Office.ReplyFormData interface

A ReplyFormData object that contains body or attachment data and a callback function. Used when displaying a reply form.



An array of ReplyFormAttachment that are either file or item attachments.


When the reply display call completes, the function passed in the callback parameter is called with a single parameter, asyncResult, which is an Office.AsyncResult object.


A string that contains text and HTML and that represents the body of the reply form. The string is limited to 32 KB.


An object literal that contains the following property:- asyncContext: Developers can provide any object they wish to access in the callback function.

Property Details


An array of ReplyFormAttachment that are either file or item attachments.

attachments?: ReplyFormAttachment[];

Property Value


When the reply display call completes, the function passed in the callback parameter is called with a single parameter, asyncResult, which is an Office.AsyncResult object.

callback?: (asyncResult: Office.AsyncResult<any>) => void;

Property Value

(asyncResult: Office.AsyncResult<any>) => void


A string that contains text and HTML and that represents the body of the reply form. The string is limited to 32 KB.

htmlBody?: string;

Property Value



An object literal that contains the following property:- asyncContext: Developers can provide any object they wish to access in the callback function.

options?: Office.AsyncContextOptions;

Property Value