VolumeInner Class

public final class VolumeInner
extends Resource

Volume resource.

Constructor Summary

Constructor Description

Creates an instance of VolumeInner class.

Method Summary

Modifier and Type Method and Description
Float actualThroughputMibps()

Get the actualThroughputMibps property: Actual throughput in MiB/s for auto qosType volumes calculated based on size and serviceLevel.

AvsDataStore avsDataStore()

Get the avsDataStore property: avsDataStore Specifies whether the volume is enabled for Azure VMware Solution (AVS) datastore purpose.

String backupId()

Get the backupId property: Backup ID UUID v4 or resource identifier used to identify the Backup.

String baremetalTenantId()

Get the baremetalTenantId property: Baremetal Tenant ID Unique Baremetal Tenant Identifier.

String capacityPoolResourceId()

Get the capacityPoolResourceId property: Pool Resource Id used in case of creating a volume through volume group.

Integer cloneProgress()

Get the cloneProgress property: When a volume is being restored from another volume's snapshot, will show the percentage completion of this cloning process.

Boolean coolAccess()

Get the coolAccess property: Specifies whether Cool Access(tiering) is enabled for the volume.

CoolAccessRetrievalPolicy coolAccessRetrievalPolicy()

Get the coolAccessRetrievalPolicy property: coolAccessRetrievalPolicy determines the data retrieval behavior from the cool tier to standard storage based on the read pattern for cool access enabled volumes.

Integer coolnessPeriod()

Get the coolnessPeriod property: Specifies the number of days after which data that is not accessed by clients will be tiered.

String creationToken()

Get the creationToken property: Creation Token or File Path A unique file path for the volume.

VolumePropertiesDataProtection dataProtection()

Get the dataProtection property: DataProtection DataProtection type volumes include an object containing details of the replication.

List<String> dataStoreResourceId()

Get the dataStoreResourceId property: dataStoreResourceId Data store resource unique identifier.

Long defaultGroupQuotaInKiBs()

Get the defaultGroupQuotaInKiBs property: Default group quota for volume in KiBs.

Long defaultUserQuotaInKiBs()

Get the defaultUserQuotaInKiBs property: Default user quota for volume in KiBs.

Boolean deleteBaseSnapshot()

Get the deleteBaseSnapshot property: If enabled (true) the snapshot the volume was created from will be automatically deleted after the volume create operation has finished.

EnableSubvolumes enableSubvolumes()

Get the enableSubvolumes property: Flag indicating whether subvolume operations are enabled on the volume.

Boolean encrypted()

Get the encrypted property: Specifies if the volume is encrypted or not.

EncryptionKeySource encryptionKeySource()

Get the encryptionKeySource property: Source of key used to encrypt data in volume.

String etag()

Get the etag property: A unique read-only string that changes whenever the resource is updated.

VolumePropertiesExportPolicy exportPolicy()

Get the exportPolicy property: exportPolicy Set of export policy rules.

FileAccessLogs fileAccessLogs()

Get the fileAccessLogs property: Flag indicating whether file access logs are enabled for the volume, based on active diagnostic settings present on the volume.

String fileSystemId()

Get the fileSystemId property: FileSystem ID Unique FileSystem Identifier.

Long inheritedSizeInBytes()

Get the inheritedSizeInBytes property: inheritedSizeInBytes Space shared by short term clone volume with parent volume in bytes.

Boolean isDefaultQuotaEnabled()

Get the isDefaultQuotaEnabled property: Specifies if default quota is enabled for the volume.

Boolean isLargeVolume()

Get the isLargeVolume property: Is Large Volume Specifies whether volume is a Large Volume or Regular Volume.

Boolean isRestoring()

Get the isRestoring property: Restoring.

Boolean kerberosEnabled()

Get the kerberosEnabled property: Describe if a volume is KerberosEnabled.

String keyVaultPrivateEndpointResourceId()

Get the keyVaultPrivateEndpointResourceId property: The resource ID of private endpoint for KeyVault.

Boolean ldapEnabled()

Get the ldapEnabled property: Specifies whether LDAP is enabled or not for a given NFS volume.

Long maximumNumberOfFiles()

Get the maximumNumberOfFiles property: Maximum number of files allowed.

List<MountTargetProperties> mountTargets()

Get the mountTargets property: mountTargets List of mount targets.

NetworkFeatures networkFeatures()

Get the networkFeatures property: Network features Network features available to the volume, or current state of update.

String networkSiblingSetId()

Get the networkSiblingSetId property: Network Sibling Set ID Network Sibling Set ID for the the group of volumes sharing networking resources.

String originatingResourceId()

Get the originatingResourceId property: Originating Resource Id Id of the snapshot or backup that the volume is restored from.

List<PlacementKeyValuePairs> placementRules()

Get the placementRules property: Volume placement rules Application specific placement rules for the particular volume.

List<String> protocolTypes()

Get the protocolTypes property: protocolTypes Set of protocol types, default NFSv3, CIFS for SMB protocol.

String provisionedAvailabilityZone()

Get the provisionedAvailabilityZone property: Provisioned Availability Zone The availability zone where the volume is provisioned.

String provisioningState()

Get the provisioningState property: Azure lifecycle management.

String proximityPlacementGroup()

Get the proximityPlacementGroup property: Proximity placement group associated with the volume.

SecurityStyle securityStyle()

Get the securityStyle property: The security style of volume, default unix, defaults to ntfs for dual protocol or CIFS protocol.

ServiceLevel serviceLevel()

Get the serviceLevel property: serviceLevel The service level of the file system.

SmbAccessBasedEnumeration smbAccessBasedEnumeration()

Get the smbAccessBasedEnumeration property: smbAccessBasedEnumeration Enables access-based enumeration share property for SMB Shares.

Boolean smbContinuouslyAvailable()

Get the smbContinuouslyAvailable property: Enables continuously available share property for smb volume.

Boolean smbEncryption()

Get the smbEncryption property: Enables encryption for in-flight smb3 data.

SmbNonBrowsable smbNonBrowsable()

Get the smbNonBrowsable property: smbNonBrowsable Enables non-browsable property for SMB Shares.

Boolean snapshotDirectoryVisible()

Get the snapshotDirectoryVisible property: If enabled (true) the volume will contain a read-only snapshot directory which provides access to each of the volume's snapshots (defaults to true).

String snapshotId()

Get the snapshotId property: Snapshot ID UUID v4 or resource identifier used to identify the Snapshot.

VolumeStorageToNetworkProximity storageToNetworkProximity()

Get the storageToNetworkProximity property: Storage to Network Proximity Provides storage to network proximity information for the volume.

String subnetId()

Get the subnetId property: The Azure Resource URI for a delegated subnet.

SystemData systemData()

Get the systemData property: Azure Resource Manager metadata containing createdBy and modifiedBy information.

String t2Network()

Get the t2Network property: T2 network information.

Float throughputMibps()

Get the throughputMibps property: Maximum throughput in MiB/s that can be achieved by this volume and this will be accepted as input only for manual qosType volume.

String unixPermissions()

Get the unixPermissions property: UNIX permissions for NFS volume accepted in octal 4 digit format.

long usageThreshold()

Get the usageThreshold property: usageThreshold Maximum storage quota allowed for a file system in bytes.

void validate()

Validates the instance.

String volumeGroupName()

Get the volumeGroupName property: Volume Group Name.

String volumeSpecName()

Get the volumeSpecName property: Volume spec name is the application specific designation or identifier for the particular volume in a volume group for e.g.

String volumeType()

Get the volumeType property: What type of volume is this.

VolumeInner withAvsDataStore(AvsDataStore avsDataStore)

Set the avsDataStore property: avsDataStore Specifies whether the volume is enabled for Azure VMware Solution (AVS) datastore purpose.

VolumeInner withBackupId(String backupId)

Set the backupId property: Backup ID UUID v4 or resource identifier used to identify the Backup.

VolumeInner withCapacityPoolResourceId(String capacityPoolResourceId)

Set the capacityPoolResourceId property: Pool Resource Id used in case of creating a volume through volume group.

VolumeInner withCoolAccess(Boolean coolAccess)

Set the coolAccess property: Specifies whether Cool Access(tiering) is enabled for the volume.

VolumeInner withCoolAccessRetrievalPolicy(CoolAccessRetrievalPolicy coolAccessRetrievalPolicy)

Set the coolAccessRetrievalPolicy property: coolAccessRetrievalPolicy determines the data retrieval behavior from the cool tier to standard storage based on the read pattern for cool access enabled volumes.

VolumeInner withCoolnessPeriod(Integer coolnessPeriod)

Set the coolnessPeriod property: Specifies the number of days after which data that is not accessed by clients will be tiered.

VolumeInner withCreationToken(String creationToken)

Set the creationToken property: Creation Token or File Path A unique file path for the volume.

VolumeInner withDataProtection(VolumePropertiesDataProtection dataProtection)

Set the dataProtection property: DataProtection DataProtection type volumes include an object containing details of the replication.

VolumeInner withDefaultGroupQuotaInKiBs(Long defaultGroupQuotaInKiBs)

Set the defaultGroupQuotaInKiBs property: Default group quota for volume in KiBs.

VolumeInner withDefaultUserQuotaInKiBs(Long defaultUserQuotaInKiBs)

Set the defaultUserQuotaInKiBs property: Default user quota for volume in KiBs.

VolumeInner withDeleteBaseSnapshot(Boolean deleteBaseSnapshot)

Set the deleteBaseSnapshot property: If enabled (true) the snapshot the volume was created from will be automatically deleted after the volume create operation has finished.

VolumeInner withEnableSubvolumes(EnableSubvolumes enableSubvolumes)

Set the enableSubvolumes property: Flag indicating whether subvolume operations are enabled on the volume.

VolumeInner withEncryptionKeySource(EncryptionKeySource encryptionKeySource)

Set the encryptionKeySource property: Source of key used to encrypt data in volume.

VolumeInner withExportPolicy(VolumePropertiesExportPolicy exportPolicy)

Set the exportPolicy property: exportPolicy Set of export policy rules.

VolumeInner withIsDefaultQuotaEnabled(Boolean isDefaultQuotaEnabled)

Set the isDefaultQuotaEnabled property: Specifies if default quota is enabled for the volume.

VolumeInner withIsLargeVolume(Boolean isLargeVolume)

Set the isLargeVolume property: Is Large Volume Specifies whether volume is a Large Volume or Regular Volume.

VolumeInner withIsRestoring(Boolean isRestoring)

Set the isRestoring property: Restoring.

VolumeInner withKerberosEnabled(Boolean kerberosEnabled)

Set the kerberosEnabled property: Describe if a volume is KerberosEnabled.

VolumeInner withKeyVaultPrivateEndpointResourceId(String keyVaultPrivateEndpointResourceId)

Set the keyVaultPrivateEndpointResourceId property: The resource ID of private endpoint for KeyVault.

VolumeInner withLdapEnabled(Boolean ldapEnabled)

Set the ldapEnabled property: Specifies whether LDAP is enabled or not for a given NFS volume.

VolumeInner withLocation(String location)
VolumeInner withNetworkFeatures(NetworkFeatures networkFeatures)

Set the networkFeatures property: Network features Network features available to the volume, or current state of update.

VolumeInner withPlacementRules(List<PlacementKeyValuePairs> placementRules)

Set the placementRules property: Volume placement rules Application specific placement rules for the particular volume.

VolumeInner withProtocolTypes(List<String> protocolTypes)

Set the protocolTypes property: protocolTypes Set of protocol types, default NFSv3, CIFS for SMB protocol.

VolumeInner withProximityPlacementGroup(String proximityPlacementGroup)

Set the proximityPlacementGroup property: Proximity placement group associated with the volume.

VolumeInner withSecurityStyle(SecurityStyle securityStyle)

Set the securityStyle property: The security style of volume, default unix, defaults to ntfs for dual protocol or CIFS protocol.

VolumeInner withServiceLevel(ServiceLevel serviceLevel)

Set the serviceLevel property: serviceLevel The service level of the file system.

VolumeInner withSmbAccessBasedEnumeration(SmbAccessBasedEnumeration smbAccessBasedEnumeration)

Set the smbAccessBasedEnumeration property: smbAccessBasedEnumeration Enables access-based enumeration share property for SMB Shares.

VolumeInner withSmbContinuouslyAvailable(Boolean smbContinuouslyAvailable)

Set the smbContinuouslyAvailable property: Enables continuously available share property for smb volume.

VolumeInner withSmbEncryption(Boolean smbEncryption)

Set the smbEncryption property: Enables encryption for in-flight smb3 data.

VolumeInner withSmbNonBrowsable(SmbNonBrowsable smbNonBrowsable)

Set the smbNonBrowsable property: smbNonBrowsable Enables non-browsable property for SMB Shares.

VolumeInner withSnapshotDirectoryVisible(Boolean snapshotDirectoryVisible)

Set the snapshotDirectoryVisible property: If enabled (true) the volume will contain a read-only snapshot directory which provides access to each of the volume's snapshots (defaults to true).

VolumeInner withSnapshotId(String snapshotId)

Set the snapshotId property: Snapshot ID UUID v4 or resource identifier used to identify the Snapshot.

VolumeInner withSubnetId(String subnetId)

Set the subnetId property: The Azure Resource URI for a delegated subnet.

VolumeInner withTags(Map<String,String> tags)
VolumeInner withThroughputMibps(Float throughputMibps)

Set the throughputMibps property: Maximum throughput in MiB/s that can be achieved by this volume and this will be accepted as input only for manual qosType volume.

VolumeInner withUnixPermissions(String unixPermissions)

Set the unixPermissions property: UNIX permissions for NFS volume accepted in octal 4 digit format.

VolumeInner withUsageThreshold(long usageThreshold)

Set the usageThreshold property: usageThreshold Maximum storage quota allowed for a file system in bytes.

VolumeInner withVolumeSpecName(String volumeSpecName)

Set the volumeSpecName property: Volume spec name is the application specific designation or identifier for the particular volume in a volume group for e.g.

VolumeInner withVolumeType(String volumeType)

Set the volumeType property: What type of volume is this.

VolumeInner withZones(List<String> zones)

Set the zones property: Availability Zone.

List<String> zones()

Get the zones property: Availability Zone.

Methods inherited from ProxyResource

Methods inherited from Resource

Methods inherited from java.lang.Object

Constructor Details


public VolumeInner()

Creates an instance of VolumeInner class.

Method Details


public Float actualThroughputMibps()

Get the actualThroughputMibps property: Actual throughput in MiB/s for auto qosType volumes calculated based on size and serviceLevel.


the actualThroughputMibps value.


public AvsDataStore avsDataStore()

Get the avsDataStore property: avsDataStore Specifies whether the volume is enabled for Azure VMware Solution (AVS) datastore purpose.


the avsDataStore value.


public String backupId()

Get the backupId property: Backup ID UUID v4 or resource identifier used to identify the Backup.


the backupId value.


public String baremetalTenantId()

Get the baremetalTenantId property: Baremetal Tenant ID Unique Baremetal Tenant Identifier.


the baremetalTenantId value.


public String capacityPoolResourceId()

Get the capacityPoolResourceId property: Pool Resource Id used in case of creating a volume through volume group.


the capacityPoolResourceId value.


public Integer cloneProgress()

Get the cloneProgress property: When a volume is being restored from another volume's snapshot, will show the percentage completion of this cloning process. When this value is empty/null there is no cloning process currently happening on this volume. This value will update every 5 minutes during cloning.


the cloneProgress value.


public Boolean coolAccess()

Get the coolAccess property: Specifies whether Cool Access(tiering) is enabled for the volume.


the coolAccess value.


public CoolAccessRetrievalPolicy coolAccessRetrievalPolicy()

Get the coolAccessRetrievalPolicy property: coolAccessRetrievalPolicy determines the data retrieval behavior from the cool tier to standard storage based on the read pattern for cool access enabled volumes. The possible values for this field are: Default - Data will be pulled from cool tier to standard storage on random reads. This policy is the default. OnRead - All client-driven data read is pulled from cool tier to standard storage on both sequential and random reads. Never - No client-driven data is pulled from cool tier to standard storage.


the coolAccessRetrievalPolicy value.


public Integer coolnessPeriod()

Get the coolnessPeriod property: Specifies the number of days after which data that is not accessed by clients will be tiered.


the coolnessPeriod value.


public String creationToken()

Get the creationToken property: Creation Token or File Path A unique file path for the volume. Used when creating mount targets.


the creationToken value.


public VolumePropertiesDataProtection dataProtection()

Get the dataProtection property: DataProtection DataProtection type volumes include an object containing details of the replication.


the dataProtection value.


public List dataStoreResourceId()

Get the dataStoreResourceId property: dataStoreResourceId Data store resource unique identifier.


the dataStoreResourceId value.


public Long defaultGroupQuotaInKiBs()

Get the defaultGroupQuotaInKiBs property: Default group quota for volume in KiBs. If isDefaultQuotaEnabled is set, the minimum value of 4 KiBs applies.


the defaultGroupQuotaInKiBs value.


public Long defaultUserQuotaInKiBs()

Get the defaultUserQuotaInKiBs property: Default user quota for volume in KiBs. If isDefaultQuotaEnabled is set, the minimum value of 4 KiBs applies .


the defaultUserQuotaInKiBs value.


public Boolean deleteBaseSnapshot()

Get the deleteBaseSnapshot property: If enabled (true) the snapshot the volume was created from will be automatically deleted after the volume create operation has finished. Defaults to false.


the deleteBaseSnapshot value.


public EnableSubvolumes enableSubvolumes()

Get the enableSubvolumes property: Flag indicating whether subvolume operations are enabled on the volume.


the enableSubvolumes value.


public Boolean encrypted()

Get the encrypted property: Specifies if the volume is encrypted or not. Only available on volumes created or updated after 2022-01-01.


the encrypted value.


public EncryptionKeySource encryptionKeySource()

Get the encryptionKeySource property: Source of key used to encrypt data in volume. Applicable if NetApp account has encryption.keySource = 'Microsoft.KeyVault'. Possible values (case-insensitive) are: 'Microsoft.NetApp, Microsoft.KeyVault'.


the encryptionKeySource value.


public String etag()

Get the etag property: A unique read-only string that changes whenever the resource is updated.


the etag value.


public VolumePropertiesExportPolicy exportPolicy()

Get the exportPolicy property: exportPolicy Set of export policy rules.


the exportPolicy value.


public FileAccessLogs fileAccessLogs()

Get the fileAccessLogs property: Flag indicating whether file access logs are enabled for the volume, based on active diagnostic settings present on the volume.


the fileAccessLogs value.


public String fileSystemId()

Get the fileSystemId property: FileSystem ID Unique FileSystem Identifier.


the fileSystemId value.


public Long inheritedSizeInBytes()

Get the inheritedSizeInBytes property: inheritedSizeInBytes Space shared by short term clone volume with parent volume in bytes.


the inheritedSizeInBytes value.


public Boolean isDefaultQuotaEnabled()

Get the isDefaultQuotaEnabled property: Specifies if default quota is enabled for the volume.


the isDefaultQuotaEnabled value.


public Boolean isLargeVolume()

Get the isLargeVolume property: Is Large Volume Specifies whether volume is a Large Volume or Regular Volume.


the isLargeVolume value.


public Boolean isRestoring()

Get the isRestoring property: Restoring.


the isRestoring value.


public Boolean kerberosEnabled()

Get the kerberosEnabled property: Describe if a volume is KerberosEnabled. To be use with swagger version 2020-05-01 or later.


the kerberosEnabled value.


public String keyVaultPrivateEndpointResourceId()

Get the keyVaultPrivateEndpointResourceId property: The resource ID of private endpoint for KeyVault. It must reside in the same VNET as the volume. Only applicable if encryptionKeySource = 'Microsoft.KeyVault'.


the keyVaultPrivateEndpointResourceId value.


public Boolean ldapEnabled()

Get the ldapEnabled property: Specifies whether LDAP is enabled or not for a given NFS volume.


the ldapEnabled value.


public Long maximumNumberOfFiles()

Get the maximumNumberOfFiles property: Maximum number of files allowed. Needs a service request in order to be changed. Only allowed to be changed if volume quota is more than 4TiB.


the maximumNumberOfFiles value.


public List mountTargets()

Get the mountTargets property: mountTargets List of mount targets.


the mountTargets value.


public NetworkFeatures networkFeatures()

Get the networkFeatures property: Network features Network features available to the volume, or current state of update.


the networkFeatures value.


public String networkSiblingSetId()

Get the networkSiblingSetId property: Network Sibling Set ID Network Sibling Set ID for the the group of volumes sharing networking resources.


the networkSiblingSetId value.


public String originatingResourceId()

Get the originatingResourceId property: Originating Resource Id Id of the snapshot or backup that the volume is restored from.


the originatingResourceId value.


public List placementRules()

Get the placementRules property: Volume placement rules Application specific placement rules for the particular volume.


the placementRules value.


public List protocolTypes()

Get the protocolTypes property: protocolTypes Set of protocol types, default NFSv3, CIFS for SMB protocol.


the protocolTypes value.


public String provisionedAvailabilityZone()

Get the provisionedAvailabilityZone property: Provisioned Availability Zone The availability zone where the volume is provisioned. This refers to the logical availability zone where the volume resides.


the provisionedAvailabilityZone value.


public String provisioningState()

Get the provisioningState property: Azure lifecycle management.


the provisioningState value.


public String proximityPlacementGroup()

Get the proximityPlacementGroup property: Proximity placement group associated with the volume.


the proximityPlacementGroup value.


public SecurityStyle securityStyle()

Get the securityStyle property: The security style of volume, default unix, defaults to ntfs for dual protocol or CIFS protocol.


the securityStyle value.


public ServiceLevel serviceLevel()

Get the serviceLevel property: serviceLevel The service level of the file system.


the serviceLevel value.


public SmbAccessBasedEnumeration smbAccessBasedEnumeration()

Get the smbAccessBasedEnumeration property: smbAccessBasedEnumeration Enables access-based enumeration share property for SMB Shares. Only applicable for SMB/DualProtocol volume.


the smbAccessBasedEnumeration value.


public Boolean smbContinuouslyAvailable()

Get the smbContinuouslyAvailable property: Enables continuously available share property for smb volume. Only applicable for SMB volume.


the smbContinuouslyAvailable value.


public Boolean smbEncryption()

Get the smbEncryption property: Enables encryption for in-flight smb3 data. Only applicable for SMB/DualProtocol volume. To be used with swagger version 2020-08-01 or later.


the smbEncryption value.


public SmbNonBrowsable smbNonBrowsable()

Get the smbNonBrowsable property: smbNonBrowsable Enables non-browsable property for SMB Shares. Only applicable for SMB/DualProtocol volume.


the smbNonBrowsable value.


public Boolean snapshotDirectoryVisible()

Get the snapshotDirectoryVisible property: If enabled (true) the volume will contain a read-only snapshot directory which provides access to each of the volume's snapshots (defaults to true).


the snapshotDirectoryVisible value.


public String snapshotId()

Get the snapshotId property: Snapshot ID UUID v4 or resource identifier used to identify the Snapshot.


the snapshotId value.


public VolumeStorageToNetworkProximity storageToNetworkProximity()

Get the storageToNetworkProximity property: Storage to Network Proximity Provides storage to network proximity information for the volume.


the storageToNetworkProximity value.


public String subnetId()

Get the subnetId property: The Azure Resource URI for a delegated subnet. Must have the delegation Microsoft.NetApp/volumes.


the subnetId value.


public SystemData systemData()

Get the systemData property: Azure Resource Manager metadata containing createdBy and modifiedBy information.


the systemData value.


public String t2Network()

Get the t2Network property: T2 network information.


the t2Network value.


public Float throughputMibps()

Get the throughputMibps property: Maximum throughput in MiB/s that can be achieved by this volume and this will be accepted as input only for manual qosType volume.


the throughputMibps value.


public String unixPermissions()

Get the unixPermissions property: UNIX permissions for NFS volume accepted in octal 4 digit format. First digit selects the set user ID(4), set group ID (2) and sticky (1) attributes. Second digit selects permission for the owner of the file: read (4), write (2) and execute (1). Third selects permissions for other users in the same group. the fourth for other users not in the group. 0755 - gives read/write/execute permissions to owner and read/execute to group and other users.


the unixPermissions value.


public long usageThreshold()

Get the usageThreshold property: usageThreshold Maximum storage quota allowed for a file system in bytes. This is a soft quota used for alerting only. Minimum size is 100 GiB. Upper limit is 100TiB, 500Tib for LargeVolume or 2400Tib for LargeVolume on exceptional basis. Specified in bytes.


the usageThreshold value.


public void validate()

Validates the instance.


public String volumeGroupName()

Get the volumeGroupName property: Volume Group Name.


the volumeGroupName value.


public String volumeSpecName()

Get the volumeSpecName property: Volume spec name is the application specific designation or identifier for the particular volume in a volume group for e.g. data, log.


the volumeSpecName value.


public String volumeType()

Get the volumeType property: What type of volume is this. For destination volumes in Cross Region Replication, set type to DataProtection. For creating clone volume, set type to ShortTermClone.


the volumeType value.


public VolumeInner withAvsDataStore(AvsDataStore avsDataStore)

Set the avsDataStore property: avsDataStore Specifies whether the volume is enabled for Azure VMware Solution (AVS) datastore purpose.


avsDataStore - the avsDataStore value to set.


the VolumeInner object itself.


public VolumeInner withBackupId(String backupId)

Set the backupId property: Backup ID UUID v4 or resource identifier used to identify the Backup.


backupId - the backupId value to set.


the VolumeInner object itself.


public VolumeInner withCapacityPoolResourceId(String capacityPoolResourceId)

Set the capacityPoolResourceId property: Pool Resource Id used in case of creating a volume through volume group.


capacityPoolResourceId - the capacityPoolResourceId value to set.


the VolumeInner object itself.


public VolumeInner withCoolAccess(Boolean coolAccess)

Set the coolAccess property: Specifies whether Cool Access(tiering) is enabled for the volume.


coolAccess - the coolAccess value to set.


the VolumeInner object itself.


public VolumeInner withCoolAccessRetrievalPolicy(CoolAccessRetrievalPolicy coolAccessRetrievalPolicy)

Set the coolAccessRetrievalPolicy property: coolAccessRetrievalPolicy determines the data retrieval behavior from the cool tier to standard storage based on the read pattern for cool access enabled volumes. The possible values for this field are: Default - Data will be pulled from cool tier to standard storage on random reads. This policy is the default. OnRead - All client-driven data read is pulled from cool tier to standard storage on both sequential and random reads. Never - No client-driven data is pulled from cool tier to standard storage.


coolAccessRetrievalPolicy - the coolAccessRetrievalPolicy value to set.


the VolumeInner object itself.


public VolumeInner withCoolnessPeriod(Integer coolnessPeriod)

Set the coolnessPeriod property: Specifies the number of days after which data that is not accessed by clients will be tiered.


coolnessPeriod - the coolnessPeriod value to set.


the VolumeInner object itself.


public VolumeInner withCreationToken(String creationToken)

Set the creationToken property: Creation Token or File Path A unique file path for the volume. Used when creating mount targets.


creationToken - the creationToken value to set.


the VolumeInner object itself.


public VolumeInner withDataProtection(VolumePropertiesDataProtection dataProtection)

Set the dataProtection property: DataProtection DataProtection type volumes include an object containing details of the replication.


dataProtection - the dataProtection value to set.


the VolumeInner object itself.


public VolumeInner withDefaultGroupQuotaInKiBs(Long defaultGroupQuotaInKiBs)

Set the defaultGroupQuotaInKiBs property: Default group quota for volume in KiBs. If isDefaultQuotaEnabled is set, the minimum value of 4 KiBs applies.


defaultGroupQuotaInKiBs - the defaultGroupQuotaInKiBs value to set.


the VolumeInner object itself.


public VolumeInner withDefaultUserQuotaInKiBs(Long defaultUserQuotaInKiBs)

Set the defaultUserQuotaInKiBs property: Default user quota for volume in KiBs. If isDefaultQuotaEnabled is set, the minimum value of 4 KiBs applies .


defaultUserQuotaInKiBs - the defaultUserQuotaInKiBs value to set.


the VolumeInner object itself.


public VolumeInner withDeleteBaseSnapshot(Boolean deleteBaseSnapshot)

Set the deleteBaseSnapshot property: If enabled (true) the snapshot the volume was created from will be automatically deleted after the volume create operation has finished. Defaults to false.


deleteBaseSnapshot - the deleteBaseSnapshot value to set.


the VolumeInner object itself.


public VolumeInner withEnableSubvolumes(EnableSubvolumes enableSubvolumes)

Set the enableSubvolumes property: Flag indicating whether subvolume operations are enabled on the volume.


enableSubvolumes - the enableSubvolumes value to set.


the VolumeInner object itself.


public VolumeInner withEncryptionKeySource(EncryptionKeySource encryptionKeySource)

Set the encryptionKeySource property: Source of key used to encrypt data in volume. Applicable if NetApp account has encryption.keySource = 'Microsoft.KeyVault'. Possible values (case-insensitive) are: 'Microsoft.NetApp, Microsoft.KeyVault'.


encryptionKeySource - the encryptionKeySource value to set.


the VolumeInner object itself.


public VolumeInner withExportPolicy(VolumePropertiesExportPolicy exportPolicy)

Set the exportPolicy property: exportPolicy Set of export policy rules.


exportPolicy - the exportPolicy value to set.


the VolumeInner object itself.


public VolumeInner withIsDefaultQuotaEnabled(Boolean isDefaultQuotaEnabled)

Set the isDefaultQuotaEnabled property: Specifies if default quota is enabled for the volume.


isDefaultQuotaEnabled - the isDefaultQuotaEnabled value to set.


the VolumeInner object itself.


public VolumeInner withIsLargeVolume(Boolean isLargeVolume)

Set the isLargeVolume property: Is Large Volume Specifies whether volume is a Large Volume or Regular Volume.


isLargeVolume - the isLargeVolume value to set.


the VolumeInner object itself.


public VolumeInner withIsRestoring(Boolean isRestoring)

Set the isRestoring property: Restoring.


isRestoring - the isRestoring value to set.


the VolumeInner object itself.


public VolumeInner withKerberosEnabled(Boolean kerberosEnabled)

Set the kerberosEnabled property: Describe if a volume is KerberosEnabled. To be use with swagger version 2020-05-01 or later.


kerberosEnabled - the kerberosEnabled value to set.


the VolumeInner object itself.


public VolumeInner withKeyVaultPrivateEndpointResourceId(String keyVaultPrivateEndpointResourceId)

Set the keyVaultPrivateEndpointResourceId property: The resource ID of private endpoint for KeyVault. It must reside in the same VNET as the volume. Only applicable if encryptionKeySource = 'Microsoft.KeyVault'.


keyVaultPrivateEndpointResourceId - the keyVaultPrivateEndpointResourceId value to set.


the VolumeInner object itself.


public VolumeInner withLdapEnabled(Boolean ldapEnabled)

Set the ldapEnabled property: Specifies whether LDAP is enabled or not for a given NFS volume.


ldapEnabled - the ldapEnabled value to set.


the VolumeInner object itself.


public VolumeInner withLocation(String location)


VolumeInner.withLocation(String location)




public VolumeInner withNetworkFeatures(NetworkFeatures networkFeatures)

Set the networkFeatures property: Network features Network features available to the volume, or current state of update.


networkFeatures - the networkFeatures value to set.


the VolumeInner object itself.


public VolumeInner withPlacementRules(List placementRules)

Set the placementRules property: Volume placement rules Application specific placement rules for the particular volume.


placementRules - the placementRules value to set.


the VolumeInner object itself.


public VolumeInner withProtocolTypes(List protocolTypes)

Set the protocolTypes property: protocolTypes Set of protocol types, default NFSv3, CIFS for SMB protocol.


protocolTypes - the protocolTypes value to set.


the VolumeInner object itself.


public VolumeInner withProximityPlacementGroup(String proximityPlacementGroup)

Set the proximityPlacementGroup property: Proximity placement group associated with the volume.


proximityPlacementGroup - the proximityPlacementGroup value to set.


the VolumeInner object itself.


public VolumeInner withSecurityStyle(SecurityStyle securityStyle)

Set the securityStyle property: The security style of volume, default unix, defaults to ntfs for dual protocol or CIFS protocol.


securityStyle - the securityStyle value to set.


the VolumeInner object itself.


public VolumeInner withServiceLevel(ServiceLevel serviceLevel)

Set the serviceLevel property: serviceLevel The service level of the file system.


serviceLevel - the serviceLevel value to set.


the VolumeInner object itself.


public VolumeInner withSmbAccessBasedEnumeration(SmbAccessBasedEnumeration smbAccessBasedEnumeration)

Set the smbAccessBasedEnumeration property: smbAccessBasedEnumeration Enables access-based enumeration share property for SMB Shares. Only applicable for SMB/DualProtocol volume.


smbAccessBasedEnumeration - the smbAccessBasedEnumeration value to set.


the VolumeInner object itself.


public VolumeInner withSmbContinuouslyAvailable(Boolean smbContinuouslyAvailable)

Set the smbContinuouslyAvailable property: Enables continuously available share property for smb volume. Only applicable for SMB volume.


smbContinuouslyAvailable - the smbContinuouslyAvailable value to set.


the VolumeInner object itself.


public VolumeInner withSmbEncryption(Boolean smbEncryption)

Set the smbEncryption property: Enables encryption for in-flight smb3 data. Only applicable for SMB/DualProtocol volume. To be used with swagger version 2020-08-01 or later.


smbEncryption - the smbEncryption value to set.


the VolumeInner object itself.


public VolumeInner withSmbNonBrowsable(SmbNonBrowsable smbNonBrowsable)

Set the smbNonBrowsable property: smbNonBrowsable Enables non-browsable property for SMB Shares. Only applicable for SMB/DualProtocol volume.


smbNonBrowsable - the smbNonBrowsable value to set.


the VolumeInner object itself.


public VolumeInner withSnapshotDirectoryVisible(Boolean snapshotDirectoryVisible)

Set the snapshotDirectoryVisible property: If enabled (true) the volume will contain a read-only snapshot directory which provides access to each of the volume's snapshots (defaults to true).


snapshotDirectoryVisible - the snapshotDirectoryVisible value to set.


the VolumeInner object itself.


public VolumeInner withSnapshotId(String snapshotId)

Set the snapshotId property: Snapshot ID UUID v4 or resource identifier used to identify the Snapshot.


snapshotId - the snapshotId value to set.


the VolumeInner object itself.


public VolumeInner withSubnetId(String subnetId)

Set the subnetId property: The Azure Resource URI for a delegated subnet. Must have the delegation Microsoft.NetApp/volumes.


subnetId - the subnetId value to set.


the VolumeInner object itself.


public VolumeInner withTags(Map tags)


VolumeInner.withTags(Map<String,String> tags)




public VolumeInner withThroughputMibps(Float throughputMibps)

Set the throughputMibps property: Maximum throughput in MiB/s that can be achieved by this volume and this will be accepted as input only for manual qosType volume.


throughputMibps - the throughputMibps value to set.


the VolumeInner object itself.


public VolumeInner withUnixPermissions(String unixPermissions)

Set the unixPermissions property: UNIX permissions for NFS volume accepted in octal 4 digit format. First digit selects the set user ID(4), set group ID (2) and sticky (1) attributes. Second digit selects permission for the owner of the file: read (4), write (2) and execute (1). Third selects permissions for other users in the same group. the fourth for other users not in the group. 0755 - gives read/write/execute permissions to owner and read/execute to group and other users.


unixPermissions - the unixPermissions value to set.


the VolumeInner object itself.


public VolumeInner withUsageThreshold(long usageThreshold)

Set the usageThreshold property: usageThreshold Maximum storage quota allowed for a file system in bytes. This is a soft quota used for alerting only. Minimum size is 100 GiB. Upper limit is 100TiB, 500Tib for LargeVolume or 2400Tib for LargeVolume on exceptional basis. Specified in bytes.


usageThreshold - the usageThreshold value to set.


the VolumeInner object itself.


public VolumeInner withVolumeSpecName(String volumeSpecName)

Set the volumeSpecName property: Volume spec name is the application specific designation or identifier for the particular volume in a volume group for e.g. data, log.


volumeSpecName - the volumeSpecName value to set.


the VolumeInner object itself.


public VolumeInner withVolumeType(String volumeType)

Set the volumeType property: What type of volume is this. For destination volumes in Cross Region Replication, set type to DataProtection. For creating clone volume, set type to ShortTermClone.


volumeType - the volumeType value to set.


the VolumeInner object itself.


public VolumeInner withZones(List zones)

Set the zones property: Availability Zone.


zones - the zones value to set.


the VolumeInner object itself.


public List zones()

Get the zones property: Availability Zone.


the zones value.

Applies to