Host File Client and Provider Error Codes and Messages

The following table lists the Host File client and provider error codes, error message text, description and recommend action.

Error Code and Message Item Type Item Description Recommended Actions
HISEHFC0020: Metadata schema '{0}' cannot be accessed. Error The provider cannot locate the metadata schema Host Integration Definition XML file. Verify the metadata schema Host Integration Definition XML file is located in the folder specified by the Metadata property in the connection string.
HISTHFC0012: Received {0} bytes of data. Trace The provider received data from the host server. No action required.
HISTHFC0011: Sent {0} bytes of data. Trace The provider sent data to the host server. No action required.
HISEHFC0001: Collection '{0}' is not defined. Error The provider cannot complete the requested operation, when the metadata collection is not defined. Verify the metadata schema definition defined in the metadata schema Host Integration Definition XML file. Check the association of the host file name to the table alias name.
HISEHFC0002: String value for field {0} is too long. Error The field data value is not the correct length, precision or scale for the data type. Verify the field data value against the metadata schema definition defined in the metadata schema Host Integration Definition XML file. Check the data type, length, precision and scale.
HISEHFC0003: DbType '{0}' is not supported. Error The provider does not support the data type. Verify the data type against the metadata schema definition defined in the metadata schema Host Integration Definition XML file. Check the data type, length, precision and scale.
HISEHFC0004: Connection is not open. Error The provider cannot complete the requested operation, when the connection is not opened. Verify whether the consumer opens a host connection prior to attempting to request the operation.
HISEHFC0005: Parameter {0} already exists in the parameter collection. Error The provider cannot process the add parameter operation, when the parameter has already been defined and added to the collection of parameters. Verify that the parameter name is unique before adding the parameter to the parameter collection.
HISEHFC0006: Parameter {0} is not in the parameter collection. Error The provider cannot process the parameterized command, when the parameter has not been defined and added to the collection of parameters. Verify that the parameter has been defined and added to the parameter collection before preparing the command.
HISEHFC0007: The provider data value exceeds the host file data record space. Error The provider cannot process the update data record operation, when the field data value is not the correct length, precision or scale for the data type. Verify the field data value against the metadata schema definition defined in the metadata schema Host Integration Definition XML file. Check the data type, length, precision and scale.
HISTHFC0007: Trace {0} buffer entry offset {1} {2}. Trace The provider traced data. No action required.
HISTHFC0014: Using CCSID {0}. Trace The provider traced data. No action required.
HISEHFC0049: An error occurred while opening the cursor. Internal message '{0}'. Error Not used in MsHostFileClient. No action required.
HISTHFC0015: Trace command text '{0}'. Trace The MsHostFileClient provider traced data. No action required.
HISEHFC0016: The connection could not established. Error Not used in MsHostFileClient. No action required.
HISEHFC0059: Cannot open file '{0}' when connection is closed. Error The provider cannot open the host file when the connection is closed. Verify that the consumer opens a connection prior to opening the host file.
HISEHFC0055: Cannot process cursor operation when the cursor is closed. Error The provider cannot read a record in the host file when the host cursor is closed. Verify whether the consumer opens a host file prior to attempting to read a record. Check if the consumer has read all records and reached the end of the host record file.
HISTHFC0003: Creating connection '{0}'. Trace The provider established a connection to the host system. No action required.
HISEHFC0056: Data conversion failed. Error The provider cannot read or write a record in the host file when the record format is not defined correctly in the metadata schema definition for the target host file in the metadata schema Host Integration Definition XML file. Verify the record layout and record length against the metadata schema definition defined in the metadata schema Host Integration Definition XML file. Check to see if the record is defined correctly as a redefine, overlay or union.
HISEHFC0050: Cannot read record. Error The provider cannot read a record in the host file when the record does not exist. Verify the record layout and record length against the metadata schema definition defined in the metadata schema Host Integration Definition XML file.
HISEHFC0058: The host file '{0}' could not be found. Error The provider cannot open the host file. Verify the metadata schema definition defined in the metadata schema Host Integration Definition XML file. Check the association of the host file name to the table alias name.
HISEHFC0048: Cannot open cursor for file '{0}' with error reply message '{1}'. Error The provider cannot open a cursor on the host file when the provider cannot open the file. Verify the association of the host file name to the table alias name defined in the metadata schema Host Integration Definition XML file. Check to see if another host process has the file locked and opened for update. Research the error reply message in the MsHostFileClient documentation.
HISTHFC0004: Trace connection string created using connection string '{0}'. Trace The MsHostFileClient provider traced the connection string created operation. No action required.
HISTHFC0002: Trace connection established using connection string. Trace The MsHostFileClient provider traced the connection open operation. No action required.
HISEHFC0051: Cannot read record when data is less than defined by the schema. Error The provider cannot read a record in the host file when the record format is not defined correctly in the metadata schema definition for the target host file in the metadata schema Host Integration Definition XML file. Verify the record layout and record length against the metadata schema definition defined in the metadata schema Host Integration Definition XML file. Check to see if the record is defined correctly as a redefine, overlay or union.
HISEHFC0008: Connection string property {0} value is too long. The maximum length is {1}. Error The connection string property value is not the correct length. Verify the connection string property value using the HostFileConnectionStringBuilder or MsHostFileClient documentation.
HISEHFC0010: Connection string property {0} value is out of range. The range of values is {1} to {2}. Error The connection string property value is not within the correct range. Verify the connection string property value using the HostFileConnectionStringBuilder or MsHostFileClient documentation.
HISEHFC0011: Connection string property '{0}' value is the wrong type. Error The connection string property value is not the correct type. Verify the connection string property value using the HostFileConnectionStringBuilder or MsHostFileClient documentation.
HISEHFC0012: Connection string property '{0}' value is incorrect. Error The connection string property value is not correct. Verify the connection string property value using the HostFileConnectionStringBuilder or MsHostFileClient documentation.
HISEHFC0013: Host file alias '{0}' could not be found in the metadata schema. Error The provider cannot locate the metadata schema definition for the target host file in the metadata schema Host Integration Definition XML file. Verify the metadata schema definition defined in the metadata schema Host Integration Definition XML file. Check the association of the host file name to the table alias name.
HISEHFC0052: The local folder directory name is either null or invalid. Error The provider cannot locate the offline local file folder directory. Verify the existence of the offline local file folder directory specified by the Local Folder property in the connection string.
HISEHFC0014: Connection is already closed. Error The provider cannot process the close connection request when the connection is already closed. Verify that the consumer closes a connection once only.
HISEHFC0015: Connection is already opened. Error The provider cannot process the open connection request when the connection is already open. Verify that the consumer opens a connection once only prior to executing a command.
HISEHFC0017: Items cannot be added to the array because the array has reached is maximum length {0}. Error The provider cannot add a record in the host file RecordSet when the record format is not defined correctly in the metadata schema definition for the target host file in the metadata schema Host Integration Definition XML file. Verify the record layout and record length against the metadata schema definition defined in the metadata schema Host Integration Definition XML file. Check to see if the record is defined correctly as a redefine, overlay or union.
HISEHFC0018: DataSet row cannot be found in the host file. Error The provider cannot locate a record in the host file by key value specified. Verify the record layout and record length against the metadata schema definition defined in the metadata schema Host Integration Definition XML file. Check if the key value is correct.
HISEHFC0019: Connection string cannot be changed after the connection has been opened. Error The provider cannot process a set connection string value or set connection property value operation when the connection is already open. Verify that the consumer sets a connection string value or sets connection property values prior to opening a connection only.
HISEHFC0021: Metadata schema cannot be changed after the connection has been opened. Error The provider cannot process a set Metadata connection property value operation when the connection is already open. Verify that the consumer sets the Metadata connection property value prior to opening a connection only.
HISEHFC0022: Operation cannot be completed because the connection is closed. Error The provider cannot process the operation when the connection is closed. Verify that the consumer opens a connection prior to requesting operation.
HISEHFC0023: Delete operations are not allowed on a closed data cursor. Error The provider cannot add or delete a record in the host file when the host cursor is closed. Verify whether the consumer opens a host file prior to attempting to add or delete a record.
HISEHFC0061: Cannot process remote system commands against IBM z/OS. Error The provider does not support executing remote system commands against IBM z/OS. The provider supports executing remote system commands against IBM i only. Verify the connection string property values for accesssing IBM i using the HostFileConnectionStringBuilder or MsHostFileClient documentation. Check to see if the ConnectionString has been defined to access IBM i.
HISEHFC0060: Cannot process remote system commands against offline local files. Error The provider does not support executing remote system commands against offline local files. The provider supports executing remote system commands against IBM i only. Verify the connection string property values for accesssing IBM i using the HostFileConnectionStringBuilder or MsHostFileClient documentation. Check to see if the ConnectionString has been defined to access IBM i.
HISEHFC0024: Insert operations are not allowed on a closed data cusror. Error The provider cannot insert a record in the host file when the host cursor is closed. Verify whether the consumer opens a host file prior to attempting to insert a record. Check if the consumer has read all records and reached the end of the host record file.
HISEHFC0025: Operation cannot be completed because no connection has been set. Error The provider cannot prepare a command not associated with an open connection. Verify that the consumer opens a connection prior to preparing a command.
HISEHFC0026: No record exists at the current position. Error The provider cannot read, update or delete a record in the host file when the record does not exist. Verify the record layout and record length against the metadata schema definition defined in the metadata schema Host Integration Definition XML file. Check to see if another host process has the record locked and opened for update.
HISEHFC0027: A system command cannot return a result set or data reader. Error The provider cannot open the host file when the command is a system command. Verify whether the consumer opens a host file prior to attempting to read a record. Check the command to ensure it is a SELECT statement to instruct the provider to open a host file.
HISEHFC0028: Update operations are not allowed when the record is not locked for update. Error The provider cannot update a record in the host file when the host cursor does not have a lock on the record. Update operations are supported on host files only, and not on offline local files. Verify the consumer has a lock on the record prior to attempting to update a record. Check to see if another host process has the record locked and opened for update. Try positiong the cursor off and then back onto the record to acquire a lock. Check to ensure the consumer is not attempting to update a offline local file.
HISEHFC0029: HISEHFC0029 Read operations are not allowed on a closed data cursor. Error The provider cannot read a record in the host file when the host cursor is closed. Verify whether the consumer opens a host file prior to attempting to read a record. Check if the consumer has read all records and reached the end of the host record file.
HISEHFC0030: RecordSet is already closed. Error The provider cannot process the operation when the RecordSet is closed. Verify that the consumer opens a RecordSet prior to requesting the operation.
HISEHFC0031: Column value is not valid for RecordSet. Error The provider cannot read a record in the host file when the record format is not defined correctly in the metadata schema definition for the target host file in the metadata schema Host Integration Definition XML file. Verify the record layout and record length against the metadata schema definition defined in the metadata schema Host Integration Definition XML file. Check to see if the record is defined correctly as a redefine, overlay or union.
HISEHFC0032: Update operations are not allowed on a closed data cursor. Error The provider cannot update a record in the host file when the host cursor is closed. Verify whether the consumer opens a host file prior to attempting to update a record. Check if the consumer has read all records and reached the end of the host record file.
HISEHFC0053: Invalid record length. It cannot be less than or equal to 0. Error The field data value is not the correct length. Verify the field data value against the metadata schema definition defined in the metadata schema Host Integration Definition XML file. Check the data type, length, precision and scale.
HISTHFC0009: Processing metadata {0}. Trace The MsHostFileClient provider traced metadata processing. No action required.
HISTHFC0001: Trace {0} method {1}. Trace The provider traced a method. No action required.
HISTHFC0010: Trace {0} method {1} with codepoint {2}. Trace The provider traced a method. No action required.
HISTHFC0013: Trace {0} method {1} with encode data type {2}. Trace The provider traced a method. No action required.
HISEHFC0033: Items cannot be added to the array because the array length is fixed to {0}. Error The provider cannot add a record in the host file when the record format is not defined correctly in the metadata schema definition for the target host file in the metadata schema Host Integration Definition XML file. Verify the record layout and record length against the metadata schema definition defined in the metadata schema Host Integration Definition XML file. Check to see if the record is defined correctly as a redefine, overlay or union.
HISEHFC0034: Items cannot be deleted from the array because the array length is fixed to {0}. Error The provider cannot delete a record in the host file when the record format is not defined correctly in the metadata schema definition for the target host file in the metadata schema Host Integration Definition XML file. Verify the record layout and record length against the metadata schema definition defined in the metadata schema Host Integration Definition XML file. Check to see if the record is defined correctly as a redefine, overlay or union.
HISEHFC0035: Changing the key value is not supported on the current file. Error The provider cannot update the key value when the key type does not allow updates. Verify the record layout and key length against the metadata schema definition defined in the metadata schema Host Integration Definition XML file.
HISEHFC0036 KeyInfo and SequentialAccess are not supported. Error The provider cannot process the operation when the host system does not support the operation. Verify the record layout and record length against the metadata schema definition defined in the metadata schema Host Integration Definition XML file. Trace the process and research the error reply message in the MsHostFileClient documentation.
HISEHFC0037: Row cannot be deleted because it cannot be accessed in the host file. Error The provider cannot locate a record in the host file by key value specified. Verify the record layout and record length against the metadata schema definition defined in the metadata schema Host Integration Definition XML file. Check if the key value is correct.
HISEHFC0038: Row cannot be updated because it cannot be accessed in the host file. Error The provider cannot locate a record in the host file by key value specified. Verify the record layout and record length against the metadata schema definition defined in the metadata schema Host Integration Definition XML file. Check if the key value is correct.
HISEHFC0039: Delete operations are not supported on the current file. Error The provider cannot delete a record in the host file when the host cursor is closed. The provider cannot delete a record in the host file when the host cursor does not have a lock on the record. Delete operations are supported on host files only, and not on offline local files. Verify whether the consumer opens a host file prior to attempting to delete a record. Verify the consumer has a lock on the record prior to attempting to delete a record. Check to see if another host process has the record locked and opened for update. Try positiong the cursor off and then back onto the record to acquire a lock. Check to ensure the consumer is not attempting to delete a offline local file.
HISEHFC0040: Insert operations are not supported on the current file. Error The provider cannot insert a record in the host file when the host cursor is closed. The provider cannot insert a record in the host file when the host cursor was not opened with update intent. Verify whether the consumer opens a host file prior to attempting to insert a record. Verify the consumer opened the cursor with update intent. Try positiong the cursor off and then back onto the record to acquire a lock.
HISEHFC0041: Key access is not supported on the current file type. Error The provider cannot locate a record in the host file by key value when the host system does not support key access method against this host file type. Verify the record layout against the metadata schema definition defined in the metadata schema Host Integration Definition XML file. Check the host file type. Trace the file open request and research the error reply message in the MsHostFileClient documentation.
HISEHFC0042: Connection string keyword '{0}' is not supported. Error The connection string keword name is incorrect. Verify the connection string keyword name using the HostFileConnectionStringBuilder or MsHostFileClient documentation.
HISEHFC0054: Method '{0}' is not supported. Error The provider does not support the method. Verify the consumer operation against the MsHostFileClient documentation.
HISEHFC0043: Position access is not supported on the current file type. Error The provider cannot locate a record in the host file by stream position value when the host system does not support stream access method against this host file type. Verify the record layout against the metadata schema definition defined in the metadata schema Host Integration Definition XML file. Check the host file type. Trace the file open request and research the error reply message in the MsHostFileClient documentation.
HISEHFC0044: Relative record access is not supported on the current file type. Error The provider cannot locate a record in the host file by relative record number value when the host system does not support relative by record number access against this host file type. Verify the record layout against the metadata schema definition defined in the metadata schema Host Integration Definition XML file. Check the host file type. Trace the file open request and research the error reply message in the MsHostFileClient documentation.
HISEHFC0045: Update operations are not supported on the current file. Error The provider cannot update a record in the host file when the host cursor is closed. The provider cannot update a record in the host file when the host cursor does not have a lock on the record. Update operations are supported on host files only, and not on offline local files. Verify whether the consumer opens a host file prior to attempting to update a record. Verify the consumer has a lock on the record prior to attempting to update a record. Check to see if another host process has the record locked and opened for update. Try positiong the cursor off and then back onto the record to acquire a lock. Check to ensure the consumer is not attempting to update a local offline file.
HISEHFC0057: An error has occurred when attempting to open the offline local file {0}. Open options: FileMode is: {1}, FileAccess is: {2}, FileShare is {3}. Error description is: {4}. Error The provider cannot open the offline local file. Verify the existence of the offline local file folder directory specified by the Local Folder property in the connection string. Check to see if another host process has the file locked and opened for update. Check to see if the consumer has read/write access rights to the offline local file folder directory. Research the error message in the MsHostFileClient documentation.
HISTHFC0008: Processing codepoint {0} within a {1}. Trace The provider traced data. No action required.
HISTHFC0009: Processing codepoint {0} previous codepoint was {1}. Trace The provider traced data. No action required.
HISTHFC0005: A connection to a host system is being created with protocol {0}. Trace The provider traced data. No action required.
HISTHFC0006: A connection to a host system has been created with protocol {0}. Trace The provider traced data. No action required.
HISEHFC0046: The type '{0}' could not be found. Ensure the Metadata can be accessed. Error The provider cannot find the data type defined in the metadata schema Host Integration Definition XML file. Verify the data type against the metadata schema definition defined in the metadata schema Host Integration Definition XML file. Check the data type, length, precision and scale.
HISEHFC0047: An error occurred while opening the cursor. Error from source: {0} Error The provider cannot process the request. Verify the consumer operation against the MsHostFileClient documentation.