Integrate SEL in your curriculum and schedule


Weekly highlights help you understand what your students are saying works well, and what needs improvement. Based on their latest answers both you and your students get feedback cards curated for boosting and supporting the well-being in your class. Discuss the latest developments and apply the tips and recommendations with your students.

Task 6. Learn more about weekly highlights—practice how to discuss well-being with your students using this feedback card.

Every month we’ll generate a monthly highlight. The monthly highlight helps you concentrate on the most pressing issues in your class. To support your work, we provide you with an age-specific lesson plan. The lesson plan introduces the topic in focus in an easy, playful way.

Task 7. Learn more about monthly highlights by trying out this lesson plan with your students! If you have some extra time in your hands, utilize it in class with your students!

Task 8. Plan and schedule a weekly SEL and well-being routine for your class!

Use this fun calendar to schedule moments for answering the well-being questions, in-class conversations, or just to relax

Bonus task: Activate a teacher freemium account to see how School Day works with your students. (Optional)

We hope you find our material useful! Find more resources at our webpage and join our Facebook community to meet and exchange ideas with fellow professionals of education!

Feel good, learn better!