Teams provides Insights


Class Teams do a lot more than making it easy to distribute, complete, and collect assignments.

Educators often wish to check behind the curtain and understand how learners are engaging in their class. Education Insights built into digital classrooms make this wish a reality. With Insights, educators can make informed instructional decisions with data such as:

  • Online class attendance
  • Assignment engagement
  • Class activity
  • And more

Education Insights gives educators a powerful lens to support learners on a whole new level.

Updated Insights reports show weighted grading calculations for learners and educators. If educators create an alternative grading scheme like letter grades instead of points, Insights shows this new grade scheme.

But Insights isn’t just for academic purposes. Teams comes with Reflect, a check-in tool that educators can use to start conversations about Social Emotional Learning or to take the temperature of their class. Reflect helps educators understand how learners are feeling. With Reflect, educators can deepen their awareness of each learner’s emotional experience and use it to inform their practice. Emoji-based check-ins allow learners to name their emotions, supporting emotional vocabulary growth and self-awareness skills. This knowledge is vital to their understanding of how emotions affect their own learning. Plus, educators gain better insight into the needs of their class and individual learners.

Through Education Insights, educators can see how learners respond to check-ins over time, making it easier to identify and address their learners’ needs. The digital activity report includes:

  • Reflect check-in data
  • Class emotion distribution
  • The most common words learners use to describe their experience
  • Learner emotion distribution

Learn more about how Reflect works and how to get started with Reflect in Teams.