

Azure Notebooks is a cloud-based platform for building and running Jupyter notebooks. Jupyter is an environment based on IPython that facilitates interactive programming and data analysis using a variety of programming languages, including Python. Jupyter notebooks enjoy widespread use in research and academia for mathematical modeling, machine learning, statistical analysis, and for teaching and learning how to code.

Azure Notebooks provide Jupyter as a service for free. It's a convenient way to build notebooks and share them with others without having to install and manage a Jupyter server. And it's web-based, making it an ideal solution for collaborating online. In this lab, you'll create an Azure Notebook and use three popular Python libraries to analyze climate data collected by NASA. Then, you'll share the notebook so others can experiment with it too.

Here are the libraries that we'll use in this module:


If you receive a FutureWarning error message while working on the exercises in this module, you can ignore the message. The warning is due to an issue in the NumPy library that we use in the module. The warning is a known issue that's being addressed.

Learning objectives

In this lab, you will:

  • Create a notebook in Azure Notebooks
  • Upload, manipulate, and visualize data in a notebook
  • Share notebooks online