Navigate your dashboard

Your dashboard is the main landing page for Intune for Education. It's where you begin every time you sign in, and it's the starting point to manage your users, apps, and devices.

The dashboard screen, which shows express configuration, school data sync, manage user and device groups, and manage app tiles.

Dashboard defaults and customizations

The default dashboard shows the following tiles to help get you started with essential device management tasks:

  • Launch Express Configuration
  • School Data Sync
  • Manage user and device groups
  • Manage apps

Some tiles, such as School Data Sync and Manage apps, show metrics like configuration status and current app inventory.

You can use the dashboard tools to expand, edit, download, clone, or delete your dashboard.

Partial screenshot of Intune for Education dashboard, highlighting the toolbar options.

Select New dashboard to create a dashboard from scratch. Creating a new dashboard doesn't overwrite or remove existing dashboards. Select the arrow next to the current dashboard name to access your other dashboards.

Screenshot of Intune for Education dashboard. Arrow next to dashboard name is selected and reveals list of all dashboards in tenat.

Every page in Intune for Education has a sidebar from which you can access the management areas of the portal. Select See all to view additional areas and services in Intune for Education that aren't listed.

Screenshot of the Intune for Edudcation sidebar showing the Dashboard and See all options,and eight Favorites.

To reorder the links in your sidebar, hover your cursor over the right-side of a link. Then press and drag to reposition the service.

Image of Intune for Education sidebar with a move cursor hovering over the Enrollment managers item.

Next steps

Go through Express Configuration to quickly set up users and devices with the essential configurations. For more information, see Express configuration in Intune for Education.