Office.EmailUser interface

Represents an email account on an Exchange Server.

EmailUser objects are primarily received in MeetingSuggestion and TaskSuggestion entities extracted from an Outlook item. To learn more about this scenario, refer to Extract entity strings from an Outlook item.


Minimum permission level: read item

Applicable Outlook mode: Read


// The following example is an excerpt from a larger sample.
// For the full sample, visit

// Gets instances of the task suggestion entity on the item.
function myGetTaskSuggestions()
    let htmlText = "";

    // Gets an array of TaskSuggestion objects, each array element 
    // containing an instance of a task suggestion entity from 
    // the current item.
    const tasksArray = _MyEntities.taskSuggestions;

    // Iterates through each instance of a task suggestion.
    for (let i = 0; i < tasksArray.length; i++)
        // Gets the string that was identified as a task suggestion.
        htmlText += "TaskString : <span>" + 
        tasksArray[i].taskString + "</span><br/>";

        // Gets an array of assignees for that instance of a task 
        // suggestion. Each assignee is represented by an 
        // EmailUser object.
        let assigneesArray = tasksArray[i].assignees;
        for (let j = 0; j < assigneesArray.length; j++)
            htmlText += "Assignee : ( ";
            // Gets the displayName property of the assignee.
            htmlText += "displayName = <span>" + assigneesArray[j].displayName + 
            "</span> , ";

            // Gets the emailAddress property of each assignee.
            // This is the SMTP address of the assignee.
            htmlText += "emailAddress = <span>" + assigneesArray[j].emailAddress + 

            htmlText += " )<br/>";

        htmlText += "<hr/>";

    document.getElementById("entities_box").innerHTML = htmlText;



Gets the display name associated with an email address.


Gets the SMTP email address.

Property Details


Gets the display name associated with an email address.

displayName: string;

Property Value



Gets the SMTP email address.

emailAddress: string;

Property Value
