OfficeExtension.ClientObject class

An abstract proxy object that represents an object in an Office document. You create proxy objects from the context (or from other proxy objects), add commands to a queue to act on the object, and then synchronize the proxy object state with the document by calling context.sync().



The request context associated with the object


Returns a boolean value for whether the corresponding object is a null object. You must call context.sync() before reading the isNullObject property.

Property Details


The request context associated with the object

context: ClientRequestContext;

Property Value


Returns a boolean value for whether the corresponding object is a null object. You must call context.sync() before reading the isNullObject property.

isNullObject: boolean;

Property Value



// This Word snippet sets the hyperlink URL of a selected image. 
await (context) => {
    const selection = context.document.getSelection();
    const firstImage = selection.inlinePictures.getFirstOrNullObject();
    await context.sync();

    // Check if an image was selected before changing its property.
    if (!firstImage.isNullObject) {
        firstImage.hyperlink = "";
    } else {
        console.log("No image selected");

    await context.sync();