Media Library


Digital assets are channel-specific, apart from omnichannel assets, which are environment-wide by default. The Commerce site builder's Media Library features rich digital asset management functionality that includes support for the following items:

  • Image assets
  • Video assets
  • Other types of binary assets, such as Microsoft Office documents and PDF files
  • Localized images
  • Folder uploads
  • Cropping of images
  • Customizing of image focal points
  • Omnichannel image assets (product, product variants, catalog, category, worker, and customer images)

The Media Library allows you to upload images, either individually or in bulk, by using folders. Always upload the version of the image or video with the highest resolution and quality because the image resizer component will automatically optimize the image for different viewports and their breakpoints.

Watch the following video for a demonstration on how to use the Media Library and how to upload media images and videos.

The Media Library also supports the uploading of binary assets other than images or videos. For example, you might want to upload Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Word, Microsoft PowerPoint, or PDF files.

Upload a file to the Media Library

To upload a file to the Media Library, follow these steps.

  1. In the left navigation pane, select Media Library.
  2. On the command bar, select Upload > Upload Media items.
  3. In File Explorer, select one or more files and then select Open.
  4. In the Upload media item dialog box, enter the title, description, and keyword metadata as needed.
  5. To publish the file(s) immediately after upload, select the Publish media items after upload check box.
  6. Select OK.