIosEnrollmentProfile, defaultMacOsEnrollmentProfile, enrollmentProfiles and importedAppleDeviceIdentities navigation properties to the depOnboardingSetting entity
    Addition beta Added the roleScopeTags navigation property to the deviceAndAppManagementRoleAssignment entity
    Addition beta Added the advancedThreatProtectionOnboardingStateSummary, roleScopeTags and importedWindowsAutopilotDeviceIdentityUploads navigation properties to the deviceManagement entity
    Addition beta Added the supportedDeviceTypes property to the mobileAppIntentAndStateDetail complex type
    Addition beta Added the hideEscapeLink property to the outOfBoxExperienceSettings complex type
    Addition beta Added the zscalerPrivateAccess, f5Access2018, citrixSso and paloAltoGlobalProtectV2 members to the appleVpnConnectionType enum type
    Addition beta Added the userAbandonment member to the deviceEnrollmentFailureReason enum type
    Addition beta Added the blocked member to the enrollmentState enum type
    Addition beta Added the microsoft365ManagedMdm member to the managementAgentType enum type
    Addition beta Added the domainNameService member to the subjectAlternativeNameType enum type
    Addition beta Added the wpa2Personal and wpa2Enterprise members to the wiFiSecurityType enum type
    Addition beta Added the enterpriseUnwantedSoftware, ransom and hipsRule members to the windowsMalwareCategory enum type

    Identity and access

    Change type Version Description
    Addition v1.0 Added the isMultipleDataLocationsForServicesEnabled property to the organization resource, which allows apps to verify that a tenant is enabled for multi-geo capabilities. Added the preferredDataLocation property to the group resource, which allows for setting a preferred data location for a group.
    Addition v1.0 Added onPremisesProvisioningErrors property to the User and Group entities that represents directory synchronization errors when synchronizing on-premises directories to Azure Active Directory when using Microsoft synchronization product (including Azure AD Connect, DirSync and MIM + Connector).
    Addition v1.0 Added onPremisesExtensionAttributes property to the User entity that contains 15 custom extension attribute properties. For an onPremisesSyncEnabled user, this set of properties is mastered in on-premises Active Directory and synchronized to Azure AD, and is read-only. For a cloud-only user (where onPremisesSyncEnabled is false), these properties may be set during creation or update.
    Addition v1.0 Added the onPremisesDomainName, onPremisesSamAccountName, and onPremisesUserPrincipalName properties to the User entity


    Change type Version Description
    Addition v1.0 Added support for the getMailTips action to get any MailTips for specific recipients. Added the following resources: automaticRepliesMailTips, mailTips, mailTipsError.


    Change type Version Description
    Addition v1.0 Added the Activated On Shared Computer property to getoffice365activationsuserdetail.
    Addition v1.0 Added the Shared Computer Activation property to getoffice365activationsusercounts.


    Change type Version Description
    Addition beta Added activityGroupName, cloudAppStates, confidence, and registryKeyStates properties to alert.
    Deletion beta Removed activityGroupStates, applicationStates, malwareWasRunning, riskScore and type properties from alert.
    Change beta Changed comments type from a String to a String collection, and changed severity type from a String to a alertSeverity enum in alert.
    Addition beta Added the following resource types:
    Deletion beta Removed the following resource types:
    Addition beta Added the following enums:
    Deletion beta Removed the following enum types:
    Addition beta Added fileHash property to fileSecurityState.
    Deletion beta Removed authenticodeHash256 and sha256 properties from fileSecurityState.
    Addition beta Added os property to hostSecurityState.
    Addition beta Added category, family, and wasRunning properties to malwareState.
    Deletion beta Removed aliases property from malwareState.
    Change beta Moved malwareWasRunning property from alert to malwareState and renamed to wasRunning.
    Addition beta Added applicationName, destinationDomain, direction, domainRegisteredDateTime, localDnsName, natDestinationAddress, natDestinationPort, natSourceAddress, natSourcePort, riskScore, status, and urlParameters properties to networkConnection.
    Change beta Changed uri property to destinationUrl in networkConnection.
    Addition beta Added fileHash property to process.
    Deletion beta Removed authenticodeHash256 and sha256 properties from process.
    Addition beta Added aadUserId, emailRole, isVpn, and logonIp properties to userSecurityState.
    Change beta Changed logonIpAddress property to logonIp in userSecurityState.
    Addition beta Added wasRunning property to vulnerabilityState.
    Deletion beta Removed name property from vulnerabilityState.


    Change type Version Description
    Addition Beta Added delta query capability for the following entities in Azure AD:

    July 2018

    Change notifications

    Change type Version Description
    Breaking change Beta and v1.0 Reduced webhooks maximum length of subscription expiration time for drive root items to three days.

    Identity and access

    Change type Version Description
    Change Beta The application and servicePrincipal APIs are updated in preview (beta). The first set of changes will be applied on July 16, 2018. The changes include property renaming and restructuring. Most of the existing properties won't be available until the changes are completed. There will be new properties added. The changes are released in preview (beta) prior to releasing to v1.0.


    Change type Version Description
    Addition Beta Added progress property to sychronizationStatus to permit clients to monitor the progress of a synchronization job.

    Personal contacts

    Change type Version Description
    Addition Beta Added the complex type typedEmailAddress.
    Change Beta Changed the type of the emailAddresses property of contact to be a collection of typedEmailAddress instances.


    Change type Version Description
    Change beta Updated tmess resource
    Addition beta Added Chat attachment resource type
    Addition beta Added Chat mention resource type
    Addition beta Added Chat reaction resource type
    Addition beta Added Get all channel messages API
    Addition beta Added Get channel message API
    Addition beta Added Get all message replies API
    Addition beta Added Get reply to a message API
    Addition beta Added application permissions support to /users/{id}/joinedTeams
    Addition beta Added Get all channel messages API
    Addition beta Added Get channel message API
    Addition beta Added Get all message replies API
    Addition beta Added Get reply to a message API
    Addition beta Added Chat attachment resource type
    Addition beta Added Chat mention resource type
    Addition beta Added Chat reaction resource type
    Change beta Updated chat message resource
    Deletion beta Removed DELETE /groups/{id}/team/channels/{id}, use DELETE /teams/{id}/channels/{id} instead.
    Deletion beta Removed GET /groups/{id}/team/channels/{id}, use GET /teams/{id}/channels/{id} instead.
    Deletion beta Removed PATCH /groups/{id}/team/channels/{id}, use PATCH /teams/{id}/channels/{id} instead.
    Deletion beta Removed POST /groups/{id}/team/channels/{id}/chatthreads, use POST /teams/{id}/channels/{id}/chatthreads instead.
    Deletion beta Removed GET /groups/{id}/team/channels, use GET /teams/{id}/channels instead.
    Deletion beta Removed DELETE /groups/{id}/channels/{id}, use DELETE /teams/{id}/channels/{id} instead.
    Deletion beta Removed GET /groups/{id}/channels/{id}, use GET /teams/{id}/channels/{id} instead.
    Deletion beta Removed PATCH /groups/{id}/channels/{id}, use PATCH /teams/{id}/channels/{id} instead.
    Deletion beta Removed POST /groups/{id}/channels/{id}/chatthreads, use POST /teams/{id}/channels/{id}/chatthreads instead.
    Deletion beta Removed GET /groups/{id}/channels, use GET /teams/{id}/channels instead.
    Deletion beta Removed POST /groups/{id}/team/channels, use POST /teams/{id}/channels instead.
    Deletion beta Removed GET /groups/{id}/team, use GET /teams/{id} instead.
    Deletion beta Removed PATCH /groups/{id}/team, use PATCH /teams/{id} instead.
    Addition beta Added API to list all teams in organization.

    June 2018

    Devices and apps | Corporate management

    Change type Version Description
    Addition v1.0 Added the connectorServerName property to the deviceManagementExchangeConnector entity
    Addition v1.0 Added the firewallEnabled, firewallBlockAllIncoming and firewallEnableStealthMode properties to the macOSCompliancePolicy entity
    Addition v1.0 Added the unknown member to the iosUpdatesInstallStatus enum type
    Addition beta Added new entities:
    Addition beta Added new complex types:
    Addition beta Added new enum types:
    Addition beta Added the createGooglePlayWebToken action on androidManagedStoreAccountEnterpriseSettings
    Addition beta Added the revokeAllLicenses action on iosVppApp
    Addition beta Added the revokeUserLicense action on iosVppApp
    Addition beta Added the revokeDeviceLicense action on iosVppApp
    Addition beta Added the sendCustomNotificationToCompanyPortal action on deviceManagement
    Addition beta Added the getLicensesForApp function on vppToken collection
    Deletion beta Removed the following enum types:
    Addition beta Added the systemUpdateWindowStartMinutesAfterMidnight, systemUpdateWindowEndMinutesAfterMidnight and systemUpdateInstallType properties to the androidDeviceOwnerGeneralDeviceConfiguration entity
    Change beta Changed the type of the following properties on the androidDeviceOwnerGeneralDeviceConfiguration entity:
    passwordMinutesOfInactivityBeforeScreenTimeout from Int64 to Int32
    Addition beta Added the customKeyValueData property to the androidForWorkVpnConfiguration entity
    Addition beta Added the customKeyValueData property to the androidVpnConfiguration entity
    Addition beta Added the customKeyValueData property to the androidWorkProfileVpnConfiguration entity
    Addition beta Added the customKeyValueData property to the appleVpnConfiguration entity
    Addition beta Added the userId and userPrincipalName properties to the deviceCompliancePolicyState entity
    Addition beta Added the userId and userPrincipalName properties to the deviceConfigurationState entity
    Addition beta Added the connectorServerName property to the deviceManagementExchangeConnector entity
    Deletion beta Removed the settingXml property from the iosMobileAppConfiguration entity
    Addition beta Added the vppTokenId and revokeLicenseActionResults properties to the iosVppApp entity
    Addition beta Added the firewallEnabled, firewallBlockAllIncoming and firewallEnableStealthMode properties to the macOSCompliancePolicy entity
    Deletion beta Removed the remoteAssistanceSessionErrorString property from the managedDevice entity
    Addition beta Added the antivirusRequired and antiSpywareRequired properties to the windows10CompliancePolicy entity
    Addition beta Added the defenderOfficeAppsOtherProcessInjection, defenderOfficeAppsExecutableContentCreationOrLaunch, defenderOfficeAppsLaunchChildProcess, defenderOfficeMacroCodeAllowWin32Imports, defenderScriptObfuscatedMacroCode, defenderScriptDownloadedPayloadExecution, defenderProcessCreation, defenderUntrustedUSBProcess, defenderUntrustedExecutable and defenderEmailContentExecution properties to the windows10EndpointProtectionConfiguration entity
    Addition beta Added the searchDisableLocation, inkWorkspaceAccessState, defenderPotentiallyUnwantedAppActionSetting and defenderCloudExtendedTimeoutInSeconds properties to the windows10GeneralConfiguration entity
    Addition beta Added the updatesMinimumAutoInstallClassification property to the windows81GeneralConfiguration entity
    Deletion beta Removed the previewBuildSetting property from the windowsUpdateForBusinessConfiguration entity
    Addition beta Added the userPfxCertificates navigation property to the deviceManagement entity
    Addition beta Added the assignedLicenses navigation property to the iosVppApp entity
    Addition beta Added the managedDeviceMobileAppConfigurationStates navigation property to the managedDevice entity
    Addition beta Added the websiteList property to the iosWebContentFilterSpecificWebsitesAccess complex type
    Addition beta Added the androidWorkProfile member to the devicePlatformType enum type
    Addition beta Added the notConfigured member to the editionUpgradeLicenseType enum type
    Addition beta Added the unknown member to the iosUpdatesInstallStatus enum type
    Addition beta Added the userRequestedInstall member to the mobileAppActionType enum type
    Addition beta Added the notConfigured member to the windows10EditionType enum type

    Identity and access

    Change type Version Description
    Addition beta Added the access reviews feature to Azure AD.

    Identity and access

    Change type Version Description
    Addition All New application permissions Application.ReadWrite.All and Application.ReadWrite.OwnedBy that allows a client app to create, read, update, and delete applications and service principals as described in the permissions article.
    Addition v1.0 Added ageGroup, legalAgeGroupClassification, and ConsentRequiredForMinor properties to user resource

    Identity and access | Governance

    Change type Version Description
    Addition beta Added the privilegedAccess entity.
    Addition beta Added the governanceResource entity, and the following methods and actions:
    Addition beta Added the governanceSubject entity.
    Addition beta Added the governanceRoleDefinition entity, methods and actions:
    Addition beta Added the governanceRoleAssignment entity, and following methods and actions:
    Addition beta Added the governanceRoleAssignmentRequest entity, and following methods and actions:
    Addition beta Added the governanceRoleSetting entity, and the following methods and actions:
    Addition beta Added the following complex types:


    Change type Version Description
    Addition beta Added new enum types:


    Change type Version Description
    Addition Beta Added team archive and unarchive APIs.
    Addition Beta Added team clone operation.
    Addition Beta Added APIs to add and remove apps to teams.
    Change Beta Updated the path to the team entity.
    Change Beta Updated the path to the channel entity.

    May 2018

    Customer booking

    Change type Version Description
    Addition Beta Added the bookingBusiness entity and the following CRUD methods and actions:
    Find out more about integrating with the Microsoft Bookings API.
    Addition Beta Added the bookingAppointment entity and the following CRUD methods and action:
    Addition Beta Added the bookingCurrency entity and the following methods:
    Addition Beta Added the bookingCustomer entity and the following CRUD methods:
    Addition Beta Added the bookingService entity and the following CRUD methods:
    Addition Beta Added the bookingStaffMember entity and the following CRUD methods:
    Addition Beta Added the following complex types:

    Devices and apps | Corporate management

    Change type Version Description
    Addition beta Added new entities:
    Addition beta Added new complex types:
    Addition beta Added new enum types:
    Addition beta Added the setDeviceName
    action on managedDevice
    Deletion beta Removed the following entities:
    Deletion beta Removed the following complex types:
    Deletion beta Removed the following enum types:
    Deletion beta Removed the importAppleDeviceIdentityList action on importedAppleDeviceIdentity collection
    Deletion beta Removed the updateDeviceProfileAssignment action on enrollmentProfile
    Deletion beta Removed the setDefaultProfile action on enrollmentProfile
    Deletion beta Removed the shareForSchoolDataSyncService action on depOnboardingSetting
    Deletion beta Removed the unshareForSchoolDataSyncService action on depOnboardingSetting
    Deletion beta Removed the exportMobileConfig function on enrollmentProfile
    Addition beta Added the userDomainNameSource and customDomainName properties to the androidEasEmailProfileConfiguration entity
    Addition beta Added the workProfileBlockCamera and workProfileBlockCrossProfileContactsSearch properties to the androidForWorkGeneralDeviceConfiguration entity
    Addition beta Added the workProfileBlockCamera and workProfileBlockCrossProfileContactsSearch properties to the androidWorkProfileGeneralDeviceConfiguration entity
    Addition beta Added the thirdPartyKeyboardsBlocked and filterOpenInToOnlyManagedApps properties to the defaultManagedAppProtection entity
    Addition beta Added the conflictCount property to the deviceComplianceUserOverview entity
    Addition beta Added the conflictCount property to the deviceConfigurationUserOverview entity
    Addition beta Added the managedDeviceCleanupSettings property to the deviceManagement entity
    Deletion beta Removed the usernameSource property from the iosEasEmailProfileConfiguration entity
    Addition beta Added the thirdPartyKeyboardsBlocked and filterOpenInToOnlyManagedApps properties to the iosManagedAppProtection entity
    Addition beta Added the ignoreVersionDetection property to the macOSLobApp entity
    Addition beta Added the pinRequiredOnLaunchInsteadOfBiometric and pinRequiredInsteadOfBiometricTimeout properties to the managedAppProtection entity
    Addition beta Added the autopilotEnrolled, requireUserEnrollmentApproval, iccid and udid properties to the managedDevice entity
    Deletion beta Removed the isAutopilotEnrolled property from the managedDevice entity
    Addition beta Added the notApplicablePlatformCount and conflictCount properties to the managedDeviceMobileAppConfigurationDeviceSummary entity
    Addition beta Added the conflictCount property to the managedDeviceMobileAppConfigurationUserSummary entity
    Addition beta Added the scopeType property to the roleAssignment entity
    Deletion beta Removed the usernameSource property from the windows10EasEmailProfileConfiguration entity
    Addition beta Added the localSecurityOptionsDisableClientDigitallySignCommunicationsIfServerAgrees, localSecurityOptionsClientSendUnencryptedPasswordToThirdPartySMBServers, localSecurityOptionsDisableServerDigitallySignCommunicationsAlways, localSecurityOptionsDisableServerDigitallySignCommunicationsIfClientAgrees, localSecurityOptionsRestrictAnonymousAccessToNamedPipesAndShares, localSecurityOptionsDoNotAllowAnonymousEnumerationOfSAMAccounts, localSecurityOptionsAllowAnonymousEnumerationOfSAMAccountsAndShares, localSecurityOptionsDoNotStoreLANManagerHashValueOnNextPasswordChange and localSecurityOptionsSmartCardRemovalBehavior properties to the windows10EndpointProtectionConfiguration entity
    Addition beta Added the showInstallationProgress, blockDeviceSetupRetryByUser, allowDeviceResetOnInstallFailure, allowLogCollectionOnInstallFailure, customErrorMessage, installProgressTimeoutInMinutes and allowDeviceUseOnInstallFailure properties to the windows10EnrollmentCompletionPageConfiguration entity
    Deletion beta Removed the title, bodyText, moreInfoUrl and moreInfoText properties from the windows10EnrollmentCompletionPageConfiguration entity
    Addition beta Added the defenderBlockOnAccessProtection, defenderScheduleScanDay and defenderSubmitSamplesConsentType properties to the windows10GeneralConfiguration entity
    Addition beta Added the language and enrollmentSettings properties to the windowsAutopilotDeploymentProfile entity
    Addition beta Added the useDeviceContext property to the windowsMobileMSI entity
    Deletion beta Removed the usernameSource property from the windowsPhoneEASEmailProfileConfiguration entity
    Deletion beta Removed the localActions navigation property from the androidCompliancePolicy entity
    Deletion beta Removed the enrollmentProfiles and importedAppleDeviceIdentities navigation properties from the deviceManagement entity
    Addition beta Added the mobileAppIntentAndStates and mobileAppTroubleshootingEvents navigation properties to the user entity
    Addition beta Added the deviceUsageType and skipKeyboardSelectionPage properties to the outOfBoxExperienceSettings complex type
    Deletion beta Removed the paloAltoGlobalProtect member from the androidForWorkVpnConnectionType enum type
    Addition beta Added the samAccountName and primarySmtpAddress members to the androidUsernameSource enum type
    Deletion beta Removed the paloAltoGlobalProtect member from the androidVpnConnectionType enum type
    Addition beta Added the paloAltoGlobalProtect member to the windows10VpnConnectionType enum type


    Change type Version Description
    Change v1.0 and beta The scope Members.Read.Hidden is required to read or update the Members collection on an educationClass entity using app-only tokens.
    Change Beta Updated the possible values of educationSubmissionStatus type in the status property of education submission.
    Change Beta Added the educationAssignmentIndividualRecipient complex type to the assignTo property of educationAssignment.
    Change Beta Added the unsubmittedBy, unsubmittedDate, returnedBy, returnedDate property of educationSubmission.
    Addition Beta Added the return and unsubmit action to education submission.
    Change Beta Removed the release and recall action on educationSubmission.


    Change type Version Description
    Addition v1.0 and beta Added the importance property to the post entity.

    Identity and access

    Change type Version Description
    Change Beta Renamed the creatorUserId property of the subscription entity to creatorId to better reflect its meaning.

    Identity and access

    Change type Version Description
    Addition v1.0 Added List deleted items owned by a user action to directory (deleted items) resource
    Addition beta Added the getUserOwnedObjects function to the directory resource to list the deleted groups owned by a given user.

    People and workplace intelligence | Insights

    Change type Version Description
    Addition Beta Added the settings entity and the following CRUD methods:

    April 2018


    Change type Version Description
    Addition v1.0 Added the locations property to the event entity to support organizing an event that attendees can attend from more than one location.
    Addition v1.0 Added the locationType property to the location complex type.
    Addition v1.0 Added the uniqueId and uniqueIdType properties to the location complex type. These properties are only for internal use at this point.

    Cross-device experiences

    Change type Version Description
    Addition v1.0 Added Get recent activities API
    Addition v1.0 Added Get activities API
    Addition v1.0 Added Upsert Activity
    Addition v1.0 Added Upsert HistoryItem
    Addition v1.0 Added Delete Activity
    Addition v1.0 Added Upsert HistoryItem
    Addition v1.0 Added activity
    Addition v.10 Added historyItem
    Addition v1.0 Added visualInfo
    Addition v1.0 Added imageInfo
    Addition v.10 Added Project Rome overview
    Change Beta Added deep insert documentation to Upsert Activity

    Devices and apps | Corporate management

    Change type Version Description
    Addition v1.0 Added new entities:
    Addition v1.0 Added new enum types:
    Addition v1.0 Added the managedDeviceOwnerType property to the managedDevice entity
    Addition v1.0 Added the deviceStatuses navigation property to the managedDeviceMobileAppConfiguration entity
    Addition v1.0 Added the androidWorkProfile member to the policyPlatformType enum type
    Addition beta Added new entities:
    Addition beta Added new complex types:
    Addition beta Added new enum types:
    Addition beta Added the playLostModeSound action on managedDevice
    Deletion beta Removed the following enum types:
    Addition beta Added the workProfileBlockScreenCapture and workProfileBlockCrossProfileCallerId properties to the androidForWorkGeneralDeviceConfiguration entity
    Addition beta Added the minimumWipePatchVersion, allowedAndroidDeviceManufacturers and appActionIfAndroidDeviceManufacturerNotAllowed properties to the androidManagedAppProtection entity
    Addition beta Added the minimumWipeSdkVersion, minimumWipePatchVersion, allowedIosDeviceModels, appActionIfIosDeviceModelNotAllowed, allowedAndroidDeviceManufacturers and appActionIfAndroidDeviceManufacturerNotAllowed properties to the defaultManagedAppProtection entity
    Addition beta Added the notApplicablePlatformCount and conflictCount properties to the deviceComplianceDeviceOverview entity
    Addition beta Added the notApplicablePlatformCount and conflictCount properties to the deviceConfigurationDeviceOverview entity
    Addition beta Added the accountMoveCompletionDateTime property to the deviceManagement entity
    Addition beta Added the minimumWipeSdkVersion, allowedIosDeviceModels and appActionIfIosDeviceModelNotAllowed properties to the iosManagedAppProtection entity
    Addition beta Added the minimumWipeOsVersion, minimumWipeAppVersion, appActionIfDeviceComplianceRequired and appActionIfMaximumPinRetriesExceeded properties to the managedAppProtection entity
    Addition beta Added the managedDeviceOwnerType, preferMdmOverGroupPolicyAppliedDateTime, isAutopilotEnrolled and requestUserEnrollmentApproval properties to the managedDevice entity
    Addition beta Added the managedDeviceModelsAndManufacturers property to the managedDeviceOverview entity
    Addition beta Added the localSecurityOptionsMachineInactivityLimitInMinutes, localSecurityOptionsAllowRemoteCallsToSecurityAccountsManagerHelperBool, localSecurityOptionsInformationShownOnLockScreen, defenderSecurityCenterDisableAccountUI, defenderSecurityCenterDisableHardwareUI, defenderSecurityCenterDisableRansomwareUI, defenderSecurityCenterDisableSecureBootUI and defenderSecurityCenterDisableTroubleshootingUI properties to the windows10EndpointProtectionConfiguration entity
    Addition beta Added the printerNames, printerDefaultName, printerBlockAddition and searchBlockWebResults properties to the windows10GeneralConfiguration entity
    Addition beta Added the profileTarget, enableAlwaysOn and enableDeviceTunnel properties to the windows10VpnConfiguration entity
    Addition beta Added the enrollmentStatusScreenSettings property to the windowsAutopilotDeploymentProfile entity
    Addition beta Added the deviceConfigurationRestrictedAppsViolations navigation property to the deviceManagement entity
    Addition beta Added the assignments navigation property to the windowsAutopilotDeploymentProfile entity
    Addition beta Added the networkAccessConfigurations navigation property to the windowsDomainJoinConfiguration entity
    Deletion beta Removed the permissions property from the auditActor complex type
    Change beta Changed the type of the following properties on the bitLockerRecoveryOptions complex type:
    recoveryInformationToStore from bitLockerRecoveryinformationType to bitLockerRecoveryInformationType
    Addition beta Added the deviceInactivityBeforeRetirementInDay property to the deviceManagementSettings complex type
    Addition beta Added the landingPageCustomizedImage property to the intuneBrand complex type
    Deletion beta Removed the ipAddressOrFqdn property from the vpnServer complex type
    Deletion beta Removed the restartMode property from the windowsUpdateScheduledInstall complex type
    Addition beta Added the paloAltoGlobalProtect member to the androidForWorkVpnConnectionType enum type
    Addition beta Added the paloAltoGlobalProtect member to the androidVpnConnectionType enum type
    Addition beta Added the paloAltoGlobalProtect member to the appleVpnConnectionType enum type
    Addition beta Added the androidWorkProfile member to the policyPlatformType enum type


    Change type Version Description
    Change Beta Added the reportableIdentifier property to educationsynchronizationerror.
    Change Beta Updated the response options for the uploadUrl API.
    Change Beta Updated the text for description of the educationSynchronizationError resource type.
    Change Beta Updated the text for description of the get sync errors API.


    Change type Version Description
    Addition Beta Added the directoryAudit and sign in entities to support a new audit log API.
    Addition Beta Added the following resources to support the audit log API: appIndentity, auditActivityInitiator, conditionalAccessPolicy, deviceDetail, mfaDetail, modifiedProperty, signinLocation, signinStatus, targetResource, targetResourceApp, targetResourceDevice, targetResourceDirectory, targetResourceGroup, targetResourceOther, targetResourcePolicy, targetResourceRole, targetResourceServicePrincipal, targetResourceUser, userIdentity


    Change type Version Description
    Addition v1.0 Added the privacyProfile complex type to the organization entity.
    Addition v1.0 Added the legalAgeGroup, ageGroup and consentProvidedForMinor complex type to the user entity.
    Addition v1.0 Added users and groups support to webhook notification subscriptions.
    Addition beta Added List deleted items owned by a user action to directory (deleted items) resource
    Addition v1.0 Added the new masterCategories navigation property to the outlookUser entity. masterCategories is a collection of outlookCategory objects.
    Addition v1.0 Added the outlookCategory entity.
    Addition v1.0 Added the following CRUD operations for outlookCategory: create, get, update, and delete.
    Addition v1.0 Added the new supportedLanguages function to the outlookUser entity.
    Addition v1.0 Added the new supportedTimeZones function to the outlookUser entity.
    Addition v1.0 Added the new workingHours property to mailboxSettings. See workingHours resource type for information on the supported use cases.
    Addition v1.0 Added the following new complex types:


    Change type Version Description
    Addition v1.0 Added the flag property to the message entity. Added the shared followupFlag complex type.
    Addition v1.0 Added the internetMessageHeaders property to the message entity.
    Addition v1.0 Added the internetMessageHeader complex type.
    Addition v1.0 Added the messageRules navigation property to the mailFolder entity. messageRules is a collection of messageRule instances.
    Addition v1.0 Added the messageRule entity, and messageRuleActions, messageRulePredicates, and sizeRange complex types.
    Addition v1.0 Added the following CRUD operations for message rules: create, list, get, update, and delete.
    Addition Beta Added mailSearchFolder.
    Addition Beta Added the following APIs for mail search folder: Create, Update.
    Change Beta Added support for mail search folder to delete mailFolder, get mailFolder, and list child folders.

    Personal contacts

    Change type Version Description
    Addition v1.0 Added the flag property to the contact entity. Added the shared followupFlag complex type.


    Change type Version Description
    Addition beta Added delegated access support.
    Addition v1.0 Added delegated access support.


    Change type Version Description
    Addition Beta Added the security API, including the following resources and operations:
    alert (and related entities)
    Get alert
    List alerts
    Update alert

    Added the following supporting documentation:
    Security solution integrations using the Microsoft Graph Security API


    Change type Version Description
    Addition Beta Added new teamMemberSettings entity.
    Addition Beta Added new teamGuestSettings entity.
    Addition Beta Added new teamMessagingSettings entity.
    Addition Beta Added new teamFunSettings entity.
    Addition Beta Added new delete channel operation.
    Addition Beta Added new patch channel operation.
    Addition Beta Added new webUrl property to team resource.
    Change Beta Updated the path to the channel entity.

    March 2018

    Cross-device experiences

    Change type Version Description
    Addition Beta Added Get recent activities API
    Addition Beta Added Get activities API
    Change Beta Added UserActivity.ReadWrite.CreatedByApp permission to Upsert Activity
    Change Beta Added UserActivity.ReadWrite.CreatedByApp permission to Upsert HistoryItem
    Change Beta Added UserActivity.ReadWrite.CreatedByApp permission to Delete Activity
    Change Beta Added UserActivity.ReadWrite.CreatedByApp permission to Upsert HistoryItem
    Change Beta Added status property to activity
    Change Beta Added activity navigation property to historyItem
    Change Beta Added new APIs to Project Rome overview

    Devices and apps | Corporate management

    Change type Version Description
    Addition v1.0 Added new entities:
    Addition v1.0 Added new complex types:
    Addition v1.0 Added the syncLicenses action on vppToken
    Addition v1.0 Added the vppTokens navigation property to the deviceAppManagement entity
    Addition beta Added the managementCertificateExpirationDate property to the managedDevice entity
    Addition beta Added the enhancedJailBreak property to the deviceManagementSettings complex type
    Addition beta Added new entities:
    Addition beta Added new complex types:
    Addition beta Added the requestSignupUrl action on androidManagedStoreAccountEnterpriseSettings
    Addition beta Added the completeSignup action on androidManagedStoreAccountEnterpriseSettings
    Addition beta Added the syncApps action on androidManagedStoreAccountEnterpriseSettings
    Addition beta Added the unbind action on androidManagedStoreAccountEnterpriseSettings
    Addition beta Added the revokeToken action on androidDeviceOwnerEnrollmentProfile
    Addition beta Added the createToken action on androidDeviceOwnerEnrollmentProfile
    Addition beta Added the assign action on managedDeviceMobileAppConfiguration
    Addition beta Added the consentToDataSharing action on dataSharingConsent
    Addition beta Added the getLoggedOnManagedDevices function on user
    Addition beta Added the exportDeviceAndAppManagementData function on user
    Addition beta Added the exportDeviceAndAppManagementData function on user
    Deletion beta Removed the following entities:
    Deletion beta Removed the assign action on managedDeviceMobileAppConfiguration
    Deletion beta Removed the syncApps action on appleVolumePurchaseProgramToken
    Addition beta Added the workProfileBluetoothEnableContactSharing property to the androidForWorkGeneralDeviceConfiguration entity
    Addition beta Added the intendedPurpose property to the androidForWorkImportedPFXCertificateProfile entity
    Addition beta Added the intendedPurpose property to the androidImportedPFXCertificateProfile entity
    Addition beta Added the intendedPurpose property to the iosImportedPFXCertificateProfile entity
    Addition beta Added the encodedSettingXml property to the iosMobileAppConfiguration entity
    Addition beta Added the managedDeviceId and azureADDeviceId properties to the managedAppRegistration entity
    Addition beta Added the usersLoggedOn property to the managedDevice entity
    Deletion beta Removed the lastLoggedOnUserId property from the managedDevice entity
    Addition beta Added the lastModifiedDateTime property to the managedDeviceOverview entity
    Addition beta Added the isDependency property to the mobileAppContentFile entity
    Addition beta Added the windowsEnabled, macEnabled, windowsDeviceBlockedOnMissingPartnerData and macDeviceBlockedOnMissingPartnerData properties to the mobileThreatDefenseConnector entity
    Addition beta Added the shouldUninstallOlderVersionsOfOffice property to the officeSuiteApp entity
    Addition beta Added the dataSharingConsentGranted property to the vppToken entity
    Addition beta Added the localSecurityOptionsBlockRemoteLogonWithBlankPassword, localSecurityOptionsAdministratorAccountName, localSecurityOptionsEnableGuestAccount, localSecurityOptionsGuestAccountName, localSecurityOptionsAllowUndockWithoutHavingToLogon, localSecurityOptionsBlockUsersInstallingPrinterDrivers, localSecurityOptionsBlockRemoteOpticalDriveAccess, localSecurityOptionsFormatAndEjectOfRemovableMediaAllowedUser, localSecurityOptionsMachineInactivityLimit, localSecurityOptionsDoNotRequireCtrlAltDel, localSecurityOptionsInformationDisplayedOnLockScreen, localSecurityOptionsHideLastSignedInUser, localSecurityOptionsHideUsernameAtSignIn, localSecurityOptionsLogOnMessageTitle, localSecurityOptionsLogOnMessageText, localSecurityOptionsAllowPKU2UAuthenticationRequests, localSecurityOptionsAllowRemoteCallsToSecurityAccountsManager, localSecurityOptionsClearVirtualMemoryPageFile, localSecurityOptionsAllowSystemToBeShutDownWithoutHavingToLogOn, localSecurityOptionsAllowUIAccessApplicationElevation, localSecurityOptionsVirtualizeFileAndRegistryWriteFailuresToPerUserLocations, localSecurityOptionsOnlyElevateSignedExecutables, localSecurityOptionsAdministratorElevationPromptBehavior, localSecurityOptionsStandardUserElevationPromptBehavior, localSecurityOptionsSwitchToSecureDesktopWhenPromptingForElevation, localSecurityOptionsDetectApplicationInstallationsAndPromptForElevation, localSecurityOptionsAllowUIAccessApplicationsForSecureLocations, localSecurityOptionsUseAdminApprovalMode, localSecurityOptionsUseAdminApprovalModeForAdministrators, deviceGuardLocalSystemAuthorityCredentialGuardSettings, deviceGuardEnableVirtualizationBasedSecurity and deviceGuardEnableSecureBootWithDMA properties to the windows10EndpointProtectionConfiguration entity
    Deletion beta Removed the defenderPasswordProtectedEmailContentExecutionType property from the windows10EndpointProtectionConfiguration entity
    Addition beta Added the intendedPurpose property to the windows10ImportedPFXCertificateProfile entity
    Deletion beta Removed the printerNames, defaultPrinterName and blockAddingNewPrinter properties from the windows10SecureAssessmentConfiguration entity
    Addition beta Added the certificateStore property to the windows81SCEPCertificateProfile entity
    Addition beta Added the purchaseOrderIdentifier property to the windowsAutopilotDeviceIdentity entity
    Change beta Changed the following properties on the windowsCertificateProfileBase entity:
    subjectAlternativeNameType from required to optional
    Addition beta Added the advancedThreatProtectionOnboardingFilename and advancedThreatProtectionOffboardingFilename properties to the windowsDefenderAdvancedThreatProtectionConfiguration entity
    Addition beta Added the intendedPurpose property to the windowsPhone81ImportedPFXCertificateProfile entity
    Addition beta Added the skipChecksBeforeRestart and updateWeeks properties to the windowsUpdateForBusinessConfiguration entity
    Addition beta Added the managedEBookCategories navigation property to the deviceAppManagement entity
    Addition beta Added the androidManagedStoreAccountEnterpriseSettings, androidManagedStoreAppConfigurationSchemas, androidDeviceOwnerEnrollmentProfiles, dataSharingConsents and deviceConfigurationUserStateSummaries navigation properties to the deviceManagement entity
    Deletion beta Removed the deviceSetupConfigurations navigation property from the deviceManagement entity
    Deletion beta Removed the groupAssignments navigation property from the managedDeviceMobileAppConfiguration entity
    Addition beta Added the categories navigation property to the managedEBook entity
    Addition beta Added the containedApps navigation property to the microsoftStoreForBusinessApp entity
    Addition beta Added the containedApps navigation property to the mobileAppContent entity
    Addition beta Added the committedContainedApps navigation property to the windowsUniversalAppX entity


    Change type Version Description
    Addition v1.0 Added new entities:
    Addition v1.0 Added new complex types:
    Addition v1.0 Added the publication property to the driveItem entity
    Addition v1.0 Added the versions navigation property to the driveItem entity
    Addition v1.0 Added the versions navigation property to the listItem entity
    Addition v1.0 Added the root property to the siteCollection entity
    Addition v1.0 Added the restoreVersion action for the driveItemVersion entity
    Addition v1.0 Added the restoreVersion action for the listItemVersion entity
    Addition beta Added new complex type:
    Addition beta Added the name property to the contentTypeInfo complex type
    Addition beta Added the objectType property to the deleteAction complex type
    Addition beta Added the newName property to the renameAction complex type
    Addition beta Added the tenantId property to the sharepointIds complex type
    Addition beta Added the lastRecordedDateTime property to the itemActivityTimeSet complex type
    Addition beta Added the preview action for the driveItem entity


    Change type Version Description
    Addition v1.0 Added groupLifecyclePolicy
    Addition v1.0 Added the following APIs for group lifecycle policy: Create, List, Get, Update, Delete, Add group, Remove group
    Addition v1.0 Added List groupLifecyclePolicies function to group
    Change v1.0 Added renewedDateTime property and renew to group

    Identity and access

    Change type Version Description
    Change beta Added the applicationID and creatorUserID properties to the subscription resource.
    Change beta Added the list operation to the subscription entity.

    Identity and access | Identity and sign-in

    Change type Version Description
    Addition beta Added new entity dataPolicyOperation. This represents a submitted data policy operation for tracking purposes.
    Addition beta Added the exportPersonalData action on users. This action submits a data policy operation request to export personal data stored by Microsoft for a user.

    Identity and access

    Change type Version Description
    Addition Beta Added the onPremisesExtensionAttributes complex type to the user entity. This contains the on-premises AD extension attributes 1-15.
    Addition Beta Added the privacyProfile complex type to the organization entity.
    Addition v1.0 Added support for restoring and permanently deleting users and groups.

    Identity and access | Governance

    Change type Version Description
    Addition Beta Added the agreement and agreementAcceptance resources.
    Addition Beta Added the following APIs for agreement: Create, List, Get, Update, Delete.
    Addition Beta Added the agreementAcceptance relationships to the user resource.


    Change type Version Description
    Addition beta Added the siteId property to the sharePointSiteUsageDetail entity.

    Workbooks and charts

    Change type Version Description
    Change v1.0 Added the legacyId property to the Excel Table entity. This contains the numeric value identifier (string data type) that remains constant for a given Excel table. This is provided as a more metadata if the application relied on the legacy identifier used in older Excel client applications. Note: The id and legacyId property should be treated as an opaque string value and shouldn't be parsed to any other type within your application.

    February 2018

    Devices and apps | Corporate management

    Change type Version Description
    Addition beta Added new entities:
    Addition beta Added new complex types:
    Addition beta Added the managedDeviceEnrollmentFailureDetails function on reportRoot
    Addition beta Added the managedDeviceEnrollmentFailureDetails function on reportRoot
    Addition beta Added the managedDeviceEnrollmentFailureTrends function on reportRoot
    Addition beta Added the managedDeviceEnrollmentTopFailures function on reportRoot
    Addition beta Added the managedDeviceEnrollmentTopFailures function on reportRoot
    Change beta Removed the requireAppVerify, requireSafetyNetAttestationBasicIntegrity, requireSafetyNetAttestationCertifiedDevice, requireGooglePlayServices, requireUpToDateSecurityProviders and requireCompanyPortalAppIntegrity properties from the androidCompliancePolicy entity
    Change beta Removed the requireAppVerify, requireSafetyNetAttestationBasicIntegrity, requireSafetyNetAttestationCertifiedDevice, requireGooglePlayServices, requireUpToDateSecurityProviders and requireCompanyPortalAppIntegrity properties from the androidForWorkCompliancePolicy entity
    Change beta Removed the name, modifiedDateTime, totalEnrollmentCount and qrCode properties from the androidForWorkEnrollmentProfile entity
    Change beta Removed the nonEapAuthenticationMethodForEapTtls, nonEapAuthenticationMethodForPeap and enableOuterIdentityPrivacy properties from the androidForWorkEnterpriseWiFiConfiguration entity
    Change beta Added the workProfileBlockAddingAccounts property to the androidForWorkGeneralDeviceConfiguration entity
    Change beta Removed the blockCrossProfileCopyPaste and requireAppVerify properties from the androidForWorkGeneralDeviceConfiguration entity
    Change beta Added the deviceOwnerManagementEnabled property to the androidForWorkSettings entity
    Change beta Removed the requireAppVerify property from the androidGeneralDeviceConfiguration entity
    Change beta Added the exemptedAppPackages property to the androidManagedAppProtection entity
    Change beta Added the exemptedAppProtocols and exemptedAppPackages properties to the defaultManagedAppProtection entity
    Change beta Added the exemptedAppProtocols property to the iosManagedAppProtection entity
    Change beta Added the lastLoggedOnUserId property to the managedDevice entity
    Change beta Added the isFrameworkFile property to the mobileAppContentFile entity
    Change beta Added the targetedAppManagementLevels property to the targetedManagedAppProtection entity
    Change beta Added the localSecurityOptionsBlockMicrosoftAccounts, localSecurityOptionsEnableAdministratorAccount, defenderPreventCredentialStealingType, defenderProcessCreationType, defenderUntrustedUSBProcessType, defenderUntrustedExecutableType, defenderPasswordProtectedEmailContentExecutionType, defenderAdvancedRansomewareProtectionType and applicationGuardAllowFileSaveOnHost properties to the windows10EndpointProtectionConfiguration entity
    Change beta Added the edgeFavoritesListLocation and edgeBlockEditFavorites properties to the windows10GeneralConfiguration entity
    Change beta Added the printerNames, defaultPrinterName and blockAddingNewPrinter properties to the windows10SecureAssessmentConfiguration entity
    Change beta Added the importedWindowsAutopilotDeviceIdentities navigation property to the deviceManagement entity
    Change beta Added the shareAPNSData property to the adminConsent complex type
    Change beta Removed the collectFullIOSAppInventory property from the adminConsent complex type
    Change beta Removed the deviceUsageType property from the outOfBoxExperienceSettings complex type


    Change type Version Description
    Addition Beta Added the activatedOnSharedComputer property to the userActivationCounts entity.
    Addition Beta Added the sharedComputerActivation property to the office365ActivationsUserCounts entity.

    Tasks and plans

    Change type Version Description
    Addition Beta Added new complex types:
    Addition Beta Added favoritePlanReferences and recentPlanReferences properties to plannerUser entity.
    Addition Beta Added favoritePlans and recentPlans navigation properties to plannerUser entity.
    Addition Beta Added contexts property to plannerPlan entity.
    Addition Beta Added contextDetails property to plannerPlanDetails entity.
    Addition Beta Added Planner delta query

    January 2018


    Change type Version Description
    Addition v1.0 Added JSON batching support. Internal request limit set to 20.
    Change Beta Increased JSON batching internal request limit from 5 to 20.

    Devices and apps | Corporate management

    Change type Version Description
    Addition v1.0 Added new entities:
    Addition v1.0 Added new complex types:
    Addition v1.0 Added the assign action on mobileApp
    Addition v1.0 Added the commit action on mobileAppContentFile
    Addition v1.0 Added the renewUpload action on mobileAppContentFile
    Addition v1.0 Added the retire action on managedDevice
    Addition v1.0 Added the wipe action on managedDevice
    Addition v1.0 Added the resetPasscode action on managedDevice
    Addition v1.0 Added the remoteLock action on managedDevice
    Addition v1.0 Added the requestRemoteAssistance action on managedDevice
    Addition v1.0 Added the disableLostMode action on managedDevice
    Addition v1.0 Added the locateDevice action on managedDevice
    Addition v1.0 Added the bypassActivationLock action on managedDevice
    Addition v1.0 Added the rebootNow action on managedDevice
    Addition v1.0 Added the shutDown action on managedDevice
    Addition v1.0 Added the recoverPasscode action on managedDevice
    Addition v1.0 Added the cleanWindowsDevice action on managedDevice
    Addition v1.0 Added the logoutSharedAppleDeviceActiveUser action on managedDevice
    Addition v1.0 Added the deleteUserFromSharedAppleDevice action on managedDevice
    Addition v1.0 Added the syncDevice action on managedDevice
    Addition v1.0 Added the windowsDefenderScan action on managedDevice
    Addition v1.0 Added the windowsDefenderUpdateSignatures action on managedDevice
    Addition v1.0 Added the updateWindowsDeviceAccount action on managedDevice
    Addition v1.0 Added the removeAllDevicesFromManagement action on user
    Addition v1.0 Added the assign action on deviceConfiguration
    Addition v1.0 Added the assign action on deviceCompliancePolicy
    Addition v1.0 Added the scheduleActionsForRules action on deviceCompliancePolicy
    Addition v1.0 Added the setMobileDeviceManagementAuthority action on organization
    Addition v1.0 Added the syncMicrosoftStoreForBusinessApps action on deviceAppManagement
    Addition v1.0 Added the sync action on deviceManagementExchangeConnector
    Addition v1.0 Added the setPriority action on deviceEnrollmentConfiguration
    Addition v1.0 Added the assign action on deviceEnrollmentConfiguration
    Addition v1.0 Added the assign action on targetedManagedAppProtection
    Addition v1.0 Added the assign action on targetedManagedAppConfiguration
    Addition v1.0 Added the assign action on windowsInformationProtection
    Addition v1.0 Added the targetApps action on managedAppPolicy
    Addition v1.0 Added the targetApps action on managedAppProtection
    Addition v1.0 Added the targetApps action on targetedManagedAppConfiguration
    Addition v1.0 Added the wipeManagedAppRegistrationsByDeviceTag action on user
    Addition v1.0 Added the sendTestMessage action on notificationMessageTemplate
    Addition v1.0 Added the assign action on managedEBook
    Addition v1.0 Added the beginOnboarding action on remoteAssistancePartner
    Addition v1.0 Added the disconnect action on remoteAssistancePartner
    Addition v1.0 Added the downloadApplePushNotificationCertificateSigningRequest function on applePushNotificationCertificate
    Addition v1.0 Added the deviceConfigurationUserActivity function on reportRoot
    Addition v1.0 Added the deviceConfigurationDeviceActivity function on reportRoot
    Addition v1.0 Added the verifyWindowsEnrollmentAutoDiscovery function on deviceManagement
    Addition v1.0 Added the getUserIdsWithFlaggedAppRegistration function on managedAppRegistration collection
    Addition v1.0 Added the getManagedAppDiagnosticStatuses function on user
    Addition v1.0 Added the getManagedAppPolicies function on user
    Addition v1.0 Added the getEffectivePermissions function on deviceManagement
    Change v1.0 Added the mobileDeviceManagementAuthority property to the organization entity
    Change v1.0 Added the deviceEnrollmentLimit property to the user entity
    Change v1.0 Added the managedDevices, managedAppRegistrations and deviceManagementTroubleshootingEvents navigation properties to the user entity
    Addition Beta Added new entities:
    Addition Beta Added new complex types:
    Addition Beta Added the revokeToken action on androidForWorkEnrollmentProfile
    Addition Beta Added the assign action on mobileApp
    Addition Beta Added the assign action on deviceManagementScript
    Addition Beta Added the revokeAppleVppLicenses action on managedDevice
    Addition Beta Added the assign action on deviceCompliancePolicy
    Addition Beta Added the revokeLicenses action on vppToken
    Addition Beta Added the wipeManagedAppRegistrationsByDeviceTag action on user
    Addition Beta Added the assign action on managedEBook
    Addition Beta Added the getEffectiveDeviceEnrollmentConfigurations function on user
    Deletion Beta Removed the following entities:
    Deletion Beta Removed the following complex types:
    Change Beta Added the securityRequireVerifyApps, securityRequireSafetyNetAttestationBasicIntegrity, securityRequireSafetyNetAttestationCertifiedDevice, securityRequireGooglePlayServices, securityRequireUpToDateSecurityProviders and securityRequireCompanyPortalAppIntegrity properties to the androidCompliancePolicy entity
    Change Beta Added the packageId property to the androidForWorkApp entity
    Change Beta Changed the type of the following properties on the androidForWorkAppConfigurationSchema entity:
    exampleJson from androidForWorkAppConfigurationExample to Binary
    Change Beta Added the securityRequireVerifyApps, securityRequireSafetyNetAttestationBasicIntegrity, securityRequireSafetyNetAttestationCertifiedDevice, securityRequireGooglePlayServices, securityRequireUpToDateSecurityProviders and securityRequireCompanyPortalAppIntegrity properties to the androidForWorkCompliancePolicy entity
    Change Beta Added the displayName, lastModifiedDateTime, enrolledDeviceCount, qrCodeContent and qrCodeImage properties to the androidForWorkEnrollmentProfile entity
    Change Beta Removed the isTokenActive property from the androidForWorkEnrollmentProfile entity
    Change Beta Added the innerAuthenticationProtocolForEapTtls, innerAuthenticationProtocolForPeap and outerIdentityPrivacyTemporaryValue properties to the androidForWorkEnterpriseWiFiConfiguration entity
    Change Beta Added the workProfileBlockCrossProfileCopyPaste and securityRequireVerifyApps properties to the androidForWorkGeneralDeviceConfiguration entity
    Change Beta Added the securityRequireVerifyApps property to the androidGeneralDeviceConfiguration entity
    Change Beta Added the packageId and identityVersion properties to the androidLobApp entity
    Change Beta Added the packageId property to the androidStoreApp entity
    Change Beta Added the faceIdBlocked property to the defaultManagedAppProtection entity
    Change Beta Added the members property to the deviceAndAppManagementRoleAssignment entity
    Change Beta Added the macOSRestriction property to the deviceEnrollmentPlatformRestrictionsConfiguration entity
    Change Beta Added the whenPartnerDevicesWillBeRemovedDateTime and whenPartnerDevicesWillBeMarkedAsNonCompliantDateTime properties to the deviceManagementPartner entity
    Change Beta Changed the type of the following properties on the deviceManagementScript entity:
    scriptContent from String to Binary
    Change Beta Added the smimeEnablePerMessageSwitch property to the iosEasEmailProfileConfiguration entity
    Change Beta Added the identityVersion property to the iosLobApp entity
    Change Beta Added the faceIdBlocked property to the iosManagedAppProtection entity
    Change Beta Added the packageId and identityVersion properties to the managedAndroidLobApp entity
    Change Beta Added the azureADDeviceId and remoteAssistanceSessionErrorDetails properties to the managedDevice entity
    Change Beta Removed the legacyAppConfiguration property from the managedDeviceMobileAppConfiguration entity
    Change Beta Added the identityVersion property to the managedIOSLobApp entity
    Change Beta Removed the identityVersion property from the managedMobileLobApp entity
    Change Beta Added the publishingState property to the mobileApp entity
    Change Beta Added the installState property to the mobileAppInstallStatus entity
    Change Beta Removed the identityVersion property from the mobileLobApp entity
    Change Beta Added the allowPartnerToCollectIOSApplicationMetadata property to the mobileThreatDefenseConnector entity
    Change Beta Removed the members property from the roleAssignment entity
    Change Beta Added the lastModifiedDateTime property to the termsAndConditions entity
    Change Beta Added the deviceThreatProtectionEnabled and deviceThreatProtectionRequiredSecurityLevel properties to the windows10CompliancePolicy entity
    Change Beta Removed the minimumUpdateAutoInstallClassification property from the windows10CompliancePolicy entity
    Change Beta Added the privacyBlockPublishUserActivities and privacyBlockActivityFeed properties to the windows10GeneralConfiguration entity
    Change Beta Added the configurationAccountType property to the windows10SecureAssessmentConfiguration entity
    Change Beta Removed the trustedNetworkDomains property from the windows10VpnConfiguration entity
    Change Beta Removed the minimumUpdateAutoInstallClassification property from the windows81CompliancePolicy entity
    Change Beta Added the identityVersion property to the windowsAppX entity
    Change Beta Added the daysWithoutContactBeforeUnenroll property to the windowsInformationProtectionPolicy entity
    Change Beta Added the identityVersion property to the windowsMobileMSI entity
    Change Beta Added the identityVersion property to the windowsPhone81AppX entity
    Change Beta Added the identityVersion property to the windowsPhoneXAP entity
    Change Beta Added the identityVersion property to the windowsUniversalAppX entity
    Change Beta Added the domainJoinConfiguration navigation property to the activeDirectoryWindowsAutopilotDeploymentProfile entity
    Change Beta Removed the notificationMessageTemplate navigation property from the deviceComplianceActionItem entity
    Change Beta Removed the groupAssignments navigation property from the deviceCompliancePolicy entity
    Change Beta Added the windowsInformationProtectionNetworkLearningSummaries navigation property to the deviceManagement entity
    Change Beta Removed the deviceConfigurationUserStateSummaries navigation property from the deviceManagement entity
    Change Beta Changed the type of the following properties on the deviceManagement entity:
    roleAssignments from roleAssignment collection to deviceAndAppManagementRoleAssignment collection
    Change Beta Added the assignments navigation property to the deviceManagementScript entity
    Change Beta Added the smimeEncryptionCertificate navigation property to the iosEasEmailProfileConfiguration entity
    Change Beta Changed the type of the following properties on the iosEasEmailProfileConfiguration entity:
    smimeSigningCertificate from iosCertificateProfileBase to iosCertificateProfile
    Change Beta Removed the vppToken navigation property from the iosVppApp entity
    Change Beta Removed the groupAssignments navigation property from the managedEBook entity
    Change Beta Removed the groupAssignments navigation property from the mobileApp entity
    Change Beta Removed the depOnboardingSettings and appleVolumePurchaseProgramTokens navigation properties from the organization entity
    Change Beta Added the deviceEnrollmentConfigurations navigation property to the user entity
    Change Beta Removed the windowsCommercialId and windowsCommercialIdLastModifiedTime properties from the deviceManagementSettings complex type
    Change Beta Added the showDisplayNameNextToLogo property to the intuneBrand complex type
    Change Beta Added the deviceUsageType property to the outOfBoxExperienceSettings complex type
    Change Beta Added the supportsUserLicensing and supportsDeviceLicensing properties to the vppLicensingType complex type
    Change Beta Removed the actionMessage property from the vppTokenActionResult complex type


    Change type Version Description
    Addition Beta Added extra navigation properties and improve filtering support for roster API.


    Change type Version Description
    Addition v1.0 Added the following APIs:

    December 2017

    Devices and apps | Corporate management

    Change type Version Description
    Addition Beta Added new entities:
    Addition Beta Added new complex types:
    Addition Beta Added the revokeTokens action on androidForWorkEnrollmentProfile
    Addition Beta Added the createToken action on androidForWorkEnrollmentProfile
    Addition Beta Added the wipe action on managedDevice
    Addition Beta Added the updateWindowsDeviceAccount action on managedDevice
    Addition Beta Added the revokeLicenses action on vppToken
    Addition Beta Added the getDevicePasscode function on deviceCompliancePolicy collection
    Addition Beta Added the getEffectivePermissions function on deviceManagement
    Deletion Beta Removed the following entities:
    Deletion Beta Removed the following complex types:
    Change Beta Added the dateAndTimeBlockChanges property to the androidGeneralDeviceConfiguration entity
    Change Beta Removed the enableAuthenticationViaCompanyPortal property from the depEnrollmentProfile entity
    Change Beta Removed the windowsStoreForBusinessLastSuccessfulSyncDateTime, isEnabledForWindowsStoreForBusiness, windowsStoreForBusinessLanguage and windowsStoreForBusinessLastCompletedApplicationSyncTime properties from the deviceAppManagement entity
    Change Beta Added the maximumDepTokens and intuneAccountId properties to the deviceManagement entity
    Change Beta Added the enableAuthenticationViaCompanyPortal property to the enrollmentProfile entity
    Change Beta Added the managedDeviceName and partnerReportedThreatState properties to the managedDevice entity
    Change Beta Added the installProgressDisplayLevel property to the officeSuiteApp entity
    Change Beta Added the resourceScopes property to the roleAssignment entity
    Change Beta Added the rolePermissions and isBuiltIn properties to the roleDefinition entity
    Change Beta Added the tokenActionResults property to the vppToken entity
    Change Beta Added the minimumUpdateAutoInstallClassification property to the windows10CompliancePolicy entity
    Change Beta Added the defenderSecurityCenterDisableAppBrowserUI, defenderSecurityCenterDisableFamilyUI, defenderSecurityCenterDisableHealthUI, defenderSecurityCenterDisableNetworkUI, defenderSecurityCenterDisableVirusUI, defenderSecurityCenterOrganizationDisplayName, defenderSecurityCenterHelpEmail, defenderSecurityCenterHelpPhone, defenderSecurityCenterHelpURL, defenderSecurityCenterNotificationsFromApp, defenderSecurityCenterITContactDisplay and applicationGuardAllowVirtualGPU properties to the windows10EndpointProtectionConfiguration entity
    Change Beta Added the enableAutomaticRedeployment and authenticationAllowFIDODevice properties to the windows10GeneralConfiguration entity
    Change Beta Added the trustedNetworkDomains property to the windows10VpnConfiguration entity
    Change Beta Added the minimumUpdateAutoInstallClassification property to the windows81CompliancePolicy entity
    Change Beta Added the androidForWorkEnrollmentProfiles navigation property to the deviceManagement entity
    Change Beta Added the healthAttestationSupportedStatus property to the deviceHealthAttestationState complex type
    Change Beta Added the tpmSpecificationVersion, operatingSystemEdition, deviceFullQualifiedDomainName, deviceGuardVirtualizationBasedSecurityHardwareRequirementState, deviceGuardVirtualizationBasedSecurityState and deviceGuardLocalSystemAuthorityCredentialGuardState properties to the hardwareInformation complex type
    Change Beta Added the vpnConfigurationId property to the iosVppAppAssignmentSettings complex type
    Change Beta Added the resourceActions property to the rolePermission complex type


    Change type Version Description
    Addition v1.0 Added the following APIs:
    Addition Beta Added the following APIs:


    Change type Version Description
    Change v1.0 Add optional delta query filtering capability to users.


    Change type Version Description
    Change v1.0 Add optional delta query filtering capability to groups.

    November 2017

    Change notifications

    Change type Version Description
    Breaking change Beta and v1.0 Reduced webhooks maximum length of subscription expiration time for drive root items. The new value is the supported maximum expiration time for drive root items.

    Devices and apps | Corporate management

    Change type Version Description
    Addition Beta Added new entities:
    Addition Beta Added new complex types:
    Addition Beta Added the executeAction action on managedDevice collection
    Addition Beta Added the wipe action on managedDevice
    Addition Beta Added the shutDown action on managedDevice
    Addition Beta Added the assign action on deviceConfiguration
    Addition Beta Added the syncMicrosoftStoreForBusinessApps action on deviceAppManagement
    Addition Beta Added the setDefaultProfile action on enrollmentProfile
    Addition Beta Added the shareForSchoolDataSyncService action on depOnboardingSetting
    Addition Beta Added the unshareForSchoolDataSyncService action on depOnboardingSetting
    Addition Beta Added the getAuditCategories function on auditEvent collection
    Addition Beta Added the getAuditActivityTypes function on auditEvent collection
    Deletion Beta Removed the following entities:
    Deletion Beta Removed the following complex types:
    Change Beta Changed the following properties on the androidDeviceComplianceLocalActionLockDeviceWithPasscode entity:
    passcode from required to optional
    Change Beta Added the microsoftStoreForBusinessLastSuccessfulSyncDateTime, isEnabledForMicrosoftStoreForBusiness, microsoftStoreForBusinessLanguage and microsoftStoreForBusinessLastCompletedApplicationSyncTime properties to the deviceAppManagement entity
    Change Beta Added the target property to the deviceConfigurationAssignment entity
    Change Beta Added the deviceProtectionOverview property to the deviceManagement entity
    Change Beta Added the exchangeAlias and exchangeOrganization properties to the deviceManagementExchangeConnector entity
    Change Beta Added the appStoreUrl and minimumSupportedOperatingSystem properties to the managedAndroidStoreApp entity
    Change Beta Added the remoteAssistanceSessionErrorString property to the managedDevice entity
    Change Beta Added the appStoreUrl, applicableDeviceType and minimumSupportedOperatingSystem properties to the managedIOSStoreApp entity
    Change Beta Added the notApplicableDeviceCount, pendingInstallDeviceCount, notApplicableUserCount and pendingInstallUserCount properties to the mobileAppInstallSummary entity
    Change Beta Removed the targetedSecurityGroupIds and targetedSecurityGroupsCount properties from the targetedManagedAppConfiguration entity
    Change Beta Removed the targetedSecurityGroupsCount and targetedSecurityGroupIds properties from the targetedManagedAppProtection entity
    Change Beta Added the validOperatingSystemBuildRanges property to the windows10CompliancePolicy entity
    Change Beta Added the activeFirewallRequired, uacRequired and validOperatingSystemBuildRanges properties to the windows10MobileCompliancePolicy entity
    Change Beta Added the enableExpeditedTelemetryReporting property to the windowsDefenderAdvancedThreatProtectionConfiguration entity
    Change Beta Removed the allowedApps, enterpriseCloudResources and targetedSecurityGroupIds properties from the windowsInformationProtection entity
    Change Beta Added the ignoreVersionDetection property to the windowsMobileMSI entity
    Change Beta Removed the mobileAppIdentifierDeployments navigation property from the androidManagedAppProtection entity
    Change Beta Removed the mobileAppIdentifierDeployments navigation property from the defaultManagedAppProtection entity
    Change Beta Added the assignments navigation property to the deviceConfiguration entity
    Change Beta Removed the deviceConfiguration navigation property from the deviceConfigurationAssignment entity
    Change Beta Added the deviceConfiguration navigation property to the deviceConfigurationGroupAssignment entity
    Change Beta Added the deviceSetupConfigurations, ndesConnectors, exchangeOnPremisesPolicies, conditionalAccessSettings, auditEvents and troubleshootingEvents navigation properties to the deviceManagement entity
    Change Beta Removed the mobileAppIdentifierDeployments navigation property from the iosManagedAppProtection entity
    Change Beta Added the windowsProtectionState navigation property to the managedDevice entity
    Change Beta Removed the mobileAppIdentifierDeployments and targetedSecurityGroups navigation properties from the targetedManagedAppConfiguration entity
    Change Beta Removed the targetedSecurityGroups navigation property from the targetedManagedAppProtection entity
    Change Beta Added the deviceManagementTroubleshootingEvents navigation property to the user entity
    Change Beta Removed the allowedAppLockerFiles navigation property from the windowsInformationProtection entity
    Change Beta Removed the windowsProtectionState navigation property from the windowsManagedDevice entity
    Change Beta Added the v11_0 property to the iosMinimumOperatingSystem complex type
    Change Beta Added the denied property to the windowsInformationProtectionApp complex type


    Change type Version Description
    Addition Beta Added support for education scenarios, including the following resources:
    See the resource articles for details about the methods that are available.


    Change type Version Description
    Addition Beta Added support for Azure AD identity synchronization, including the following resources:
    See the resource articles for details about the methods that are available.


    Change type Version Description
    Addition Beta Added JSON support for the following APIs:

    October 2017

    Devices and apps | Corporate management

    Change type Version Description
    Addition Beta Added new entities:
    Addition Beta Added new complex types:
    Addition Beta Added the assign action on mobileApp
    Addition Beta Added the assign action on iosLobAppProvisioningConfiguration 8
    Addition Beta Added the assign action on managedDeviceMobileAppConfiguration
    Addition Beta Added the assign action on deviceCompliancePolicy
    Addition Beta Added the assignedAccessMultiModeProfiles action on deviceConfiguration
    Addition Beta Added the syncLicenses action on vppToken
    Addition Beta Added the targetApps action on managedAppPolicy
    Addition Beta Added the targetApps action on managedAppProtection
    Addition Beta Added the targetApps action on targetedManagedAppConfiguration
    Addition Beta Added the assign action on managedEBook
    Deletion Beta Removed the following entities:
    Deletion Beta Removed the following complex types:
    Change Beta Added the gracePeriodInMinutes property to the androidDeviceComplianceLocalActionBase entity
    Change Beta Removed the enableSplitTunneling property from the androidForWorkVpnConfiguration entity
    Change Beta Added the versionName and versionCode properties to the androidLobApp entity
    Change Beta Added the minimumRequiredPatchVersion and minimumWarningPatchVersion properties to the androidManagedAppProtection entity
    Change Beta Added the minimumRequiredPatchVersion and minimumWarningPatchVersion properties to the defaultManagedAppProtection entity
    Change Beta Added the target property to the deviceCompliancePolicyAssignment entity
    Change Beta Added the singleSignOnSettings property to the iosDeviceFeaturesConfiguration entity
    Change Beta Added the versionNumber and buildNumber properties to the iosLobApp entity
    Change Beta Added the bundleId property to the iosVppApp entity
    Change Beta Added the preSharedKey property to the iosWiFiConfiguration entity
    Change Beta Added the versionName and versionCode properties to the managedAndroidLobApp entity
    Change Beta Added the periodBeforePinReset property to the managedAppProtection entity
    Change Beta Added the subscriberCarrier, meid, totalStorageSpaceInBytes and freeStorageSpaceInBytes properties to the managedDevice entity
    Change Beta Removed the enrollmentType property from the managedDevice entity
    Change Beta Added the versionNumber and buildNumber properties to the managedIOSLobApp entity
    Change Beta Added the displayVersion property to the mobileAppInstallStatus entity
    Change Beta Removed the defaultDeviceEnrollmentRestrictions, defaultDeviceEnrollmentWindowsHelloForBusinessSettings and defaultDeviceEnrollmentLimit properties from the organization entity
    Change Beta Added the isAssigned property to the targetedManagedAppConfiguration entity
    Change Beta Added the isAssigned property to the targetedManagedAppProtection entity
    Change Beta Added the activeFirewallRequired, uacRequired, defenderEnabled, defenderVersion, signatureOutOfDate and rtpEnabled properties to the windows10CompliancePolicy entity
    Change Beta Added the assignedAccessSingleModeUserName, assignedAccessSingleModeAppUserModelId, microsoftAccountSignInAssistantSettings, authenticationAllowSecondaryDevice, cryptographyAllowFipsAlgorithmPolicy, securityBlockAzureADJoinedDevicesAutoEncryption, systemTelemetryProxyServer, inkWorkspaceAccess, inkWorkspaceBlockSuggestedApps, defenderCloudBlockLevel and defenderCloudExtendedTimeout properties to the windows10GeneralConfiguration entity
    Change Beta Added the protectedApps, enterpriseProxiedDomains and isAssigned properties to the windowsInformationProtection entity
    Change Beta Added the productVersion property to the windowsMobileMSI entity
    Change Beta Added the apps navigation property to the androidManagedAppProtection entity
    Change Beta Added the apps navigation property to the defaultManagedAppProtection entity
    Change Beta Added the vppTokens navigation property to the deviceAppManagement entity
    Change Beta Added the assignments navigation property to the deviceCompliancePolicy entity
    Change Beta Removed the deviceCompliancePolicy navigation property from the deviceCompliancePolicyAssignment entity
    Change Beta Added the deviceCompliancePolicy navigation property to the deviceCompliancePolicyGroupAssignment entity
    Change Beta Added the identityCertificateForClientAuthentication navigation property to the iosDeviceFeaturesConfiguration entity
    Change Beta Added the assignments navigation property to the iosLobAppProvisioningConfiguration entity
    Change Beta Added the apps navigation property to the iosManagedAppProtection entity
    Change Beta Added the assignments navigation property to the managedDeviceMobileAppConfiguration entity
    Change Beta Added the assignments navigation property to the managedEBook entity
    Change Beta Added the assignments navigation property to the mobileApp entity
    Change Beta Added the apps navigation property to the targetedManagedAppConfiguration entity
    Change Beta Added the assignments navigation property to the termsAndConditions entity
    Change Beta Added the assignedAccessMultiModeProfiles navigation property to the windows10GeneralConfiguration entity
    Change Beta Added the protectedAppLockerFiles navigation property to the windowsInformationProtection entity
    Change Beta Added the port and forceTls properties to the airPrintDestination complex type
    Change Beta Changed the type of the following properties on the deviceCompliancePolicySettingState complex type:
    errorCode from Int32 to Int64
    Change Beta Changed the type of the following properties on the deviceConfigurationSettingState complex type:
    errorCode from Int32 to Int64
    Change Beta Changed the type of the following properties on the windowsNetworkIsolationPolicy complex type:
    enterpriseCloudResources from windowsNetworkIsolationCloudResourceCollection to proxiedDomain collection
    enterpriseInternalProxyServers from windowsNetworkIsolationResourceCollection to String collection
    enterpriseIPRanges from windowsNetworkIsolationIPRangeCollection to ipRange collection
    enterpriseNetworkDomainNames from windowsNetworkIsolationResourceCollection to String collection
    enterpriseProxyServers from windowsNetworkIsolationResourceCollection to String collection
    neutralDomainResources from windowsNetworkIsolationResourceCollection to String collection

    Identity and access

    Change type Version Description
    Addition Beta Added the identityProvider entity and the create, list, get, update, and delete operations.


    Change type Version Description
    Change v1.0 and beta This behavior enhancement is about getting a shared mail folder or its message contents, when a user has shared a mail folder with the signed-in user, or has delegated the user's mailbox to the signed-in user. In such situations, an app can specify that user's ID or user principal name to get that shared mail folder, or get the messages in that shared calendar, as long as the signed-in user has provided delegated permissions to the app.


    Change type Version Description
    Change Beta Added the getEmailActivityUserDetail, getEmailActivityCounts, and getEmailActivityUserCounts APIs. These replaced the EmailActivity API.
    Change Beta Added the getEmailAppUsageUserDetail, getEmailAppUsageAppsUserCounts, getEmailAppUsageUserCounts, and getEmailAppUsageVersionsUserCounts APIs. These replaced the EmailAppUsage API.
    Change Beta Added the getMailboxUsageDetail, getMailboxUsageMailboxCounts, getMailboxUsageQuotaStatusMailboxCounts, and getMailboxUsageStorage APIs. These replaced the MailboxUsage API.
    Change Beta Added the getOffice365ActivationsUserDetail, getOffice365ActivationCounts, and getOffice365ActivationsUserCounts APIs. These replaced the Office 365Activations API.
    Change Beta Added the getOffice365ActiveUserDetail, getOffice365ActiveUserCounts, and getOffice365ServicesUserCounts APIs. These replaced the Office365ActiveUser API.
    Change Beta Added the getOffice365GroupsActivityDetail, getOffice365GroupsActivityCounts,getOffice365GroupsActivityGroupCounts, getOffice365GroupsActivityStorage, and getOffice365GroupsActivityFileCounts APIs. These replaced the Office365GroupsActivity API.
    Change Beta Added the getnneDriveActivityUserDetail, getOneDriveActivityUserCounts, and getOneDriveActivityFileCounts APIs. These replaced the OneDriveActivity API.
    Change Beta Added the getOneDriveUsageAccountDetail, getOneDriveUsageAccountCounts, getOneDriveUsageFileCounts, and getOneDriveUsageStorage APIs. These replaced the OneDriveUsage API.
    Change Beta Added the getSharePointActivityUserDetail, getSharePointActivityFileCounts, getSharePointActivityUserCounts, and getSharePointActivityPages APIs. These replaced the SharePointActivity API.
    Change Beta Added the getSharePointSiteUsageDetail, getSharePointSiteUsageFileCounts, getSharePointSiteUsageSiteCounts, getSharePointSiteUsageStorage, and getSharePointSiteUsagePages APIs. These replaced the SharePointSiteUsage API.
    Change Beta Added the getSkypeForBusinessActivityUserDetail, getSkypeForBusinessActivityCounts, and getSkypeForBusinessActivityUserCounts APIs. These replaced the SfbActivity API.
    Change Beta Added the getSkypeForBusinessDeviceUsageUserDetail, getSkypeForBusinessDeviceUsageDistributionUserCounts, and getSkypeForBusinessDeviceUsageUserCounts APIs. These replaced the SfbDeviceUsage API.
    Change Beta Added the getSkypeForBusinessOrganizerActivityCounts, getSkypeForBusinessOrganizerActivityUserCounts, and getSkypeForBusinessOrganizerActivityMinuteCounts APIs. These replaced the SfbOrganizerActivity API.
    Change Beta Added the getSkypeForBusinessParticipantActivityCounts, getSkypeForBusinessParticipantActivityUserCounts, and getSkypeForBusinessParticipantActivityMinuteCounts APIs. These replaced the SfbParticipantActivity API.
    Change Beta Added the getSkypeForBusinessPeerToPeerActivityCounts, getSkypeForBusinessPeerToPeerActivityUserCounts, and getSkypeForBusinessPeerToPeerActivityMinuteCounts APIs. These replaced the SfbP2PActivity API.
    Change Beta Added the getYammerActivityUserDetail, getYammerActivityCounts, and getYammerActivityUserCounts APIs. These replaced the YammerActivity API.
    Change Beta Added the getYammerDeviceUsageUserDetail, getYammerDeviceUsageDistributionUserCounts, and getYammerDeviceUsageUserCounts APIs. These replaced the YammerDeviceUsage API.
    Change Beta Added the getYammerGroupsActivityDetail, getYammerGroupsActivityGroupCounts, and getYammerGroupsActivityCounts APIs. These replaced the YammerGroupsActivity API.


    Change type Version Description
    Addition Beta Added new team entity.
    Addition Beta Added create, get, and update operations on team entity.


    Change type Version Description
    Addition Beta Added the new workingHours property to mailboxSettings. See workingHours resource type for information on the supported use cases.
    Addition Beta Added the following new complex types:

    September 2017


    Change type Version Description
    Addition Beta Added the findRoomLists and findRooms functions to the user entity.
    Addition Beta Added the locations property to the event entity to support organizing an event that attendees can attend from more than one location.
    Addition Beta Added the locationType property to the location complex type.
    Addition Beta Added the uniqueId and uniqueIdType properties to the location complex type. These properties are only for internal use at this point.
    Change v1.0 and beta This behavior enhancement is about getting a shared calendar or its event contents, when a user has shared a calendar with the signed-in user, or has delegated the user's mailbox to the signed-in user. In such situations, an app can specify that user's ID or user principal name to get that shared calendar, or get the events in that shared calendar, as long as the signed-in user has provided delegated permissions to the app.

    Devices and apps | Corporate management

    Change type Version Description
    Addition Beta Added new entities:
    Addition Beta Added new complex types:
    Addition Beta Added the sync action on windowsAutopilotSettings
    Addition Beta Added the assign action on windowsAutopilotDeploymentProfile
    Addition Beta Added the localActions action on deviceCompliancePolicy
    Addition Beta Added the setPriority action on deviceEnrollmentConfiguration
    Addition Beta Added the assign action on deviceEnrollmentConfiguration
    Addition Beta Added the uploadDepToken action on depOnboardingSetting collection
    Addition Beta Added the syncWithAppleDeviceEnrollmentProgram action on depOnboardingSetting collection
    Addition Beta Added the updateMobileAppIdentifierDeployments action on managedAppProtection
    Addition Beta Added the assign action on targetedManagedAppProtection
    Addition Beta Added the assign action on targetedManagedAppConfiguration
    Addition Beta Added the assign action on windowsInformationProtection
    Addition Beta Added the getEncryptionPublicKey function on depOnboardingSetting collection
    Change Beta Added the requireSafetyNetAttestationBasicIntegrity, requireSafetyNetAttestationCertifiedDevice, requireGooglePlayServices, requireUpToDateSecurityProviders, requireCompanyPortalAppIntegrity and conditionStatementId properties to the androidCompliancePolicy entity
    Change Beta Added the requireAppVerify, requireSafetyNetAttestationBasicIntegrity, requireSafetyNetAttestationCertifiedDevice, requireGooglePlayServices, requireUpToDateSecurityProviders and requireCompanyPortalAppIntegrity properties to the androidForWorkCompliancePolicy entity
    Change Beta Added the blockCrossProfileCopyPaste and requireAppVerify properties to the androidForWorkGeneralDeviceConfiguration entity
    Change Beta Added the kioskModeApps and requireAppVerify properties to the androidGeneralDeviceConfiguration entity
    Change Beta Removed the kioskModeManagedApps property from the androidGeneralDeviceConfiguration entity
    Change Beta Removed the cloudPkiProvider, createdDateTime, description, lastModifiedDateTime, displayName, syncStatus, lastSyncError, lastSyncDateTime, credentials, trustedRootCertificate and version properties from the cloudPkiSubscription entity
    Change Beta Removed the assignmentStatus, assignmentProgress and assignmentErrorMessage properties from the deviceConfiguration entity
    Change Beta Added the adminConsent property to the deviceManagement entity
    Change Beta Added the vppTokenOrganizationName, vppTokenAccountType and vppTokenAppleId properties to the iosVppApp entity
    Change Beta Added the deviceEnrollmentType, wiFiMacAddress and deviceHealthAttestationState properties to the managedDevice entity
    Change Beta Added the legacyAppConfiguration property to the managedDeviceMobileAppConfiguration entity
    Change Beta Added the notApplicableCount property to the managedDeviceMobileAppConfigurationDeviceSummary entity
    Change Beta Added the notApplicableCount property to the managedDeviceMobileAppConfigurationUserSummary entity
    Change Beta Added the firewallBlockStatefulFTP, firewallIdleTimeoutForSecurityAssociationInSeconds, firewallPreSharedKeyEncodingMethod, firewallIPSecExemptionsAllowNeighborDiscovery, firewallIPSecExemptionsAllowICMP, firewallIPSecExemptionsAllowRouterDiscovery, firewallIPSecExemptionsAllowDHCP, firewallCertificateRevocationListCheckMethod, firewallMergeKeyingModuleSettings, firewallPacketQueueingMethod, firewallProfileDomain, firewallProfilePublic, firewallProfilePrivate, defenderAttackSurfaceReductionExcludedPaths, defenderOfficeAppsOtherProcessInjectionType, defenderOfficeAppsExecutableContentCreationOrLaunchType, defenderOfficeAppsLaunchChildProcessType, defenderOfficeMacroCodeAllowWin32ImportsType, defenderScriptObfuscatedMacroCodeType, defenderScriptDownloadedPayloadExecutionType, defenderEmailContentExecutionType, defenderGuardMyFoldersType, defenderGuardedFoldersAllowedAppPaths, defenderAdditionalGuardedFolders, defenderNetworkProtectionType, defenderExploitProtectionXml, defenderExploitProtectionXmlFileName, defenderSecurityCenterBlockExploitProtectionOverride, appLockerApplicationControl, applicationGuardBlockClipboardSharing, applicationGuardAllowPrintToPDF, applicationGuardAllowPrintToXPS, applicationGuardAllowPrintToLocalPrinters, applicationGuardAllowPrintToNetworkPrinters and bitLockerDisableWarningForOtherDiskEncryption properties to the windows10EndpointProtectionConfiguration entity
    Change Beta Added the displayAppListWithGdiDPIScalingTurnedOn, displayAppListWithGdiDPIScalingTurnedOff, messagingBlockSync, messagingBlockMMS and messagingBlockRichCommunicationServices properties to the windows10GeneralConfiguration entity
    Change Beta Removed the bluetoothDeviceName property from the windows10GeneralConfiguration entity
    Change Beta Removed the deviceAccountBlockExchangeServices, deviceAccountEmailAddress, deviceAccountExchangeServerAddress, deviceAccountRequirePasswordRotation and deviceAccountSessionInitiationProtocolAddress properties from the windows10TeamGeneralConfiguration entity
    Change Beta Added the localActions navigation property to the androidCompliancePolicy entity
    Change Beta Added the windowsAutopilotSettings, windowsAutopilotDeviceIdentities, windowsAutopilotDeploymentProfiles, deviceEnrollmentConfigurations, deviceManagementPartners and depOnboardingSettings navigation properties to the deviceManagement entity
    Change Beta Removed the cloudPkiSubscriptions navigation property from the deviceManagement entity
    Change Beta Added the assignments navigation property to the targetedManagedAppConfiguration entity
    Change Beta Added the assignments navigation property to the targetedManagedAppProtection entity
    Change Beta Added the assignments navigation property to the windowsInformationProtection entity


    Change type Version Description
    Addition v1.0 Added the system property to the Drive resource.
    Addition v1.0 Added the list relationship to the Drive resource.
    Addition v1.0 Added the listItem relationship to the DriveItem resource.
    Addition v1.0 Added the list and listItem relationships to the SharedDriveItem resource.
    Addition v1.0 Added new complex types: FolderView
    Addition v1.0 Added the view property to the Folder complex type.
    Addition v1.0 Added the driveType property to the ItemReference complex type.
    Addition v1.0 Added the audioBitsPerSample, audioChannels, audioFormat, audioSamplesPerSecond, fourCC and frameRate properties to the Video complex type.
    Addition beta Added the system property to the Drive resource.
    Addition beta Added the activities relationship to the Drive resource.
    Addition beta Added the publication property to the DriveItem resource.
    Addition beta Added the activities and versions relationships to the DriveItem resource.
    Addition beta Added new entities: DriveItemVersion, ItemActivity.
    Addition beta Added new complex types: CommentAction, CreateAction, DeleteAction, EditAction, ItemActionSet, ItemActivityTimeSet, MentionAction, MoveAction, PublicationFacet, RenameAction, RestoreAction, ShareAction, and VersionAction.
    Addition beta Added the driveType property to the ItemReference complex type.
    Deletion beta Removed the tenantId property from SharepointIds complex type.
    Addition v1.0 Added the audioBitsPerSample, audioChannels, audioFormat, audioSamplesPerSecond, fourCC and frameRate properties to the Video complex type.
    Addition beta Added the CheckIn and CheckOut actions on the DriveItem resource.
    Addition beta Added the expirationDateTime, password, message, and recipients properties on the CreateLink action on a DriveItem resource.


    Change type Version Description
    Addition Beta Added the internetMessageHeaders property to the message entity.
    Addition Beta Added the internetMessageHeader complex type.
    Addition Beta Added the messageRules navigation property to the mailFolder entity. messageRules is a collection of messageRule instances.
    Addition Beta Added the messageRule entity, and messageRuleActions, messageRulePredicates, and sizeRange complex types.
    Addition Beta Added the following CRUD operations for message rules: create, list, get, update, and delete.

    Personal contacts

    Change type Version Description
    Change v1.0 and beta This behavior enhancement is about getting a shared contact folder or its contact contents, when a user has shared a contact folder with the signed-in user, or has delegated the user's mailbox to the signed-in user. In such situations, an app can specify that user's ID or user principal name to get that shared contact folder, or get the contacts in that shared folder, as long as the signed-in user has provided delegated permissions to the app.

    Sites and lists

    Change type Version Description
    Addition v1.0 Added new entities: ColumnDefinition, ColumnLink, ContentType, List, ListItem.
    Addition v1.0 Added the columns, contentTypes, items, and lists relationships to the Site resource.
    Addition v1.0 Added new complex types: BooleanColumn, CalculatedColumn, ChoiceColumn, ContentTypeInfo, ContentTypeOrder, CurrencyColumn, DateTimeColumn, DefaultColumnValue, ListInfo, LookupColumn, NumberColumn, PersonOrGroupColumn, SystemFacet, TextColumn.
    Addition beta Added new entities: BaseItemVersion, ColumnLink, ContentType, ListItemVersion,
    Addition beta Added the columnGroup, currency, defaultValue and displayName properties to ColumnDefinition.
    Addition beta Added the displayName and system properties to the List resource.
    Addition beta Added the activities and contentTypes relationships to the List resource.
    Addition beta Added the contentType property to the ListItem resource.
    Addition beta Added the activities and versions relationships to the ListItem resource.
    Addition beta Added the contentTypes relationship to the Site resource.
    Addition beta Added the outputType property to the BooleanColumn type.
    Addition beta Added new complex types: ContentTypeInfo, ContentTypeOrder, CurrencyColumn, and SystemFacet.
    Addition beta Added the contentTypesEnabled property to the ListInfo complex type.
    Addition beta Added the allowUnlimitedLength property on the LookupColumn complex type.
    Change beta Renamed the allowMultipleValue property to allowMultipleValues on the LookupColumn complex type.
    Change beta Renamed the chooseFrom property to chooseFromType on PersonOrGroupColumn complex type.
    Deletion beta Removed the locale property on the NumberColumn complex type.
    Deletion beta Removed the enforceUniqueValues property from PersonOrGroupColumn complex type.
    Addition beta Added dataLocationCode and root properties to the SiteCollection complex type.


    Change type Version Description
    Addition Beta Added the new masterCategories navigation property to the outlookUser entity. masterCategories is a collection of outlookCategory objects.
    Addition Beta Added the outlookCategory entity.
    Addition Beta Added the following CRUD operations for outlookCategory: create, get, update, and delete.
    Addition Beta Added the new supportedLanguages function to the outlookUser entity.
    Addition Beta Added the new supportedTimeZones function to the outlookUser entity.

    August 2017

    Devices and apps | Corporate management

    Change type Version Description
    Addition Beta Added new entity:
    Addition Beta Added new complex types:
    Addition Beta Added the windowsDefenderScan action on managedDevice
    Addition Beta Added the windowsDefenderUpdateSignatures action on managedDevice
    Addition Beta Added the windowsPrivacyAccessControls action on deviceConfiguration
    Change Beta Added the automaticallyUpdateApps and countryOrRegion properties to the appleVolumePurchaseProgramToken entity
    Change Beta Added the enableAuthenticationViaCompanyPortal property to the depEnrollmentProfile entity
    Change Beta Added the notificationMessageCCList property to the deviceComplianceActionItem entity
    Change Beta Added the notApplicableCount property to the deviceComplianceDeviceOverview entity
    Change Beta Added the notApplicableCount property to the deviceComplianceUserOverview entity
    Change Beta Added the notApplicableCount property to the deviceConfigurationDeviceOverview entity
    Change Beta Added the notApplicableCount property to the deviceConfigurationUserOverview entity
    Change Beta Added the configurationManagerClientEnabledFeatures property to the managedDevice entity
    Change Beta Removed the intuneBrand property from the organization entity
    Change Beta Added the smartScreenEnableInShell, smartScreenBlockOverrideForFiles, applicationGuardEnabled, applicationGuardBlockFileTransfer, applicationGuardBlockNonEnterpriseContent, applicationGuardAllowPersistence and applicationGuardForceAuditing properties to the windows10EndpointProtectionConfiguration entity
    Change Beta Added the searchBlockDiacritics, searchDisableAutoLanguageDetection, searchDisableIndexingEncryptedItems, searchEnableRemoteQueries, searchDisableUseLocation, searchDisableIndexerBackoff, searchDisableIndexingRemovableDrive, searchEnableAutomaticIndexSizeManangement, smartScreenEnableAppInstallControl and privacyAdvertisingId properties to the windows10GeneralConfiguration entity
    Change Beta Removed the settingsDeviceName property from the windows10TeamGeneralConfiguration entity
    Change Beta Removed the restartMode property from the windowsUpdateForBusinessConfiguration entity
    Change Beta Added the detectedApps and managedDevices navigation properties to the deviceManagement entity
    Change Beta Added the privacyAccessControls navigation property to the windows10GeneralConfiguration entity
    Change Beta Added the secureByDefault property to the deviceManagementSettings complex type
    Change Beta Added the restartMode property to the windowsUpdateScheduledInstall complex type


    Change type Version Description
    Addition Beta Added groupLifecyclePolicy entity.
    Addition Beta Added the following APIs for group lifecycle policy: create, list, get, update, delete, add group, remove group, and renew a group.
    Addition Beta Added List groupLifecylePolicies function to group entity.


    Change type Version Description
    Addition v1.0 and Beta Added the enote navigation property to site.
    Addition Beta Added the target siteCollectionId and target siteId parameters for the copy operations. For example: CopyNotebook.

    People and workplace intelligence | People

    Change type Version Description
    Addition v1.0 Added the People APIs to v1.0. For details about the People API, see Get relevant information about people.
    Addition v1.0 Added People.Read.All permission. To learn more, please see Permissions.
    Addition v1.0 Added the personType resource.
    Change v1.0 The scoredEmailAddress resource replaced the rankedEmailAddress resource.
    Change v1.0 The person resource was updated as follows:
    • The scoredEmailAddresses property (a collection of scoredEmailAddress type) replaced the emailAddresses property
    • The jobTitle property replaced the title property
    • Removed sources and mailboxType properties
    • The personType property is now of personType type instead of string type and replaces functionality of the previous sources and mailboxType properties
    • Added imAddress property
    Deletion v1.0 Removed the personDataSource resource.


    Change type Version Description
    Addition beta Added employeeId property to user

    July 2017

    Devices and apps | Corporate management

    Change type Version Description
    Addition Beta Added the assign action on iosMobileAppConfiguration
    Addition Beta Added the syncDevice action on managedDevice
    Change Beta Added the appsInstallAllowList, appsLaunchBlockList and appsHideList properties to the androidGeneralDeviceConfiguration entity
    Change Beta Added the disableAppEncryptionIfDeviceEncryptionIsEnabled property to the androidManagedAppProtection entity
    Change Beta Added the disableAppEncryptionIfDeviceEncryptionIsEnabled property to the defaultManagedAppProtection entity
    Change Beta Added the complianceGracePeriodExpirationDateTime property to the deviceComplianceDeviceStatus entity
    Change Beta Added the complianceGracePeriodExpirationDateTime property to the deviceComplianceSettingState entity
    Change Beta Added the complianceGracePeriodExpirationDateTime property to the deviceConfigurationDeviceStatus entity
    Change Beta Added the subscriptions property to the deviceManagement entity
    Change Beta Added the version property to the deviceManagementExchangeConnector entity
    Change Beta Added the utcTimeOffsetInMinutes property to the iosUpdateConfiguration entity
    Change Beta Added the complianceGracePeriodExpirationDateTime property to the iosUpdateDeviceStatus entity
    Change Beta Added the preSharedKey property to the macOSWiFiConfiguration entity
    Change Beta Added the phoneNumber, androidSecurityPatchLevel and userDisplayName properties to the managedDevice entity
    Change Beta Added the userName, deviceModel, platform and complianceGracePeriodExpirationDateTime properties to the managedDeviceMobileAppConfigurationDeviceStatus entity
    Change Beta Added the userPrincipalName property to the mobileAppInstallStatus entity
    Change Beta Added the overrideDefaultRule property to the onPremisesConditionalAccessSettings entity
    Change Beta Added the userPrincipalName property to the userAppInstallStatus entity
    Change Beta Added the connectAppBlockAutoLaunch, deviceAccountBlockExchangeServices, deviceAccountEmailAddress, deviceAccountExchangeServerAddress, deviceAccountRequirePasswordRotation, deviceAccountSessionInitiationProtocolAddress, settingsBlockMyMeetingsAndFiles, settingsBlockSessionResume, settingsBlockSigninSuggestions, settingsDefaultVolume, settingsScreenTimeoutInMinutes, settingsSessionTimeoutInMinutes and settingsSleepTimeoutInMinutes properties to the windows10TeamGeneralConfiguration entity
    Change Beta Added the deploymentSummary navigation property to the defaultManagedAppProtection entity
    Change Beta Added the settingName, userId, userName, userEmail and currentValue properties to the deviceCompliancePolicySettingState complex type
    Change Beta Added the settingName, userId, userName, userEmail and currentValue properties to the deviceConfigurationSettingState complex type
    Change Beta Added the unknownCount property to the deviceOperatingSystemSummary complex type


    Change type Version Description
    Addition v1.0 Added support for group settings.
    New resource types: groupSetting, groupSettingTemplate, settingValue, and settingTemplateValue
    Change v1.0 Added property classification and navigation property settings to group

    June 2017


    Change type Version Description
    Addition v1.0 Promoted the following four calendar properties to v1.0: canEdit, canShare, canViewPrivateItems, and owner.

    Cross-device experiences

    Change type Version Description
    Addition Beta Added the following resources and APIs:
    Create or replace an activity
    Delete an activity
    History item
    Create or replace a history item
    Delete a history item

    Devices and apps | Corporate management

    Change type Version Description
    Addition Beta Added new entities:
    Addition Beta Added new complex types:
    Deletion Beta Removed the following entities:
    Deletion Beta Removed the wipeByDeviceTag action on user
    Change Beta Added the innerAuthenticationProtocolForEapTtls, innerAuthenticationProtocolForPeap and outerIdentityPrivacyTemporaryValue properties to the androidEnterpriseWiFiConfiguration entity
    Change Beta Removed the nonEapAuthenticationMethodForEapTtls, nonEapAuthenticationMethodForPeap and enableOuterIdentityPrivacy properties from the androidEnterpriseWiFiConfiguration entity
    Change Beta Added the deployedAppCount property to the androidManagedAppProtection entity
    Change Beta Removed the instanceDisplayName and settingPlatform properties from the complianceSettingStateSummary entity
    Change Beta Added the deployedAppCount property to the defaultManagedAppProtection entity
    Change Beta Added the excludeGroup property to the deviceCompliancePolicyGroupAssignment entity
    Change Beta Removed the instanceDisplayName and settingPlatform properties from the deviceCompliancePolicySettingStateSummary entity
    Change Beta Removed the devicePlatform property from the deviceComplianceSettingState entity
    Change Beta Added the assignmentStatus, assignmentProgress and assignmentErrorMessage properties to the deviceConfiguration entity
    Change Beta Added the intuneBrand property to the deviceManagement entity
    Change Beta Added the enforceSignatureCheck and fileName properties to the deviceManagementScript entity
    Change Beta Added the innerAuthenticationProtocolForEapTtls and outerIdentityPrivacyTemporaryValue properties to the iosEnterpriseWiFiConfiguration entity
    Change Beta Removed the nonEapAuthenticationMethodForEapTtls and enableOuterIdentityPrivacy properties from the iosEnterpriseWiFiConfiguration entity
    Change Beta Added the classroomAppForceUnpromptedScreenObservation, keyboardBlockDictation, networkUsageRules and wiFiConnectOnlyToConfiguredNetworks properties to the iosGeneralDeviceConfiguration entity
    Change Beta Added the deployedAppCount property to the iosManagedAppProtection entity
    Change Beta Added the preSharedKey property to the iosWiFiConfiguration entity
    Change Beta Added the innerAuthenticationProtocolForEapTtls and outerIdentityPrivacyTemporaryValue properties to the macOSEnterpriseWiFiConfiguration entity
    Change Beta Removed the nonEapAuthenticationMethodForEapTtls and enableOuterIdentityPrivacy properties from the macOSEnterpriseWiFiConfiguration entity
    Change Beta Removed the lastModifiedTime and deployedAppCount properties from the managedAppPolicy entity
    Change Beta Added the serialNumber property to the managedDevice entity
    Change Beta Removed the managementAgents property from the managedDevice entity
    Change Beta Added the deployedAppCount property to the targetedManagedAppConfiguration entity
    Change Beta Added the bitLockerFixedDrivePolicy and bitLockerRemovableDrivePolicy properties to the windows10EndpointProtectionConfiguration entity
    Change Beta Added the enterpriseCloudPrintDiscoveryEndPoint, enterpriseCloudPrintOAuthAuthority, enterpriseCloudPrintOAuthClientIdentifier, enterpriseCloudPrintResourceIdentifier, enterpriseCloudPrintDiscoveryMaxLimit, enterpriseCloudPrintMopriaDiscoveryResourceIdentifier, edgeBlockAddressBarDropdown, edgeBlockCompatibilityList, edgeClearBrowsingDataOnExit, edgeAllowStartPagesModification, edgeDisableFirstRunPage, edgeBlockLiveTileDataCollection and edgeSyncFavoritesWithInternetExplorer properties to the windows10GeneralConfiguration entity
    Change Beta Added the availableVersion property to the windowsManagementApp entity
    Change Beta Removed the onboardingStatus, deployedVersion and lastModifiedTime properties from the windowsManagementApp entity
    Change Beta Added the packageIdentityName property to the windowsStoreForBusinessApp entity
    Change Beta Added the mobileAppIdentifierDeployments and deploymentSummary navigation properties to the androidManagedAppProtection entity
    Change Beta Added the mobileAppIdentifierDeployments navigation property to the defaultManagedAppProtection entity
    Change Beta Added the deviceConfigurationUserStateSummaries and iosUpdateStatuses navigation properties to the deviceManagement entity
    Change Beta Removed the complianceSettingStateSummaries navigation property from the deviceManagement entity
    Change Beta Added the runSummary, deviceRunStates and userRunStates navigation properties to the deviceManagementScript entity
    Change Beta Removed the runStates navigation property from the deviceManagementScript entity
    Change Beta Added the mobileAppIdentifierDeployments and deploymentSummary navigation properties to the iosManagedAppProtection entity
    Change Beta Removed the mobileAppIdentifierDeployments and deploymentSummary navigation properties from the managedAppPolicy entity
    Change Beta Added the mobileAppIdentifierDeployments and deploymentSummary navigation properties to the targetedManagedAppConfiguration entity
    Change Beta Added the healthSummary and healthStates navigation properties to the windowsManagementApp entity
    Change Beta Added the applicationId, appName, platformId, userFailures and deviceFailures properties to the appInstallationFailure complex type
    Change Beta Added the encryptionMethod, startupAuthenticationRequired, startupAuthenticationBlockWithoutTpmChip, startupAuthenticationTpmUsage, startupAuthenticationTpmPinUsage, startupAuthenticationTpmKeyUsage, startupAuthenticationTpmPinAndKeyUsage, recoveryOptions and prebootRecoveryEnableMessageAndUrl properties to the bitLockerSystemDrivePolicy complex type
    Change Beta Removed the settingName, userId, userName, userEmail and currentValue properties from the deviceCompliancePolicySettingState complex type
    Change Beta Removed the settingName, userId, userName, userEmail and currentValue properties from the deviceConfigurationSettingState complex type
    Change Beta Added the windowsCommercialId and windowsCommercialIdLastModifiedTime properties to the deviceManagementSettings complex type
    Change Beta Added the address property to the vpnServer complex type

    May 2017


    Change type Version Description
    Change Beta Application API update. This is first set of changes including property renaming and restructuring of the application entity.
    New entities: informationalUrl, installedClient, permissionScope, preauthorizedApplication, web.
    Removed properties: addIns, appRoles, availableToOtherOrganizations, knownClientApplications, oauth2AllowUrlPathMatching, recordConsentConditions.
    Renamed properties: appId to ID, identifierUris to applicationAliases, availableToOtherTenants to orgRestrictions, mainLogo to logo, `oauth2 Permissions' to publishedPermissionsScopes, publicClient to allowPublicClient, replyUrls to redirectUrls.
    New properties: tags.

    Tasks and plans

    Change type Version Description
    Deletion Beta Removed the following entities:

    Cross-device experiences

    Change type Version Description
    Addition Beta Added support for Project Rome, including getting a list of devices, sending a command to a device, and checking the status of a command.
    Addition Beta Added support for user activities and historyItems, including upserting an activity and upserting a historyItem.

    Identity and access | Directory Management

    Change type Version Description
    Change Beta Changed roleMemberInfo property type to identity for scopedRoleMembership entity
    Change Beta Changed navigation property scopedAdministratorOf to scopedRoleMemberOf for user entity
    Change Beta Changed navigation property scopedAdministrators to scopedRoleMembers for administrative unit entity
    Change Beta Changed navigation property scopedAdministrators to scopedMembers for directoryRole entity

    Change notifications

    Change type Version Description
    Change Beta Added support to webhooks for users and groups.

    Change tracking

    Change type Version Description
    Addition v1.0 Add delta function support to v1.0. Add to the following entities to perform delta query:
    See the following for examples:
    Get incremental changes to groups
    Get incremental changes to messages in a folder
    Get incremental changes to users
    Change Beta Add more optional query filtering capability (by ID) to users and groups.

    Added user resource support for deleted items

    Change type Version Description
    Addition Beta Added support for restoring and permanently deleting users.

    Added OnPremisesProvisioningError

    Change type Version Description
    Addition beta New entity: OnPremisesProvisioningError
    Change beta Added OnPremisesProvisioningError property to user, group, and orgcontact

    Added deletedDateTime property

    Change type Version Description
    Change beta Added deletedDateTime property to user entity.
    Change beta Added deletedDateTime property to group entity.
    Change beta Added deletedDateTime property to application entity.

    Added domain operations to v1.0

    Change type Version Description
    Addition v1.0 Added operations on domains.
    New entities:
    New actions:

    Added contracts to v1.0

    Change type Version Description
    Addition v1.0 New entity:

    Added licenseDetails to v1.0

    Change type Version Description
    Addition v1.0 New entity:
    Change v1.0 New licensedetails navigation property on users


    Change type Version Description
    Addition v1.0 Added the baseItem resource type, consisting of basic properties from driveItem.
    Addition v1.0 and Beta Added the sourceItemId property to thumbnail.
    Added the siteUrl property to sharepointIds.
    Added the sharedBy and sharedDateTime properties to shared.
    Added the shared property to remoteItem.
    Added the sharepointIds property to drive and itemReference.
    Added lastAccessedDateTime to fileSystemInfo.
    Added the driveItem and site navigation properties to sharedDriveItem.
    Added the parentReference property to baseItem.
    Change v1.0 and Beta Changed driveItem and sharedDriveItem to inherit from baseItem.
    Marked identity as an Open Type.
    Change Beta Added the configuratorUrl and webHtml properties to sharingLink.
    Added the folderView resource type and the view property to the folder resource type.
    Added the listItem navigation property to driveItem.
    Added the list navigation property to drive.

    Extensions | Open extensions

    Change type Version Description
    Addition v1.0 Support for openTypeExtension in the following resources - device, group,organization, user.
    Addition v1.0 and beta When the user is signed-in with a personal Microsoft account, support for open extensions in the following resources - event, post, group, message, contact, and user. (This is in addition to these resources, plus device, group, organization and user, supporting open extensions when the user signs in using a work or school account.)
    Addition v1.0 and beta Support for $expand to get open extensions in the following resources: device, group,organization, post, user.
    Addition Beta Support for $expand to get open extensions in administrativeUnit.

    Extensions | Schema extensions

    Change type Version Description
    Addition v1.0 New resource schemaExtension and CRUD methods to manage extension definitions for the following resources: contact, device, event, group, message, organization, post, user. Support for administrativeUnit is still limited to the beta version as before.
    Addition v1.0 The existing POST, GET, and PATCH methods of the following resources - contact, device, event, group, message, organization, post, user - now support adding, getting, and updating or deleting custom data stored as schema extensions in the corresponding resource instances.
    Addition v1.0 and beta You can now use $filter to look for resource instances with properties that match specific extension property values, such as extension name. See this example for details.
    Change v1.0 and beta Deleting a schema extension definition no longer affects accessing custom data that was added based on that definition.
    Change v1.0 and beta You can now set a schema extension complex type to null, to remove a schema extension from a resource instance.


    Change type Version Description
    Addition v1.0 and beta Added the drives and sites navigation properties to group.

    People and workplace intelligence | Insights

    Change type Version Description
    Addition Beta Added Shared API.
    New resources:
    Addition Beta Added Used API.
    New resources:
    Change Beta New Type property in the:
    resourceVisualization resource.
    Deletion Beta Removed the following entities:

    Devices and apps | Corporate management

    Change type Version Description
    Addition Beta Added new entities:
    Addition Beta Added new complex types:
    Addition Beta Added the assign action on managedEBook
    Addition Beta Added the beginOnboarding action on remoteAssistancePartner
    Addition Beta Added the disconnect action on remoteAssistancePartner
    Deletion Beta Removed the following entities:
    Deletion Beta Removed the following complex types:
    Change Beta Added the workProfilePasswordBlockFingerprintUnlock, workProfilePasswordBlockTrustAgents, workProfilePasswordExpirationDays, workProfilePasswordMinimumLength, workProfilePasswordMinutesOfInactivityBeforeScreenTimeout, workProfilePasswordPreviousPasswordBlockCount, workProfilePasswordSignInFailureCountBeforeFactoryReset, workProfilePasswordRequiredType and workProfileRequirePassword properties to the androidForWorkGeneralDeviceConfiguration entity
    Change Beta Added the subjectAlternativeNameFormatString property to the androidForWorkPkcsCertificateProfile entity
    Change Beta Added the subjectNameFormatString and subjectAlternativeNameFormatString properties to the androidForWorkScepCertificateProfile entity
    Change Beta Added the kioskModeManagedApps property to the androidGeneralDeviceConfiguration entity
    Change Beta Removed the kioskModeManagedAppId property from the androidGeneralDeviceConfiguration entity
    Change Beta Added the subjectAlternativeNameFormatString property to the androidPkcsCertificateProfile entity
    Change Beta Added the subjectNameFormatString and subjectAlternativeNameFormatString properties to the androidScepCertificateProfile entity
    Change Beta Removed the hexColor property from the calendar entity
    Change Beta Added the setting and platformType properties to the complianceSettingStateSummary entity
    Change Beta Removed the windowsManagementAppEnabled property from the deviceAppManagement entity
    Change Beta Added the userName, deviceModel and platform properties to the deviceComplianceDeviceStatus entity
    Change Beta Added the userPrincipalName and deviceModel properties to the deviceComplianceSettingState entity
    Change Beta Added the platformType, setting, userId and userEmail properties to the deviceComplianceSettingState entity
    Change Beta Added the inGracePeriodCount property to the deviceCompliancePolicyDeviceStateSummary entity
    Change Beta Added the userName, deviceModel and platform properties to the deviceConfigurationDeviceStatus entity
    Change Beta Removed the creationOptions property from the event entity
    Change Beta Removed the isDelegated property from the eventMessage entity
    Change Beta Removed the unseenConversationsCount and unseenMessagesCount properties from the group entity
    Change Beta Added the settingXml and settings properties to the iosMobileAppConfiguration entity
    Change Beta Added the subjectAlternativeNameFormatString property to the iosPkcsCertificateProfile entity
    Change Beta Added the subjectAlternativeNameFormatString property to the iosScepCertificateProfile entity
    Change Beta Added the systemIntegrityProtectionEnabled property to the macOSCompliancePolicy entity
    Change Beta Added the subjectAlternativeNameFormatString property to the macOSScepCertificateProfile entity
    Change Beta Added the complianceGracePeriodExpirationDateTime, userPrincipalName. and imei properties to the managedDevice entity
    Change Beta Removed the settingXml and settings properties from the managedDeviceMobileAppConfiguration entity
    Change Beta Added the useSharedComputerActivation, updateChannel, officePlatformArchitecture and localesToInstall properties to the officeSuiteApp entity
    Change Beta Removed the applePushNotificationCertificateSetting property from the organization entity
    Change Beta Changed the following properties on the post entity:
    sender from optional to required
    Change Beta Added the compliantUserCount, nonCompliantUserCount, remediatedUserCount, errorUserCount, unknownUserCount, conflictUserCount and notApplicableUserCount properties to the softwareUpdateStatusSummary entity
    Change Beta Added the bluetoothAllowedServices, bluetoothBlockPrePairing, cellularData, defenderDetectedMalwareActions, defenderPotentiallyUnwantedAppAction, lockScreenAllowTimeoutConfiguration, lockScreenBlockCortana, lockScreenBlockToastNotifications, lockScreenTimeoutInSeconds, passwordBlockSimple, privacyAutoAcceptPairingAndConsentPrompts, privacyBlockInputPersonalization, startMenuHideChangeAccountSettings, startMenuHideHibernate, startMenuHideLock, startMenuHideShutDown, startMenuHideSignOut, startMenuHideSleep, startMenuHideSwitchAccount, settingsBlockAppsPage, settingsBlockGamingPage, windowsSpotlightBlockConsumerSpecificFeatures, windowsSpotlightBlocked, windowsSpotlightBlockOnActionCenter, windowsSpotlightBlockTailoredExperiences, windowsSpotlightBlockThirdPartyNotifications, windowsSpotlightBlockWelcomeExperience, windowsSpotlightBlockWindowsTips, windowsSpotlightConfigureOnLockScreen and connectedDevicesServiceBlocked properties to the windows10GeneralConfiguration entity
    Change Beta Removed the automaticUpdateMode, automaticUpdateSchedule, automaticUpdateTime, prereleaseFeatures, experienceBlockWindowsSpotlight, experienceBlockWindowsTips and experienceBlockConsumerSpecificFeatures properties from the windows10GeneralConfiguration entity
    Change Beta Added the subjectAlternativeNameFormatString property to the windows10PkcsCertificateProfile entity
    Change Beta Added the subjectNameFormatString and subjectAlternativeNameFormatString properties to the windows81SCEPCertificateProfile entity
    Change Beta Added the indexingEncryptedStoresOrItemsBlocked and smbAutoEncryptedFileExtensions properties to the windowsInformationProtection entity
    Change Beta Changed the following properties on the windowsInformationProtection entity:
    rightsManagementServicesTemplateId from required to optional
    Change Beta Changed the following properties on the windowsMobileMSI entity:
    productCode from required to optional
    Change Beta Added the subjectNameFormatString and subjectAlternativeNameFormatString properties to the windowsPhone81SCEPCertificateProfile entity
    Change Beta Added the mobileAppConfigurations navigation property to the deviceAppManagement entity
    Change Beta Added the cartToClassAssociations, deviceCompliancePolicySettingStateSummaries, remoteAssistancePartners, windowsInformationProtectionAppLearningSummaries and windowsMalwareInformation navigation properties to the deviceManagement entity
    Change Beta Added the eBook navigation property to the eBookGroupAssignment entity
    Change Beta Added the windowsProtectionState navigation property to the managedDevice entity
    Change Beta Added the installSummary navigation property to the managedEBook entity
    Change Beta Removed the outlook navigation property from the user entity
    Change Beta Removed the healthStates navigation property from the windowsManagementApp entity
    Change Beta Added the androidForWorkRestrictions property to the defaultDeviceEnrollmentRestrictions complex type
    Change Beta Added the userPrincipalName and sources properties to the deviceCompliancePolicySettingState complex type
    Change Beta Added the userPrincipalName and sources properties to the deviceConfigurationSettingState complex type
    Change Beta Added the settingName, userId, userName, userEmail and currentValue properties to the deviceConfigurationSettingState complex type
    Change Beta Removed the archiveFolder property from the mailboxSettings complex type


    Change type Version Description
    Addition v1.0 and beta For findMeetingTimes, added new enum value unrestricted that you specify as the activityDomain property, part of the timeConstraint parameter and lets findMeetingTimes look for times appropriate for the type of activity you're scheduling for. See details in the request body section.
    Addition Beta Support getting an event body in plain text, as an alternative to the default HTML format. See get and list events for details.


    Change type Version Description
    Change Beta Support getting a message body in plain text, as an alternative to the default HTML format. See get and list events for details.

    To-do tasks

    Change type Version Description
    Addition Beta New outlook navigation property added to user, to access Outlook tasks.
    Addition Beta New entities - outlookuser, outlookTaskGroup, outlookTaskFolder, and outlookTask - and their methods support organizing and accessing Outlook tasks.
    Addition Beta Outlook tasks support attachments (attachment, fileAttachment, itemAttachment, and referenceAttachment resources).
    Addition Beta Outlook tasks support extended properties (singleValueLegacyExtendedProperty and multiValueLegacyExtendedProperty resources).

    Tasks and plans

    Change type Version Description
    Addition v1.0 Added Planner API.
    New resources:

    Sites and lists

    Change type Version Description
    Addition v1.0 The sites resource is now available in the v1.0 endpoint.
    Added the site and siteCollection resource types.
    Change beta The format of the identifier for the site resource has changed and is a breaking change in the beta API.
    Removed beta The SharePoint entity has been removed from the beta API. The functionality is now available from the sites collection.

    Sites and lists

    Change type Version Description
    Change beta Removed the sharepoint navigation properties. Sites are now accessed directly through the sites navigation property.
    Removed the fieldDefinition resource. It has been replaced by columnDefinition.
    Removed the siteCollectionId and siteId properties from site. Use sharepointIds instead.
    Removed the listItemId property from listItem. Use sharepointIds instead.
    Renamed the columnSet property on listItem to fields.
    Changed site resources to use the SharePoint hostname as part of their ID.
    Addition beta Added the booleanColumn, calculatedColumn, choiceColumn, dateTimeColumn, lookupColumn, numberColumn, personOrGroupColumn, and textColumn resource types.
    Added the displayName property to site.
    Added the columns navigation property to site.
    Added the list and listItem navigation properties to sharedDriveItem.
    Added the sharepointIds property to list and listItem, and site.
    Added the columnDefinition resource type.

    April 2017

    Identity and access | Directory Management

    Change type Version Description
    Change Beta Administrative unit APIs are updated in preview (beta). The first set of changes will be applied on May 3, 2017. The changes include the following property renaming:
    - roleMemberInfo complex type to identity complex type for the scopedRoleMembership entity
    - scopedAdministratorOf navigation property to scopedRoleMemberOf for the user entity
    - scopedAdministrators navigation property to scopedRoleMembers for the administrativeUnit entity
    - scopedAdministrators navigation property to scopedMembers for the directoryRole entity

    Identity and access

    Change type Version Description
    Change Beta The application and servicePrincipal APIs are updated in preview (beta). The first set of changes will be applied on May 15, 2017. The changes include property renaming and restructuring. Some properties (such as appRoles and addIns) will not be available until the changes are completed. The changes are released in preview (beta) prior to releasing to v1.0.

    Cloud Solution Provider

    Change type Version Description
    Addition Beta Added new preview capability to allow Cloud Solution Provider preconsented applications to call Microsoft Graph, described in a new authorization article.


    Change type Version Description
    Addition Beta Added new onPremises properties onPremisesDomainName, OnPremisesSamAccountName, and onPremisesUserPrincipalName to the user entity.


    Change type Version Description
    Change Beta Added HiddenMembership as an more value for the visibility property to the Group entity

    Tasks and plans

    Change type Version Description
    Addition Beta Added new Planner API.
    New resources:

    Devices and apps | Corporate management

    Change type Version Description
    Addition Beta Added new entities:
    Addition Beta Added new complex types:
    Addition Beta Added the requestRemoteAssistance action on managedDevice
    Addition Beta Added the cleanWindowsDevice action on managedDevice
    Addition Beta Added the logoutSharedAppleDeviceActiveUser action on managedDevice
    Addition Beta Added the deleteUserFromSharedAppleDevice action on managedDevice
    Addition Beta Added the assign action on deviceManagementScript
    Addition Beta Added the syncLicenses action on appleVolumePurchaseProgramToken
    Addition Beta Added the getTopMobileApps function on mobileApp collection
    Addition Beta Added the downloadApplePushNotificationCertificateSigningRequest function on applePushNotificationCertificate
    Addition Beta Added the getDeviceComplianceSettingStates function on deviceManagement
    Addition Beta Added the deviceConfigurationUserActivity function on reportRoot
    Addition Beta Added the deviceConfigurationDeviceActivity function on reportRoot
    Deletion Beta Removed the following complex types:
    Change Beta Added the deviceSharingAllowed property to the androidGeneralDeviceConfiguration entity
    Change Beta Removed the deviceSharingBlocked property from the androidGeneralDeviceConfiguration entity
    Change Beta Added the minimumRequiredSdkVersion property to the defaultManagedAppProtection entity
    Change Beta Added the windowsManagementAppEnabled property to the deviceAppManagement entity
    Change Beta Added the notificationTemplateId property to the deviceComplianceActionItem entity
    Change Beta Added the excludeGroup property to the deviceConfigurationGroupAssignment entity
    Change Beta Changed the following properties on the iosCustomConfiguration entity:
    payloadFileName from required to optional
    Change Beta Added the contentFilterSettings property to the iosDeviceFeaturesConfiguration entity
    Change Beta Added the cellularBlockPersonalHotspot and passcodeBlockFingerprintModification properties to the iosGeneralDeviceConfiguration entity
    Change Beta Added the minimumRequiredSdkVersion property to the iosManagedAppProtection entity
    Change Beta Changed the following properties on the macOSCustomConfiguration entity:
    payloadFileName from required to optional
    Change Beta Added the disableAppPinIfDevicePinIsSet, minimumRequiredOsVersion, minimumWarningOsVersion, minimumRequiredAppVersion and minimumWarningAppVersion properties to the managedAppProtection entity
    Change Beta Added the remoteAssistanceSessionUrl, isEncrypted, model and manufacturer properties to the managedDevice entity
    Change Beta Changed the following properties on the getMobileAppCount entity:
    bindingParameter from mobileApp to a collection of mobileApp
    status from a GUID to a String
    Change Beta Added the vpnConfigurationId property to the mobileAppGroupAssignment entity
    Change Beta Removed the fromEmailAddress property from the notificationMessageTemplate entity
    Change Beta Added the excludedApps property to the officeSuiteApp entity
    Change Beta Removed the excludedOfficeApps property from the officeSuiteApp entity
    Change Beta Added the enabled property to the sharedPCConfiguration entity
    Change Beta Added the networkProxyApplySettingsDeviceWide, networkProxyDisableAutoDetect, networkProxyAutomaticConfigurationUrl, networkProxyServer, bluetoothDeviceName, wiFiScanInterval, wirelessDisplayBlockProjectionToThisDevice, wirelessDisplayBlockUserInputFromReceiver, wirelessDisplayRequirePinForPairing, experienceBlockDeviceDiscovery, experienceBlockErrorDialogWhenNoSIM, experienceBlockTaskSwitcher, startMenuPinnedFolderDocuments, startMenuPinnedFolderDownloads, startMenuPinnedFolderFileExplorer, startMenuPinnedFolderHomeGroup, startMenuPinnedFolderMusic, startMenuPinnedFolderNetwork, startMenuPinnedFolderPersonalFolder, startMenuPinnedFolderPictures, startMenuPinnedFolderSettings, startMenuPinnedFolderVideos, startMenuAppListVisibility, startMenuHideFrequentlyUsedApps, startMenuHideRecentJumpLists, startMenuHideRecentlyAddedApps, startMenuHideRestartOptions, startMenuHideUserTile, startMenuHidePowerButton, startMenuLayoutEdgeAssetsXml, personalizationDesktopImageUrl and personalizationLockScreenImageUrl properties to the windows10GeneralConfiguration entity
    Change Beta Changed the type of the following properties on the windowsMobileMSI entity:
    productCode from Guid to String
    Change Beta Changed the following properties on the windowsPhone81AppX entity:
    phoneProductIdentifier from required to optional
    phonePublisherId from required to optional
    Change Beta Changed the following properties on the windowsPhone81AppXBundle entity:
    appXPackageInformationList from required to optional
    Change Beta Added the productKey and licenseType properties to the windowsStoreForBusinessApp entity
    Change Beta Added the previewBuildSetting property to the windowsUpdateForBusinessConfiguration entity
    Change Beta Added the windowsManagementApp and managedEBooks navigation properties to the deviceAppManagement entity
    Change Beta Added the deviceManagementScripts, managedDeviceOverview and cloudPkiSubscriptions navigation properties to the deviceManagement entity
    Change Beta Added the osMinimumVersion and osMaximumVersion properties to the deviceEnrollmentPlatformRestrictions complex type
    Change Beta Added the isSharedDevice and sharedDeviceCachedUsers properties to the hardwareInformation complex type
    Change Beta Changed the following properties on the omaSettingBase64 complex type:
    fileName from required to optional
    Change Beta Changed the following properties on the omaSettingStringXml complex type:
    fileName from required to optional

    March 2017

    Devices and apps | Corporate management

    Change type Version Description
    Addition Beta Added new entities:
    Addition Beta Added new complex types:
    Addition Beta Added the requestSignupUrl action on androidForWorkSettings
    Addition Beta Added the completeSignup action on androidForWorkSettings
    Addition Beta Added the syncApps action on androidForWorkSettings
    Addition Beta Added the unbind action on androidForWorkSettings
    Addition Beta Added the assign action on iosLobAppProvisioningConfiguration
    Addition Beta Added the recoverPasscode action on managedDevice
    Addition Beta Added the removeApplePushNotificationCertificate action on organization
    Addition Beta Added the updateMobileAppIdentifierDeployments action on iosManagedAppProtection
    Addition Beta Added the updateMobileAppIdentifierDeployments action on androidManagedAppProtection
    Addition Beta Added the updateMobileAppIdentifierDeployments action on targetedManagedAppConfiguration
    Addition Beta Added the updateTargetedSecurityGroups action on iosManagedAppProtection
    Addition Beta Added the updateTargetedSecurityGroups action on androidManagedAppProtection
    Addition Beta Added the updateTargetedSecurityGroups action on windowsInformationProtection
    Addition Beta Added the updateTargetedSecurityGroups action on windowsInformationProtectionPolicy
    Addition Beta Added the updateTargetedSecurityGroups action on mdmWindowsInformationProtectionPolicy
    Addition Beta Added the wipeManagedAppRegistrationByDeviceTag action on user
    Addition Beta Added the getTopMobileApps function on mobileApp
    Addition Beta Added the verifyWindowsEnrollmentAutoDiscovery function on deviceManagement
    Deletion Beta Removed the following entities:
    Deletion Beta Removed the following complex types:
    Change Beta Added the webBrowserBlockPopups property to the androidGeneralDeviceConfiguration entity
    Change Beta Removed the webBrowserAllowPopups property from the androidGeneralDeviceConfiguration entity
    Change Beta Added the appIdentifier property to the androidStoreApp entity
    Change Beta Removed the applicationCount, failedApplicationCount and appInstallFailures properties from the appReportingOverviewStatus entity
    Change Beta Added the sharedIPadMaximumUserCount and enableSharedIPad properties to the depEnrollmentProfile entity
    Change Beta Added the shareTokenWithSchoolDataSyncService and lastSyncErrorCode properties to the depOnboardingSetting entity
    Change Beta Added the pendingCount, successCount, errorCount, failedCount, lastUpdateDateTime and configurationVersion properties to the deviceComplianceDeviceOverview entity
    Change Beta Removed the numberOfPendingDevices, numberOfSucceededDevices, numberOfErrorDevices, numberOfFailedDevices, lastUpdateTime and policyRevision properties from the deviceComplianceDeviceOverview entity
    Change Beta Added the pendingCount, successCount, errorCount, failedCount, lastUpdateDateTime and configurationVersion properties to the deviceComplianceUserOverview entity
    Change Beta Removed the numberOfPendingUsers, numberOfSucceededUsers, numberOfErrorUsers, numberOfFailedUsers, lastUpdateTime and policyRevision properties from the deviceComplianceUserOverview entity
    Change Beta Added the pendingCount, successCount, errorCount, failedCount, lastUpdateDateTime and configurationVersion properties to the deviceConfigurationDeviceOverview entity
    Change Beta Removed the numberOfPendingDevices, numberOfSucceededDevices, numberOfErrorDevices, numberOfFailedDevices, lastUpdateTime and policyRevision properties from the deviceConfigurationDeviceOverview entity
    Change Beta Added the pendingCount, successCount, errorCount, failedCount, lastUpdateDateTime and configurationVersion properties to the deviceConfigurationUserOverview entity
    Change Beta Removed the numberOfPendingUsers, numberOfSucceededUsers, numberOfErrorUsers, numberOfFailedUsers, lastUpdateTime and policyRevision properties from the deviceConfigurationUserOverview entity
    Change Beta Added the subscriptionState property to the deviceManagement entity
    Change Beta Added the managedEmailProfileRequired property to the iosCompliancePolicy entity
    Change Beta Added the appsSingleAppModeList property to the iosGeneralDeviceConfiguration entity
    Change Beta Removed the appsSingleAppModeBundleIds property from the iosGeneralDeviceConfiguration entity
    Change Beta Added the expirationDateTime property to the iosLobAppProvisioningConfiguration entity
    Change Beta Removed the expiration property from the iosLobAppProvisioningConfiguration entity
    Change Beta Added the passwordMinimumCharacterSetCount, osMinimumVersion, osMaximumVersion, deviceThreatProtectionEnabled, deviceThreatProtectionRequiredSecurityLevel and storageRequireEncryption properties to the macOSCompliancePolicy entity
    Change Beta Removed the manifest property from the managedAndroidLobApp entity
    Change Beta Added the isSupervised, exchangeLastSuccessfulSyncDateTime, exchangeAccessState and exchangeAccessStateReason properties to the managedDevice entity
    Change Beta Added the deviceExchangeAccessStateSummary property to the managedDeviceOverview entity
    Change Beta Removed the manifest property from the managedIOSLobApp entity
    Change Beta Removed the installSummary property from the mobileApp entity
    Change Beta Added the uploadState property to the mobileAppContentFile entity
    Change Beta Changed the following properties on the mobileAppContentFile entity:
    azureStorageUriExpirationDateTime from required to optional
    Change Beta Added the initiatedByUserPrincipalName, deviceOwnerUserPrincipalName, deviceIMEI and actionState properties to the remoteActionAudit entity
    Change Beta Added the oneDriveDisableFileSync, safeSearchFilter, edgeSearchEngine, settingsBlockSettingsApp, settingsBlockSystemPage, settingsBlockDevicesPage, settingsBlockNetworkInternetPage, settingsBlockPersonalizationPage, settingsBlockAccountsPage, settingsBlockTimeLanguagePage, settingsBlockEaseOfAccessPage, settingsBlockPrivacyPage, settingsBlockUpdateSecurityPage, experienceBlockWindowsSpotlight, experienceBlockWindowsTips, experienceBlockConsumerSpecificFeatures, startMenuLayoutXml, startMenuMode, logonBlockFastUserSwitching and startBlockUnpinningAppsFromTaskbar properties to the windows10GeneralConfiguration entity
    Change Beta Added the allowPrinting, allowScreenCapture and allowTextSuggestion properties to the windows10SecureAssessmentConfiguration entity
    Change Beta Removed the blockPrinting, blockScreenCapture and blockTextSuggestion properties from the windows10SecureAssessmentConfiguration entity
    Change Beta Added the identityName property to the windowsAppX entity
    Change Beta Changed the type of the following properties on the windowsAppX entity:
    applicableArchitectures from windowsArchitecture to String
    Change Beta Added the identityName property to the windowsPhone81AppX entity
    Change Beta Changed the type of the following properties on the windowsPhone81AppX entity:
    applicableArchitectures from windowsArchitecture to String
    Change Beta Added the identityName, identityPublisherHash and identityResourceIdentifier properties to the windowsUniversalAppX entity
    Change Beta Changed the type of the following properties on the windowsUniversalAppX entity:
    applicableArchitectures from windowsArchitecture to String
    applicableDeviceTypes from windowsDeviceType to String
    Change Beta Added the restartMode property to the windowsUpdateForBusinessConfiguration entity
    Change Beta Added the managedDeviceCertificateStates navigation property to the androidForWorkScepCertificateProfile entity
    Change Beta Added the managedDeviceCertificateStates navigation property to the androidScepCertificateProfile entity
    Change Beta Added the enterpriseCodeSigningCertificates, symantecCodeSigningCertificate, sideLoadingKeys, managedAppPolicies, iosManagedAppProtections, androidManagedAppProtections, defaultManagedAppProtections, targetedManagedAppConfigurations, mdmWindowsInformationProtectionPolicies, windowsInformationProtectionPolicies, managedAppRegistrations and managedAppStatuses navigation properties to the deviceAppManagement entity
    Change Beta Removed the appReportingOverview, enterpriseCerts and symantecCert navigation properties from the deviceAppManagement entity
    Change Beta Added the deviceSettingStateSummaries navigation property to the deviceCompliancePolicy entity
    Change Beta Added the deviceSettingStateSummaries navigation property to the deviceConfiguration entity
    Change Beta Added the termsAndConditions, androidForWorkSettings, androidForWorkAppConfigurationSchemas, applePushNotificationCertificate, softwareUpdateStatusSummary, deviceCompliancePolicyDeviceStateSummary, complianceSettingStateSummaries, deviceConfigurationDeviceStateSummaries and mobileThreatDefenseConnectors navigation properties to the deviceManagement entity
    Change Beta Removed the teacherRootCertificates, teacherIdentityCertificate, studentRootCertificates and studentIdentityCertificate navigation properties from the iosEducationDeviceConfiguration entity
    Change Beta Changed the type of the following properties on the iosLobAppProvisioningConfiguration entity:
    deviceStatuses from managedDeviceMobileAppProvisioningConfigurationDeviceStatus collection to managedDeviceMobileAppConfigurationDeviceStatus collection
    groupAssignments from appProvisioningConfigGroupAssignment collection to mobileAppProvisioningConfigGroupAssignment collection
    Change Beta Added the managedDeviceCertificateStates navigation property to the iosScepCertificateProfile entity
    Change Beta Added the managedDeviceCertificateStates navigation property to the macOSScepCertificateProfile entity
    Change Beta Added the deviceConfigurationStates and deviceCompliancePolicyStates navigation properties to the managedDevice entity
    Change Beta Added the deviceStatusSummary and userStatusSummary navigation properties to the managedDeviceMobileAppConfiguration entity
    Change Beta Added the installSummary navigation property to the mobileApp entity
    Change Beta Removed the sideLoadingKeys navigation property from the organization entity
    Change Beta Added the managedDeviceCertificateStates navigation property to the windows81SCEPCertificateProfile entity
    Change Beta Added the managedDeviceCertificateStates navigation property to the windowsPhone81SCEPCertificateProfile entity
    Change Beta Removed the applicationId, appName, platformId, userFailures and deviceFailures properties from the appInstallationFailure complex type
    Change Beta Added the displayName property to the iosHomeScreenFolderPage complex type
    Change Beta Added the displayName property to the iosHomeScreenPage complex type
    Change Beta Added the subjectName, description, expirationDateTime and certificate properties to the windowsInformationProtectionDataRecoveryCertificate complex type
    Change Beta Removed the dataRecoveryCertificate and certificateFileName properties from the windowsInformationProtectionDataRecoveryCertificate complex type
    Change Beta Added the displayName property to the windowsPackageInformation complex type
    Change Beta Changed the type of the following properties on the windowsPackageInformation complex type:
    applicableArchitecture from windowsArchitecture to String
    Change Beta Changed the following properties on the windowsPackageInformation complex type:
    applicableArchitecture from optional to required

    Identity and access

    Change type Version Description
    Addition Beta New resource:
    Addition Beta Added functions on domains.
    New entities:
    New actions:

    Extensions | Schema extensions

    Change type Version Description
    Addition Beta Extend Microsoft Graph with application data by using schema extensions and is supported on the following resources:
    administrative unit
    calendar event
    personal contact
    See the following example:
    Add custom data to groups using Schema Extensions (preview)
    Addition Beta Provided an alternative way to create a schema extension definition without requiring a verified .com vanity domain. See schema extensions for details.

    Extensions | Open extensions

    Change type Version Description
    Change v1.0 and beta Renamed former "Office 365 data extensions" as "open extensions".
    Addition Beta Added resources that support open extensions:
    administrative unit
    See the following example:
    Add custom data to users using open extensions (preview)

    Identity and access

    Change type Version Description
    Addition Beta Added support for restoring and permanently deleting groups.
    New entity: directory with deleteditems navigation property.
    Addition Beta New entity:
    Change Beta New endpoints navigation property on groups
    Addition Beta New entity:
    Change Beta New licensedetails navigation property on users
    Addition Beta New entity:


    Change type Version Description
    Addition Beta Introduced the new preview API for Microsoft 365 reports. You can use it to get usage reports of how people in your business are using Microsoft 365 services. For example, you can identify who is using a service a lot and reaching quotas, or who may not need a Microsoft 365 license at all. For more information, see report.

    February 2017

    Devices and apps | Corporate management

    Change type Version Description
    Addition Beta Added new entities:
    Addition Beta Added new complex types:
    Addition Beta Added the assign action on the iosLobAppProvisioningConfiguration entity
    Addition Beta Added the scheduleActionsForRules action on the deviceCompliancePolicy entity
    Addition Beta Added the updateTargetedSecurityGroups action on the targetedManagedAppConfiguration entity
    Addition Beta Added the getScopesForUser function on the resourceOperation entity
    Change Beta Removed the manifest property from the androidLobApp entity
    Change Beta Added the assetTagTemplate, lockScreenFootnote, homeScreenDockIcons and homeScreenPages properties to the iosDeviceFeaturesConfiguration entity
    Change Beta Removed the deviceSharingAssetTagInformation, deviceSharingLockScreenFootnote, homeScreenLayoutDockIcons and homeScreenLayoutPages properties from the iosDeviceFeaturesConfiguration entity
    Change Beta Added the appsSingleAppModeBundleIds property to the iosGeneralDeviceConfiguration entity
    Change Beta Removed the manifest property from the iosLobApp entity
    Change Beta Added the createdDateTime, description, lastModifiedDateTime, displayName and version properties to the iosLobAppProvisioningConfiguration entity
    Change Beta Added the createdDateTime and lastModifiedDateTime properties to the managedAppPolicy entity
    Change Beta Removed the deviceRegistrationState property from the managedDevice entity
    Change Beta Added the manifest property to the mobileAppContentFile entity
    Change Beta Added the osDescription and userName properties to the mobileAppInstallStatus entity
    Change Beta Removed the deviceType property from the mobileAppInstallStatus entity
    Change Beta Changed the type of the following properties on the mobileAppInstallStatus entity:
    mobileAppInstallStatusValue from Int32 to String
    Change Beta Added the targetedSecurityGroupIds and targetedSecurityGroupsCount properties to the targetedManagedAppConfiguration entity
    Change Beta Removed the numberOfTargetedSecurityGroups property from the targetedManagedAppConfiguration entity
    Change Beta Added the id property to the user entity
    Change Beta Removed the renewalThresholdPercentage, keyStorageProvider, subjectNameFormat, subjectAlternativeNameType, certificateValidityPeriodValue and certificateValidityPeriodScale properties from the windows10CertificateProfileBase entity
    Change Beta Removed the renewalThresholdPercentage, keyStorageProvider, subjectNameFormat, subjectAlternativeNameType, certificateValidityPeriodValue and certificateValidityPeriodScale properties from the windows81CertificateProfileBase entity
    Change Beta Removed the applyToWindows10Mobile property from the windowsPhone81GeneralConfiguration entity
    Change Beta Added the enterpriseCerts, iosLobAppProvisioningConfigurations and symantecCert navigation properties to the deviceAppManagement entity
    Change Beta Added the userStatusOverview navigation property to the deviceCompliancePolicy entity
    Change Beta Added the userStatusOverview navigation property to the deviceConfiguration entity
    Change Beta Added the groupAssignments, deviceStatuses and userStatuses navigation properties to the iosLobAppProvisioningConfiguration entity
    Change Beta Changed the type of the following properties on the windows10VpnConfiguration entity:
    identityCertificate from windows10CertificateProfileBase to windowsCertificateProfileBase
    Change Beta Added the deviceComplianceCheckinThresholdDays and isScheduledActionEnabled properties to the deviceManagementSettings complex type
    Change Beta Removed the windowsCommercialId and windowsCommercialIdLastModifiedTime properties from the deviceManagementSettings complex type
    Change Beta Added the bundleID, appName, publisher, enabled and showOnLockScreen properties to the iosNotificationSettings complex type
    Change Beta Removed the bundleIdentifier, notificationsEnabled and showInLockScreen properties from the iosNotificationSettings complex type

    January 2017


    Change type Version Description
    Addition v1.0 New action findMeetingTimes for the user resource.
    Addition v1.0 New complex type attendeeBase which consists of a type property for the attendee type.
    Addition v1.0 New complex types:
    Change v1.0 The attendee complex type is now derived from attendeeBase, which in turn is derived from recipient. Including the inherited properties, it consists of the same status, type and emailAddress properties as before.
    Addition Beta hexColor added to the calendar resource.

    Devices and apps | Corporate management

    Change type Version Description
    Addition Beta Added new entities:
    Addition Beta Added new complex types:
    Deletion Beta Removed the following complex types and replaced with microsoft.graph.Json:
    Change Beta Replaced the property type appConfigComplianceStatus with complianceStatus on the following entities:
    Change Beta For resource managedAppStatusRaw, changed type of property content from managedAppSummary to Json.
    Change Beta Removed the getUsersWithFlaggedAppRegistration function from the managedAppRegistration collection.
    Change Beta Changed the vppToken navigation property of the iosVppApp entity to no longer be a contained collection.
    Change Beta Added the deviceStatusOverview property to the deviceConfiguration and deviceCompliancePolicy entities.
    Change Beta Added the appReportingOverview property to the deviceAppManagement singleton.
    Change Beta Added the deviceDisplayName and userPrincipalName properties to the deviceConfigurationDeviceStatus, deviceComplianceDeviceStatus and managedDeviceMobileAppConfigurationDeviceStatus entities.
    Change Beta Add the ruleName property to the deviceComplianceScheduledActionForRule entity.
    Change Beta Added the devicesCount, userDisplayName and userPrincipalName properties to the deviceConfigurationUserStatus, deviceComplianceUserStatus, and managedDeviceMobileAppConfigurationUserStatus entities.
    Change Beta Added the notificationMessageTemplates collection to the deviceManagement singleton.
    Change Beta Added the isDefault, lastModifiedDateTime, locale, messageTemplate and subject properties to thelocalizedNotificationMessage entity.
    Change Beta Added the azureActiveDirectoryDeviceId, deviceCategory, deviceRegistrationState and managementAgent properties to the managedDevice entity.
    Change Beta Added the lastModifiedDateTime property to the mobileAppCategory entity.
    Change Beta Added the brandingOptions, defaultLocale, displayName, fromEmailAddress, lastModifiedDateTime, localizedNotificationMessages properties to the notificationMessageTemplate entity.
    Change Beta Added the appsAllowTrustedAppsSideloading, appsBlockWindowsStoreOriginatedApps, developerUnlockSetting, edgeBlockAccessToAboutFlags, edgeBlockDeveloperTools, edgeBlockExtensions, edgeBlockInPrivateBrowsing, edgeFirstRunUrl, edgeHomepageUrls, gameDvrBlocked, settingsBlockAddProvisioningPackage, settingsBlockChangeLanguage, settingsBlockChangePowerSleep, settingsBlockChangeRegion, settingsBlockChangeSystemTime, settingsBlockEditDeviceName, settingsBlockRemoveProvisioningPackage, sharedUserAppDataAllowed, smartScreenBlockPromptOverride, smartScreenBlockPromptOverrideForFiles, storageRestrictAppDataToSystemVolume, storageRestrictAppInstallToSystemVolume, webRtcBlockLocalhostIpAddress, windowsStoreBlockAutoUpdate and windowsStoreEnablePrivateStoreOnly properties to the windows10GeneralConfiguration entity.

    December 2016

    Change tracking

    Change type Version Description
    Addition Beta A new delta function adds to the following entities to perform delta query:
    See the following for examples:
    Get incremental changes to groups (preview)
    Get incremental changes to messages in a folder (preview)
    Get incremental changes to users (preview)

    Workbooks and charts

    Change type Version Description
    Addition v1.0 Added workbookPivotTable resource, refresh and refreshAll action on pivotTables, workbookRangeView resource, visibleView action on the filtered range to return workbookRangeView to the user, get rows collection and range resource off of visibleView, columnsAfter, columnsBefore, resizedRange, rowsAbove, and rowsBelow functions off of range resource, and new table properties.

    Devices and apps | Corporate management

    Change type Version Description
    Addition Beta Added resources and method APIs for Microsoft Intune and is a large set of resources and methods to support the public preview of Intune on Azure portal. For information about the Intune service, see the Intune documentation. For information about the Intune resources and APIs, see Working with Intune in Microsoft Graph.

    October 2016

    Authorization provider

    Change type Version Description
    Addition v1.0 and beta The v2.0 auth endpoint now supports the client_credentials OAuth grant, which can be used for daemon & long running processes in business scenarios.
    Addition v1.0 and beta The v2.0 auth endpoint now supports permission scopes that require administrator's consent, via the admin consent endpoint.
    Addition v1.0 and beta The v2.0 auth endpoint now supports administrative consent for all users in a tenant, via the admin consent endpoint.

    Identity and access | Identity and sign-in

    Change type Version Description
    Addition Beta Added invitedUserType property to the invitation entity type, that defines the type of user (Guest or Member) that is invited.
    Deletion Beta We'll be removing the invitedToGroups property from the invitation entity-type on 11/11/2016. This means that you'll no longer be able to add an invited user to a group using this API. Instead, use the add member API to add a user to a group.

    September 2016


    Change type Version Description
    Addition Beta Azure AD Application Proxy APIs are now available in the Microsoft Graph beta endpoint. These APIs allow for secure publishing of on-premises applications to users outside the corporate network using Azure AD as the common control plane for access. You can use the published APIs to write applications that can retrieve and update various aspects of application proxy, such as connectors, connectorGroups and the onPremisesPublishing settings of an application.


    Change type Version Description
    Addition Beta Added shared collection to allow accessing shared driveItems by shareId or sharing URL.
    Addition Beta Added search function to a drive, which allows searching for more items than just those in the drive's root folder.
    Addition Beta Added support for createUploadSession, which allows uploading files larger than 4 MB to OneDrive, OneDrive for Business, and SharePoint document libraries.
    Addition Beta Added sharepointIds property to driveItem that returns traditional SharePoint API identifiers for driveItems stored in SharePoint.
    Addition Beta Added other properties on remoteItem.
    Addition Beta Added the quickXorHash value for files in OneDrive for Business.
    Addition Beta Added scope to the createSharingLink to allow creating company sharable links or anonymous sharing links.

    Calendar, groups, mail, personal contacts

    Change type Version Description
    Addition v1.0 Extended properties are now supported by the following resources: message, mailFolder, event, calendar, contact, contactFolder, group event, group calendar, group post.


    Added support for dynamic group membership through the public preview API, including the additions listed in the following table.

    Change type Version Description
    Addition Beta Added membershipRule property contains rules that control the memberships for this group, if the group is a dynamic group.
    Addition Beta Added membershipRuleProcessingState property to control whether dynamic membership processing is on or paused for this group.
    Addition Beta Set the groupTypes property to contain "DynamicMembership" to light up the dynamic groups capability for this group.
    Addition Beta Added preferredLanguage property to indicate the preferred language for a Microsoft 365 group.
    Addition Beta Added theme property to specify a Microsoft 365 group's color theme.

    Hybrid deployment

    Change type Version Description
    Addition v1.0 Apps can use v1.0 Outlook Mail, Calendar, and Contacts APIs to access on-premises mailboxes in a hybrid deployment with Exchange 2016 Cumulative Update 3 (CU3). Find more details about REST API support in specific hybrid deployments. Note: If you're using these sets of API in v1.0, you can now find your apps, including production apps, working for on-premises mailboxes that meet the specific hybrid deployment requirements and is only in preview.

    Identity and access | Identity and sign-in

    Change type Version Description
    Change Beta As part of the schema change where the type of two location properties is being replaced by a new complex type in the identityRiskEvents endpoint, the following properties are changed/added in the identityRiskEvents endpoint:
    location changed from Edm. String to ComplexType signInLocation.
    previousLocation changed from Edm. String to ComplexType signInLocation.
    signInLocation new ComplexType that contains city, state, countryOrRegion and geoCoordinates properties.
    geoCoordinates new ComplexType that contains latitude and longitude properties.

    Identity and access | Identity and sign-in

    Change type Version Description
    Addition Beta Invitation manager APIs are now available in the Microsoft Graph beta endpoint. You can use invitation manager APIs to create an invite, in order to add an guest to the organization. As part of the invitation, you can also choose to add the invited user to a Microsoft 365 group. For more information, see invitation manager.


    Change type Version Description
    Addition v1.0 Added CreateUploadSession method on driveItem, which allows large file and resumable uploads.
    Addition v1.0 Added properties for tracking SharePoint IDs on items from SharePoint (sharepointIds) and a property to identify root folders (root).
    Addition v1.0 Added Shares root collection, which can be used with shareIds or sharing links to access shared items in OneDrive and SharePoint. Returns a new type, sharedDriveItem.
    Addition v1.0 Added Invite method on driveItem, which allows adding permissions to items.
    Addition v1.0 Added Search method on drive, which allows searching across items in the drive and shared items.
    Addition v1.0 Added processingMetadata property on file complex type quickXorHash property on hashes complex type.
    Addition v1.0 Added quickXorHash property on hashes complex type.


    Change type Version Description
    Addition v1.0 Added the onlineMeetingUrl property to the event resource.
    Addition Beta Added forward action to the event resource.
    Addition Beta Added the following properties to the calendar resource to support calendar sharing: canEdit, canShare, canViewPrivateItems, isShared, isShareWithMe, and owner.

    Change notifications

    Change type Version Description
    Addition Beta Added Drive root items to Webhooks as a resource that is available to subscribe to.


    Change type Version Description
    Addition Beta Added support for creating, listing, getting, and deleting one or more instances of mention in a message. Mentions support calling out to get the attention of other users in a message.
    Addition Beta Added support for the getMailTips action to get any MailTips for specific recipients. Added the following resources: automaticRepliesMailTips, mailTips, mailTipsError.

    Query parameters

    Change type Version Description
    Change Beta Query parameters without $ prefixes are supported as of 09/26/16. The $ prefix in query parameters are optional.

    Sites and lists

    Change type Version Description
    Addition Beta Access to SharePoint sites and lists by ID or path/URL.
    Addition Beta Support for listing, creating, getting, and deleting instances of listItem.


    Change type Version Description
    Addition Beta Added refreshTokensValidFromDateTime read-only property to indicate when refresh or session tokens are valid from. Any tokens issued before this time are invalid, and any attempt to use them would force a new sign-in for the user.
    Addition Beta Added showInAddressList property to control if the Outlook global address list should contain this user.
    Addition Beta Added invalidateAllRefreshTokens service action that invalidates all of the user's refresh and session tokens issued to applications, by resetting the refreshTokensValidFromDateTime user property to the current date-time.
    Addition v1.0 Added the mailboxSettings complex type, which includes the automaticRepliesSetting, timeZone, and language properties.
    Addition v1.0 Added the mailboxSettings property to the user resource.

    August 2016

    Personal contacts

    Change type Version Description
    Addition Beta As part of the schema change where a few properties are being removed and corresponding collections are being added to contacts endpoint, the following properties have been added to the contacts endpoint: Websites Collection(ComplexType: Website), Phones Collection (ComplexType: Phone)_, PostalAddress Collection(ComplexType: PhysicalAddress). For details, see the Upcoming changes to Contacts and People APIs blog post.
    Deletion Beta As part of the schema change where a few properties are being removed and corresponding collections are being added to contacts endpoint, the following properties have been removed from the contacts endpoint: BusinessHomePage, HomePhones_, MobilePhone1, BusinessPhones, HomeAddress, BusinessAddress, OtherAddress. For details, see the Upcoming changes to Contacts and People APIs blog post.

    Workbooks and charts

    Change type Version Description
    Addition v1.0 Excel REST API on Microsoft Graph is generally available. Now you can build rich and deep integrations with Excel workbooks in Microsoft 365. See the Power your apps with the new Excel REST API on the Microsoft Graph blog post for more details.

    People and workplace intelligence | People

    Change type Version Description
    Change Beta Property WebSite is renamed to Websites. For details, see Upcoming changes to Contacts and People APIs.

    Identity and access | Governance

    Change type Version Description
    Addition Beta Privileged Identity Management (PIM) REST APIs now are available in the Microsoft Graph beta endpoint. Privileged Identity Management provides just in time activation for privileged Azure AD organizational roles such as Global Administrator, Billing Administrator, and so on. You can use the published APIs to write applications that retrieve and update privileged role assignments, and activate users into roles. For details, see Microsoft Graph: Azure AD Privileged Identity Management Preview APIs available in Beta and Azure AD Privileged Identity Management.

    July 2016

    Identity and access | Directory Management

    Change type Version Description
    Addition Beta Introduced the new Administrative Unites preview API. Administrative units allow organizations to subdivide their Azure Active Directory, and delegate administrative duties to those subdivisions. Subdivisions can represent regions, departments, cost centers, etc. and can now be managed through the Microsoft Graph API.

    June 2016

    Identity and access | Identity and sign-in

    Change type Version Description
    Addition Beta Introduced the new IdentityRiskEvents preview API and works with Azure Active Directory Identity Protection. You can use it to query risk events generated by Identity Protection. For more information, see the Introduction of a new preview API to Microsoft Graph: IdentityRiskEvents blog post.

    Change notifications

    Change type Version Description
    Addition Beta App-only scopes are now supported for mail and contacts subscriptions.

    May 2016


    Change type Version Description
    Breaking change Beta Changes to the findMeetingTimes API. For more information, see the Microsoft Graph findMeetingTimes API update blog post and the change took effect May 19, 2016.

    Personal contact

    Change type Version Description
    Addition v1.0 Added extensions, which is abstract type to support the OData v4 open type openTypeExtension.

    Identity and access | Directory management

    Change type Version Description
    Breaking change Beta settingTemplateId is renamed to templateId and the change will take effect May 19, 2016.


    Change type Version Description
    Addition v1.0 Added extensions to the event entity, which is abstract type to support the OData v4 open type openTypeExtension.
    Addition v1.0 Added inferenceClassification and extensions to the eventMessage entity.
    Addition Beta Added responseRequested to the eventMessageRequest entity.


    Change type Version Description
    Addition v1.0 Added inferenceClassification and extensions to the message entity.

    Personal contacts

    Change type Version Description
    Addition Beta Added wellknownname to the contactFolder entity.


    Change type Version Description
    Addition v1.0 Added extensions to the post entity, which is abstract type to support the OData v4 open type openTypeExtension.


    Change type Version Description
    Addition v1.0 Added inferenceClassification resource type.
    Addition Beta Added timeZone to mailboxsettings.
    Addition Beta Added API _findMeetingTimes_to user.

    April 2016


    Change type Version Description
    Addition v1.0 and Beta Added support for honoring Accept-Encoding:gzip.
    Addition v1.0 Added support for cast segment in expand path. For example, '$expand=microsoft.graph.eventMessage/event'.
    Addition Beta Added support for PATCH request against structural properties. For example: 'PATCH /me/mailboxSettings'.
    Addition Beta Azure Active Directory is now used as a fallback for /beta/users/id/photo requests when Outlook is unable to service the request, for example when the user has no mailbox license or the tenant doesn't have an Exchange Online subscription. NOTE: this fallback is available for both GET and PATCH.
    Addition Beta Added support for cast segment in expand path. For example: '$expand=microsoft.graph.eventMessage/event'.


    Change type Version Description
    Fix v1.0 Fixed the issue that OneDrive createLink requests failing with 500 and "Unsupported extension property type."

    March 2016


    Change type Version Description
    Addition Beta Added singleValueExtendedProperties and multiValueExtendedProperties properties.
    Addition Beta Added suggestionHint property to meetingTimeCandidate.
    Addition Beta Added locationUri property to location.
    Addition Beta Added type and postOfficeBox to physicalAddress.
    Change Beta findMeetingTimes now takes new parameter ReturnSuggestionHints.
    Change Beta _findMeetingTimes now return a collection of meetingTimeCandidate.


    Change type Version Description
    Addition v1.0 and beta Added recent function to list a set of items that have been recently used by the signed in user and includes items that are in the user's drive and items they have access tofrom other drives. Example: GET /me/drive/recent.
    Addition v1.0 and beta Added sharedWithMe function to list the set of items that are shared with the current user. Example: GET /me/drive/sharedWithMe.
    Addition v1.0 and beta Added remoteItem type to provide a link to an item in another drive.
    Addition v1.0 and beta Added sharingInvitation type to provide details of any associated sharing invitation for this permission.
    Addition v1.0 and beta Added delta function to track changes to items in a drive. Example: GET /me/drive/items/{item-id}/delta
    Addition v1.0 and beta Added copy that creates a copy of a driveItem (including any children), under a new parent or with a new name. Example: POST /me/drive/items/{item-id}/copy.
    Addition v1.0 and beta conflictBehavior instance attributes are now applicable to driveItem.
    Addition Beta Added invite function to send a sharing invitation to an existing item. A sharing invitation creates a unique sharing link and sends an email to the recipient of the invitation that includes the sharing link. Example: POST /drive/items/{item-id}/invite.


    Change type Version Description
    Addition Beta Added new property onlineMeetingUrl and new method cancel to the event entity.
    Addition Beta Added startDateTime, endDateTime, location, type, recurrence, isOutOfDate, conversationIndex, unsubscribe, unsubscribeData, unsubscribeEnabled and flag properties to the eventMessage entity.
    Addition Beta Added singleValueExtendedProperties and multiValueExtendedProperties properties to the eventMessage entity.
    Addition Beta Added new method unsubscribe to the eventMessage entity.

    Workbooks and charts

    Change type Version Description
    Addition Beta We're adding new Excel REST APIs that let you read and modify data in an Excel workbook. It's now possible to build smart apps that allow users to get value out of the content stored in an Excel workbook by providing insights into the data. Take advantage of analytical powers of Excel, create tables and charts and extract visually appealing chart image - all from within your app. For details, see Working with Excel in Microsoft Graph.


    Change type Version Description
    Addition v1.0 and beta Improved error message when resolving tenant alias and rejected JWT (AAD) tokens.
    Addition v1.0 and beta The location of the authorization service endpoint is now returned in the www-authenticate header when a request is received with an empty bearer token.
    Addition v1.0 and beta The ability to filter on an entity's ID property is now fixed. Example: GET$filter=id+eq+'x'
    Previously, any POST requests to service actions and functions require prefixing the action or function name with the microsoft.graph prefix. For example: POST
    The prefix is now no longer required (although it can still be specified). So the example would now also work: POST
    Change Beta Cleaned up subscription property names.
    Addition Beta We've added the capability to discover (through directorySettingTemplates) and override the default behavior (by creating a setting from the template) for entities and their associated functionality. Initially this only template provided is to control behaviors on Office groups.


    Change type Version Description
    Addition Beta Added wellKnownName and userConfigurations properties to the mailFolder entity.
    Addition Beta Added singleValueExtendedProperties and multiValueExtendedProperties properties to the mailFolder entity.
    Addition v1.0 Added mobilePhone property to the message entity.
    Addition v1.0 and beta Added internetMessageId property to the message entity. The message ID in the format specified by RFC2822.
    Change Beta Renamed mobilePhone1 property to mobilePhone in the message entity.
    Change Beta createReply and createReplyAll of the message entity take new parameter Message and comment.
    Change Beta createForward of the message entity takes new parameters Message, ToRecipients and comment.
    Change Beta reply, replyAll and forward of the message entity take new parameter Message.


    Change type Version Description
    Addition v1.0 and beta Added sharingInvitation property to provide details of any associated sharing invitation for this permission.

    People and workplace intelligence | People

    Change type Version Description
    Addition Beta Added new properties birthday, personNotes, isFavorite, phones, permission, postalAddresses, websites_,yomiCompany, department, profession, mailboxType and personType.
    Addition Beta Added new enum types physicalAddressType, webSite, phone and webSiteType.

    Calendar, group, mail, to-do tasks

    Change type Version Description
    Addition Beta Added new properties sourceUrl, providerType, thumbnailUrl, previewUrl, permission and isFolder to the referenceAttachment entity. (Reference attachments are supported in an event, message, outlookTask, or post.)
    Addition Beta Added singleValueExtendedProperties and multiValueExtendedProperties properties to the referenceAttachment entity.
    Addition Beta Added new enum types referenceAttachmentProvider and referenceAttachmentPermission.

    Change notifications

    Change type Endpoint Description
    Addition v1.0 Webhooks are now GA on v1.0 endpoint via the /Subscriptions resource. Create, Read, Renew and Delete subscriptions to receive notifications on data from Outlook and Microsoft 365 group conversations.


    Change type Version Description
    Addition Beta Added mailboxSettings property and corresponding types.

    February 2016


    Change type Version Description
    Addition v1.0 and beta New remoteItem property on driveItem for Microsoft accounts.


    Change type Version Description
    Change v1.0 and beta -/me/drive now works for both Microsoft accounts and Work and School accounts.
    Change v1.0 and beta Drive requests for accounts whose OneDrive storage was provisioned on demand work more reliably and work in more scenarios where tenant default SharePoint sites use nonstandard names.
    Deletion Beta Removed various unimplemented types from the beta schema to more closely match the 1.0 schema.

    Change notifications

    Change type Version Description
    Addition Beta notificationUrl validation on subscription creation. For details, see Microsoft Graph WebHooks Update - January 2016.
    Addition Beta Subscription entities can now be deleted: DELETE{id}


    Change type Version Description
    Change v1.0 and beta displayName is now returned for Microsoft accounts.

    January 2016

    Personal contacts

    Change type Version Description
    Addition v1.0 Added mobilePhone property to personal contacts entity-set.

    Identity and access

    Change type Version Description
    Fix v1.0 and beta Fixed calling actions that are bound to directoryObjects, which were failing with the following error: The return type from the operation isn't possible with the given entity set and applies to the following actions: microsoft.graph.checkMemberObjects, microsoft.graph.getMemberObjects, microsoft.graph.checkMemberGroups, microsoft.graph.assignLicense, microsoft.graph.changePassword.

    December 2015

    Personal contacts

    Change type Version Description
    Addition Beta Added mobilePhone property to personal contacts entity-set.


    Change type Version Description
    Fix v1.0 and beta Fixed requests using $filter expressions that specified the same property more than once, which were failing with the following 500 error: An item with the same key has already been added.
    Fix v1.0 and beta Fixed case insensitivity for action parameter names and values.
    Fix v1.0 and beta Fixed request processing for payloads containing null values for some embedded complex properties, which were failing with a null reference exception.
    Addition v1.0 and beta Added support for complex type property sorting and filtering.
    Addition v1.0 and beta Added authorization_uri property in the www-authenticate header on a 401 response and the uri can be used to start the token acquisition flow.
    Addition v1.0 and beta Improved error messages across users and groups.


    Change type Version Description
    Fix v1.0 and beta Fixed calling the following group actions: microsoft.graph.addFavorite, microsoft.graph.removeFavorite and microsoft.graph.resetUnseenCount.


    Change type Version Description
    Addition Beta Added eventMessageRequest subtype of eventMessage and startDateTime, endDateTime, location, type, recurrence and isOutOfDate properties to eventMessage type.


    Change type Version Description
    Fix v1.0 and beta Fixed being able to select certain user properties on other users, when referencing the user by user principal name (UPN). For example:$select=aboutMe
    Fix v1.0 and beta Fixed calling the microsoft.graph.reminderView user bound function, which was failing with the following error: Couldn't find a property named businessPhones on type Microsoft.OutlookServices.Reminder.
    Fix v1.0 and beta Fixed user creation and update (POST/PATCH /v1.0/users), which was failing with a 400 error.