Access Dynamics 365 Translation Service


You can access Dynamics 365 Translation Service from either the Lifecycle Services home page or within a Lifecycle Services project.

  • Lifecycle Services home page - Sign in to Lifecycle Services and scroll to the right side of the page. Select the Translation service tile to open the dashboard view for Dynamics 365 Translation Service.

    Screenshot highlighting Translation service tile.

  • Lifecycle Services project - Create a new project or open an existing project. The Lifecycle Services project type must be Implementation or Migrate, create solutions, and learn. On the Project dashboard, in the More tools section, select the Translation service tile. Alternatively, on the project dashboard, select the Menu button and then select Translation service.

    Screenshot highlighting Translation service menu item.

When you access Translation Service directly from the Lifecycle Services home page and create a translation request, you can select any supported Translation Service product for your request. The dashboard on this page will show all requests that are made from the home page (outside of a Lifecycle Services project) by users from your organization.

When you access Translation Service from a Lifecycle Services project and create a translation request, the product field will be populated automatically with the product that is tied to the Lifecycle Services project. You can't select a different product for this request. The dashboard on this page will show only requests that are made by users within the same Lifecycle Services project. Additionally, if the Lifecycle Services project is deleted, all associated requests are deleted.

In either case, users who can view the request will have read access but must take ownership of the request in the dashboard to regenerate it.