class TemplateNotFoundError

Template ID is not recognized by RMS service.


Members Descriptions
public std::string mMessage Not yet documented.
public std::map<std::string, std::string> mDebugInfo Not yet documented.
public std::string mName Not yet documented.
public ErrorType mType Not yet documented.
public ErrorCode GetErrorCode() const Gets the errorCode of bad input.
public char const* what() const Get the error message.
public std::shared_ptr<Error> Clone() const Clone the error.
public virtual ErrorType GetErrorType() const Get the error type.
public const std::string& GetErrorName() const Get the error name.
public const std::string& GetMessage() const Get the error message.
public void SetMessage(const std::string& msg) Set the error message.
public void AddDebugInfo(const std::string& key, const std::string& value) Add debug info entry.
public const std::map<std::string, std::string>& GetDebugInfo() const Get debug info.
enum ErrorCode ErrorCode of bad input error.



Not documented yet.


Not documented yet.


Not documented yet.


Not documented yet.

GetErrorCode function

Gets the errorCode of bad input.

Returns: ErrorCode of bad input error

what function

Get the error message.

Returns: The error message

Clone function

Clone the error.

Returns: A clone of the error.

GetErrorType function

Get the error type.

Returns: The error type.

GetErrorName function

Get the error name.

Returns: The error name.

GetMessage function

Get the error message.

Returns: The error message.

SetMessage function

Set the error message.


  • msg: the error message.

AddDebugInfo function

Add debug info entry.


  • key: Debug info key

  • value: Debug info value

GetDebugInfo function

Get debug info.

Returns: Debug info (keys/values)

ErrorCode enum

Values Descriptions
General General bad input error
FileIsTooLargeForProtection File is too large for protection
ParameterParsing Parameter cannot be parsed correctly
LicenseNotTrusted Publishing license not issued by trusted source
DoubleKey A paremeter for double key encryption is needed and missing
FileFormatNotSupported The input file's format is not supported

ErrorCode of bad input error.