Exercise - Use page-level resources



.NET MAUI is the next evolution of Xamarin and what we recommend you develop mobile and desktop apps with, and you can learn more about .NET MAUI in several training modules. This Xamarin training module will not be maintained going forward.

All the exercises in this module relate to the prebuilt TipCalculator application. You'll modify and improve this app throughout this module. In this exercise, you'll use page-level resources to eliminate repeated XAML values.

Open the starter solution

  1. Clone or download the exercise repo from GitHub.


    If you are planning to run and debug your Xamarin apps on Android from Windows, it is best to clone or download the exercise content to a short folder path, such as C:\dev\, to avoid build-generated files exceeding the maximum path length.

  2. Open the starter solution from the exercise1 > start folder by using Visual Studio.

  3. Verify that it builds and runs in your environment. (Any platform is fine.)

  4. Take a few minutes to work with the application so you understand how it behaves.

Find repeated XAML

  1. Open StandardTipPage.xaml.

  2. Find the code that sets the background color of the root grid. Notice that a hard-coded value is used.

  3. Find the code that sets the "left column" labels to Navy, 22, and Bold. Notice that these same values are used on three labels.

    <!-- Left column = static labels -->
    <Label x:Name="billLabel" Text="Bill" TextColor="Navy" FontSize="22" FontAttributes="Bold" ... />
    <Label x:Name="tipLabel" Text="Tip" TextColor="Navy" FontSize="22" FontAttributes="Bold" ... />
    <Label x:Name="totalLabel" Text="Total" TextColor="Navy" FontSize="22" FontAttributes="Bold" ... />
  4. Find the code that sets the "right column" labels to Navy and 22. Notice that these same values are used on two labels.

  5. Notice that some of the property settings seem to form a logical group. For example, the combination of Navy and 22 is used on multiple labels.

  6. Consider the difficulty of modifying the FontSize value. You would need to change it in five places.

Find repeated code

The app implements simple "light" and "dark" color schemes for StandardTipPage. Here, you'll examine the code that's used to change the colors.

  1. Open StandardTipPage.xaml.cs.

  2. Locate the two event handlers that update the UI colors.

    void OnLight(object sender, EventArgs e)
        LayoutRoot.BackgroundColor = Color.Silver;
        tipLabel.TextColor = Color.Navy;
        billLabel.TextColor = Color.Navy;
        totalLabel.TextColor = Color.Navy;
        tipOutput.TextColor = Color.Navy;
        totalOutput.TextColor = Color.Navy;
    void OnDark(object sender, EventArgs e)
  3. Notice how the code must update the colors for each control individually, resulting in repeated code.

Define resources

You've now seen all the repeated code that exists in the application. Let's create resources in XAML to start eliminating some of this repeated code.

  1. Open the TipCalculator project.

  2. Open StandardTipPage.xaml.

  3. Define a Color resource inside Page.Resources. Give it an x:Key resource of bgColor and a value of #c0c0c0.

  4. Define a second Color resource. Give it an x:Key resource of fgColor and a value of #606060.

            <Color x:Key="bgColor">#c0c0c0</Color>
            <Color x:Key="fgColor">#606060</Color>

Use static resources

Now, let's apply the resources that you created.

  1. Use the StaticResource markup extension to apply the bgColor resource to the Background property of the page's root Grid.

  2. Use the StaticResource markup extension to apply the fgColor resource to the TextColor property of all the Label instances that use TextColor of Navy.

    <Grid x:Name ="LayoutRoot" BackgroundColor="{StaticResource bgColor}" Padding="10">
    <Label x:Name="tipOutput" Text="0.00" TextColor="{StaticResource fgColor}" FontSize="22" Grid.Row="1" Grid.Column="1" />

Run the application

Run the application on a platform of your choice. Verify that StandardTipPage displays dark text on a light background at startup.