How-to: add explicit owner rights


Versions of the Microsoft Rights Management Service SDK released prior to March 2020 are deprecated; applications using earlier versions must be updated to use the March 2020 release. For full details, see the deprecation notice.

No further enhancements are planned for the Microsoft Rights Management Service SDK. We strongly recommend adoption of the Microsoft Information Protection SDK for classification, labeling, and protection services.

Your application should explicitly add "Owner" rights when creating a license from scratch using IpcCreateLicenseFromScratch.


When your application is creating a license handle using IpcCreateLicenseFromScratch, it must also grant the owner full rights (permissions) explicitly.


Setting a user as "owner" using IpcSetLicenseProperty with the IPC_LI_OWNER property does not grant the owner full permissions.

The following example code only represents the steps involved in creating and adding the specific rights to a given license.


Step 1: Example scenario

In this example, needed rights are added to a license created with IpcCreateLicenseFromScratch. The example shows the creation and assignment of the rights to the license through a rights list.

The following two rights are added to these users:

  • Read permissions assigned to
  • Full permissions assigned to
// Create User Rights structure
IPC_USER_RIGHTS ownerRightForOwner = {0};

// Create rights
LPCWSTR rgwszOwnerRights[1] = {IPC_GENERIC_ALL};

// Assign values to members of Rights structure
ownerRightForOwner.User.dwType = IPC_USER_TYPE_IPC;
ownerRightForOwner.User.wszID = IPC_USER_ID_OWNER;
ownerRightForOwner.rgwszRights = rgwszOwnerRights;
ownerRightForOwner.cRights = 1;

// Create User Rights structure for Joe with Read permissions
IPC_USER_RIGHTS joeReadRight = {0};
LPCWSTR rgwszReadRights[1] = {IPC_GENERIC_READ};

// Assign values to members of Rights structure for Joe
joeReadRight.User.dwType = IPC_USER_TYPE_EMAIL;
joeReadRight.User.wszID = "";
joeReadRight.rgwszRights = rgwszReadRights;
joeReadRight.cRights = 1;

// Create User Rights structure for Mary Kay with Full permissions
IPC_USER_RIGHTS mary_kayFullRight = {0};
LPCWSTR rgwszFullRights[1] = {IPC_GENERIC_ALL};

// Assign values to members of Rights structure for Mary Kay
mary_kayFullRight.User.dwType = IPC_USER_TYPE_EMAIL;
mary_kayFullRight.User.wszID = L"";
mary_kayFullRight.rgwszRights = rgwszFullRights;
mary_kayFullRight.cRights = 1;

// Create User Rights List and assign the above rights
size_t uNoOfUserRights = 3;
pUserRightsList = reinterpret_cast<PIPC_USER_RIGHTS_LIST>
(new BYTE[ sizeof(IPC_USER_RIGHTS_LIST) + uNoOfUserRights * sizeof(IPC_USER_RIGHTS)]);

if(pUserRightsList == NULL)
  // Handle error

// Assign values to members of Rights List structure for Joe and Mary Kay
(*pUserRightsList).cbSize = sizeof(IPC_USER_RIGHTS_LIST);
(*pUserRightsList).cUserRights = uNoOfUserRights;
(*pUserRightsList).rgUserRights[0] = ownerRightForOwner;
(*pUserRightsList).rgUserRights[1] = joeReadRight;
(*pUserRightsList).rgUserRights[2] = mary_kayFullRight;

// Set the Rights List property on the license via its handle
// hLicense is a license handle created with IpcCreateLicenseFromScratch
hr = IpcSetLicenseProperty(hLicense, FALSE, IPC_LI_USER_RIGHTS_LIST, pUserRightsList);

  // Handle the error