

Testing and validating processes is crucial to the success of your implementation. Often, challenges occur with acquiring the resources, time, or proper data that is needed to test new customizations. Using the test framework to create unit tests can help automate repeatable testing. If new customizations are created, these tests can be rerun to ensure that all functionality is maintained.

The test framework can be used with the Task recorder to create tests based on the task guide that is recorded. Additionally, you can use these task guides to follow the correct processes.

Other tools in finance and operations apps can help ensure that code is written with best practices. Using best practices can help ensure that your code is following Microsoft's guidelines and is more future proof to future releases that might make some functionality obsolete.

As errors occur, you can use the exception handling to handle various errors, allow for graceful error correction, and provide a message to users on what an error is and how to resolve it. The debugger can be used to examine the code to see exactly what the code is doing and what data is being used. Finance and operations apps provides several tools for you to test processes and handle errors.

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