Exercise - Belongingness


In this exercise, you'll evaluate a set of situations. The idea is for you to consider each situation, and then decide if it's something you do often or seldom.

Assess your belongingness

Reflect on the following situations. For each one, decide if you do these things frequently, occasionally, or never. Optionally, note your answers on a device or on paper.

Situation Frequently Occasionally Never
I get overwhelmed and procrastinate when choosing a tech tool.
I ask a trusted source with expertise for tech help.
I wonder if becoming a tech person is for me.
I post a question on a tech forum.
I get excited to try out a bunch of new tech tools.
I enter a classroom and feel I can choose any seat.
I avoid asking questions so that I seem like I know what I'm doing.
I wonder if I can connect with other tech people.
I think of myself as a tech "newbie."
I offer to help the person next to me when I realize they're struggling.